13 research outputs found

    Dialektinen käyttäytymisterapia nuorten tunnetaitojen ja itsesäätelyn kehittämisessä

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    Dialektinen käyttäytymisterapia eli DKT on terapiamuoto, jota käytetään monissa mielenterveyden häiriöissä. Sen tavoitteena on auttaa yksilöä muuttamaan omia tunnetaitojaan eli omaan toimintaan, tunteisiin ja vuorovaikutukseen liittyviä tapoja. Perustunteet ovat yleismaallisesti tunnistettavissa, ja tunnetaidoilla tarkoitetaan kykyä havaita, ilmaista ja säädellä omia tunteitaan. Dialektisen käyttäytymisterapian mukaan merkittävää yksilön elämänlaadun kannalta on oppia tunnistamaan ja luokittelemaan sen hetkisiä tunteita. Tutkimusten mukaan mielen hyvinvointiin liittyvät ongelmat olivat yleisimpiä sijoitetuillakuin muulla tavoin asuvilla lapsilla. Yli puolella kodin ulkopuolelle sijoitetuista lapsista on todettu lapsuusaikana psykiatrinen tai neurokehityksellinen häiriö. Jokilaakson Perhekodit Oy:lle toimeksiantona tehdyssä opinnäytetyössä havainnollistettiin dialektiseen käyttäytymisterapiaan liittyviä taitoja

    Characterization and crystallization of a recombinant IgE Fab fragment in complex with the bovine β-lactoglobulin allergen

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    The high-resolution mass-spectrometric characterization, crystallization and X-ray diffraction studies of a recombinant IgE Fab fragment in complex with bovine β-lactoglobulin are reported

    Molecular interactions between a recombinant IgE antibody and the beta-lactoglobulin allergen

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    SummaryAllergies are caused by the immune reaction to commonly harmless proteins, allergens. This reaction is typified by immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. We report the crystal structure of an IgE Fab fragment in complex with β-lactoglobulin (BLG), one of the major allergens of bovine milk. The solved structure shows how two IgE/Fab molecules bind the dimeric BLG. The epitope of BLG consists of six different short fragments of the polypeptide chain, which are located especially in the β strands, covering a flat area on the allergen surface. All six CDR (complementary-determining region) loops of the IgE Fab participate in the binding of BLG. The light chain CDR loops are responsible for the binding of the flat β sheet region of BLG. The IgE epitope is different from common IgG epitopes that are normally located in the exposed loop regions of antigens and observed also in the two recently determined allergen-IgG complexes

    Video-supported collaborative learning: insights in the state of the art in everyday educational practice within the visual-project experiments

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    Most teachers do not use video tools in a way that contributes to developing conceptual thinking and problem solving skills as relevant work-life competences of the knowledge worker. Europe-wide, there is a need for e-competent teachers in utilizing e-learning with leading digital collaborative solutions. The same holds for pedagogical knowledge of designers in educational technology companies. Video based e-learning and knowledge building are critical 21st century approaches; the modernization of European higher education institutions calls for a workable pedagogy and skilled teachers to take on the up-to-date video supported collaborative solutions for creative teamwork in online environments. Video-Supported Education Alliance (VISUAL) is an Alliance of 6 HEIs-Teacher Education (HEIs-TE) and 6 Educational Technology Designers (ETDs) co-creating an evidence-based pedagogical model for Video-Supported Collaborative Learning. The developed solution enhances students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills that are important for navigating the increasingly turbulent, knowledge-intensive and entrepreneurial work-life scenarios. The model bridges school and practice, which is important for vocational education and training (VET) and teacher-educators (TE). Furthermore, it will encourage video content creation and sharing as a rising work-life competence. The models will be used and taught in teachers education (TE) so that teacher-students become familiar with Video Supported Collaborative Learning as an educational tool. This paper summarizes the results of a cycle of experiments lead by the VISUAL partners from autumn 2018 until spring 2019. The second cycle experiments are being conducted in the VISUAL project from autumn 2018 until spring 2020