125 research outputs found

    Nuevos registros de ectoparásitos en peces pimelódidos (Siluriformes) del Paraná Medio (Argentina)

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    Se aporta al conocimiento de los parásitos de cuatro especies de peces nativos del Paraná Medio: Pimelodus maculatus La Cepède, 1803; P. albicans Valenciennes, 1840; Luciopimelodus pati Valenciennes, 1836 y Pseudoplatystoma corruscans Spix y Agassiz, 1829 con el hallazgo de cinco especies de ectoparásitos: los monogeneos Ameloblastella paranaensis (França, Isaac, Pavanelli y Takemoto, 2003) Mendoza-Franco y Scholz, 2009, Demidospermus paravalenciennesi Gutiérrez y Suriano, 1992 y Unibarra paranoplatensis Suriano e Incorvaia, 1995, el copépodo Ergasilus chelangulatus Thatcher y Brasil-Sato, 2008 y el branquiuro Dolops striata Bouvier, 1899. Se amplía la distribución geográfica de E. chelangulatus, citado previamente para Brasil, con su hallazgo por primera vez en Argentina. Se registran nuevos hospedadores para D. paravalenciennesi, E. chelangulatus y D. striata. Todos los ectoparásitos reportados constituyen la primera cita para el río San Javier ubicado en la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina).The objetive of the presente study is to provide further knowledge of the parasites associated with four native fish species from the Middle Paraná: Pimelodus maculatus La Cepède, 1803; P. albicans Valenciennes, 1840; Luciopimelodus pati Valenciennes, 1836, and Pseudoplatystoma corruscans Spix and Agassiz, 1829. Five ectoparasite species were found: the monogeneans Ameloblastella paranaensis (França, Isaac, Pavanelli and Takemoto, 2003) Mendoza-Franco and Scholz, 2009, Demidospermus paravalenciennesi Gutiérrez and Suriano, 1992, and Unibarra paranoplatensis Suriano and Incorvaia, 1995, the copepod Ergasilus chelangulatus Thatcher and Brasil-Sato, 2008, and the branchiuran Dolops striata Bouvier, 1899. Ergasilus chelangulatus has been found for the first time in Argentina, so its geographical distribution was widened as it was, previously only reported in Brazil. New hosts for D. paravalenciennesi, E. chelangulatus, and D. striata have been registered. All ectoparasites are reported for the first time in the San Javier river from province of Santa Fe (Argentina).Asociación Parasitológica Argentin

    First Record of Epibiont Ciliates (Ciliophora: Suctoria) Associated with Helobdella adiastola Ringuelet, 1972 (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae) in Brazil

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    Abstract Epibiosis is an interaction between two organisms, and it can be a relationship with both positive and negative effects. Protozoa of the subclass Suctoria are common epibionts in freshwater environments. Their preference for attaching to other organisms reflects their biological needs, such as food availability and environmental conditions, as well as the anatomy of their hosts. The study area of this work was the lakes of Ingá Park located in Maringá, Paraná state, Brazil. Leeches were collected in August 2019, through an active search on aquatic vegetation, among submerged trunks and rocks. Subsequently, the specimens were sent to the laboratory. In the laboratory, they were fixed in 5% formaldehyde, and subsequently submitted to two procedures, in which permanent slides of the specimens stained by the hydrochloric carmine method were made and images were obtained by electronic scanning microscopy. For the identification and description of the leech species, morphological data, taxonomic characteristics, and the use of the identification key were obtained. The epibiont ciliated protozoa occurred in Antiga Santa Lake, associated with four specimens of the leech Helobdella adiastola. We report the first record of epibiosis among the protozoan epibiont ciliates (Ciliophora: Suctoria) associated with Helobdella adiastola in Brazil


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    The Paraná River is formed by junction of the Grande and Paranaíba Rivers and is the principal river of the La Plata basin. From source to mouth in the La Plata River estuary, the Paraná River flows for approximately 4,695 km (Petri & Fúlfaro, 1985) and drains most of South-Central South America. There are several dams in the main channel and tributaries of the Paraná River, but a floodplain still remains with a complex of tributaries, side channels, lakes, and marginal dikes (Stevaux, 1994; Souza Filho, 2009). This floodplain extends to the States of Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, encompassing areas of the Ilha Grande National Park, the Ivinheima State Park and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the islands and floodplain of the Paraná RiverThe Paraná River is formed by junction of the Grande and Paranaíba Rivers and is the principal river of the La Plata basin. From source to mouth in the La Plata River estuary, the Paraná River flows for approximately 4,695 km (Petri & Fúlfaro, 1985) and drains most of South-Central South America. There are several dams in the main channel and tributaries of the Paraná River, but a floodplain still remains with a complex of tributaries, side channels, lakes, and marginal dikes (Stevaux, 1994; Souza Filho, 2009). This floodplain extends to the States of Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, encompassing areas of the Ilha Grande National Park, the Ivinheima State Park and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the islands and floodplain of the Paraná Rive


