520 research outputs found

    Position-Dependent Performance in 5 nm Vertically Stacked Lateral Si Nanowires Transistors

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    In this work, we investigated the performance of vertically stacked lateral nanowires transistors (NWTs) considering the effects of series resistance. Also, we consider the vertical positions of the lateral nanowires in the stack and diameter variation of the lateral NWTs as new sources of process variability

    Variability-Aware Simulations of 5 nm Vertically Stacked Lateral Si Nanowires Transistors

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    In this work, we present a simulation study of vertically stacked lateral nanowires transistors (NWTs) considering various sources of statistical variability. Our simulation approach is based on various simulations techniques to capture the complexity in such ultra-scaled device

    Simulation study of vertically stacked lateral Si nanowires transistors for 5 nm CMOS applications

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    In this paper we present a simulation study of vertically stacked lateral nanowires transistors (NWTs), which may have applications at 5nm CMOS technology. Our simulation approach is based on a collection of simulation techniques to capture the complexity in such ultra-scaled devices. Initially, we used drift-diffusion methodology with activated Poisson-Schrodinger quantum corrections to accurately capture the quantum confinement in the cross-section of the device. Ensemble Monte Carlo simulations are used to accurately evaluate the drive current capturing the complexity of the carrier transport in the NWTs. We compared the current flow in single, double, and triple vertically stacked lateral NWTs with and without contact resistance. The results presented here suggest a consistent link between channel strain and device performance. Furthermore, we propose a device structure for the 5nm CMOS technology node that meets the required industry scaling projection. We also consider the interplay between various sources of statistical variability and reliability in this work

    Designing Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA) To Scaffold Student Learning In Online Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Environment

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    This paper describes on the idea in integrating APA as an alternative approach as scaffolding in PBL. APA will be operated as a virtual tutor and guide learners through the learning process in PBL environment

    Study of the Immunological Status of Iraqi Vitiligo Patients

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    Vitiligo is an acquired idiopathic skin disorder characterized by depigmented macules due to loss of cutaneous melanocytes. A potential role of the immune dysfunction has been suggested in vitiligo, so to test this hypothesis, certain cytokines (IL-17A and TNF-?) and immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG, IgA and total IgE) were investigated in all participants. The study included: 60 patients with age range between (6-55) year; 30(11 males and 19 females) were untreated and 30(12 males and 18 females) were treated with Narrow Band Ultraviolet-B (NB-UVB) and 30 (14 males and 16 females) apparently healthy control. Serum was separated and cytokines (IL-17A and TNF-?) and total immunoglobulin E (IgE) were detected by using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA); while immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG and IgA) were detected by using Single Radial Immunodiffusion (SRID) method. The results showed that the mean levels of serum IL-17A and TNF-? in both untreated and NB-UVB treated vitiligo patients were increased significantly (p ? 0.05) as compared with healthy control. The mean levels of serum IgG and IgA in untreated vitiligo patients showed non significant decreased (

    Agent-Based Simulation Of Crowd At The Tawaf Area.

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    Every year during the Hajj season there is a concentration of more than two million people within the vicinity of the Masjid Al-Haram. Congested areas, such as the tawaf,, may reach beyond a safe level of four people per square meter during this peak period. The Tawaf area together with the Ottoman construction is able to accommodate up to 72,000 people (in a praying position). Simulation of the movement and behavior of such a huge crowd can be useful in managing this important event. One of the recent trends in modeling and simulation is the agent technology which has been used to model and simulate various phenomenon such as the study of land use, infectious disease modeling, economic and business study, urban dynamic and also pedestrian modeling. In this paper we use multi-agent based method to simulate the crowd at the Tawaf area. We present the architecture of the software platform which implements our proposed model and briefly report our early experience in using- Repast J which is an agent-based simulation toolkit to model the crowd at the area

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based for Slope Mapping and the Determination of Potential Slope Hazard

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    This paper discusses the applications of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for geological mapping and the determination of cross-section of certain selected area. With the development of modern technology, the utilization of UAV to gather data for geological mapping can be considered as finest method as it is quick, reliable, precise, cost-effective and also easily to operate. High imagery quality is essential for the effectiveness and nature of normal mapping output such as Digital Surface Model (DSM) and also Ortho Images. The utilization of UAV to capture aerial photo helps to gather information from a normal area to an area which almost impossible to reach. With the data obtained by the UAV, it will later be processed in established software and the analysis of slope profile of certain selected study area will be done. From these analyses, the potential slope hazards which based on slope angles will be determined and considered as another interest of this study

    Photosynthetic Microbial Desalination Cell to Treat Oily Wastewater Using Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris

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    Microbial desalination cell (MDC) offers a new and sustainable approach to desalinate saltwater by directly utilizing the electrical power generated by bacteria during organic matter oxidation. In this study, we used microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris in the cathode chamber to produce oxygen as an electron accepter by photosynthesis process for generate bioelectricity power and treat oil refinery wastewater by microorganisms in both anode and cathode.The power density generated by this Photosynthetic Microbial Desalination Cell (PMDC) with 1KΩ external resistance at the first 4th hr. of operation period was 0.678 W/m3 of anode volume and 0.63 W/m3 of cathode volume. It increased after one day to a peak value of (4.32 W/m3 of anode volume and 4.013 W/m3 of cathode volume). The microalgae growth in the biocathode chamber followed in terms of optical density. The optical density increased from 0.546 at the beginning of the system operation to 1.71 after 24 days of operation period. The percentage removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of oil refinery wastewater was 97.33% and 79.22% in anode and cathode chamber, respectively. The microalgae in the biocathode were able to remove volatile compounds causing odor from the influent wastewater. TDS removal rate 159.722 ppm/h with initial TDS in desalination chamber of 35000 ppm

    Evaluation Of Existing Software For Simulating Of Crowd At Masjid Al-Haram,

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    Crowd simulation has played an important role in solving situations such as building evacuation, crowd congestion, and pedestrian analysis. In order to improve the crowd congestion problem within and the surrounding area of the Masjid Al-Haram, we need a tool which could reproduce specific scenarios and study the possible controls that could ease the problem. This paper explains the criteria to be considered in evaluating the crowd simulation software for the Masjid Al-Haram under both, normal and emergency situations. Our study has led us to the most suitable software package that meets our requirements. We have also identified the main features that we should (later) incorporate in our own design of the simulation system of the Masjid Al-Haram

    Encapsulated virgin coconut oil as a nanoscale in vitro solution against multiple drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Abstract Niosomes are excellent nanoscale vehicular systems that can carry a variety of drugs and (bioactive) compounds entrapped inside them. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is the finest grade of coconut oil that is highly enriched with phenolic content, antioxidant activity and also comprises medium chain triglycerides. In this work, niosomes were encapsulated with VCO synthesized by a simple chemical method. The electron microscopy confirmed that spherical nanostructured lipid carrier molecules with a diameter in the range of 180–190 nm were produced. A zeta potential value of −42 mV was a testimony that these nanovehicles were having good stability. The natural oil loaded nanocarrier spheres proved to be potent antibacterial nano‐antibiotics against multiple drug resistant (MDR) bacteria. The antibacterial activity of these magic nano‐spheres was found to be better than ZnO (metallic oxides) nanoparticles. The nano‐antibiotics resulted in 17, 14 and 12 mm zones of inhibition against methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin‐resistant S. aureus (VRSA) and a (general) MDR strain of S. aureus in contrast to nanoparticles that resulted in zones of inhibitions 7, 8 and 6 mm for the same bacterial strains. Niosomes prove to be an excellent nanocarrier system that can encapsulate a number of bio‐active compounds