350 research outputs found

    Research and analysis on school health in the state of South Australia, Australia

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    Relevance between “Physical Body” and “Health” Field of Childcare Contents in Froebel’s “Edsucation of the Human Being” (4th report) : by Focusing on “Section 3 Human Being as a Boy”

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    本論は,F.フレーベル[1782-1852]の著書『人間の教育』(1826)「第三篇 少年としての人間」の論述に関して,「幼児の活動と身体遊戯」「身体の堕落」「人間の本質としての善」「衝動と身体」等について,その現代的意味を保育内容「健康」領域との関連性において考察した。フレーベルが述べた「幼児の活動と身体遊戯」に関する著述に関しては,「走る」「球技(ボール遊び)」「鬼ごっこ(鬼遊び)」に関連性が見られるものの,「打ち合う」「相撲」「戦争ごっこ」「狩猟ごっこ」に関しては,幼児教育関係告示文や『小学校学習指導要領』を見る限り,関連性は確認できなかった。一連の研究は,本論(第四報)で打ち切りにするため,第一報から第四報の総括をした

    Issues of Health Education in Early Childhood and Formation of Young Children's Body Image

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    本論は,幼児期の健康教育の課題を明らかにすると共に,幼児の身体像の形成が教育的効果を生むことの可能性について検討するものである。健康教育は,「健康や自分の身体への興味関心」「習慣形成等の実践力」「科学的な正しい知識」を並行して育成することが効果的であると考える。発達過程によって重心を置く項目が異なるが,「健康や自分の身体への興味関心」については,幼児教育から中学校教育まで一貫して重要であると考えられる。それには,各発達過程や学校の教育形態の特色を生かした教材の開発が求められる。例えば,幼児期の健康教育においては,自分の身体像や身体感覚を表出する保育教材が想定できる。This paper discusses the issues of health education in childhood and examines the possibility that the formation of the body image of young children can bring an educational effect.We believe that health education would be effective by developing "interest in health and one's own body," "practical skills for habit formation" and "scientifically right knowledge" at the same time. Although which item we should focus on is depending on the developmental process, "interest in health and one's own body" is considered to be consistently important from education in early childhood to education in junior high school. This requires the development of teaching materials that take advantage of the characteristics of each developmental process and school educational format. For example, for the health education in early childhood, we can assume materials that express their own body image and sensation

    The pathophysiology of prospective memory failure after diffuse axonal injury - Lesion-symptom analysis using diffusion tensor imaging

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prospective memory (PM) is one of the most important cognitive domains in everyday life. The neuronal basis of PM has been examined by a large number of neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies, and it has been suggested that several cerebral domains contribute to PM. For these activation studies, a constellation of experimental PM trials was developed and adopted to healthy subjects. In the present study, we used a widely used clinical PM assessment battery to determine the lesions attributable to PM failure, with the hypothesis that lesion-symptom analysis using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in subjects with diffuse axonal injury (DAI) can reveal the neuronal basis of PM in everyday life.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fourteen DAI patients (age: range of 18-36, median 24) participated in this study. PM failure was scored in the range of 0-6 using three sub-tests of the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test. The PM scores of DAI patients were in the range of 2-6 (median 4.5, inter-quartile range 2.25). The severity of axonal injury following DAI was examined using fractional anisotropy (FA), one of the DTI parameters, at voxel level in each subject. We then obtained clusters correlated with PM failure by conducting voxel-based regression analysis between FA values and PM scores. Three clusters exhibited significant positive correlation with PM score, the left parahippocampal gyrus, left inferior parietal lobe, and left anterior cingulate.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first lesion-symptom study to reveal the neuronal basis of PM using DTI on subjects with DAI. Our findings suggest that the neuronal basis of PM is in the left parahippocampal gyrus, left inferior parietal lobe, and/or left anterior cingulate. These findings are similar to those of previous activation studies with loading experimental PM tasks.</p

    キョウブンサン ニ カンスル タヘンリョウ カイセキ ノ カシカ キョウザイ

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    看護学生の看護婦イメージの変化 : 3年間の追跡調査の分析より

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    The lay theories of hikikomori in undergraduate students

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    本研究では、わが国で重大な社会問題となっている「ひきこもり」のしろうと理論の構造を明らかにすることを目的として、大学生46 名を対象に文章完成法を用いて自由記述データを収集し、KJ 法およびテキストマイニングの手法を用いて内容の分析を行った。分析の結果、ひきこもりの「原因」や「状態」に関する記述の出現頻度が相対的に高く、いずれもひきこもりに関するしろうと理論の重要な構成要素であると考えられた。また、これと同時に、ひきこもりに対する「支援の必要性」や「ポジティブな意味づけ」、あるいはひきこもりを「誰にでも起こりうる身近な問題」としてとらえるといった記述が多くみられるなど、ひきこもりに対する共感的・肯定的なイメージも認められた。さらに、本研究においては、ひきこもりという単語から家族や非現実的世界(インターネットやゲーム)に関連するイメージが想起されやすいことも示唆された。本研究の結果は、ひきこもり支援に関連した一般地域住民への普及啓発のあり方について、重要な示唆を提供し得るものであると考えられた。The present study examined the lay theories of hikikomori (acute social withdrawal). The participants were 46 undergraduate students (5 males and 41 females) who consented to participate in the study; a total of 80 students were asked to participate (57.5% participation). The self-reporting questionnaire was designed to obtain the text data of hikikomori using SCT method. The text data was analyzed using the KJ method and a text mining method. The results showed that participants mainly mentioned the causes of hikikomori, conditions of hikikomori, and supports for individual and family suffering from hikikomori. In addition, participants also mentioned the image that the people who had experienced hikikomori tended to get into the Internet or online-games. Despite some limitations, the findings of this study contribute to the useful information available on countermeasures against hikikomori in Japanese people

    An Open-label Single-arm Trial of a Novel Extramedullary Guide Coordinated with 3D Surgical Assistive Software for Total Knee Arthroplasty

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    There is no assistive device for extramedullary surgery coordinated with 3D surgical assistive software for the total knee arthroplasty (TKA). We developed a novel extramedullary universal guide coordinated with 3D surgical assistive software and a novel extramedullary patient-specific assistive guide for the placement of femoral components by referring to an area not affected by cartilage or bone spurs, and filed a patent application. In this study, we visualize and reconstruct the total alignment of the lower extremity in TKA using these surgical devices, and validate their precision. A report releasing study results will be submitted in an appropriate journal