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    We analyzed 54 specimens of Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) collected between March 2010 and March 2011 from the upper Paraná river Neotropical floodplain, Brazil. All hosts were parasitized by at least one species of Monogenea. The parasites species with higher prevalence were Urocleidoides cuiabai Rosim, Mendoza-Franco & Luque, 2011 (96.29 %) and U. malabaricusi Rosim, Mendoza-Franco & Luque, 2011 (92.59%). The community of gill ectoparasites examined showed an aggregated pattern. Urocleidoides cuiabai was the dominant species in the sample (C > 0.25). The parasitic abundance showed significant positive correlation with the standard length of the host for U. malabaricusi and U. eremitus Kritsky, Thatcher & Boeger, 1986. There were significant differences in the abundance values between male and female fish to the species of parasites Urocleidoides brasiliensis Rosim, Mendoza-Franco & Luque, 2011 and U. cuiabai. The gonad maturation stages of the host did not influence the levels of parasitism. Four species of parasites showed positive and significant correlation with parasitic abundance and the relative condition factor. The Ivinheima river presented higher abundance of parasitism in relation to other subsystems. The ecological study of monogeneans can provide a greater knowledge of the biology of these parasites and their hosts, the collection site, and even how the host responds to the presence of these parasites. We discuss the factors that were fundamental in the levels of parasitism in this important fish species in the floodplain of the upper Paraná river.Analizamos 54 especímenes de Hoplias aff. malabaricus colectados entre marzo de 2010 y marzo de 2011 en la planicie de inundación Neotropical del alto rio Paraná, Brasil. Todos los hospederos fueron parasitados por lo menos con una especie de Monogenea. Las especies de parásitos con las mayores prevalencias fueran Urocleidoides cuiabai (96,29 %) y U. malabaricusi (92,59%). La comunidad de ectoparásitos de branquias ha presentado patrón de distribución agregado. Urocleidoides cuiabai fue la especie dominante en la muestra (C > 0,25). La abundancia del parasitismo ha presentado correlación positiva y significativa con la longitud estándar del hospedero para las especies U. malabaricusi y U. eremitus Kritsky, Thacher & Boeger, 1986. Hubo diferencia significativa en la abundancia de parasitismo entre peces machos y hembras para los parásitos U. brasiliensis y U. cuiabai. La fase de maduración gonadal del hospedero no influyó los niveles de parasitismo. Cuatro especies de parásitos han presentado una correlación positiva y significativa con la abundancia de parasitismo y el factor de condición relativo. El rio Iviñeima ha presentado alta abundancia de parasitismo en relación a otros subsistemas. El estudio ecológico de monogeneas puede proveer un gran conocimiento de la biología de estos parásitos y sus hospederos, el sitio de colecta, y hasta como el hospedero responde a la presencia de estos parásitos. Este artículo presenta los factores que fueron fundamentales en los niveles de parasitismo en esta importante especie de pez en la planicie de inundación del alto rio Paraná


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    This study presents the current state of research of freshwater fishes' parasites in Brazil, exploring the watersheds requiring further studies. The articles used were obtained through searching the databases ISI and SciELO, as well as direct search in the Curricula Vitae of researchers in this area. The survey was conducted during the month of March 2012 and 685 articles were obtained. The most studied group was Monogenea. Taxonomy was the most common studied subject. The most reported river basin is the Amazon region and the region of Parana. The largest concentration of periodic articles was Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Most articles were published in journals with Qualis B1 and B2 and without impact factor. More than half of the articles were found in the Curriculum of researchers. It is believed that this information will contribute to the knowledge of the available literature on this subject, offering subsidies to agencies that support research in the country and identifying geographical sampling gaps. Moreover, it allows the design of future biogeographic and ecological studies in order to assist in understanding the patterns of biological diversity of several groups of parasites in Brazil.Este estudio presenta la situación de la investigación de parásitos de peces de agua dulce en Brasil, indicando las cuencas hidrográficas y las áreas que requieren más estudios. Los artículos utilizados fueron obtenidos a través de búsquedas en las bases de datos ISI y SciELO, así como en el Curriculum Vitae de los investigadores en esta área. La búsqueda fue conducida durante el mes de Marzo 2012 y 685 artículos fueron obtenidos. El grupo más estudiado fue Monogenea y taxonomía fue el tema más estudiado. Con respecto a la cuenca del río más estudiados destacan la región amazónica y la región de Paraná. La mayor concentración de artículos fue en el periódico Memorias del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. La mayoría de los artículos fueron publicados en revistas con Qualis B1 y B2 y sin factor de impacto. Más de la mitad de los artículos fueron encontrados en la hoja de vida de los investigadores. Creemos que esta información contribuirá al conocimiento de la literatura disponible sobre el tema, que ofrece subsidios a las agencias que apoyan la investigación en el país y a la identificación de brechas de muestreo geográficas. Además, permite el diseño de futuros estudios biogeográficos y ecológicos con el fin de ayudar en la comprensión de los patrones de diversidad biológica de varios grupos de parásitos en Brasil


