32 research outputs found

    Cosmic-ray-driven enhancement of the C0^0/CO abundance ratio in W51C

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    We examine spatial variations of the C0^0/CO abundance ratio (XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}}) in the vicinity of the γ\gamma-ray supernova remnant W51C, based on [CI] (3P1^3P_1-3P0^3P_0), 12^{12}CO(1-0), and 13^{13}CO(1-0) observations with the ASTE and Nobeyama 45-m telescopes. We find that XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}} varies in a range of 0.02-0.16 (0.05 in median) inside the molecular clouds of AV>A_V>100 mag, where photodissociation of CO by the interstellar UV is negligible. Furthermore, XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}} is locally enhanced up to by a factor of four near the W51C center, depending on the projected distance from the W51C center. In high-AVA_V molecular clouds, XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}} is determined by the ratio of the cosmic-ray (CR) ionization rate to the H2_2 density, and we find no clear spatial variation of the H2_2 density against the projected distance. Hence, the high CR ionization rate may locally enhance XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}} near the W51C center. We also find that the observed spatial extent of the enhanced XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}} (∼\sim17 pc) is consistent with the diffusion distance of CRs with the energy of 100 MeV. The fact suggests that the low-energy CRs accelerated in W51C enhance XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}}. The CR ionization rate at the XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}}-enhanced cloud is estimated to be 3×\times10−16^{-16} s−1^{-1} on the basis of time-dependent PDR simulations of XC/COX_{\mathrm{C/CO}}, the value of which is 30 times higher than that in the standard Galactic environment. These results demonstrate that [CI] is a powerful probe to investigate the interaction between CRs and the interstellar medium for a wide area in the vicinity of supernova remnants.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Material properties of a low contraction and resistivity silicon-aluminum composite for cryogenic detectors

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    We report on the cryogenic properties of a low-contraction silicon-aluminum composite, namely Japan Fine Ceramics SA001, to use as a packaging structure for cryogenic silicon devices. SA001 is a silicon--aluminum composite material (75% silicon by volume) and has a low thermal expansion coefficient (∼\sim1/3 that of aluminum). The superconducting transition temperature of SA001 is measured to be 1.18 K, which is in agreement with that of pure aluminum, and is thus available as a superconducting magnetic shield material. The residual resistivity of SA001 is 0.065 μΩm\mathrm{\mu \Omega m}, which is considerably lower than an equivalent silicon--aluminum composite material. The measured thermal contraction of SA001 immersed in liquid nitrogen is L293K−L77KL293K=0.12\frac{L_{293\mathrm{K}}-L_{77\mathrm{K}}}{L_{293\mathrm{K}}}=0.12%, which is consistent with the expected rate obtained from the volume-weighted mean of the contractions of silicon and aluminum. The machinability of SA001 is also confirmed with a demonstrated fabrication of a conical feedhorn array, with a wall thickness of 100 μm\mathrm{\mu m}. These properties are suitable for packaging applications for large-format superconducting detector devices.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for the Journal of Low Temperature Physics for the LTD19 special issu

    An Unbiased CO Survey Toward the Northern Region of the Small Magellanic Cloud with the Atacama Compact Array. II. CO Cloud Catalog

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    The nature of molecular clouds and their statistical behavior in sub-solar metallicity environments are not fully explored yet. We analyzed an unbiased CO(JJ = 2-1) survey data at a spatial resolution of ∼\sim2 pc in the northern region of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with the Atacama Compact Array to characterize the CO cloud properties. A cloud decomposition analysis identified 426 spatially/velocity-independent CO clouds and their substructures. Based on the cross-matching with known infrared catalogs by Spitzer and Herschel, more than 90% CO clouds show spatial correlations with point sources. We investigated the basic properties of the CO clouds and found that the radius-velocity linewidth (RR-σv\sigma_{v}) relation follows the Milky Way (MW) like power-low exponent, but the intercept is ∼\sim1.5 times lower than that in the MW. The mass functions (dN/dMdN/dM) of the CO luminosity and virial mass are characterized by an exponent of ∼\sim1.7, which is consistent with previously reported values in the Large Magellanic Cloud and MW.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Dense Clumps in Giant Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Density and Temperature Derived from 13^{13}CO(J=3−2J=3-2) Observations

