117 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses on recent trend in private label development in Japan. Reasons for introducing of private label products have been explained as low price with moderate quality by the beginning of 21st century in Japan. However, improvement of quality is one of the persuasive factors which explains recent growth of private label products. In this paper, we will show market share growth which evolves with private label evolution from low price appeal to quality focused, when we traced its evolutionary sequence. Continuous quality improvement of private label product is one of the critical factors which influences consumers’ repeated purchase. Though previous studies indicated that quality improvement positively influenced, there was few report on practices and management of quality improvement in retailers. This paper will explore such quality improvement activities, how that evolved. Recent private label development focused on involvement to upstream, that is, production phase, such as material selections and supply management.U radu se analiziraju recentni trendovi razvoja privatnih marki u Japanu. Razlozi za uvođenje proizvoda privatne robne marke početkom 21. stoljeća u Japanu su niska cijena i umjerena kvaliteta. Međutim, poboljšanje kvalitete jedan je od uvjerljivih čimbenika koji objašnjava nedavni rast proizvoda privatne robne marke. U ovom radu pokazat ćemo rast tržišnog udjela koji se razvija s evolucijom privatnih robnih marki koje sa fokusa na niske cijene se usmjeravaju na kvalitetu. Kontinuirano poboljšanje kvalitete proizvoda privatne robne marke jedan kritičan je čimbenika koji utječu na ponovnu kupnju potrošača. Iako su prethodna istraživanja pokazala da je poboljšanje kvalitete pozitivno utjecalo, malo je izvještaja o praksi i upravljanju poboljšanjem kvalitete u maloprodaji. Ovaj rad će istražiti aktivnosti poboljšanja kvalitete i njihov razvoj. Nedavni razvoj privatnih maraka usmjeren je na uključivanje u vertikalni sustav (vertikalno povezivanje), odnosno fazu proizvodnje, kao što su odabir materijala i upravljanje opskrbom


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    This paper discusses on recent trend in private label development in Japan. Reasons for introducing of private label products have been explained as low price with moderate quality by the beginning of 21st century in Japan. However, improvement of quality is one of the persuasive factors which explains recent growth of private label products. In this paper, we will show market share growth which evolves with private label evolution from low price appeal to quality focused, when we traced its evolutionary sequence. Continuous quality improvement of private label product is one of the critical factors which influences consumers’ repeated purchase. Though previous studies indicated that quality improvement positively influenced, there was few report on practices and management of quality improvement in retailers. This paper will explore such quality improvement activities, how that evolved. Recent private label development focused on involvement to upstream, that is, production phase, such as material selections and supply management.U radu se analiziraju recentni trendovi razvoja privatnih marki u Japanu. Razlozi za uvođenje proizvoda privatne robne marke početkom 21. stoljeća u Japanu su niska cijena i umjerena kvaliteta. Međutim, poboljšanje kvalitete jedan je od uvjerljivih čimbenika koji objašnjava nedavni rast proizvoda privatne robne marke. U ovom radu pokazat ćemo rast tržišnog udjela koji se razvija s evolucijom privatnih robnih marki koje sa fokusa na niske cijene se usmjeravaju na kvalitetu. Kontinuirano poboljšanje kvalitete proizvoda privatne robne marke jedan kritičan je čimbenika koji utječu na ponovnu kupnju potrošača. Iako su prethodna istraživanja pokazala da je poboljšanje kvalitete pozitivno utjecalo, malo je izvještaja o praksi i upravljanju poboljšanjem kvalitete u maloprodaji. Ovaj rad će istražiti aktivnosti poboljšanja kvalitete i njihov razvoj. Nedavni razvoj privatnih maraka usmjeren je na uključivanje u vertikalni sustav (vertikalno povezivanje), odnosno fazu proizvodnje, kao što su odabir materijala i upravljanje opskrbom

    Physical Reservoir Computing Using Nonlinear MEMS Resonator Having High Memory Capacity at "Edge of Chaos"

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    2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 15-19 Jan. 2023.This paper reports physical reservoir computing (PRC) using a single nonlinear electrostatic resonator and demonstrates its high memory capacity at "edge of chaos." The resonator is a simple doubly supported resonator fabricated from a silicon-on-insulator wafer. We proposed a PRC system without feedback loop, in which its memory capacity relies on the decay time of the high-Q resonator. The benchmark task results indicate that the system shows good linear and nonlinear memory capacities at the resonance and the maximum capacity was obtained at the vicinity of the instability edge of the frequency response

