42 research outputs found

    Impact of the Lymphatic Filariasis Control Program towards elimination of filariasis in Vanuatu, 1997-2006

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    Background: Lymphatic filariasis (LF) occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes. The filarial worms affect the lymphatic system which leads to abnormal enlargement of body parts, chronic pain, disability, and social discrimination. In 1999, a commitment was made to eliminate LF from the Pacific Region by 2010. The Pacific Program to Eliminate LF began, with Vanuatu being one of the 16 endemic countries included in this program. Methods: In 1997/1998 a LF prevalence baseline survey was conducted to determine the need for mass drug administration (MDA) in Vanuatu. In 1999, the Vanuatu Lymphatic Filariasis Control Program was established, and nationwide MDA was implemented from 2000 to 2004. LF prevalence was collected during the MDA through sentinel site and spot check surveys, and after 5 years of MDA. MDA implementation methods included health worker training, social mobilization, and culturally appropriate health promotion strategies. Results: LF prevalence at baseline was 4.79%; after MDA this declined to 0.16% in 2005/2006. Average MDA coverage ranged from 75.5–81.5% across 5 years. All three evaluation units surveyed in 2005/2006 were below the 1% threshold required to stop MDA. Conclusions: The LF Control Program between 1997 and 2006 was successful in reducing LF prevalence to <1%. High MDA coverage was a critical component of this success. This period of the Vanuatu LF Control Program played an important role in helping to eliminate LF in Vanuatu

    Integrated Mapping of Yaws and Trachoma in the Five Northern-Most Provinces of Vanuatu.

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    Yaws and trachoma are targeted for eradication and elimination as public health problems. In trachoma-endemic populations mass administration of azithromycin can simultaneously treat yaws. We conducted a population-based prevalence survey in the five northernmost provinces of Vanuatu, where trachoma and yaws are suspected to be co-endemic. Clinical signs of trachoma were evaluated using the WHO simplified grading system, and skin examination with a serological rapid diagnostic test used to identify yaws. We enrolled 1004 households in 59 villages over 16 islands, and examined 3650 individuals of all ages for trachoma. The overall adjusted prevalence of trachomatous inflammation-follicular (TF) in 1-9 year-olds was 12.0% (95% Confidence Interval: 8.1-16.7%), and the overall adjusted prevalence of TT in those aged 15 years and greater was 0.04% (95% CI 0-0.14%). In multivariate analysis, the odds of children having TF was 2.6 (95% CI = 1.5-4.4) times higher in households with unimproved latrines, and independently associated with the number of children in the household (OR 1.3, 95% CI = 1.0-1.6 for each additional child). We examined the skin of 821 children aged 5-14 years. Two children had yaws, giving an estimated prevalence of active yaws in those aged 5-14 years of 0.2% (95% CI = 0.03-0.9%). Mass treatment with azithromycin is recommended in these provinces. Given the apparent low burden of yaws, integration of yaws and trachoma control programmes is likely to be useful and cost-effective to national programmes

    Challenges and key research questions for yaws eradication.

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    Yaws is endemic in west Africa, southeast Asia, and the Pacific region. To eradicate yaws by 2020, WHO has launched a campaign of mass treatment with azithromycin. Progress has been made towards achievement of this ambitious goal, including the validation of point-of-care and molecular diagnostic tests and piloting of the strategy in several countries, including Ghana, Vanuatu, and Papua New Guinea. Gaps in knowledge need to be addressed to allow refinement of the eradication strategy. Studies exploring determinants of the spatial distribution of yaws are needed to help with the completion of baseline mapping. The finding that Haemophilus ducreyi causes lesions similar to yaws is particularly important and further work is needed to assess the effect of azithromycin on these lesions. The integration of diagnostic tests into different stages of the eradication campaign needs investigation. Finally, studies must be done to inform the optimum mass-treatment strategy for sustainable interruption of transmission

    Metaanalysis of the Performance of a Combined Treponemal and Nontreponemal Rapid Diagnostic Test for Syphilis and Yaws

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    BACKGROUND: The human treponematoses are important causes of disease. Mother-to-child transmission of syphilis remains a major cause of stillbirth and neonatal death. There are also almost 100 000 cases of endemic treponemal disease reported annually, predominantly yaws. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) would improve access to screening for these diseases. Most RDTs cannot distinguish current and previous infection. The Dual Path Platform (DPP) Syphilis Screen & Confirm test includes both a treponemal (T1) and nontreponemal (T2) component and may improve the accuracy of diagnosis. METHODS: We conducted a metaanalysis of published and unpublished evaluations of the DPP-RDT for the diagnosis of syphilis and yaws. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and overall agreement of the test compared with reference laboratory tests. RESULTS: Nine evaluations, including 7267 tests, were included. Sensitivity was higher in patients with higher titer rapid plasma reagin (>/=1:16) for both the T1 (98.2% vs 90.1%, P < .0001) and the T2 component (98.2% vs 80.6%, P < .0001). Overall agreement between the DPP test and reference serology was 85.2% (84.4%-86.1%). Agreement was highest for high-titer active infection and lowest for past infection. CONCLUSIONS: The RDT has good sensitivity and specificity of the treponemal and nontreponemal components both in cases of suspected syphilis and yaws, although the sensitivity is decreased at lower antibody titers

    Integrated survey methodologies for neglected tropical diseases.

