43 research outputs found

    The Psychophysics of Harmony Perception: Harmony is a Three-Tone Phenomenon

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    In line with musical “common sense” (but contrary to the century-old tradition of musical psychophysics), we show that harmony is an inherently three-tone phenomenon. Previous attempts at explaining the affective response to major/minor chords and resolved/unresolved chords on the basis of the summation of interval dissonance have been notably unsuccessful, but consideration of the relative size of the intervals contained in triads leads directly to solutions to these historical problems. At the heart of our model is Leonard Meyer’s idea from 1956 concerning “intervallic equidistance” – i.e., the perception of “tension” inherent to any three-tone combination that has two intervals of equivalent size (e.g., the augmented chord). By including the effects of the upper partials, a psychophysical explanation of the perceived sonority of the triads (major>minor>diminished>augmented) and the affective valence of major and minor chords is easily achieved. We conclude that the perceptual regularities of traditional diatonic harmony are neither due to the summation of interval effects nor simply arbitrary, learned cultural artifacts, but rather that harmony has a psychophysical basis dependent on three-tone combinations

    Neural Basis of Psychological Growth following Adverse Experiences: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study

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    Over the past decade, research on the aftereffects of stressful or traumatic events has emphasized the negative outcomes from these experiences. However, the positive outcomes deriving from adversity are increasingly being examined, and such positive changes are described as posttraumatic growth (PTG). To investigate the relationship between basal whole-brain functional connectivity and PTG, we employed resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging and analyzed the neural networks using independent component analysis in a sample of 33 healthy controls. Correlations were calculated between the network connectivity strength and the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) score. There were positive associations between the PTGI scores and brain activation in the rostral prefrontal cortex and superior parietal lobule (SPL) within the left central executive network (CEN) (respectively, r = 0.41, p < 0.001; r = 0.49, p < 0.001). Individuals with higher psychological growth following adverse experiences had stronger activation in prospective or working memory areas within the executive function network than did individuals with lower psychological growth (r = 0.40, p < 0.001). Moreover, we found that individuals with higher PTG demonstrated stronger connectivity between the SPL and supramarginal gyrus (SMG). The SMG is one of the brain regions associated with the ability to reason about the mental states of others, otherwise known as mentalizing. These findings suggest that individuals with higher psychological growth may have stronger functional connectivity between memory functions within the CEN and social functioning in the SMG, and that their better sociality may result from using more memory for mentalizing during their daily social interactions

    How to Calculate "Harmoniousness" and Draw the Curves : Dissonance, Tension and Modality

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    和音(harmony) は,メロディ(melody). リズム(rhythm) とともに音楽を形作る重要な要素である.音楽の物理的な音響的特徴とその心理的な印象や感性との関連性について定量的に評価するために,和音性についての評価モデルを構築した.和音性は. (1)協和度(心地よいーわるい,澄んだー濁った).(2)緊張度(緊張したー落ちついた).さらに長調か短調かといった性質を決定する. (3)モダリティ(明るい一暗い,うれしいー悲しい)から構成される.本資料では. Cook & Fujisawa (2006) において議論されている和音性知覚モデルの詳細について補足的な説明を行う.具体的には,それぞれの和音性曲線(不協和度,緊張度,モダリティ)を得るための心理数理モデルの詳細と,実際に曲線を描くための計算プログラム(C言語・MATLAB)について解説する.In this paper,we provide further details on the harmony model discussed in Cook & Fujisawa (2006). The model curves for calculating the total "harmoniousness" (dissonance,tension and modality) of chords are described and the program (in the C language and MATLAB) needed for drawing the theoretical curves is presented

    Type and Timing of Negative Life Events Are Associated with Adolescent Depression

