14 research outputs found

    High energy resolution hard X-ray and gamma-ray imagers using CdTe diode devices

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    We developed CdTe double-sided strip detectors (DSDs or cross strip detectors) and evaluated their spectral and imaging performance for hard X-rays and gamma-rays. Though the double-sided strip configuration is suitable for imagers with a fine position resolution and a large detection area, CdTe diode DSDs with indium (In) anodes have yet to be realized due to the difficulty posed by the segmented In anodes. CdTe diode devices with aluminum (Al) anodes were recently established, followed by a CdTe device in which the Al anodes could be segmented into strips. We developed CdTe double-sided strip devices having Pt cathode strips and Al anode strips, and assembled prototype CdTe DSDs. These prototypes have a strip pitch of 400 micrometer. Signals from the strips are processed with analog ASICs (application specific integrated circuits). We have successfully performed gamma-ray imaging spectroscopy with a position resolution of 400 micrometer. Energy resolution of 1.8 keV (FWHM: full width at half maximum) was obtained at 59.54 keV. Moreover, the possibility of improved spectral performance by utilizing the energy information of both side strips was demonstrated. We designed and fabricated a new analog ASIC, VA32TA6, for the readout of semiconductor detectors, which is also suitable for DSDs. A new feature of the ASIC is its internal ADC function. We confirmed this function and good noise performance that reaches an equivalent noise charge of 110 e- under the condition of 3-4 pF input capacitance.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Scienc

    Simulation of dynamic response of projectile and granular target

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    In the present study, the three-dimensional elastic discrete element method (DEM) and the elastic finite element method (FEM) analysis were, respectively, applied to the randomly distributed identical spheres as a granular target and to the cylindrical projectiles in order to clarify dynamic response during penetration. In the target, it was found that highly densified region was formed just ahead of the projectile and began to propagate spherically at much higher velocity than that of projectile leaving relatively rarefied region. It was also found that the peak resistance during penetration was closely related to the initial formation of densified region and was expressed in terms of momentum change of target particles accelerated by the projectile. Stress wave propagation in the projectiles with various body lengths was investigated during penetration and was discussed in connection with dynamic response of target particles ahead of the projectile. Effect of mechanical properties of projectile on the peak resistance was also investigated and was understood in connection with dynamic behavior of target particles

    Simulation of dynamic response of projectile and granular target

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    In the present study, the three-dimensional elastic discrete element method (DEM) and the elastic finite element method (FEM) analysis were, respectively, applied to the randomly distributed identical spheres as a granular target and to the cylindrical projectiles in order to clarify dynamic response during penetration. In the target, it was found that highly densified region was formed just ahead of the projectile and began to propagate spherically at much higher velocity than that of projectile leaving relatively rarefied region. It was also found that the peak resistance during penetration was closely related to the initial formation of densified region and was expressed in terms of momentum change of target particles accelerated by the projectile. Stress wave propagation in the projectiles with various body lengths was investigated during penetration and was discussed in connection with dynamic response of target particles ahead of the projectile. Effect of mechanical properties of projectile on the peak resistance was also investigated and was understood in connection with dynamic behavior of target particles

    Simulation of dynamic response of projectile and granular target

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    In the present study, the three-dimensional elastic discrete element method (DEM) and the elastic finite element method (FEM) analysis were, respectively, applied to the randomly distributed identical spheres as a granular target and to the cylindrical projectiles in order to clarify dynamic response during penetration. In the target, it was found that highly densified region was formed just ahead of the projectile and began to propagate spherically at much higher velocity than that of projectile leaving relatively rarefied region. It was also found that the peak resistance during penetration was closely related to the initial formation of densified region and was expressed in terms of momentum change of target particles accelerated by the projectile. Stress wave propagation in the projectiles with various body lengths was investigated during penetration and was discussed in connection with dynamic response of target particles ahead of the projectile. Effect of mechanical properties of projectile on the peak resistance was also investigated and was understood in connection with dynamic behavior of target particles

    Polarimetric performance of Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera

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    A Compton camera has been developed based on Si and CdTe semiconductor detectors with high spatial and spectral resolution for hard X- and gamma-ray astrophysics applications. A semiconductor Compton camera is also an excellent polarimeter due to its capability to precisely measure the Compton scattering azimuth angle, which is modulated by linear polarization. We assembled a prototype Compton camera and conducted a beam test using nearly 100% linearly polarized gamma-rays at SPring-8

    The FOXSI Solar Sounding Rocket Campaigns

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    The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) is, in its initial form, a sounding rocket experiment designed to apply the technique of focusing hard X-ray (HXR) optics to the study of fundamental questions about the high-energy Sun. Solar HXRs arise via bremsstrahlung from energetic electrons and hot plasma produced in solar flares and thus are one of the most direct diagnostics of flare-accelerated electrons and the impulsive heating of the solar corona. Previous missions have always been limited in sensitivity and dynamic range by the use of indirect (Fourier) imaging due to the lack of availability of direct focusing optics, but technological advances now make direct focusing accessible in the HXR regime (as evidenced by the NuSTAR spacecraft and several suborbital missions). The FOXSI rocket experiment develops and optimizes HXR focusing telescopes for the unique scientific requirements of the Sun. To date, FOXSI has completed two successful flights on 2012 November 02 and 2014 December 11 and is funded for a third flight. This paper gives a brief overview of the experiment, which is sensitive to solar HXRs in the 4-20 keV range, describes its first two flights, and gives a preview of plans for FOXSI-3