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    In order to precisely determine temperature and density of molecular gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud, we made observations of optically thin 13^{13}CO(J=3−2J=3-2) transition by using the ASTE 10m telescope toward 9 peaks where 12^{12}CO(J=3−2J=3-2) clumps were previously detected with the same telescope. The molecular clumps include those in giant molecular cloud (GMC) Types I (with no signs of massive star formation), II (with HII regions only), and III (with HII regions and young star clusters). We detected 13^{13}CO(J=3−2J=3-2) emission toward all the peaks and found that their intensities are 3 -- 12 times lower than those of 12^{12}CO(J=3−2J=3-2). We determined the intensity ratios of 12^{12}CO(J=3−2J=3-2) to 13^{13}CO(J=3−2J=3-2), R3−212/13R^{12/13}_{3-2}, and 13^{13}CO(J=3−2J=3-2) to 13^{13}CO(J=1−0J=1-0), R3−2/1−013R^{13}_{3-2/1-0}, at 45\arcsec resolution. These ratios were used for radiative transfer calculations in order to estimate temperature and density of the clumps. The parameters of these clumps range kinetic temperature TkinT\mathrm{_{kin}} = 15 -- 200 K, and molecular hydrogen gas density n(H2)n(\mathrm{H_2}) = 8×102\times 10^2 -- 7×103\times 10^3 cm−3^{-3}. We confirmed that the higher density clumps show higher kinetic temperature and that the lower density clumps lower kinetic temperature at a better accuracy than in the previous work. The kinetic temperature and density increase generally from a Type I GMC to a Type III GMC. We interpret that this difference reflects an evolutionary trend of star formation in molecular clumps. The R3−2/1−013R^{13}_{3-2/1-0} and kinetic temperature of the clumps are well correlated with Hα\alpha flux, suggesting that the heating of molecular gas n(H2)n(\mathrm{H_2}) = 10310^3 -- 10410^4 cm−3^{-3} can be explained by stellar FUV photons.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    TiEMPO: Open-source time-dependent end-to-end model for simulating ground-based submillimeter astronomical observations

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    The next technological breakthrough in millimeter-submillimeter astronomy is 3D imaging spectrometry with wide instantaneous spectral bandwidths and wide fields of view. The total optimization of the focal-plane instrument, the telescope, the observing strategy, and the signal-processing software must enable efficient removal of foreground emission from the Earth's atmosphere, which is time-dependent and highly nonlinear in frequency. Here we present TiEMPO: Time-Dependent End-to-End Model for Post-process Optimization of the DESHIMA Spectrometer. TiEMPO utilizes a dynamical model of the atmosphere and parametrized models of the astronomical source, the telescope, the instrument, and the detector. The output of TiEMPO is a time-stream of sky brightness temperature and detected power, which can be analyzed by standard signal-processing software. We first compare TiEMPO simulations with an on-sky measurement by the wideband DESHIMA spectrometer and find good agreement in the noise power spectral density and sensitivity. We then use TiEMPO to simulate the detection of a line emission spectrum of a high-redshift galaxy using the DESHIMA 2.0 spectrometer in development. The TiEMPO model is open source. Its modular and parametrized design enables users to adapt it to design and optimize the end-to-end performance of spectroscopic and photometric instruments on existing and future telescopes.Comment: Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020. Full published paper, poster and video available at https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2561014 Open-source Python package of TiEMPO: https://pypi.org/project/tiempo-deshima/ Open-source code of TiEMPO: https://zenodo.org/record/4279086#.X_jAsdhKg2