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    The present study was designed to characterize the community structure of parasites of Salminus brasiliensis in the upper Paraná River during different seasons, and to examine the levels of parasitism of this hosts. The community of parasites of S. brasiliensis did not have a dominant species. Four of the five most prevalent parasite species showed aggregate distribution. In relation to other aspects of the community, each group encompassed their particular parasite, which highlights the differences inherent in the biology and life cycle of each species.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la estructura de la comunidad de parásitos de Salminus brasiliensis en el curso superior del río Paraná a lo largo de las diferentes estaciones del año, entre los niveles de parasitismo y las diferentes características de los huéspedes. La comunidad de parásitos de S. brasiliensis no possuía ninguna especie dominante. Cuatro de las cinco especies de parásitos más prevalentes mostraron distribución agregada. En relación a otros aspectos de la comunidad, cada grupo presentó su parásito en particular, lo que destaca las diferencias inherentes al ciclo de la biología y de la vida de cada especie


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    An ichthyoparasitological study on 166 fishes, belonging to Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859 (Poeciliidae), Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Pimelodidae) and Hypostomus ancistroides (Ihering, 1911) (Loricariidae) in tributary streams of the Pirapó River, located in and around urban city of Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil. The research aimed to recognize the endoparasite community of fishes analyzed, as well as to improve the knowledge about host/parasite relationships. We analyzed the correlation between the total length of the fish with levels of parasitism (prevalence, abundance). Due to the existence of sexual dimorphism in the species P. reticulata, we investigated the possible influence of sex of this fish on parasitism. In addition, we also analyzed the body surface and nostril for ectoparasites studies. There were no metazoan parasites on the body surface and nostril of the species analyzed. Only 15.06% of endoparasite prevalence was observed. A pentastomid species, Sebekia oxycephala (Diesing) Sambon, 1922 and cestode belonging to the order Pseudophyllidea were found, with a prevalence of 13.89 and 0.92%, respectively. The nematode species, Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai Travassos, Artigas and Pereira, 1928 had a prevalence of 39.13% in Rhamdia quelen. No parasites found in the in the fish H. ancistroides. There was no correlation between the sex of P. reticulata with the prevalence and abundance of S. oxycephala. The hosts' lengths were not correlated with the prevalence and abundance of endoparasites. Thus, because parasites found were generalists, there appeared to be no relationship between parasitism with features/peculiarities of analyzed hosts (fishes), as would have been expected with high specificity parasites.Um estudo ictioparasitológico foi conduzido com 166 indivíduos pertencentes às espécies Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859 (Poeciliidae), Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) e Hypostomus ancistroides (Ihering, 1911) (Loricariidae) em riachos afluentes do rio Pirapó, localizados na zona urbana e entorno da cidade de Maringá-PR. A pesquisa objetivou o levantamento da comunidade de endoparasitos nos peixes analisados, assim como um aprofundamento no conhecimento da relação parasita/hospedeiro. Dessa forma, foram analisadas possíveis correlações entre o Comprimento Total dos peixes com os níveis de parasitismo (prevalência, abundância). Em função da existência de dimorfismo sexual na espécie P. reticulata, foram investigadas possíveis influências do sexo deste peixe no parasitismo. De forma complementar, também foi analisada a superfície corporal e narina dos peixes na procura por ectoparasitos. Porém, não foram identificados metazoários parasitos na superfície do corpo e narina de nenhuma das espécies analisadas. Apenas 15,06% de prevalência endoparasitária foi observada nos hospedeiros investigados. Uma espécie de pentastomideo, Sebekia oxycephala (Diesing) Sambon, 1922, e um cestóide da ordem Pseudophyllidea foram os endoparasitos encontrados parasitando o peixe P. reticulata, com prevalência de 13,89 e 0,92 %, respectivamente. Rhamdia quelen apresentou prevalência de 39,13 % para o nematóide da espécie Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai Travassos, Artigas e Pereira, 1928. Aespécie H. ancistroides não apresentou parasitos. Não foi observada correlação entre o sexo de P. reticulatacom a prevalência e abundância parasitária de S. oxycephala. Os comprimentos totais dos hospedeiros não se apresentaram correlacionados com as prevalências e abundâncias dos endoparasitos. Desta forma, devido ao fato dos parasitos encontrados serem generalistas, não foi observada vinculação do parasitismo com características/peculiaridades dos hospedeiros (peixes) analisados, como ocorre com parasitos de elevada especificidade