45 research outputs found

    Coupling of spontaneous emission from GaN/AlN quantum dots into silver surface plasmons

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    We have demonstrated surface-plasmon induced change in spontaneous emission rate in the ultraviolet regime at ~ 375-380 nm, using AlN/GaN quantum dots (QD). Using time-resolved and continuous-wave photoluminescence measurements, the recombination rate in AlN/GaN QD is shown to be enhanced when spontaneous emission is resonantly coupled to a metal-surface plasmon mode. The exciton recombination process via Ag-surface plasmon modes is observed to be as much as 3-7 times faster than in normal QD spontaneous emission and depends strongly on the emission wavelength and silver thickness.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Robustness of MEK-ERK Dynamics and Origins of Cell-to-Cell Variability in MAPK Signaling.

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    Cellular signaling processes can exhibit pronounced cell-to-cell variability in genetically identical cells. This affects how individual cells respond differentially to the same environmental stimulus. However, the origins of cell-to-cell variability in cellular signaling systems remain poorly understood. Here, we measure the dynamics of phosphorylated MEK and ERK across cell populations and quantify the levels of population heterogeneity over time using high-throughput image cytometry. We use a statistical modeling framework to show that extrinsic noise, particularly that from upstream MEK, is the dominant factor causing cell-to-cell variability in ERK phosphorylation, rather than stochasticity in the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of ERK. We furthermore show that without extrinsic noise in the core module, variable (including noisy) signals would be faithfully reproduced downstream, but the within-module extrinsic variability distorts these signals and leads to a drastic reduction in the mutual information between incoming signal and ERK activity

    Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Over the Frontal Polar Area on Motor and Executive Functions in Parkinson’s Disease; A Pilot Study

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder with motor and non-motor symptoms due to degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. The current pharmacological treatments induce complications associated with long-term use. However, current stimulation techniques for PD treatment, such as deep brain stimulation (DBS), are too invasive. In this context, non-invasive brain stimulation including transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may be a safe and effective alternative treatment for PD. We previously reported that anodal tDCS over the frontal polar area (FPA) improved motor functions in heathy subjects. Therefore, in the present study, effects of tDCS over the FPA on motor and cognitive functions of PD patients were analyzed. Nine PD patients (3 men and 6 women) participated in this cross over study with three tDCS protocols; anodal, cathodal or sham tDCS over the FPA. Each tDCS protocol was applied for 1 week (5 times/week). Before and after each protocol, motor and cognitive functions of the patients were assessed using Unified PD Rating Scale [UPDRS (part III: motor examination)], Fugl Meyer Assessment set (FMA), Simple Test for Evaluating hand Function (STEF) and Trail Making Test A (TMT-A). The results indicated that anodal stimulation significantly decreased scores of motor disability in UPDRS-III compared with sham and cathodal stimulation, and significantly increased scores of motor functions in FMA compared with sham stimulation. Furthermore, anodal stimulation significantly decreased time to complete a motor task requiring high dexterity in STEF compared with those requiring low and medium levels of dexterity. In addition, anodal stimulation significantly decreased time to complete the TMT-A task, which requires executive functions, compared with sham stimulation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first clinical research reporting that tDCS over the FPA successfully improved the motor and non-motor functions in PD patients. These findings suggest that tDCS over the FPA might be a useful alternative for the treatment of PD patients

    BCAA catabolism in brown fat controls energy homeostasis through SLC25A44.