    Lunar Phase-Dependent Expression of Cryptochrome and a Photoperiodic Mechanism for Lunar Phase-Recognition in a Reef Fish, Goldlined Spinefoot

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    Lunar cycle-associated physiology has been found in a wide variety of organisms. Recent study has revealed that mRNA levels of Cryptochrome (Cry), one of the circadian clock genes, were significantly higher on a full moon night than on a new moon night in coral, implying the involvement of a photoreception system in the lunar-synchronized spawning. To better establish the generalities surrounding such a mechanism and explore the underlying molecular mechanism, we focused on the relationship between lunar phase, Cry gene expression, and the spawning behavior in a lunar-synchronized spawner, the goldlined spinefoot (Siganus guttatus), and we identified two kinds of Cry genes in this animal. Their mRNA levels showed lunar cycle-dependent expression in the medial part of the brain (mesencephalon and diencephalon) peaking at the first quarter moon. Since this lunar phase coincided with the reproductive phase of the goldlined spinefoot, Cry gene expression was considered a state variable in the lunar phase recognition system. Based on the expression profiles of SgCrys together with the moonlight's pattern of timing and duration during its nightly lunar cycle, we have further speculated on a model of lunar phase recognition for reproductive control in the goldlined spinefoot, which integrates both moonlight and circadian signals in a manner similar to photoperiodic response

    [23-1]English Summaries of the Papers Contributed to Tonan Ajia Kenkyu (The Southeast Asian Studies) Vol.23, No.3 (Special Issue for Don Daeng : An Integrated Village Study in Northeast Thailand)

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    Tonan Ajia Kenkyu (The Southeast Asian Studies) = 東南アジア研究 (Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies)[1]EDITOR'S NOTE … Hayao FUKUI[2]A Brief Look at the Village … Yoshihiro Kaida, Masuo Kuchiba[3]Typology of Rice Cultivation … Shuichi MIYAGAWA, Toshiro KURODA, Hiroyuki MATSUFUJI, Tomoo HATTORI[4]Instability of Rice culture … Yoshihiro KAIDA, Kazutoshi HOSHIKAWA, Yasuyuki KOHNO[5]POPULATION (I) … Hayao FUKUI[6]The Process of Emigration in Search of Good Land to Mo Nua Village, Udonthani Province … Yukio HAYASHI[7]An Economic Analysis of Endogenous Rural Economic Evolution and its Policy Implications … Hiroshi Tsujii[8]Kin Relationships and Kin Cooperation for Farming and Consumption … Masuo KUCHIBA, Takahiro TAKEMURA[9]Daily Activity Survey (1) … Satoshi KOIKE, Shinji SUWA, Haruo NOMA[10]Sharing of Merit and the Associated Social Relationships of Funeral Rites … Yukio HAYASHI[11]AN OVERVIEW ON NATURE, AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMY … Hayao FUKU

    Effects of core stochastization on particle and momentum transport

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    The effects of the stochastic magnetic field in a plasma center produced by electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) on transport have been revealed. Because the electron temperature profile is flat in the core region, in the case of counter-directed ECCD (ctr-ECCD) against the toroidal magnetic field, the magnetic field is stochastic in the core region with rotational transform ᵼ ∼ 1/3. The particle diffusion coefficient of the ctr-ECCD plasma is approximately 20 times as large as that of the plasma without the stochastic magnetic field produced by co-directed ECCD (co-ECCD) at the maximum. Furthermore, in the stochastic magnetic field with ctr-ECCD, counter-directed intrinsic rotation is observed in the plasma with balanced NBI discharge

