42 research outputs found

    Experimental research of flow servo-valve

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    Positional control of pneumatic drives is particularly important in pneumatic systems. Some methods of positioning pneumatic cylinders for changeover and tracking control are known. Choking method is the most development-oriented and has the greatest potential. An optimal and effective method, particularly when applied to pneumatic drives, has been searched for a long time. Sophisticated control systems with algorithms utilizing artificial intelligence methods are designed therefor. In order to design the control algorithm, knowledge about real parameters of servo-valves used in control systems of electro-pneumatic servo-drives is required. The paper presents the experimental research of flow servo-valve

    Návrh modulárního terminálu pneumatických ventilů

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    The paper presents design of the modular pneumatic valve terminal, which was made on the basis of the patent application No A1 402905 „A valve for controlling fluid power drives, specially for pneumatic actuators, and the control system for fluid power drives valves”. The authors describe a method of operation of the system with double-acting valve and 5/2 (five ways and two position) valve. Functions of the valve, and an example of application of the valve terminal in the production process were presented. 3D solid models of all the components of the valve were made. The paper presents a complete 3D model of the valve in various configurations. Using CAD-embedded SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation computational fluid dynamics CFD analysis was also carried out of compressed air flow in the ways of the valve elements.Příspěvek prezentuje návrh modulárního terminálu pneumatických ventilů, který byl proveden na základě patentové přihlášky č A1 402905 A ventilem je určen, pro řízení tekutinových elektrických pohonů, speciálně pro pneumatické pohony. Autoři popisují způsob provozu systému s dvojcestného ventilu a ventilu typu 5/2 (pět cest, a dvě polohy). Byly prezentovány funkce ventilu, a příklad použití terminálu ve výrobním procesu. Byly provedeny pevné 3D modely všech složek ventilu. Příspěvek prezentuje kompletní 3D model ventilu v různých konfiguracích. Pro výpočty a analýzu byl použit CAD-embedded SolidWorks Flow Systém, byla také provedena CFD analýza proudění stlačeného vzduchu v cestách ventilu

    Průtoková analýza 3/2 směrového pneumatického ventilu, pomocí softwaru Ansys CFX

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    The main purpose of this paper was to develop a selection method of the pneumatic connectors for directional 3/2 valve. The method was established to minimize resistance and loss of pressure in the valve with mounted pneumatic connections for the selected pipe diameters. Directional valve was modeled in 3D CAD software SolidWorks while 3D models of the air connections have been downloaded from the website of one of the leading suppliers of pneumatic. Based on developed solid model the simulation of compressed air flow in the software for computational fluid dynamics Ansys CFX was conducted. The studies using CFD methods helped to determine which air connections best meet the assumptions. Performed numerical tests enable proper selection of items to the newly designed pneumatic systems for a particular group of valves. As a consequence, this translates into a reduction in energy consumption and improve the efficiency of the entire pneumatic complex system.Článek popisuje metodu pro vyhodnocení tlakových ztrát u 3/2 směrového pneumatického ventilu s pneumatickými spojkami pro vybrané průměry rozvodů tlakového vzduchu. 3D model ventilu byl vytvořen v CAD systému SolidWorks a modely pneumatických spojek byly staženy z webu významného dodavatele pneumatických komponent. Na těchto 3D modelech pak byla provedena průtoková simulace stlačeného vzduchu s využitím simulačního systému dynamiky tekutin Ansys CFX. Využití CFD metod umožňuje stanovit, které pneumatické zapojení ventilu nejlépe splňuje stanovené předpoklady. Provedené numerické výpočty umožňují volbu vhodných prvků při návrhu nové pneumatické ventilové sestavy. Dále pak vedou ke snížení spotřeby energie a zvýšení efektivity celého pneumatického systému

    Aplikace pneumatických svalů pro pneumatický delta manipulátor

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    The main aim of this study was to use pneumatic muscle actuators in the construction of the delta manipulator with a closed kinematic chain. The paper presents a solid models of the manipulator and the kinematic diagram. Based on the kinematic diagram and using DH notation (Denavit-Hartenberg) manipulator kinematic models was determined. On the basis of developed solid model simulation studies were conducted and the shape and size of the workspace determined. On the basis of 3D models prototype of the manipulator was constructed. Experimental studies were performed to select the regulators settings P, PI, PID for one of the pair of BMDS (Bi-Muscular Driving System) muscle-type drives. Based on integral quality indicators the used types of regulators were compared and proposed final controller. Performed experimental studies confirm the possibility of muscle control in the BMDS (Bi-Muscular Driving System) type system drives and tuning controller settings using the Ziegler-Nichols method.Hlavním cílem této studie bylo použití pneumatických svalových aktuátorů při konstrukci delta manipulátoru s uzavřeným kinematickým řetězcem. Příspěvek prezentuje solidní modely manipulátoru a kinematické schéma. Na základě kinematického schématu a použití DH (Denavitova-Hartenberg) notace byl stanoven kinematický model manipulátoru. Konstrukce byla vytvořena na základě simulačního modelu a byl určen přesný tvar a velikost. Manipulátor byl zkonstruován na základě 3D modelu prototypu. Experimentální studie byla provedena pro volbu nastavení regulátorů P, PI, PID pro jeden z dvojice svalových BMDS pohonů. Výsledný regulátor byl navržen na základě porovnání integrálních ukazatelů kvality používaných typů regulátorů. Provedená experimentální studie potvrzuje, možnost ovládání svalů v systému BMDS (Bi-muskular Driving System) a doladění nastavení pomocí metody Ziegler-Nichols

    The characteristics of a pneumatic muscle

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    The article presents static and dynamic characteristics of pneumatic muscles. It presents the structure of the laboratory stand used to test pneumatic muscles. It discusses the methodology for determination of static and dynamic characteristics. The paper also illustrates characteristics showing the relationship of pneumatic muscles length and operating pressure, at a constant loading force (isotonic characteristics). It presents characteristics showing the relationship of pneumatic muscles shortening and values of loading forces, at a constant operational pressure (isobaric characteristics). It also shows the dependence of force generated by the muscle on the operating pressure, at a constant value of pneumatic muscles shortening (isometric characteristics). The paper also presents dynamic characteristics of a pneumatic muscle showing the response of an object to a gradual change in the operating pressure, at a constant loading force acting on the pneumatic muscle

    Model tests of wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation type Lenz 2

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    A building design of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) was presented in the article. The construction and operating principle of a wind turbine were described therein. Two VAWT turbine models were compared, i.a. Darrieus and Lenz2, taking their strengths and weaknesses into consideration. 3D solid models of turbine components were presented with the use of SolidWorks software. Using CFD methods, the air flow on two aerodynamic fins, symmetrical and asymmetrical, at different angles of attack were tested. On the basis of flow simulation conducted in FlowSimulation, an asymmetrical fin was chosen as the one showing greater load bearing capacities. Due to the uncertainty of trouble-free operation of Darrieus turbine on construction elements creating the basis thereof, a 3D model of Lenz2 turbine was constructed, which is more reliable and makes turbine self-start possible. On the basis of the research, components were designed and technical docu mentation was compiled