6,828 research outputs found

    A survey of the three-dimensional high Reynolds number transonic wind tunnel

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    The facilities for aerodynamic testing of airplane models at transonic speeds and high Reynolds numbers are surveyed. The need for high Reynolds number testing is reviewed, using some experimental results. Some approaches to high Reynolds number testing such as the cryogenic wind tunnel, the induction driven wind tunnel, the Ludwieg tube, the Evans clean tunnel and the hydraulic driven wind tunnel are described. The level of development of high Reynolds number testing facilities in Japan is discussed

    Flexible control of the Peierls transition in metallic C60_{60} polymers

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    The metal-semiconductor transition of peanut-shaped fullerene (C60_{60}) polymers is clarified by considering the electron-phonon coupling in the uneven structure of the polymers. We established a theory that accounts for the transition temperature TcT_c reported in a recent experiment and also suggests that TcT_c is considerably lowered by electron doping or prolonged irradiation during synthesis. The decrease in TcT_c is an appealing phenomenon with regard to realizing high-conductivity C60_{60}-based nanowires even at low temperatures.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Pressure-induced enhancement of superconductivity and superconducting-superconducting transition in CaC_6\_6

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    We measured the electrical resistivity, ϱ(T)\varrho(T), of superconducting CaC_6\_6 at ambient and high pressure up to 16 GPa. For PP \leq8 GPa, we found a large increase of T_cT\_c with pressure from 11.5 up to 15.1 K. At 8 GPa, T_cT\_c drops and levels off at 5 K above 10 GPa. Correspondingly, the residual ϱ\varrho increases by \approx 200 times and the ϱ(T)\varrho(T) behavior becomes flat. The recovery of the pristine behavior after depressurization is suggestive of a phase transition at 8 GPa between two superconducting phases with good and bad metallic properties, the latter with a lower T_cT\_c and more static disorder

    Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in a perpendicular field of quasi two-dimensional CeCoIn5

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    A Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnkov (FFLO) state was previously reported in the quasi-2D heavy fermion CeCoIn5 when a magnetic field was applied parallel to the ab-plane. Here, we conduct 115^In NMR studies of this material in a PERPENDICULAR field, and provide strong evidence for FFLO in this case as well. Although the topology of the phase transition lines in the H-T phase diagram is identical for both configurations, there are several remarkable differences between them. Compared to H//ab, the FFLO region for H perpendicular to the ab-plane shows a sizable decrease, and the critical field separating the FFLO and non-FFLO superconducting states almost ceases to have a temperature dependence. Moreover, directing H perpendicular to the ab-plane results in a notable change in the quasiparticle excitation spectrum within the planar node associated with the FFLO transition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    An energy scale directly related to superconductivity in the high-TcT_c cuprate superconductors: Universality from the Fermi arc picture

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    We have performed a temperature dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study of the tri-layer high-TcT_c cuprate superconductor (HTSC) Bi2_2Sr2_2Ca2_2Cu3_3O10+δ_{10+\delta} (Bi2223), and have shown that the \textquotedblleft effective\textquotedblright superconducting (SC) gap Δsc\Delta_{\rm{sc}} defined at the end point of the Fermi arc and the TcT_c (= 110 K) approximately satisfies the weak-coupling BCS-relationship 2Δsc\Delta_{\rm{sc}} = 4.3kBTck_{\rm{B}}T_c. Combining this result with previous ARPES results on single- and double-layer cuprates, we show that the relationship between 2Δsc\Delta_{\rm{sc}} = 4.3kBTck_{\rm{B}}T_c holds for various HTSCs. Furthermore, at TT \sim TcT_c, the quasi-patricle width at the end point of the Fermi arc is found to coincide with Δsc\Delta_{\rm{sc}}, consistent with the context of Planckian dissipation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The interplay of ethics and genetic technologies in balancing the social valuation of the human genome in UNESCO declarations.

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    This study investigates changes in the social valuation of the human genome over the more than 30 years since the establishment of the Human Genome Project. It offers a descriptive sociological analysis of the three waves of this valuation, mainly by considering three key UNESCO declarations and a relevant report. These waves represent a shifting balance between collectivism and individualism, starting with a broadly constructed valuation of the human genome as common human heritage and moving toward a valuation of dynamic applications within various social and medical contexts (e.g., personalized genomic medicine and genome editing). We seek to broaden the analytical perspective by examining how the declarations' ethical foci are framed within the context of rapidly evolving genetic technologies and their social applications. We conclude by discussing continuity and change in value balancing vis-à-vis changing genomic technologies

    Effect of electron-phonon coupling in the ARPES spectra of the tri-layer cuprate Bi2_2Sr2_2Ca2_2Cu3_3O10+δ_{10+\delta}

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy using tunable low energy photons allows us to study the quasi-particle (QP) dispersions of the inner and outer CuO2 planes (IP and OP) separately in the tri-layer cuprate Bi2_2Sr2_2Ca2_2Cu3_3O10+δ_{10+\delta} (Bi2223). The kink energy of the OP band is \sim 70 meV, as observed in various high-TcT_c cuprates, while that of the IP band is as large as 100 meV in the superconducting (SC) state. This large kink energy is attributed to the \sim 35 meV buckling mode plus the large (\sim 60 meV) SC gap of IP. The IP band also shows a weak kink feature at 70 meV in the SC state. The latter feature can be explained either by the 70 meV half-breathing mode or by the \sim 35 meV buckling-phonon mode plus the \sim 40 meV SC gap of OP if interlayer scattering of QP is involved.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure