118 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Hygienic Behavior and Varroa destructor Mites in Colonies Producing Honey or Royal Jelly

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    Genetic and phenotypic parameters for hygienic behavior, invasion and infestation rates, total and effective reproduction of Varroa destructor in Africanized honeybee colonies producing honey (20 hives) or royal jelly (30 mini-hives) were analyzed. The significance of monthly fixed effects, type of product (honey and royal jelly) and their interactions were verified through generalized linear model procedures. Software WinBugs (Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling) with Bayesian inference was employed for (co)variance estimates. The average values for colonies producing honey or royal jelly were 74.38 and 71.40% for hygienic behavior in 24 hours; infestation rates 8.30 and 11.40%; invasion rates 9.50 and 7.50%; total reproduction 1.02 and 0.55%; effective reproduction was 0.62 and 0.33%, respectively. The additive genetic variance for invasion (0.16), total reproduction (0.25) and effective reproduction (0.94) rates of the mite were higher than estimates for hygienic behavior in 24 hours (0.05) and infestation rate (0.04). Mean heritability for hygienic behavior, infestation and invasion rates, total and effective reproduction of the mite were .58, 0.54, 0.56, 0.63 and 0.61, respectively. The genetic correlation of -0.48 for hygienic behavior with total reproduction rate of Varroa destructor shows that hygienic behavior may be the most interesting trait for selection. Besides a heritability of high magnitude, when combined with the total reproduction rate of the mite, it has a high and antagonistic correlation. Consequently, in cases of high infestation of Varroa destructor, the selection for hygienic behavior would decrease the reproduction rate of the mite

    Allopregnanolone suppresses mechanical allodynia and internalization of neurokinin-1 receptors at the spinal dorsal horn in a rat postoperative pain model

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    BackgroundTo identify a new strategy for postoperative pain management, we investigated the analgesic effects of allopregnanolone (Allo) in an incisional pain model, and also assessed its effects on the activities of the primary afferent fibers at the dorsal horn.MethodsIn experiment 1, 45 rats were assigned to Control, Allo small-dose (0.16 mg/kg), and Allo large-dose (1.6 mg/kg) groups (n = 15 in each). The weight bearing and mechanical withdrawal thresholds of the hind limb were measured before and at 2, 24, 48, and 168 h after Brennan\u27s surgery. In experiment 2, 16 rats were assigned to Control and Allo (0.16 mg/kg) groups (n = 8 in each). The degree of spontaneous pain was measured using the grimace scale after the surgery. Activities of the primary afferent fibers in the spinal cord (L6) were evaluated using immunohistochemical staining.ResultsIn experiment 1, the withdrawal threshold of the Allo small-dose group was significantly higher than that of the Control group at 2 h after surgery. Intergroup differences in weight bearing were not significant. In experiment 2, intergroup differences in the grimace scale scores were not significant. Substance P release in the Allo (0.16 mg/kg) group was significantly lower than that in the Control group.ConclusionsSystemic administration of Allo inhibited mechanical allodynia and activities of the primary afferent fibers at the dorsal horn in a rat postoperative pain model. Allo was proposed as a candidate for postoperative pain management

    Molecular Marker to Identify Two Stingless Bee Species: Tetragonisca angustula and Tetragonisca fiebrigi (Hymenoptera, Meliponinae)

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    Tetragonisca angustula and T. fiebrigi esterases were biochemically characterized by their inhibition pattern and thermostability. Workers of both species were collected from nests at the State University of Maringa. In T. fiebrigi three esterases were observed: EST-1 (β-esterase, cholinesterase I), EST-2 (α-esterase, cholinesterase II) and EST-4 (αβ-esterase, carboxylesterase). In T. angustula two esterases were detected: EST-3 (β-esterase, acetylesterase) e EST-4 (αβ-esterase, carboxylesterase). T. angustula EST-3 showed the highest thermostability, and it was not observed above 54°C, while in T. fiebrigi EST- 1 and EST-2 were not detected above 52°C. Through this characterization, it was observed that EST-4 of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi showed identical biochemical characteristics, and probably those esterases are encoded by the same gene in the two species. Together, the biochemical characterization and molecular markers show that the two species are differentiated and secondary contact between the populations can still be occurring.

    Breeding Program Design Principles for Royal Jelly

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    This research was carried out to infer the genetic value to produce royal jelly in Africanized Apis mellifera L. honeybees with the compilation of data collected from 2006 to 2011. Genetic information of the selected and accessed colonies was obtained using the total DNA extraction techniques of nurse honeybees’ thorax with molecular markers for MRJP3 protein and characterized in Apis mellifera L. From the information on the colonies and genealogical structure were predicted genetic values of the colonies and queens for the larvae acceptance trait (%), royal jelly per colony (g), and royal jelly per cup (mg). Animal model with Bayesian Inference was used from Multiple Trait Gibbs Sampling software in Animal Models, Gibbs chains 58,500 cycles resulting from 650,000 cycles with intervals and disposal of 65,000 and 10 withdraw, respectively. From the predicted values, the colonies were classified into upper and lower. To compare the average of the genetic values according to the genotypes, the average multiple comparison tests were proceeded and implemented in routine PROC GENMOD from the Statistical Analysis System. Environmental effects were considered, time and hive type (standard Langstroth) as having flat distribution and collection as chi-square distribution. The studies presented an increase in the alleles C and D and the alleles D and E—referring to MRJPs—found in the highest genetic value for royal jelly production. Alleles D, E, and C are important when evaluating the parameters larvae acceptance, royal jelly per colony, and royal jelly per cup and, occasionally, it was the DE genotype that stood out royal jelly production. Genotypes DE, DC, and EC are those that should be kept in this evaluation system for royal jelly production, and the other genotypes should be discarded because they had the worst performance for the parameters evaluated