    初年次導入教育における「多職種連携学習(IPE)」の評価:PBL/ ポスターツアーの実践から

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     現代医療の高度化と複雑化の中で,多職種協働の教育は必須となっている。本研究は,保健学類5 専攻の初年次生を対象とした,多職種連携学習(Interprofessional Education:IPE)を評価するものである。教材に<社会問題を焦点化した6 課題>を準備し,PBL(Problem/Project-Based Learning)およびポスターツアー(ジグソー法)を行ったが,この方法が目的達成に適したものであったかを,学生の反応から評価する。 分析対象は,授業後に提出された187 名のレポート,成果物(ポスター),事後アンケートである。レポートは内容分析の計量テキスト分析(KH Coder (ver.3.) 使用)を行い,アンケートは記述統計を行った。 レポートの内容分析では,総文数は4,508,総段落数は2,913,抽出語数67,510,異なる語数3,302 であった。抽出された高い出現単語は,「専攻:1,104」「医療:813」「自分:478」「意見:407」「考える:405」等だった。さらに,共起ネットワーク(サブグラフ検出modularity)では,<自分-他専攻-違う-視点>がネットとなり,また<異なる-学生-保健-意義-考える>と<職種-理解-連携―思う>,<様々-意見-聞く>がつながっていた。KWIC コンコーダンスでの文脈分析からは,IPE の「交わる」や「つながる」,互いの考えを「取り入れる」,「広がる」などで,その連携や知の交流の意味は多面的にとらえられていた。一方で,PBL/ ポスターツアーに関連する,「討論する」「難しい」「面白い」などの,問いを立て,討議を通して深めていく知的探求の語の出現数は少なかった。 グループワークの成果物であるポスターの評価は,30 グループで,優:10,良:11,可:9 であり,課題の明確化,論旨の一貫性および自分たちの主張の面で不足があり,知識の寄せ集め的ポスターとなっていると評価したグループが3 割あった。 事後アンケートでは,<課題の発見><レジュメ作成><レジュメの説明>で,身についたが7 割強に留まり,<ポスターの発表力>は6 割だった。 全体として,IPE の理念の理解や態度形成は達成できた。一方PBL/ ポスターツアーの社会的課題を明確にしてプロジェクトとして課題解決をはかっていく,は課題が残り,授業設計の改善が示唆された

    Phosphorylated Smad2 in Advanced Stage Gastric Carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) receptor signaling is closely associated with the invasion ability of gastric cancer cells. Although Smad signal is a critical integrator of TGFβ receptor signaling transduction systems, not much is known about the role of Smad2 expression in gastric carcinoma. The aim of the current study is to clarify the role of phosphorylated Smad2 (p-Smad2) in gastric adenocarcinomas at advanced stages.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistochemical staining with anti-p-Smad2 was performed on paraffin-embedded specimens from 135 patients with advanced gastric adenocarcinomas. We also evaluated the relationship between the expression levels of p-Smad2 and clinicopathologic characteristics of patients with gastric adenocarcinomas.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The p-Smad2 expression level was high in 63 (47%) of 135 gastric carcinomas. The p-Smad2 expression level was significantly higher in diffuse type carcinoma (p = 0.007), tumours with peritoneal metastasis (p = 0.017), and tumours with lymph node metastasis (p = 0.047). The prognosis for p-Smad2-high patients was significantly (p = 0.035, log-rank) poorer than that of p-Smad2-low patients, while a multivariate analysis revealed that p-Smad2 expression was not an independence prognostic factor.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The expression of p-Smad2 is associated with malignant phenotype and poor prognosis in patients with advanced gastric carcinoma.</p

    Field Effect of Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Their Cessation on the Development of Multiple Dysplastic Lesions and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Long-term Multicenter Cohort Study

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    [Background and Aims] Multiple developments of squamous dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the upper aerodigestive tract have been explained by field cancerization phenomenon and were associated with alcohol and cigarette use. Second primary SCC development after curative treatment impairs patients’ quality of life and survival; however, how these consumption and cessation affect field cancerization is still unknown. [Methods] This is a multicenter cohort study including 331 patients with superficial esophageal SCC (ESCC) treated endoscopically and pooled data from 1022 healthy subjects for comparison. Physiological condition in the background esophageal mucosa was classified into 3 groups based on the number of Lugol-voiding lesions (LVLs) per endoscopic view: grade A, 0; grade B, 1–9; or grade C, ≥10 LVLs. Lifestyle surveys were conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Patients were counseled on the need for alcohol and smoking cessation by physicians and were endoscopically surveyed every 6 months. [Results] LVL grades were positively associated with alcohol drinking intensity, flushing reactions, smoking, and high-temperature food and were negatively associated with eating green and yellow vegetables and fruit. Second primary ESCC and head/neck SCC were significantly more prevalent in the grade C LVL (cumulative 5-y incidences 47.1%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 38.0–57.2 and 13.3%, 95% CI = 8.1–21.5, respectively). Alcohol and smoking cessation significantly reduced the development of second primary ESCC (adjusted hazard ratios 0.47, 95% = CI 0.26–0.85 and 0.49, 95% CI = 0.26–0.91, respectively). [Conclusion] Alcohol drinking, smoking, flushing reaction, and high-temperature food were closely associated with field cancerization, and cessation of alcohol and smoking significantly reduced the risk of development of second primary cancer. UMIN Clinical Trials Registry ID:UMIN000001676