27 research outputs found
Determinan Kinerja Keuangan dengan Size sebagai Pemoderasi pada Perusahaan Food and Beverages yang Terdaftar di BEI
This study aims to understand the effect of liquidity ratios and solvency ratios on financial performance with size as a moderator for food and beverages companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2020. This research method is descriptive quantitative. The research sample was determined using a purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 17 food and beverages companies listed on the IDX in 2017-2020. The analysis method used in this research is Moderated Regression Analysis. Hypothesis testing was carried out using a partial test (t test) and a simultaneous test (F test). The results show, a) the current ratio has no effect on financial performance; b) DER has an effect on financial performance; c) company size is unable to moderate the effect of liquidity on financial performance; d) while the size of the company is able to moderate the effect of solvency on financial performance. In conclusion, a) liquidity does not contribute to the financial performance of food and beverages companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2020; b) solvency contributes to the financial performance of food and beverages companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2020; c) company size cannot moderate the relationship between liquidity and financial performance in food and beverages companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2020; d) company size can moderate the relationship between solvency and financial performance in food and beverages companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2020.
Keywords: Financial Performance, Liquidity, Solvency, Firm Siz
Analisis Perbedaan Abnormal Return Saham Dan Trading Volume Activity Sebelum Dan Sesudah Stock Split Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di BEI
The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in changes in abnormal stock returns (AR) and trading volume activity (TVA) pre-stock split and post-stock split. It is a quantitative research with a window period of 11 days (event study) consisting of 5 days pre-stock split and 5 days post-stock split. Using the analysis technique Paired sample t-testfor the AR variable and the Wilcoxon signed rank test for the TVA variable. The number of research samples as many as 18 companies listed on the IDX that have carried out stock splits from 2019 to 2021. This study shows that there are differences before and after the stock split on abnormal returns, but there is no difference in trading volume activity both before and after stock splits.
Keywords : Abnormal Returns, Stock Splits, Trading Volume Activity
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah terdapat pengaruh profitabilitas, leverage, dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Perusahaan yang menjadi objek penelitian ini yaitu perusahaan sektor basic industry and chemicals yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2016-2019. Sampel yang diambil yaitu sejumlah 47 perusahaan dengan metode pengambilan sampel berupa metode purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukakan dengan teknik analisis linier berganda menggunakan uji asumsi klasik dengan bantuan SPSS sebagai alat pengolahan data. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa secara parsial variabel profitabilitas dan leverage mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan, sedangkan ukuran perusahaan mempunyai pengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaa
Dampak Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Terhadap Perubahan Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Go Public Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei)
Banking firm is one of the industries participating in the capital markets. This analysis is to determine the company's financial performance by using ratios. To assess the soundness of banking used CAMELS method of Bank Indonesia, which is standard in assessing bank soundness. On the basis of this conceptual study aims to determine the impact of CAR, RORA, NPM, ROA and LDR to changes in stock prices at the banking company that went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).The sample was determined by purposive sampling technique in order to obtain samples representative accordance with the specified criteria. The sample in this study there were 17 banking companies. This study uses secondary data in the form of financial statements of the period 2007-2009 which was published in print Indonesia (Info Bank), the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) and the Indonesian stock exchange (IDX). To meet the research objectives, hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis.From the analysis it can be concluded that, CAR has an impact on stock price changes on the banking company that went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). As for the NPM, ROA and LDR have no impact on stock price changes on the banking company that went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
Kemampuan Mahasiswa Berkomunikasi Lisan melalui Proses Belajar Mengajar
