960 research outputs found

    Multiband optical polarimetry of BL Lac objects with the Nordic Optical Telescope

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    Optical polarization of seven selected BL Lac objects in UBVRI bands was studied with the Nordic Optical Telescope from December 10-14, 1999. Two of them, 3C 66A and PKS 0735+178, were monitored for 4 nights for a total integration time of 4.75 and 5.5 hours, respectively. Other objects (1Jy 0138-097, H 0414+009, PKS 0823-223, OJ287 and BL Lac) were observed sparsely during the run. Apart from PKS 0823-223 (more polarized than observed in the past), the sources show levels of flux and polarization consistent with results at previous epochs. 3C 66A and PKS 0735+178 were intensively observed during December 11 and 12 and exhibited variability of polarization, both on internight and intranight time scales. Wavelength dependence of polarization has been investigated, as well as circular polarization. The results are discussed within the standard model for BL Lacs.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Redshift constraints for RGB 0136+391 and PKS 0735+178 from deep optical imaging

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    We present the results of deep I-band imaging of two BL Lacerate objects, RGB 0136+391 and PKS 0735+178, during an epoch when the optical nucleus was in a faint state in both targets. In PKS 0735+178 we find a significant excess over a point source, which, if fitted by the de Vaucouleurs model, corresponds to a galaxy with I = 18.64 +- 0.11 and r_eff = 1.8 +- 0.4 arcsec. Interpreting this galaxy as the host galaxy of PKS 0735+178 we derive z = 0.45 +- 0.06 using the host galaxy as a "standard candle". We also discuss the immediate optical environment of PKS 0735+178 and the identity of the MgII absorber at z = 0.424. Despite of the optimally chosen epoch and deep imaging we find the surface brightness profile of RGB 0136+391 to be consistent with a point source. By determining a lower limit for the host galaxy brightness by simulations, we derive z > 0.40 for this target.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Multiband optical polarimetry of the BL Lac object PKS 2155--304. Intranight and long term variability

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    The polarized and total flux of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304 were monitored intensively and simultaneously in the optical UBVRI bands with the Turin photopolarimeter at the CASLEO 2.15 m telescope during 4 campaigns in June, August, November 1998 and August 1999. The effective observation time amounted to ~47 hours. PKS 2155-304 showed a linear polarization percentage (P) usually ranging between 3% and 7% and a polarization position angle (PA) mainly between 70 and 120 deg. The highest temporal resolution of our observations, 15 minutes, is unprecedented for polarimetric monitoring of this source, and has allowed us to detect amplitude variations of the linear polarization percentage from 6 to 7.5% in time scales of hours. In some nights the polarization percentage seems to increase toward shorter wavelengths, however the polarized spectrum does not vary significantly with time. The most remarkable variability event occurred on 1998 June 18, when the degree of linear polarization decreased by more than a factor 2 in one day in all bands, while the PA rotated by 90 deg. This is consistent with the presence of two emission components, of different polarization degree and position angle. Intranight variability of P and PA can be interpreted with small amplitude physical or geometrical changes within the jet. Measurements of the circular polarization over time intervals of days set upper limits of 0.2%. Simultaneous photometry taken with the Turin Photopolarimeter and with a CCD camera at Cordoba Astronomical Observatory did not show light variations correlated with those of the linearly polarized flux.Comment: 21 pages, 6 eps figures. Accepted for The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Optical morphology of distant RATAN-600 radio galaxies from subarcsecond resolution NOT images

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    We present direct imaging data of 22 ultra steep spectrum radio sources obtained at (or near) a subarcsecond seeing. The basic sample of 40 double radio sources was selected from the RATAN-600 catalogue. The FRII-structure has been confirmed with VLA and preliminary optical identifications which come from the 6 m-telescope. As the RATAN-600 flux limit at 3.9 GHz (\approx 10mJy) is fainter than that of major surveys, the sample may have high-zz contents. This is also suggested by the faint magnitudes in the Hubble diagram. The final aim is to create a homogeneous sample of high-zz radio galaxies in a well defined strip around the sky, with faint radio limit and subarcsecond morphology down to mR=24m_{R}=24. We could confirm 16 identifications down to mRm_{R}\sim24. Most of the extended objects have multicomponent structures as expected from other surveys of high-redshift radio galaxies. We found five unresolved objects even with a subarcsecond seeing. Of the remaining six objects, three are extremely faint and the other three have such a complex environment that further observations are needed to confirm the optical identification.Comment: A&AS in pres

    Discovery of an Optical Jet in the BL Lac Object 3C 371

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    We have detected an optical jet in the BL Lac object 3C 371 that coincides with the radio jet in this object in the central few kpc. The most notable feature is a bright optical knot 3 arcsec (4 kpc) from the nucleus that occurs at the location where the jet apparently changes its direction by ~30 degrees. The radio, near-infrared and optical observations of this knot are consistent with a single power-law spectrum with a radio-optical spectral index alpha = -0.81. One possible scenario for the observed turn is that the jet is interacting with the material in the bridge connecting 3C 371 to nearby galaxies and the pressure gradient is deflecting the jet significantly.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures (1 eps, 3 gifs), accepted for publication in ApJ Letter