    Biomonitoring the Environmental Quality by Bees

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    Modern farming techniques have increased the crop yield, but natural habitats of the pollinator were destroyed, affecting their populations compared to native vegetation. A simple, low-cost, and efficient way to determine the presence of insecticide residues from farming is the honeybee as a bioindicator. However in Brazil, there is another species of bee, the stingless bees. The insecticide toxicity analyses the beneficial insect species as pollinators which are performed to the Apis mellifera. Stingless bees are native to tropical and subtropical zones, and they are more sensitive to pesticides than honeybees. We present some results of contamination in these bees compared to Africanized honeybees, and pose an important question: Why does the pesticide industry not make assays with stingless bees too? When insecticides were in larger concentrations, bees did not feed. When the concentration of the insecticide was smaller, Africanized honeybees consumed the polluted honey, resulting in the death of some. Finally, we report several experiments concerning honeybees, and mainly stingless bees, and the effect of pesticides in them; results show stingless bees are more sensitive than honeybees. Our Bee Research Group studied this point, and we hope to contribute for understanding this relation between bee, pesticide, and environment

    Improvement and Selection of Honeybees Assisted by Molecular Markers

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    Royal jelly is an important apiarian product for honeybees and has been used as an important ingredient to human health and healthy life style. Because of its wide use, there is great demand in their production. As royal jelly is a secretion of the cephalic glands of bees and it is produced at a certain age of the workers, it is necessary to perform the selection of producing queens to increase the amount produced. The employment of molecular markers is a tool that can be used to identify the genotypes of the best producers. Among the molecular markers, one of them called MRJP3 (Major Royal Jelly Protein 3) has been used in the Program of Improvement of Apis mellifera Royal Jelly Producing (PIAMRJP), State University of Maringá, Brazil. This molecular marker has been efficient in genotyping queens’ royal jelly producers. Combined with classical breeding studies, the selection of queens assisted by MRJP3 marker has allowed to keep the selected genotypes for royal jelly production since 2006 (10 years). In this chapter, we present the main aspects of royal jelly, the hypopharyngeal glands, the major proteins of royal jelly and how it can be used as molecular markers

    Benefits of Entomophile Pollination in Crops of Brassica napus and Aspects of Plant Floral Biology

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    Rapeseed (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) is an oleaginous species of the Brassicaceae family, being the third most produced oleaginous in the world. Rapeseed can produce fruits and seeds from both self-pollination and cross-pollination. However, cross-pollination rate is approximately 30% and may suffer variations due to the abundance and diversity of pollinator insects, cultivar and meteorological conditions. Different researchers have reported that pollination by insects, especially Apis mellifera honeybee, on rapeseed flowers provides an increase in productivity, improving yield and contributing to the uniformity and initial pod establishment. It is estimated that the economic value of A. mellifera honeybees for rapeseed cultivation in Brazil is US$ 8.2 million. The objective of this chapter is gathering data for a compilation of information regarding rapeseed culture and the importance of A. mellifera in Brassica napus pollination

    Controle Biológico em Sistema Orgânico de Produção por Agricultores da cidade de Maringá-PR

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    The continuous growth of world population and the increased use of pesticides became obvious environmental problems, leading to agricultural production to develop alternative practices that promote environmental sustainability. The use of biological control techniques to reduce agricultural pests have been increasing, enabling the substitution of conventional insecticides by diversified natural enemies such as insects, viruses, fungi, bacteria, plant extracts, and others. A quantitative-descriptive analysis was carried using a questionnaire as mean to personal interview of organic growers in the city of Maringa, state of Paraná, Brazil was held. The aim was quantify about the knowledge of biological controllers by this growers, the use, and economic viability of these, aiming to promote the expansion of the practice and development of new controllers to replace or reduce the use of chemicals. The results show that all growers have the knowledge and have used alternative methods of biocontrol, some of them consider the practice of  great environmental importance, but is still required further studies of the regional entomofauna to better effectiveness of the biocontrol.O aumento contínuo da população mundial e o uso intensificado de agrotóxicos na agricultura tornaram os problemas ambientais evidentes, levando a produção agrícola a desenvolver práticas alternativas que favoreçam a sustentabilidade ambiental. O uso de técnicas de controle biológico para redução de pragas agrícolas têm sido crescente, permitindo a substituição de inseticidas convencionais por inimigos naturais diversificados como insetos, vírus, fungos, bactérias, extratos vegetais, dentre outros. Foi realizada uma análise quantitativa-descritiva, utilizando-se um questionário como forma de entrevista pessoal em amostras aleatórias com agricultores do sistema orgânico de produção da cidade de Maringá-PR. O objetivo foi quantificar o conhecimento, utilização e viabilidade econômica do uso de controladores biológicos, promovendo a ampliação da prática e desenvolvimento de novos controladores que substituam ou reduzam o uso de defensivos químicos. Os dados mostraram que todos os produtores entrevistados possuem o conhecimento e já utilizaram métodos alternativos de controle de pragas, parte considera a prática de grande importância ambiental, porém ainda são necessários maiores estudos sobre a entomofauna regional para consolidação e melhor eficácia do biocontrole