Basically improvement effort of competency and lecturer professionality becoming main attention of Higher Education Directorate General (Ditjen DIKTI). This thing based on conception that lecturer is one of a real important component in learning process, and directly influences improvement of quality of learning process for student. In working professionally, faculty of economics graduate hardly requires ability to oral communication. This research purpose to analyze ability of learning process in the effort increasing ability to oral communication of students. Ability to oral communication will be proxy without existence of fear in communicating.Base on research purpose, primary data applied in this research. Research population are junior students on academic year 2006/2007 and senior students which has gone through more than 120 sks. Both consist of economic development, economic management, & economic accountancy study program. The number of the students are noted about 636 junior and 738 senior students. From this two sub population amounts which not homogeneous, selected 468 students as sample base on Slovin formula and by using probability sampling technique. As respondent, the students are met when they are present in campus and not receiving lesson, during research period. Only 427 units data which can be analyzed by using ANOVA. Result of research indicates that there is no difference level of fear to oral communication between junior students with senior student. Under assumption that junior students and senior student as homogeneous population, then this result can concluded that learning process can increase ability of oral communication of students
Banking firm is one of the industries participating in the capital markets. This analysis is to determine the company's financial performance by using ratios. To assess the soundness of banking used CAMELS method of Bank Indonesia, which is standard in assessing bank soundness. On the basis of this conceptual study aims to determine the impact of CAR, RORA, NPM, ROA and LDR to changes in stock prices at the banking company that went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).The sample was determined by purposive sampling technique in order to obtain samples representative accordance with the specified criteria. The sample in this study there were 17 banking companies. This study uses secondary data in the form of financial statements of the period 2007-2009 which was published in print Indonesia (Info Bank), the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) and the Indonesian stock exchange (IDX). To meet the research objectives, hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis.From the analysis it can be concluded that, CAR has an impact on stock price changes on the banking company that went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). As for the NPM, ROA and LDR have no impact on stock price changes on the banking company that went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).Keywords: bank soundness (CAMEL), stock price change
Kemampuan Mahasiswa Berkomunikasi Lisan Melalui Proses Belajar Mengajar
Basically improvement effort of competency and lecturer professionality becoming main attention of Higher Education Directorate General (Ditjen DIKTI). This thing based on conception that lecturer is one of a real important component in learning process, and directly influences improvement of quality of learning process for student. In working professionally, faculty of economics graduate hardly requires ability to oral communication. This research purpose to analyze ability of learning process in the effort increasing ability to oral communication of students. Ability to oral communication will be proxy without existence of fear in communicating.Base on research purpose, primary data applied in this research. Research population are junior students on academic year 2006/2007 and senior students which has gone through more than 120 sks. Both consist of economic development, economic management, & economic accountancy study program. The number of the students are noted about 636 junior and 738 senior students. From this two sub population amounts which not homogeneous, selected 468 students as sample base on Slovin formula and by using probability sampling technique. As respondent, the students are met when they are present in campus and not receiving lesson, during research period. Only 427 units data which can be analyzed by using ANOVA. Result of research indicates that there is no difference level of fear to oral communication between junior students with senior student. Under assumption that junior students and senior student as homogeneous population, then this result can concluded that learning process can increase ability of oral communication of students.Keywords: Oral Communication, Learning Proces
