6 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming Policy in Indonesian Local Government – The Case of Salatiga City 2017-2022

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    Gender mainstreaming is a strategy for integrating gender issues into urban development. Gender mainstreaming was implemented in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2000 but was not incorporated into local regulations until 20 years later. Salatiga City is leading the way in gender mainstreaming in urban development, implementing it according to the Mayor's Regulation No. 5 of 2021. The development of Salatiga City from 2017-2022 has achieved remarkable results at the national level, as reflected in the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Gender Development Index (GDI). This research goes beyond the numbers to see how local gender policies are responsive by looking at the factors of participation, benefits, control, and access for all parties. This research uses the theory of PUG implementation by looking at the seven prerequisites for gender mainstreaming in regional development: commitment, policies, institutions, resources, analytical tools, disaggregated data, and community participation. The results of the study show that the implementation of gender mainstreaming in Salatiga City has improved each year and that all the PUG requirements have been met. However, the drivers and implementers of mainstreaming at government level have not fully understood the PPRG in its implementation. Women are still lagging in three crucial areas of society: education, health and the economy.The implementation of gender mainstreaming necessitates the collaboration of all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and the private sector. To achieve equitable and sustainable development, it is essential that these entities work in concer

    Ulama dan Politik: Relasi Politik Tuan Guru Bajang pada Pemilu 2019

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    Political contestation in the 2019 elections is not only about the contestation of political parties, but the involvement of the Tuan Guru and Ulama regarding ijtihad (political thought) is a concern. The use of Political Identity in the 2019 Elections is damaging to the integration of the nation and state of Indonesia. It began with the 2017 DKI regional election contestation with the start of a demonstration in the name of the defense of religion on December 12, 2016 to try Ahok who was considered blasphemous about religion. TGB is one of the figures who supported the demonstration so that it received sympathy from the alumni brotherhood of 212. PA 212 support was stopped when TGB opposed in supporting Jokowi in the 2019 Election. As Gunernur NTB, TGB had thought according to rational choice considerations in expressing its support for Joko Widodo. Rational choice through consideration of the benefit (goodness) of the people is a priority that encompasses all Indonesian people, including NTB


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    This study reveals the roles and strategies of women's organizations in the development of Renewable Energy (EBT) in Indonesia. The analysis of the study is based on examining the roles and strategies of the Indonesian Women's Coalition (KPI) in developing the empowerment of renewable energy in Salatiga City. This study was conducted using qualitative methods and the theory of the role of NGOs as an analysis framework. The important findings of this study reveal that the role of the Indonesian Women's Coalition (KPI) in Salatiga city in developing renewable energy (EBT) with Education Development, Participation and Empowerment, Advocacy, and Networking strategies. In conducting Advocacy, KPI using two approaches, a top-down approach through cooperation with the government and related agencies and the grassroots approach to listening to aspirations from below by establishing Balai Perempuan as a center for  Information complaints and advocacy on renewable energy (BP PIPA EBT), BP PIPA EBT is a milestone in the development of EBT in society. In the development of EBT, in the framework of the Strategic Partnership for Green and Inclusive Energy (SP-Energy), KPI also builds a network with similar organizations that are concerned with the development of renewable energy (EBT) in Indonesia. Studi ini mengkaji tentang Peran dan strategi organisasi perempuan dalam pengembangan Energi baru Terbarukan (EBT) di Indonesia. Analisis kajian dilakukan dengan mengkaji peran dan strategi Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia (KPI) dalam meningkatkan pemberdayaan energi baru terbarukan Kota Salatiga. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teori Peran LSM sebagai kerangka analisis.  Hasil kajian ini menjelaskan bahwa peran Koaliasi Perempuan (KPI) di Kota Salatiga dalam pengembangan EBT menggunakan strategi Pengembangan Pendidikan, Partisipasi dan pemberdayaan, Advokasi serta Jaringan. Dalam Melakukan Advokasi KPI Kota Salatiga menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan dari atas ke bawah (top to bottom approach) dengan kerjasma dengan pemerintah dan dinas terkait  serta pendekatan akar rumput (grassroot approach)  untuk mendengarkan aspirasi dari bawah dengan membentuk Balai Perempuan sebagai Pusat  Informasi Pengaduan  dan advokasi (BP PIPA EBT) yang menjadi tonggak dalam pengembangan EBT di masyarakat. Dalam pengembangan EBT, KPI membangun jaringan bersama LSM yang juga mempunyai perhatian khusus mengenai isu energi dalam kerangka Strategic Partnership Green and Inclusive Energy (SP-Energy)