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    Previous studies have demonstrated an association between negative life events (NLEs) in childhood and resilience/posttraumatic growth (PTG) with regard to the pathogenesis of major depressive disorder. We hypothesized that the type and timing of NLEs interact to influence mental health in the general youth population. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the effects of NLE timing and intensity on current depressive symptoms, and to determine the direct and indirect effects of NLEs/resilience on PTG and depression among non-clinical adolescents. Data were collected from 1,038 high-school students across seven high schools in Fukui, Japan, during their freshman and sophomore years (648 boys and 390 girls, mean age = 15.71, SD = 0.524). Respondents completed a set of questionnaires designed to evaluate the type and timing of NLEs, depressive and traumatic symptoms, and PTG. Cluster analysis was used to divide participants into three groups based on outcomes: “cluster 1” (n = 631), for whom depressive scores were significantly lower than other two subgroups (p &lt; 0.05, for both); “cluster 2” (n = 52), for whom levels of current and past perceived stress associated with NLEs were significantly higher than those of the other two subgroups (p &lt; 0.05, for both); “cluster 3” (n = 374), for whom perceived stress at the time of NLE was significantly higher than that of participants in the cluster 1 (p &lt; 0.05) group, but not the cluster 2 group. Our findings indicated that exposure to NLEs at a younger age resulted in stronger negative outcomes and that NLE timing and intensity were associated with PTG and current symptoms of depression. Furthermore, path analysis demonstrated that associations between perceived stress at the time of NLEs were direct and indirect predictors of current depression via PTG and that posttraumatic stress symptom and PTG mediate the association between NLEs/trait-resiliency and current depression. In conclusion, our findings suggest that event intensity, NLE timing, and gender may play a role in emotional vulnerability during adolescence

    Evaluation of the pooled sample method in Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip array by comparison with individual samples

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    Abstract Background The pooled sample method is used in epigenomic research and expression analysis and is a cost-effective screening approach for small amounts of DNA. Evaluation of the pooled sample method in epigenomic studies is performed using the Illumina Infinium Methylation 450K BeadChip array; however, subsequent reports on the updated 850K array are lacking. A previous study demonstrated that the methylation levels obtained from individual samples were accurately replicated using pooled samples but did not address epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) statistics. The DNA quantification method, which is important for the homogeneous mixing of DNA in the pooled sample method, has since become fluorescence-based, and additional factors need to be considered including the resolution of batch effects of microarray chips and the heterogeneity of the cellular proportions from which the DNA samples are derived. In this study, four pooled samples were created from 44 individual samples, and EWAS statistics for differentially methylated positions (DMPs) and regions (DMRs) were conducted for individual samples and compared with the statistics obtained from the pooled samples. Results The methylation levels could be reproduced fairly well in the pooled samples. This was the case for the entire dataset and when limited to the top 100 CpG sites, consistent with a previous study using the 450K BeadChip array. However, the statistical results of the EWAS for the DMP by individual samples were not replicated in pooled samples. Qualitative analyses highlighting methylation within an arbitrary candidate gene were replicable. Focusing on chr 20, the statistical results of EWAS for DMR from individual samples showed replicability in the pooled samples as long as they were limited to regions with a sufficient effect size. Conclusions The pooled sample method replicated the methylation values well and can be used for EWAS in DMR. This method is sample amount-effective and cost-effective and can be utilized for screening by carefully understanding the effective features and disadvantages of the pooled sample method and combining it with candidate gene analyses

    Prenatal Exposure to a Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Congener Influences Fixation Duration on Biological Motion at 4-Months-Old: A Preliminary Study

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    Adverse effects of prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners on postnatal brain development have been reported in a number of previous studies. However, few studies have examined the effects of prenatal PCB exposure on early social development. The present study sought to increase understanding of the neurotoxicity of PCBs by examining the relationship between PCB congener concentrations in umbilical cord blood and fixation patterns when observing upright and inverted biological motion (BM) at four-months after birth. The development of the ability to recognize BM stimuli is considered a hallmark of socio-cognitive development. The results revealed a link between dioxin-like PCB #118 concentration and fixation pattern. Specifically, four-month-olds with a low-level of prenatal exposure to PCB #118 exhibited a preference for the upright BM over inverted BM, whereas those with a relatively high-level of exposure did not. This finding supports the proposal that prenatal PCB exposure impairs the development of social functioning, and indicates the importance of congener-specific analysis in the risk analysis of the adverse effects of PCB exposure on the brain development