4,530 research outputs found

    Identity, career trajectories and wellbeing outcomes:A closer look at individuals with degenerative eye conditions

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    Mensen met een gestigmatiseerde identiteit hebben een verhoogd risico om gediscrimineerd te worden of met vooroordelen te maken te krijgen. Stigma theorie leert ons dat individuen er voor kunnen kiezen om deze identiteit geheim te houden om dergelijke gevolgen te vermijden. De mate waarin, alsmede de manier waarop, een persoon met een gestigmatiseerde identiteit ervoor kiest om deze identiteit voor de omgeving te verbergen staat bekend als identity management. In dit proefschrift kijken we naar de gestigmatiseerde groep van mensen met een degeneratieve oogaandoening. Het eerste doel van dit onderzoek is om de uitdagingen en successen waarmee volwassenen met deze aandoening te maken krijgen te analyseren in relatie tot hun gestigmatiseerde identiteit en identity management. Ook is onderzocht hoe het verbergen van een visuele beperking zowel de gevolgde carrièrepaden als het algehele welzijn van het individu beïnvloedt. Het tweede doel van dit proefschrift is om inzicht te verkrijgen in de contacten tussen individuen met degeneratieve oogaandoeningen. De resultaten van het onderzoek suggereren dat identity management een belangrijke rol speelt in het fysieke en mentale welzijn, alsmede de carrièrekansen, van deze groep mensen. De mate waarin de gestigmatiseerde identiteit onthuld wordt is ook van groot belang voor het welzijn en de carrièrekansen van het individu. Zo kan het gedeeltelijk onthullen van de identiteit samengaan met stress en een gebrek aan zelfacceptatie. Beleidsmakers zouden oplossingen moeten vinden om een veilige werkomgeving te creëren voor individuen die hun aandoening niet (volledig) willen onthullen op het werk.An individual who has a stigmatized identity is likely to be faced with prejudice and discrimination from her surroundings. To avoid being confronted with such adverse outcomes, an individual who has the ability to conceal her stigmatized identity from her surroundings is highly likely to keep her identity a secret. The stigmatized identity investigated in this dissertation is having a degenerative eye condition. The first aim of this dissertation was to identify and investigate the struggles and triumphs faced by adults with degenerative eye conditions in light of their invisible stigmatized identity and their consequential identity management behavior. The second aim was to better understand how these behaviors influence their career outcomes and overall subjective wellbeing. The main focus of this dissertation is on the workplace context due to high unemployment rates among this group and reported discrimination in the workplace. In addition, insights into the role and functions of peer relationships among individuals with degenerative eye conditions and how these relate to subjective wellbeing are presented.The findings suggest that identity management plays an important role in the physical and mental wellbeing and career outcomes of this group. Furthermore individuals disclose their identity on a gradient. This gradient also plays an important role in the wellbeing and career outcomes of this group. Partial disclosure may relate to high stress and low self-acceptance. Policy should consider finding solutions, which enable workplace protection to individuals who do not want to disclose their condition in the workplace yet

    Локализация пластического сдвига при ударном нагружении

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    Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований локализации сдвига в КЭП-образцах при ударном нагружении. По данным металлографических исследований материала в области пластического течения получено характерное распределение величины деформации поперек полосы сдвига.КЕП-зразках при ударному навантаженні. За даними металографічних досліджень матеріалу в області пластичної течії одержано характерний розподіл деформації поперек смуги зсуву.We present test results on shear localization in disk-shaped (HAT) specimens under impact loading conditions. Based on the metallographic analysis of the material in the plastic flow zone, we obtained the strain distribution across the shear slip

    Having both hands on the steering wheel:Driving behaviour of white-collar workers with degenerative eye conditions

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    Because people in the United States are highly reliant on cars for transportation, individuals with restricted driving abilities face severe accessibility constraints in the labour market. Guided by the social exclusion framework, we used a qualitative approach to gain insights into the role of car driving and alternative commute modes in the lives of white-collar workers with degenerative eye conditions. The study participants gradually restricted their driving behaviour as the disease progressed. They also exhibited several types of commute solutions, which lent themselves to a variation in the experienced degree of exclusion (both between participants and within participants over time), with changes in vision state and available resources. Another aim of our study Was to identify the motivations for driving behaviour. The results showed that while a desire to reduce the risk of an accident motivated the participants to stop driving, certain normative (for men) and practical considerations motivated participants to continue driving. While all of the participants eventually stopped driving due to vision decline, the decision to quit often occurred only after the participants experienced one or more car accidents. Workplace accessibility is a factor that hinders labour market participation of individuals with degenerative eye conditions and encourages individuals to engage in risky behaviour. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</p

    The relative impact of in-class closed-book versus take-home open-book examination type on academic performance, student knowledge retention and wellbeing

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    This study investigates the relationship between take-home (open-book) examinations (THE) and in-class (closed-book) examinations (ICE) on academic performance and student wellbeing. Two social science courses (one bachelor and one master) were included in the study. In the first cohort (2019), students from both courses performed an ICE, whereas students in the second cohort (2020) performed a THE. Four to six months following course completion, students were approached to fill out a survey pertaining to their academic performance and wellbeing during the course, and to complete a test measuring knowledge retention on the course materials. No significant differences were found between the ICE and THE cohorts in academic performance and knowledge retention for either the bachelor or the master students. Bachelor students who completed a THE in 2020 reported significantly lower wellbeing in comparison to their peers completing the ICE a year earlier. The implications of the results in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic are discussed

    Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Increased Engagement in Sexual Risk-Taking Behavior: The Role of Benefit Perception

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    Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been linked to higher engagement in sexual risk-taking behavior (SRTB). The current study aims to establish the link between ADHD symptoms and SRTB in the general population and to examine whether an exaggerated perceived benefit of the positive outcomes of SRTB explains that link. A scale for measuring the frequency, likelihood, perceived benefit, and perceived risk of SRTB was developed. Young adult sexually active participants who did not have a stable partnership completed the above scale, as well as a scale of ADHD symptoms. The level of ADHD symptoms positively correlated with the frequency and likelihood of SRTB, even when the overall level of sexual behavior was controlled for. ADHD symptoms also correlated with the perceived benefit of SRTB, but not with the perceived risk of SRTB. Mediation analysis confirmed an indirect pathway: ADHD symptoms predicted perceived benefit of SRTB, which in turn predicted increased likelihood to engage in SRTB. These findings suggest a positive link between ADHD symptoms and SRTB in the general population, which is accounted for by an exaggerated perceived benefit of SRTB

    The associations of different social needs with psychological strengths and subjective well-being:An empirical investigation based on Social Production Function theory

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    The fulfilment of social needs is essential for human beings to function well and thrive, but little is known about how social needs are differentially associated with types of well-functioning. This study investigates how the three social needs as proposed by Social Production Function theory—the needs for affection, behavioral confirmation, and status—relate to psychological strengths (self-evaluation, hope, and self-regulatory ability), loneliness, and subjective well-being (life satisfaction, positive and negative affect). Moreover, possible mechanisms are explored. Using the first release sample of the LifeLines study (N = 13,301) and four other samples (N = 1094, N = 456, N = 415, and N = 142), we found that the three social needs yielded a robust factor structure, and related differentially to gender and education. Their associations with all three psychological strengths were substantial. Affection need fulfilment related most strongly to both emotional and social loneliness, but the expected stronger association of behavioral confirmation with social loneliness was not found. As expected, affection related most strongly to life satisfaction and least strongly to positive affect, whereas status related most strongly to positive affect and least strongly to life satisfaction. Of all social needs, behavioral confirmation had comparatively the strongest negative association with negative affect. With regard to mechanisms, affection was found to have a partial indirect effect on life satisfaction via self-evaluation, hope, and self-regulatory ability, while status had a modest indirect effect via self-regulatory ability on positive affect. It is concluded that different need fulfillments make unique contributions to different types of well-functioning, implying that a mix of social need satisfiers (i.e. different kinds of social relationships and other social provisions) are needed for individuals to function well. This knowledge may support interventions and policy directed at both individual and societal well-being

    Анализ free-running автомата над конечным кольцом

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    Исследован аналог над конечным кольцом хаотической динамической free-running системы. С позиции теории автоматов охарактеризована структура исследуемой модели. Решены задачи параметрической идентификации и идентификации начального состояния. Охарактеризована структура множества неподвижных точек словарной функции, реализуемой инициальным автоматом.Досліджено аналог над кінцевим кільцем хаотичної динамічної free-running системи. З позиції теорії автоматів охарактеризована структура моделі, яка вивчається. Розв’язано задачі параметричної ідентифікації та ідентифікації початкового стану. Охарактеризовано структуру множини нерухомих точок словникової функції, яка реалізується ініціальним автоматом.The analog over the finite ring of chaotic dynamical free-running system is investigated. The structure of the model under investigation is characterized in terms of automaton theory. Problems of parametric identification and identification of the initial state are solved. The structure of fixed points in the mapping realized by the initial automaton is characterized