Indonesia is an archipelago country that is rich in traditional architecture. Natural disasters and the effect of globalization can make traditional architecture vulnerable. However, resilient and sustainable coastal area reconstruction can protect valuable assets for the development of the affected area. One of the principles of sustainable coastal development is to maintain a historical identity. Therefore, the image of a coastal city needs to consider and improve its identity based on the local culture. Traditional architecture, which is an expression of the traditions and culture of its people, has the potential to be developed into contemporary architecture. The Tanjung Bumi coastal area has an interesting traditional Tanean Lanjang architecture. This study aimed to identify transformative elements of Tanean Lanjang architecture within the coastal area of Tanjung Bumi so that it can be used as a basis for presenting contemporary architecture and maintaining the continuity of traditional architecture. This research is descriptive, with qualitative methods that explore the transformative elements of Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan coastal area architecture. Transformative elements that were identified included the existence of a multifunctional long yard, a rectangular house, the shape and layout of the Langgar, a porch, and columns.A Indonésia é um país arquipélago rico em arquitetura tradicional. Desastres naturais e o efeito da globalização podem tornar a arquitetura tradicional vulnerável. No entanto, a reconstrução resiliente e sustentável da área costeira pode proteger ativos valiosos para o desenvolvimento da área afetada. Um dos princípios do desenvolvimento costeiro sustentável é manter uma identidade histórica. Portanto, a imagem de uma cidade litorânea precisa considerar e aprimorar sua identidade a partir da cultura local. A arquitetura tradicional, expressão das tradições e da cultura do seu povo, tem potencial para se desenvolver na arquitetura contemporânea. A área costeira de Tanjung Bumi tem uma interessante arquitetura tradicional de Tanean Lanjang. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar os elementos transformadores da arquitetura de Tanean Lanjang na zona costeira de Tanjung Bumi de forma que possa ser usada como base para apresentar a arquitetura contemporânea e manter a continuidade da arquitetura tradicional. Esta pesquisa é descritiva, com métodos qualitativos que exploram os elementos transformadores da arquitetura da área costeira de Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan. Os elementos transformadores identificados incluem a existência de um longo pátio multifuncional, uma casa retangular, a forma e a disposição do Langgar, um alpendre e colunas
PERUBAHAN POLA TATANAN RUANG TANEAN LANJANG DI KAMPUNG BATIK TANJUNG BUMI (The Changes of the Spatial Pattern of Tanean Lanjang in Kampung Batik Tanjung Bumi)
Kampung batik of Tanjung Bumi has the uniqueness from the craft of batik gentongan and traditional settlement of tanean lanjang. Batik activities that originally as a filler of spare time, is currently done to earn income.The changes of paradigm is expected to have an impact on changing the pattern of arragement of tanean lanjang. The research was descriptive with qualitative method which was done on 6 (six) groups of tanean lanjang. The changes in the paradigm of society do not show much change in the pattern of arragement of tanean lanjang in the kampung batik of Tanjung Bumi. The tanean lanjang (the long of yard); fence; location, orientation, hierarchy, and shape of the Langgar; and the porch of houses are the elements that are preserved. The function of the Langgar becomes less. The spaces in the houses are private whereas the porch of the houses has changed on its character from semi-privat become semi-public. The changes happened on its pattern, total, and the function of the residential space which more complex. It is also much more influenced by development of life of social than the development of batik activities.The pattern of tanean lanjang can be a place of the develpment of batik activities. The traditional settlement of tanean lanjang is still suitable with the meaning the way of life today.Kampung batik Tanjung Bumi mempunyai keunikan dari kerajinan batik gentongan dan pemukiman tradisional tanean lanjang. Kegiatan membatik yang semula sebagai pengisi waktu luang, saat ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan. Perubahan paradigma tersebut diduga membawa dampak pada perubahan pola tatanan ruang tanean lanjang. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif yang dilakukan terhadap 6 kelompok tanean lanjang. Perubahan paradigma masyarakat tidak banyak membawa perubahan pada pola tatanan ruang tanean lanjang di kampung batik Tanjung Bumi. Tanean lanjang (halaman panjang); pagar; letak, orientasi, hierarki, dan bentuk Langgar; serambi hunian merupakan unsur-unsur yang dipertahankan. Fungsi Langgar menjadi lebih sedikit. Ruang-ruang didalam hunian masih bersifat privat, sedangkan serambi pada hunian mengalami perubahan sifat dari semi privat menjadi semi publik. Perubahan terjadi pada susunan, jumlah, dan fungsi ruang hunian yang lebih kompleks. Perubahan pola tatanan lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan kehidupan sosial masyarakat, daripada perkembangan kegiatan membatik. Pola tatanan tanean lanjang mampu mewadahi perkembangan kegiatan usaha batik. Permukiman tradisional tanean lanjang masih sesuai dengan makna dan tata cara kehidupan masyarakat saat ini