74 research outputs found

    Banach-Steinhaus theorem for linear relations on asymmetric normed spaces

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    We study the continuity of linear relations defined on asymmetric normed spaces with values in normed spaces. We give some geometric charactirization of these mappings. As an application, we prove the Banach-Steinhaus theorem in the framework of asymmetric normed spaces

    Traced tensor norms and multiple summing multilinear operators

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    [EN] Using a general tensor norm approach, our aim is to show that some distinguished classes of summing operators can be characterized by means of an 'order reduction' procedure for multiple summing multilinear operators, which becomes the keystone of our arguments and can be considered our main result. We work in a tensor product framework involving traced tensor norms and the representation theorem for maximal operator ideals. Several applications are given not only to multi-ideals, but also to linear operator ideals. In particular, we get applications to multiple p-summing bilinear operators, (p, q)-factorable linear operators, tau(p)-summing linear operators and absolutely p-summing linear operators, providing a characterization of this later class whenever the absolutely p-summing linear operators take values in an L-p-space.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) [grant number MTM2011-22417], [grant number MTM2012-36740-C02-02].Rueda, P.; Sánchez Pérez, EA.; Tallab, A. (2017). Traced tensor norms and multiple summing multilinear operators. Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 65(4):768-786. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2016.1202186S76878665

    Efficacy of Thermotherapy to Treat Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania tropica in Kabul, Afghanistan: A Randomized, Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Pentavalent antimony is the agent recommended for treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). Its use is problematic, because it is expensive and because of the potential for drug-associated adverse effects during a lengthy and painful treatment course. METHODS: We tested the efficacy of thermotherapy for the treatment of CL due to Leishmania tropica in a randomized, controlled trial in Kabul, Afghanistan. We enrolled 401 patients with a single CL lesion and administered thermotherapy using radio-frequency waves (1 treatment of ≥1 consecutive application at 50°C for 30 s) or sodium stibogluconate (SSG), administered either intralesionally (a total of 5 injections of 25 mL every 57 days, depending on lesion size) or intramuscularly (20 mg/kg daily for 21 days). RESULTS: Cure, defined as complete reepithelialization at 100 days after treatment initiation, was observed in 75 (69.4%) of 108 patients who received thermotherapy, 70 (75.3%) of 93 patients who received intralesional SSG, and 26 (44.8%) of 58 patients who received intramuscular SSG. The OR for cure with thermotherapy was 2.80 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.455.41), compared with intramuscular SSG treatment (P = .002). No statistically significant difference was observed in the odds of cure in comparison of intralesional SSG and thermotherapy treatments. The OR for cure with intralesional SSG treatment was 3.75 (95% CI, 1.867.54), compared with intramuscular SSG treatment (P 100 days, respectively; P = .003). CONCLUSIONS: Thermotherapy is an effective, comparatively well-tolerated, and rapid treatment for CL, and it should be considered as an alternative to antimony treatment

    Human cutaneous leishmaniasis: ultrastructural interactions between the inflammatory cells and leishman bodies in the skin lesions

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    The ultrastructural interactions between the inflammatory infiltrate and Leishman bodies (LBs) were described in skin lesions from 16 patients with acute cutaneous leishmaniasis. In early stages of the inflammation, the cellular infiltrate consisted of both undifferentiated and differentiated (activated) monocytes (M), macrophages (Mc), multinucleated giant cells (MNGC), plasma cells (PC), lymphocytes (Ly), and fibroblasts (F). In late stages, the infiltrate was in the form of tuberculous granulomas consisted mainly of type I secretory, and type II vesicular epithelioid cells (ECs), in addition to remnant of some inflammatory cells seen in the early stages. The two types of ECs were found only in six patients. The activated M, Mc and MNGC were often parasitized by LBs. The parasites were enclosed within the host cell digestive vacuoles (DVs), or phagolysosomes, together with skin melanosomes which are known to have lysosomal effect. In the DVs, LBs either survived or were killed and expelled from the host cell cytoplasm. This study showed, for the first time, that the melanosomes were apparently involved in killing of the LBs possibly by increasing the fatal effects of the DVs hydrolytic enzymes. Plasma cells were packed with large « Russell's bodies » indicating a high cellular immunoglobulin activity. The large, granular lymphocytes were in close contact to the activated M, possibly to promote delivery of activation signals. The type I secretory ECs contained mucin-like granules with electrondense cores. In late stages of inflammation, the type II vesicular ECs contained lysosomal granules, and were found together with the type I ECs in broken-down tuberculous granulomas. The type I secretory ECs were previously thought to produce a mediator, or « granuloma factor » which recruits undifferentiated mononuclear cells to perpetuate the granulomatous process; while the type II vesicular ECs were thought to appear where the granulomatous process in brought to an end, preceeding the healing by fibrosis
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