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    The 2021-2030 Neglected Tropical Diseases road map calls for intensified cross-cutting approaches. By moving away from vertical programming, the integration of platforms and intervention delivery aims to improve efficiency, cost-effectiveness and programme coverage. Drawing on the direct experiences of the authors, this article outlines key elements for successful integrated surveys, the challenges encountered, as well as future opportunities and threats to such surveys. There are multiple advantages. Careful planning should ensure that integration does not result in a process that is less efficient, more expensive or that generates data driving less reliable decisions than conducting multiple disease-specific surveys

    Sanitation and water supply coverage thresholds associated with active trachoma: Modeling cross-sectional data from 13 countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Facial cleanliness and sanitation are postulated to reduce trachoma transmission, but there are no previous data on community-level herd protection thresholds. We characterize associations between active trachoma, access to improved sanitation facilities, and access to improved water sources for the purpose of face washing, with the aim of estimating community-level or herd protection thresholds. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We used cluster-sampled Global Trachoma Mapping Project data on 884,850 children aged 1-9 years from 354,990 households in 13 countries. We employed multivariable mixed-effects modified Poisson regression models to assess the relationships between water and sanitation coverage and trachomatous inflammation-follicular (TF). We observed lower TF prevalence among those with household-level access to improved sanitation (prevalence ratio, PR = 0.87; 95%CI: 0.83-0.91), and household-level access to an improved washing water source in the residence/yard (PR = 0.81; 95%CI: 0.75-0.88). Controlling for household-level water and latrine access, we found evidence of community-level protection against TF for children living in communities with high sanitation coverage (PR80-90% = 0.87; 95%CI: 0.73-1.02; PR90-100% = 0.76; 95%CI: 0.67-0.85). Community sanitation coverage levels greater than 80% were associated with herd protection against TF (PR = 0.77; 95%CI: 0.62-0.97)-that is, lower TF in individuals whose households lacked individual sanitation but who lived in communities with high sanitation coverage. For community-level water coverage, there was no apparent threshold, although we observed lower TF among several of the higher deciles of community-level water coverage. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides insights into the community water and sanitation coverage levels that might be required to best control trachoma. Our results suggest access to adequate water and sanitation can be important components in working towards the 2020 target of eliminating trachoma as a public health problem

    Tropical leg ulcers in children: more than yaws

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    The management of yaws has changed in recent years. Mass treatment with oral azithromycin has replaced intramuscular benzathine benzylpenicillin. Treponemal and non-treponemal serology (equivalent to TPHA and RPR) point-of-care blood testing is now available. In addition, recent studies in yaws endemic regions have shown that a significant number of leg ulcers in children which are clinically suggestive of yaws are caused by Haemophilus ducreyi. It is noteworthy that the World Health Organization has also set the ambitious goal to eliminate yaws by 2020

    Investigation of Mixture Modelling Algorithms as a Tool for Determining the Statistical Likelihood of Serological Exposure to Filariasis Utilizing Historical Data from the Lymphatic Filariasis Surveillance Program in Vanuatu

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    As the prevalence of lymphatic filariasis declines, it becomes crucial to adequately eliminate residual areas of endemicity and implement surveillance. To this end, serological assays have been developed, including the Bm14 Filariasis CELISA which recommends a specific optical density cut-off level. We used mixture modelling to assess positive cut-offs of Bm14 serology in children in Vanuatu using historical OD (Optical Density) ELISA values collected from a transmission assessment survey (2005) and a targeted child survey (2008). Mixture modelling is a statistical technique using probability distributions to identify subpopulations of positive and negative results (absolute cut-off value) and an 80% indeterminate range around the absolute cut-off (80% cut-off). Depending on programmatic choices, utilizing the lower 80% cut-off ensures the inclusion of all likely positives, however with the trade-off of lower specificity. For 2005, country-wide antibody prevalence estimates varied from 6.4% (previous cut-off) through 9.0% (absolute cut-off) to 17.3% (lower 80% cut-off). This corroborated historical evidence of hotspots in Pentecost Island in Penama province. For 2008, there were no differences in the prevalence rates using any of the thresholds. In conclusion, mixture modelling is a powerful tool that allows closer monitoring of residual transmission spots and these findings supported additional monitoring which was conducted in Penama in later years. Utilizing a statistical data-based cut-off, as opposed to a universal cut-off, may help guide program decisions that are better suited to the national program

    Surveillance efforts after mass drug administration to validate elimination of lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem in Vanuatu.

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    Background Vanuatu was formerly highly endemic for lymphatic filariasis (LF), caused by Wuchereria bancrofti and transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes. After a baseline survey showing 4.8% antigen prevalence in 1998, the country conducted nationwide (in one implementation unit) annual mass drug administration (MDA) with albendazole and diethylcarbamazine citrate from 2000 to 2004 and achieved prevalence of 0.2% by 2006 in a representative nationwide cluster survey among all age groups. Methods Post MDA surveillance was conducted from 2006 to 2012. After MDA, the country was divided for surveillance into three evaluation units (EUs) formed by grouping provinces according to baseline prevalence: EU1: Torba, Sanma and Malampa; EU2: Penama; EU3: Shefa and Tafea. The study compiled all past data and information on surveys in Vanuatu from the country programme. This paper reviews the surveillance activities done after stopping MDA to validate the interruption of transmission and elimination of LF as a public health problem. Results Post-MDA surveillance consisting of at least three transmission assessment surveys (TAS) in each of the three EUs was conducted between 2006 and 2012. Sentinel and spot check surveys identified a few villages with persistent high prevalence; all antigen positive cases in these sites were treated and additional targeted MDA conducted for 3 years in 13 villages in one area of concern. All three EUs passed all TAS in 2007, 2010 and 2012 respectively, with no positives found except in EU2 (Penama province) in 2012 when 2 children tested positive for circulating filariasis antigen. Assessment of the burden of chronic filariasis morbidity found 95 cases in 2003 and 32 remaining cases in 2007, all aged over 60 years. Conclusions Vanuatu has achieved validation of elimination of LF as a public health problem. Post-validation surveillance is still recommended especially in formerly highly endemic areas