    Ulama dan Politik: Relasi Politik Tuan Guru Bajang pada Pemilu 2019

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    Political contestation in the 2019 elections is not only about the contestation of political parties, but the involvement of the Tuan Guru and Ulama regarding ijtihad (political thought) is a concern. The use of Political Identity in the 2019 Elections is damaging to the integration of the nation and state of Indonesia. It began with the 2017 DKI regional election contestation with the start of a demonstration in the name of the defense of religion on December 12, 2016 to try Ahok who was considered blasphemous about religion. TGB is one of the figures who supported the demonstration so that it received sympathy from the alumni brotherhood of 212. PA 212 support was stopped when TGB opposed in supporting Jokowi in the 2019 Election. As Gunernur NTB, TGB had thought according to rational choice considerations in expressing its support for Joko Widodo. Rational choice through consideration of the benefit (goodness) of the people is a priority that encompasses all Indonesian people, including NTB


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    This study reveals the roles and strategies of women's organizations in the development of Renewable Energy (EBT) in Indonesia. The analysis of the study is based on examining the roles and strategies of the Indonesian Women's Coalition (KPI) in developing the empowerment of renewable energy in Salatiga City. This study was conducted using qualitative methods and the theory of the role of NGOs as an analysis framework. The important findings of this study reveal that the role of the Indonesian Women's Coalition (KPI) in Salatiga city in developing renewable energy (EBT) with Education Development, Participation and Empowerment, Advocacy, and Networking strategies. In conducting Advocacy, KPI using two approaches, a top-down approach through cooperation with the government and related agencies and the grassroots approach to listening to aspirations from below by establishing Balai Perempuan as a center for  Information complaints and advocacy on renewable energy (BP PIPA EBT), BP PIPA EBT is a milestone in the development of EBT in society. In the development of EBT, in the framework of the Strategic Partnership for Green and Inclusive Energy (SP-Energy), KPI also builds a network with similar organizations that are concerned with the development of renewable energy (EBT) in Indonesia. Studi ini mengkaji tentang Peran dan strategi organisasi perempuan dalam pengembangan Energi baru Terbarukan (EBT) di Indonesia. Analisis kajian dilakukan dengan mengkaji peran dan strategi Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia (KPI) dalam meningkatkan pemberdayaan energi baru terbarukan Kota Salatiga. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teori Peran LSM sebagai kerangka analisis.  Hasil kajian ini menjelaskan bahwa peran Koaliasi Perempuan (KPI) di Kota Salatiga dalam pengembangan EBT menggunakan strategi Pengembangan Pendidikan, Partisipasi dan pemberdayaan, Advokasi serta Jaringan. Dalam Melakukan Advokasi KPI Kota Salatiga menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan dari atas ke bawah (top to bottom approach) dengan kerjasma dengan pemerintah dan dinas terkait  serta pendekatan akar rumput (grassroot approach)  untuk mendengarkan aspirasi dari bawah dengan membentuk Balai Perempuan sebagai Pusat  Informasi Pengaduan  dan advokasi (BP PIPA EBT) yang menjadi tonggak dalam pengembangan EBT di masyarakat. Dalam pengembangan EBT, KPI membangun jaringan bersama LSM yang juga mempunyai perhatian khusus mengenai isu energi dalam kerangka Strategic Partnership Green and Inclusive Energy (SP-Energy)


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    Nuclear weapon is a necessity as well as a threat for the international community. Nuclear weapons needed to maintain international strategic and security detterence in international scope system.However, the nuclear reality has a terrible impact for human being seen from the fact Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions that cause many diseases, environmental damage, and radiation. Nuclear becomes a two opposing blades are made of a dilemma for its use. New START and the NPT regimes are interconnected in preventing nuclear proliferation and support the reduction of nuclear weapons globally. Reduction of nuclear weapons between the U.S. and Russia are bilateral measures that have been taken more than 40 Years. New START regime is part of the NPT regime which is the answer article VI on reducing nuclear weapons globally. The U.S. and Russia become a benchmark for other countries with nuclear in nuclear arms reduction efforts where they are most of the world's nuclear owners