9 research outputs found

    Addition to "Nanostars carrying multifunctional neurotrophic dendrimers protect neurons in preclinical in vitro models of neurodegenerative disorders".

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    In the original version of this article (p. 47457), some acknowledgments were not included. In the revised Acknowledgments section provided below, we additionally provide The REC reference for the ethical approval of the human astrocyte isolation, an acknowledgment to Dr. Alize Proust at the Francis Crick Institute for establishing the triple coculture BBB model used in this study, and the reference and the grant number for the source of the human fetal material. This does not affect the results or conclusions of our work

    Stable and scalable SERS tags conjugated with neutravidin for the detection of fibroblast activation protein (FAP) in primary fibroblasts

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    SERS tags are a class of nanoparticles with great potential in advanced imaging experiments. The preparation of SERS tags however is complex, as they suffer from the high variability of the SERS signals observed even at the slightest sign of aggregation. Here, we developed a method for the preparation of SERS tags based on the use of gold nanostars conjugated with neutravidin. The SERS tags here obtained are extremely stable in all biological buffers commonly employed and can be prepared at a relatively large scale in very mild conditions. The obtained SERS tags have been used to monitor the expression of fibroblast activation protein alpha (FAP) on the membrane of primary fibroblasts obtained from patients affected by Crohn’s disease. The SERS tags allowed the unambiguous identification of FAP on the surface of cells thus suggesting the feasibility of semi-quantitative analysis of the target protein. Moreover, the use of the neutravidin–biotin system allows to apply the SERS tags for any other marker detection, for example, different cancer cell types, simply by changing the biotinylated antibody chosen in the analysis