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    Branched-chain amino acid (BCAA; valine, leucine and isoleucine) supplementation is often beneficial to energy expenditure; however, increased circulating levels of BCAA are linked to obesity and diabetes. The mechanisms of this paradox remain unclear. Here we report that, on cold exposure, brown adipose tissue (BAT) actively utilizes BCAA in the mitochondria for thermogenesis and promotes systemic BCAA clearance in mice and humans. In turn, a BAT-specific defect in BCAA catabolism attenuates systemic BCAA clearance, BAT fuel oxidation and thermogenesis, leading to diet-induced obesity and glucose intolerance. Mechanistically, active BCAA catabolism in BAT is mediated by SLC25A44, which transports BCAAs into mitochondria. Our results suggest that BAT serves as a key metabolic filter that controls BCAA clearance via SLC25A44, thereby contributing to the improvement of metabolic health

    2018~2020年度 教育研究高度化促進費 エコメディカル社会システムのための体系的健康都市評価指標に基づく健康コミュニティ創生 研究成果報告書

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    本研究は,生活圏レベルでの健康行動に着目し,評価指標の体系化と,まちとして人々の健康を支えられる自律的コミュニティ形成の制度設計を目的とした.健康行動に着目した分析例として,年齢に応じて減少する「特に目的なく外出」する機会を改善するためには,具体的な生活シーンでの都市機能アクセス評価のきめ細やかな段階整備が必要であることを指摘した.また,生活習慣病の例として糖尿病を取り上げ,健常者との要因比較が可能な分析手法により重要要因の抽出を行った.その上で,総合的評価のために,身体,医療,日常,精神,介護の5つの側面から体系的に構築した指標群を取り上げ,具体的に大阪に適用することで妥当性を示した.また,健康コミュニティ形成のために,合わせて運営しているリビングラボの仕組みを援用し,国内外の価値創造の手法や自律的実践プロセスの取組を,健康に関する共創に適用可能なように改良し,健康及び環境に関するテーマを自分事と捉えつつ社会へとコミュニティの関心を向けることを狙いとしたワークショップに適用した.具体的には,市民自身が可能となる問題解決を見出すコミュニティと位置づけ,大学研究者が議論の経緯を見ながら適切な情報をタイムリーに提供することで支援しつつ参加者が自ら考えを具体化していくプロセスを実現し,参加者の発言に関するテキスト分析によって妥当性を確認した.さらに,具体的な指標に基づく市民の反応を知るため,一般社会人30名を対象に3ヶ月間の活動量を計測するプログラムを実践した.期間中の平均歩数は男女それぞれ約9,000,12,000歩/日であり,目標歩数と比べて,男性は目標値どおり,女性は大幅に上回る結果を得るとともに,本プログラムの全体的な満足度として90%以上の参加者から「満足」あるいは「やや満足」の結果を得て,実践面,満足面で有用であることを確認した.【出典】・2.北詰恵一・黒田研二:エコメディカル社会における健康コミュニテクのあり方,第23回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム,2019.・3.1 井ノ口弘昭・秋山孝正:健康まちづくりにおける総合的健康度の評価方法に関する研究,第62回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,Vol.62,CD-ROM,2020,4p.・3.2 金ヨンキョン,尹禮分,尹敏,中山弘隆:グラフィカルラッソの糖尿病診断への適用性に関する検証,第60回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,Vol.60,CD-ROM,2019,4p.・3.3 尾崎平:スマートヘルシ倶楽部2018終了時アンケート結果,14p, 2019.・4.1 北詰恵一・道越亮介:健康まちづくりのためのリビングラボのあり方,第46回環境システム研究論文発表会,2018,4p・4.2 岡村雄介・沙海拓真・北詰恵一:リビングラボにおける初期構想段階のステークホルダー間の関係分析,令和3年度土木学会全国大会第76回年次学術講演会,WEB,2P,2021.・5.1 井ノ口弘昭・秋山孝正:健康まちづくりにおける総合的健康度の評価方法に関する研究,第60回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,Vol.62,CD-ROM,2020,4p.研究成果リスト1) 北詰恵一・黒田研二:エコメディカル社会における健康コミュニテクのあり方,第23回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム,2019.3) 金ヨンキョン,尹禮分,尹敏,中山弘隆: グラフィカルラッソの糖尿病診断への適用性に関する検証,第60回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,No.60,CD-ROM 4P,2019.4) 尾﨑平, 安部寛喜:健康増進型公園の利用特性と暑熱環境の関係性分析,土木学会論文集G(環境),土木学会論文集G(環境),Vol.75,No.6,pp.29-38,2019.5) 北詰恵一・江斌・市橋愛彩:健康まちづくりのための外出意向と健康関連指標の関係性分析,第60回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,Vol.60,CD-ROM,2019,3p,無.6) 北詰恵一:外出に対する意向と健康自己評価との関係性分析,令和元年度土木学会第74回年次学術講演会,CD-ROM,2019,Ⅳ-15(2p),無.7) 北詰恵一:エコメディカル社会構築のための健康まちづくり,第24回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム,2020.8) 岡村雄介・北詰恵一:リビングラボにおける価値創造のためのツールの効果分析,土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要集,WEB,2P,2020.9) 秋山孝正: 健康まちづくりプロジェクトに対する市民意識からみた健康都市形成に関する考察,都市計画学会関西支部だより,No.34.pp.10-11,2020.10) 秋山孝正・井ノ口弘昭:感染症予防の新しい生活様式に着目した健康まちづくりに関する考察,第62回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,Vol.62,CD-ROM,2020,5p,無.11) 井ノ口弘昭・秋山孝正:健康まちづくりにおける総合的健康度の評価方法に関する研究,第62回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,Vol.62,CD-ROM,2020,4p,無.12) 尾崎平・櫻井順平・北詰恵一:日常生活行動と暑熱環境の関係性分析,第62回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,Vol.62,CD-ROM,2020,6p,無.13) 岡村雄介・北詰恵一:健康まちづくり政策を推進するためのリビングラボの方法論に関する研究,第62回土木計画学研究発表会講演集,Vol.62,CD-ROM,2020,5p,無.14) 北詰恵一・市橋愛彩・田中萌子:自治体における健康をテーマとしてSDGs現状分析,第25回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム,ポスター,2021.01.28,29,関西大学.概要1. はじめに……22. エコメディカル社会における健康コミュニティのあり方……33. 健康都市指標開発……6 3.1 総合的健康度の評価方法……6 3.2 手法検討の取組み(グラフィカルラッソの糖尿病診断への適用性)……10 3.3 活動量指標の見える化……154. 健康コミュニティ創生の取組み……19 4.1 健康まちづくりのためのリビングラボ……19 4.2 ステークホルダー間関係分析……235. 健康都市指標にもとづく健康コミュニティのモデル……27 5.1 システム思考型モデルを用いた健康まちづくりの展開過程……276. まとめ……36研究成果リス

