13 research outputs found

    Brain Abscess as a Rare Complication of Primary Extranodal Nasal-type Natural Killer/T-cell Lymphoma

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    We present the case of a 58-year-old Japanese woman with a natural killer T (NK/T)-cell lymphoma complicated by brain abscess. NK/T-cell lymphomas represent a rare type of lymphoma derived from either activated NK cells or, rarely, cytotoxic T cells. They are aggressive Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated lymphomas that involve mainly the nasal cavity. Brain abscess associated with primary extranodal nasal-type NK/T-cell lymphoma is extremely uncommon: to our knowledge, this is the first reported case of this lymphoma with brain abscess as the initial clinical manifestation. Endoscopic surgery was performed for definitive diagnosis under intraoperative navigation system. Chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy was performed and was effective: 72 months later the tumor has not recurred. Recommendations of endoscopic management for diagnosis and treatment of this rare neoplasm are discussed

    Report of a case of acinic cell carcinoma of the upper lip and review of Japanese cases of acinic cell carcinoma of the minor salivary glands

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    Acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) is a malignant tumor of the salivary glands. The majority of ACCs occur in the parotid gland, and ACCs of the minor salivary glands (MSGs) are relatively infrequent. We describe here a patient with ACC of the upper lip. The patient was a 31-year-old male who presented with a nodular mass on the left upper lip. The preoperative diagnosis was benign tumor or cyst, and the lesion was surgically excised. The histological diagnosis was ACC. The postoperative course was uneventful. No recurrence or metastasis was detected at 13 months postoperatively. In addition, we retrospectively reviewed 21 reported Japanese patients with ACC of the MSGs. In 7 of the 21 patients, the preoperative diagnosis was benign tumor, and the tumors were resected without preoperative biopsy. Kaplan–Meier analysis showed that disease-free survival was worse in patients who underwent resection with a preoperative diagnosis of benign tumor than in patients who underwent resection with a preoperative diagnosis of malignant tumor. The rate of recurrence was higher for ACCs assumed to be benign lesions on a purely clinical basis, or without an accurate preoperative biopsy. ACCs of the MSGs are easy to be misdiagnosed for benign lesions such as mucous cysts or hemangiomas. Correct preoperative diagnosis and initial therapy may therefore be the most important prognostic factors

    Robust and highly efficient hiPSC generation from patient non-mobilized peripheral blood-derived CD34+ cells using the auto-erasable Sendai virus vector

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    Background: Disease modeling with patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is a powerful tool forelucidating the mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis and developing safe and effective treatments. Patientperipheral blood (PB) cells are used for iPSC generation in many cases since they can be collected with minimuminvasiveness. To derive iPSCs that lack immunoreceptor gene rearrangements, hematopoietic stem and progenitorcells (HSPCs) are often targeted as the reprogramming source. However, the current protocols generally requireHSPC mobilization and/or ex vivo expansion owing to their sparsity at the steady state and low reprogrammingefficiencies, making the overall procedure costly, laborious, and time-consuming.Methods: We have established a highly efficient method for generating iPSCs from non-mobilized PB-derivedCD34+ HSPCs. The source PB mononuclear cells were obtained from 1 healthy donor and 15 patients and werekept frozen until the scheduled iPSC generation. CD34+ HSPC enrichment was done using immunomagnetic beads,with no ex vivo expansion culture. To reprogram the CD34+-rich cells to pluripotency, the Sendai virus vectorSeVdp-302L was used to transfer four transcription factors: KLF4, OCT4, SOX2, and c-MYC. In this iPSC generationseries, the reprogramming efficiencies, success rates of iPSC line establishment, and progression time wererecorded. After generating the iPSC frozen stocks, the cell recovery and their residual transgenes, karyotypes, T cellreceptor gene rearrangement, pluripotency markers, and differentiation capability were examined.Results:We succeeded in establishing 223 iPSC lines with high reprogramming efficiencies from 15 patients with 8 different disease types. Our method allowed the rapid appearance of primary colonies (~ 8 days), all of which were expandable under feeder-free conditions, enabling robust establishment steps with less workload. After thawing, the established iPSC lines were verified to be pluripotency marker-positive and of non-T cell origin. A majority of the iPSC lines were confirmed to be transgene-free, with normal karyotypes. Their trilineage differentiation capability was also verified in a defined in vitro assay.Conclusion:This robust and highly efficient method enables the rapid and cost-effective establishment of transgene-free iPSC lines from a small volume of PB, thus facilitating the biobanking of patient-derived iPSCs and their use for the modeling of various diseases

    Refractory gastric ulcer with abundant IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltration: A case report

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    We describe a 77-year-old man with refractory gastric ulcer that worsened after Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy. Pathology showed marked infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells in the gastric lesions, which led us to suspect IgG4-related sclerosing disease. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of IgG4-related gastric ulcer without the main manifestation of autoimmune pancreatitis

    上部尿路上皮腫瘍における膜抗原の研究 — ABH-isoantigen と Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen —

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    上部尿路上皮腫瘍47例(すべて腎・尿管全摘出術兼膀胱部分切除術施行.30例は腎盂の移行上皮癌, 17例に尿管の移行上皮癌)を対象にAvidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex (ABC)法を用いてABH-AgとT-Agを検索し, その抗原性の変化と病理組織学的異型度, 深達度および予後(5年生存率)との関係について検討した.ABH-Agでは抗原性の消退と異型度との間に有意の相関(p<0.05)があったが, 深達度および予後との間には有意の相関はなかった.一方, T-Agでは抗原性の消退と異型度, 深達度ならびに予後との間に有意の相関(p<0.01)があった.以上より, 上部尿路移行上皮癌におけるABH-AgおよびT-Agの検索は, その癌のmalignant potentialを知る上で有益であり, 予後予知因子としてはT-Agはより有用性が高いと考えられたABH-isoantigen (ABH-Ag) and Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (T-Ag) were investigated by the Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex (ABC) method on 47 patients with epithelial tumor of the upper urinary tract (all patients underwent nephroureterectomy including the cuff of the bladder; 30 patients were diagnosed as transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis and 17 ureteral organs). The correlations between ABC expression for ABH-Ag and T-Ag with histological grade, stage and prognosis (5 year survival rate) were studied. A correlation was observed between grade (p less than 0.05) and deletion of the antigenicity of ABH-Ag, but no correlation was evident with stage and prognosis. A high correlation was evident, however, between grade (p less than 0.01), stage (p less than 0.01) and prognosis (p less than 0.01) and deletion of the antigenicity of T-Ag. The analysis of ABC expression for ABH-Ag and T-Ag may therefore be valuable for predicting the malignant potential in transitional cell carcinoma of the upper urinary tract. T-Ag determination in particular may provide a useful prognostic probe should it find clinical application