40,402 research outputs found
Transient Response Dynamic Module Modifications to Include Static and Kinetic Friction Effects
A methodology that supports forced transient response dynamic solutions when both static and kinetic friction effects are included in a structural system model is described. Modifications that support this type of nonlinear transient response solution are summarized for the transient response dynamics (TRD) NASTRAN module. An overview of specific modifications for the NASTRAN processing subroutines, INITL, TRD1C, and TRD1D, are described with further details regarding inspection of nonlinear input definitions to define the type of nonlinear solution required, along with additional initialization requirements and specific calculation subroutines to successfully solve the transient response problem. The extension of the basic NASTRAN nonlinear methodology is presented through several stages of development to the point where constraint equations and residual flexibility effects are introduced into the finite difference Newmark-Beta recurrsion formulas. Particular emphasis is placed on cost effective solutions for large finite element models such as the Space Shuttle with friction degrees of freedom between the orbiter and payloads mounted in the cargo bay. An alteration to the dynamic finite difference equations of motion is discussed, which allows one to include friction effects at reasonable cost for large structural systems such as the Space Shuttle. Data are presented to indicate the possible impact of transient friction loads to the payload designer for the Space Shuttle. Transient response solution data are also included, which compare solutions without friction forces and those with friction forces for payloads mounted in the Space Shuttle cargo bay. These data indicate that payload components can be sensitive to friction induced loads
Quantum Spin Chains and Riemann Zeta Function with Odd Arguments
Riemann zeta function is an important object of number theory. It was also
used for description of disordered systems in statistical mechanics. We show
that Riemann zeta function is also useful for the description of integrable
model. We study XXX Heisenberg spin 1/2 anti-ferromagnet. We evaluate a
probability of formation of a ferromagnetic string in the anti-ferromagnetic
ground state in thermodynamics limit. We prove that for short strings the
probability can be expressed in terms of Riemann zeta function with odd
arguments.Comment: LaTeX, 7 page
Integrable Magnetic Model of Two Chains Coupled by Four-Body Interactions
An exact solution for an XXZ chain with four-body interactions is obtained
and its phase diagram is determined. The model can be reduced to two chains
coupled by four-body interactions, and it is shown that the ground state of the
two-chain model is magnetized in part. Furthermore, a twisted four-body
correlation function of the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain is obtained.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., rederived the
The Free Energy and the Scaling Function of the Ferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain in a Magnetic Field
A nonlinear susceptibilities (the third derivative of a magnetization
by a magnetic field ) of the =1/2 ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain and the
classical Heisenberg chain are calculated at low temperatures In both
chains the nonlinear susceptibilities diverge as and a linear
susceptibilities diverge as The arbitrary spin Heisenberg
ferromagnet has a scaling relation between and
The scaling function
=(2/3)-(44/135) + O() is common to all values of spin
Comment: 16 pages (revtex 2.0) + 6 PS figures upon reques
Revolving rivers in sandpiles: from continuous to intermittent flows
In a previous paper [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 014501 (2003)], the mechanism of
"revolving rivers" for sandpile formation is reported: as a steady stream of
dry sand is poured onto a horizontal surface, a pile forms which has a river of
sand on one side owing from the apex of the pile to the edge of the base. For
small piles the river is steady, or continuous. For larger piles, it becomes
intermittent. In this paper we establish experimentally the "dynamical phase
diagram" of the continuous and intermittent regimes, and give further details
of the piles topography, improving the previous kinematic model to describe it
and shedding further light on the mechanisms of river formation. Based on
experiments in Hele-Shaw cells, we also propose that a simple dimensionality
reduction argument can explain the transition between the continuous and
intermittent dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys Rev
Accurate Evolutions of Orbiting Binary Black Holes
We present a detailed analysis of binary black hole evolutions in the last orbit and demonstrate consistent and convergent results for the trajectories of the individual bodies. The gauge choice can significantly affect the overall accuracy of the evolution. It is possible to reconcile certain gauge-dependent discrepancies by examining the convergence limit. We illustrate these results using an initial data set recently evolved by Brügmann et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 211101 (2004)]. For our highest resolution and most accurate gauge, we estimate the duration of this data set's last orbit to be approximately 59MADM
Level truncation analysis of exact solutions in open string field theory
We evaluate vacuum energy density of Schnabl's solution using the level
truncation calculation and the total action including interaction terms. The
level truncated solution provides vacuum energy density expected both for
tachyon vacuum and trivial pure gauge. We discuss the role of the phantom term
to reproduce correct vacuum energy.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures,v2: 1 figure replace
Pre-K-Edge Structure on Anomalous X-Ray Scattering in LaMnO3
We study the pre-K-edge structure of the resonant X-ray scattering for
forbidden reflections (anomalous scattering) in LaMnO3, using the band
calculation based on the local density approximation. We find a two-peak
structure with an intensity approximately 1/100 of that of the main peak. This
originates from a mixing of 4p states of Mn to 3d states of neighboring Mn
sites. The effect is enhanced by an interference with the tail of the main
peak. The effect of the quadrupole transition is found to be one order of
magnitude smaller than that of the dipole transition, modifying slightly the
azimuthal-angle dependence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp
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