    Laguerre Filter Analysis with Partial Least Square Regression Reveals a Priming Effect of ERK and CREB on c-FOS Induction.

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    Signaling networks are made up of limited numbers of molecules and yet can code information that controls different cellular states through temporal patterns and a combination of signaling molecules. In this study, we used a data-driven modeling approach, the Laguerre filter with partial least square regression, to describe how temporal and combinatorial patterns of signaling molecules are decoded by their downstream targets. The Laguerre filter is a time series model used to represent a nonlinear system based on Volterra series expansion. Furthermore, with this approach, each component of the Volterra series expansion is expanded by Laguerre basis functions. We combined two approaches, application of a Laguerre filter and partial least squares (PLS) regression, and applied the combined approach to analysis of a signal transduction network. We applied the Laguerre filter with PLS regression to identify input and output (IO) relationships between MAP kinases and the products of immediate early genes (IEGs). We found that Laguerre filter with PLS regression performs better than Laguerre filter with ordinary regression for the reproduction of a time series of IEGs. Analysis of the nonlinear characteristics extracted using the Laguerre filter revealed a priming effect of ERK and CREB on c-FOS induction. Specifically, we found that the effects of a first pulse of ERK enhance the subsequent effects on c-FOS induction of treatment with a second pulse of ERK, a finding consistent with prior molecular biological knowledge. The variable importance of projections and output loadings in PLS regression predicted the upstream dependency of each IEG. Thus, a Laguerre filter with partial least square regression approach appears to be a powerful method to find the processing mechanism of temporal patterns and combination of signaling molecules by their downstream gene expression