26 research outputs found

    A semantic model for interacting cyber-physical systems

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    We propose a component-based semantic model for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) wherein the notion of a component abstracts the internal details of both cyber and physical processes, to expose a uniform semantic model of their externally observable behaviors expressed as sets of sequences of observations. We introduce algebraic operations on such sequences to model different kinds of component composition. These composition operators yield the externally observable behavior of their resulting composite components through specifications of interactions of the behaviors of their constituent components, as they, e.g., synchronize with or mutually exclude each other’s alternative behaviors. Our framework is expressive enough to allow articulation of properties that coordinate desired interactions among composed components within the framework, also as component behavior. We demonstrate the usefulness of our formalism through examples of coordination properties in a CPS consisting of two robots interacting through shared physical resources

    Specification and Analysis of the AER/NCA Active Network Protocol Suite in Real-Time Maude

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    This paper describes the application of the Real-Time Maude tool and the Maude formal methodology to the specification and analysis of the AER/NCA suite of active network multicast protocol components. Because of the time-sensitive and resource-sensitive behavior, the presence of probabilistic algorithms, and the composability of its components, AER/NCA poses challenging new problems for its formal specification and analysis. Real-Time Maude is a natural extension of the Maude rewriting logic language and tool for the specification and analysis of real-time object-based distributed systems. It supports a wide spectrum of formal methods, including: executable specification; symbolic simulation; breadth-first search for failures of safety properties in infinite-state systems; and linear temporal logic model checking of time-bounded temporal logic formulas. These methods complement those offered by network simulators on the one hand, and timed-automaton-based tools and general-purpose theorem provers on the other. Our experience shows that Real-Time Maude is well-suited to meet the AER/NCA modeling challenges, and that its methods have proved effective in uncovering subtle and important errors in the informal use case specification

    Coordination Languages and Models: Proc. Coordination 2002

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    Reasoning Theories: Towards an Architecture for Open Mechanized Reasoning Systems

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    . Our ultimate goal is to provide a framework and a methodology which will allow users, and not only system developers, to construct complex systems by composing existing modules, or to add new modules to existing systems, in a "plug and play" manner. These modules and systems might be based on different logics; have different domain models; use different vocabularies and data structures; use different reasoning strategies; and have different interaction capabilities. This paper, which is a first small step towards our goal, makes two main contributions. First, it proposes a general architecture for a class of reasoning modules and systems called Open Mechanized Reasoning Systems (OMRSs). An OMRS has three components: a reasoning theory component which is the counterpart of the logical notion of formal system, a control component which consists of a set of inference strategies, and an interaction component which provides an OMRS with the capability of interacting with other systems, in..

    A rewriting framework for interacting cyber-physical agents

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    The analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS) is challenging due to the large state space and the continuous changes occurring in their constituent parts. Design practices favor modularity to help reducing this complexity. In a previous work, we proposed a discrete semantic model for CPS that captures both cyber and physical aspects as streams of discrete observations, which ultimately form the behavior of a component. This semantic model is denotational and compositional, where each composition operator algebraically models an interaction between a pair of components. In this paper, we propose a specification of components as rewrite systems. The specification is operational and executable, and we study conditions for its semantics as components to be compositional. We demonstrate our framework by modeling a coordination of robots moving on a shared field. We show that our system of robots can be coordinated by a protocol in order to exhibit a desired emerging behavior. We use an implementation of our framework in Maude to give practical results

    Runtime Composition of Systems of Interacting Cyber-Physical Components

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    The description of concurrent systems as a network of interacting processes helps to reduce the complexity of the specification. The same principle applies for the description of cyber-physical systems as a network of interacting components. We introduce a transition system based specification of cyber-physical components whose semantics is compositional with respect to a family of algebraic products. We give sufficient conditions for execution of a product of cyber-physical components to be correctly implemented by a lazy runtime expansion of the product construction. Our transition system algebra is implemented in the Maude rewriting logic system. As an example, we show that, under a coordination protocol, a set of autonomous energy-aware robots can self-sort themselves on a shared physical grid

    Formal specification and analysis of robust adaptive distributed cyber-physical systems

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    We are interested in systems of cyber-physical agents that operate in unpredictable, possibly hostile, environments using locally obtainable information. How can we specify robust agents that are able to operate alone and/or in cooperation with other agents? What properties are important? How can they be verified? In this tutorial we describe a framework called Soft Agents, formalized in the Maude rewriting logic system. Features of the framework include: explicit representation of the physical state as well as the cyber perception of this state; robust communication via sharing of partially ordered knowledge, and robust behavior based on soft constraints. Using Maude functionality, the soft agent framework supports experimenting with, formally testing, and reasoning about specifications of agent systems. The tutorial begins with a discussion of desiderata for soft agent models. Use of the soft agent framework for specification and formal analysis of agent systems illustrated in some detail by a case-study involving simple patrolling bots. A more complex case study involving surveillance drones is also discussed