404 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Helicobacter mustelae surface ring (hsr) Locus : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Biological Sciences at Massey University

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    Analysis of the Factors Influencing New Zealand's Trade with China- 1954 to 1984" In 2004 China became New Zealand's fourth largest trading partner taking approximately 5% of New Zealand's exports and 8% of New Zealand's imports. This study analyses the economic and political background to the rise of China as a pivotal trading partner for New Zealand. The nature and pattern of New Zealand-China trade between 1954 and 1984 is examined with emphasis is given to factors that have assisted or hindered bi-lateral trade. Political factors are identified as the paramount influence on trade development and lead to the demarcation of three distinct periods of trading activity. Market forces, trade barriers, and transport issues are the other factors found to have influenced the pattern of trade between New Zealand and China over the subject period

    Arrival From Abroad: Plague, Quarantine, and Concepts of Contagion in Eighteenth-Century England

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    The isolation and separation of infected individuals in response to epidemics has persevered throughout history as an effective public health measure. Since the devastation of the Black Death during the fourteenth century, major European cities continued to institute various forms of quarantine in order to address the threat of plague. Following the Great Plague of London in 1665-66 – the last major outbreak of bubonic plague to occur in England – the country had no way of knowing it would never again be visited by the disease in its epidemic form. In the eighteenth century, Parliament took measures aimed at preventing outbreaks of infection from abroad – primarily, through the institution of a rigorous maritime quarantine system. This decision ultimately came about as a result of the standard medical rhetoric of the age, that plague in its epidemic form was much easier to prevent than it was to control. Theories of contagion advanced by English physician Dr. Richard Mead (1673-1754), on which the government’s activity was largely based, were received with dissatisfied medical and communal responses. Yet quarantine, even in its contemporary form, in no way remains free of controversy. In the case of plague, effective preventative measures could not be entirely understood until the epidemiology of the disease had been fully worked out. This essay examines the impact of eighteenth century medical discourse and theories of contagion asserted specifically by Dr. Mead in shaping maritime quarantine protocol in England

    Fatigue and fracture of tubulars containing large cracks

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the performance of offshore tubular components containing large defects. The significance of the residual strength of cracked tubular members is considered with respect to inspection and maintenance of structural integrity. A series of nine destructive static strength tests were performed on full-scale precracked tubular welded T and Y-joints manufactured from a weldable high strength steel (Superelso 702), which is utilised in the construction of offshore Jack-Up platforms. All specimens had at least one through-thickness fatigue crack at the weld toe, from a previous fatigue-testing programme. Static strength tests on four large tubular sections manufactured from BS7191 355D were also carried out. The specimens contained either a through-thickness or a part- through-thickness defect. A novel digital photogrammetry technique was utilised to maximise the data collection from the destructive tests. The method is capable of the quantification of three-dimensional displacements, which subsequently allowed for a better understanding of the behaviour of the specimens during the tests. A fracture mechanics study of tubular components containing large cracks is presented. The limited number of stress intensity factor (SIF) solutions for cracks in tubular sections are considered and a new SIF solution for tubular T-joints, containing through-thickness cracks, under axial loading is provided. The method is based on the SIF at the crack tip and the non-uniform stress distribution present in an axially loaded tubular T-joint. The information has been integrated into the safety evaluation of all specimens using a failure assessment diagram (FAD) procedure. Finally, the local and the global responses of a structure to the presence of a large defect are reviewed. The importance of redundancy and multiple load paths are stressed and possible repair and maintenance options are considered

    The economy of constructing and maintaining contemporary domestic fale in Tonga

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    Translation of aid houses in Tonga

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    Understanding human impacts on the marine environment in Fiji: insights from an ODEMM conceptual model and semi-structured interviews

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    Dynamic evolving neural-fuzzy inference system for rainfall-runoff (R-R) modelling

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    Dynamic Evolving Neural-Fuzzy Inference System (DENFIS) is a Takagi-Sugeno-type fuzzy inference system for online learning which can be applied for dynamic time series prediction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that DENFIS has been used for rainfall-runoff (R-R) modeling. DENFIS model results were compared to the results obtained from the physically-based Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and an Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) which employs offline learning. Data from a small (5.6 km2) catchment in Singapore, comprising 11 separated storm events were analyzed. Rainfall was the only input used for the DENFIS and ANFIS models and the output was discharge at the present time. It is concluded that DENFIS results are better or at least comparable to SWMM, but similar to ANFIS. These results indicate a strong potential for DENFIS to be used in R-R modeling

    Similarity Based Neuro-fuzzy System for Rainfall-runoff Modeling in an Urban Tropical Catchment

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchive

    La inclusión desde la tecnología y las nuevas modalidades lúdicas

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    El proyecto de investigación del que se deriva esta ponencia, tuvo como finalidad indagar las construcciones de significado del concepto de infancia en la actualidad, en el marco de variables socio-culturales, psicológicas y pedagógicas, en centros urbanos de clase media de nuestra región, en el período 2010-2013 en incluyó, en la última etapa la variable juego.La sociedad categoriza a los individuos al brindarles atributos que los sitúan en un lugar social específico, esto tiene que ver, según Goffman (1993), con la identidad social virtual que el otro atribuye al individuo, desde lo que este individuo presenta (identidad social real). Es así como, de alguna manera, se convierte en diferente a cada individuo. Según Maturana (1992), cuando determinamos lo que el otro presenta, realizamos una percepción, una instancia psicológica que implica descubrir el mundo que me rodea desde mis posibilidades, intereses, prejuicios, y valores. El conocimiento generado en las investigaciones que venimos desarrollando sobre las representaciones de educadores, psicopedagogos y psicólogos acerca de la infancia, dio lugar a nuevas preguntas que ameritaron ampliar el campo de indagación a otros sujetos sociales.La finalidad perseguida fue conocer las construcciones de significado sobre la infancia de padres y niños, de centros urbanos de clase media-alta para compararlas con la de los educadores. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron un nuevo modo de subjetivación infantil, en el que los medios de comunicación y la tecnología impactan en las nuevas identidades y transforman al niño en “consumidor”.El tipo de juguetes ofrecidos por el mercado y los nuevos modos de estructuración de los vínculos primarios – simétricos y endogámicos- tienden a reducir el juego simbólico y dramático y a acrecentar el de ejecución generando cambios en la forma de pensar y actuar de los niños, por ello, se focaliza y profundiza además, en la actividad lúdica y recreativa de niños y niñas, para establecer connotaciones vinculadas al desarrollo de la inteligencia, creatividad, producción simbólica, afirmación de la identidad y afectividad infantil.Se pretende hacer un aporte para pensar la inclusión considerando dos paradigmas: medios de comunicación – tecnología, y vínculos primarios – secundarios.Actualmente, se continua investigando sobre las relaciones entre el juego simbólico, el desarrollo de la inteligencia, la producción simbólica y el pensamiento metafórico en niños de nivel inicial para analizar el lugar que le asignan los docentes al juego del “como si”, y al modo que lo vinculan con el aprendizaje en el marco de sus prácticas docentes