133 research outputs found

    On the Prompt Signals of Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We introduce a new model of gamma ray burst (GRB) that explains its observed prompt signals, namely, its primary quasi-thermal spectrum and high energy tail. This mechanism can be applied to either assumption of GRB progenitor: coalescence of compact objects or hypernova explosion. The key ingredients of our model are: (1) The initial stage of a GRB is in the form of a relativistic quark-gluon plasma "lava"; (2) The expansion and cooling of this lava results in a QCD phase transition that induces a sudden gravitational stoppage of the condensed non-relativistic baryons and form a hadrosphere; (3) Acoustic shocks and Alfven waves (magnetoquakes) that erupt in episodes from the epicenter efficiently transport the thermal energy to the hadrospheric surface and induce a rapid detachment of leptons and photons from the hadrons; (4) The detached e+ee^+e^- and γ\gamma form an opaque, relativistically hot leptosphere, which expands and cools to Tmc2T \sim mc^2, or 0.5 MeV, where e+e2γe^+e^- \to 2\gamma and its reverse process becomes unbalanced, and the GRB photons are finally released; (5) The "mode-conversion" of Alfven waves into electromagnetic waves in the leptosphere provides a "snowplow" acceleration and deceleration that gives rise to both the high energy spectrum of GRB and the erosion of its thermal spectrum down to a quasi-thermal distribution. According to this model, the observed GRB photons should have a redshifted peak frequency at EpΓ(1+β/2)mc2/(1+z),E_p \sim \Gamma(1 + \beta/2)mc^2/(1 + z), where ΓO(1)\Gamma\sim {\cal{O}}(1) is the Lorentz factor of the bulk flow of the lava, which may be determined from the existing GRB data.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Emotional Intelligence and Extra-Role Behavior of Knowledge Employees: Mediating and Moderating Effects

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    This study constructed a model to explore how emotional intelligence (EI) predicts organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and counterproductive work behavior (CWB) via the mediators of job satisfaction (JS) and work engagement (WE). Furthermore, this study examined whether organizational justice (OJ) and person-organization fit (P-O fit) moderate the effect of EI on OCB and CWB. The model was tested using data from 540 knowledge employees in mainland China. This study found that JS and WE positively and partially mediated the association between EI and OCB, as well as negatively and partially mediated the association between EI and CWB. Moreover, OJ and P-O fit moderated the effect of EI positively on OCB and negatively on CWB. This study revealed the mechanism from EI to OCB and CWB through multiple mediators, identified two variables that may adjust EI-OCB and EI-CWB relationships, and proposed that organizations could promote OCB and diminish CWB of knowledge employees by employing certain human resource practices

    Technical assistance to Japanese manufacturers in Thailand : The case of auto parts industry

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    This report deals with the role of public technical asistance program for the firm-level Human ResourceDevelopment (HRD) regarding the case studies of Japanese auto parts manufacturers. Specifically, the focus is onhow the two organization under Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan, that is , Japan OverseasDevelopment Corporation (JODC) and The Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) have con-tributed to the improvement of each firm's production control activities through their schemes, and what kind ofproblem remains.Many governments in developing countries, including Thailand, regard automobile industry as the strategic tar-get, because of big backward linkage effects. Especially, the development of auto parts industry has been empha-sized because it occupies the cosiderable part of the value added by the whole automobile industry. Thai car partsindustry is advanced in dealing with the global competition, compared with other developing countries. Therefore,it is regarded as the good case when considering industrial development.Japanese affiliates has the big presence in the industry. Local firms was not capable enough to support carassemblers fully and dominant Japanese assemblers preferred Japanese affiliates coming to Thailand. In accordancewith liberalization and production shift to export, they are required to improve QCD (quality, cost, delivery) levelmore than ever by training their employees. Consequently, intra-firm technology transfer in Japanese auto partsmanufacturers is supposed to be the indispensable route for HRD which is necessary to industrial development.After the economic crisis, METI, began to emphasize assistance to Japanese affiliates in the whole industrial sector,has tried to vitalize the human resource development path by utilizing JODC and AOTS schemes

    Internal corporate social responsibility and organizational creativity: an empirical study of Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Purpose: The present study investigates the relationship between internal corporate social responsibility (CSR), a type of CSR particularly for employees within organizations, and organizational creativity. The focus is on the mediating effects of affective commitment and knowledge sharing within the relationship. Design/methodology: Data were collected in Vietnam via questionnaire survey. Regarding survey administration, first, we chose the five biggest universities, which specialized in economics and business in Hanoi. Then, from those universities, we randomly selected graduate classes whose students are fulltime employees in various companies around Hanoi. The questionnaire included 5 point Likert scale multi-items designed to measure factors. Among 750 distributed questionnaires, 252 were returned. After screening and deleting those questionnaires with missing information or those from large companies, 199 remained for further investigation, representing 26.53% of the valid response rate. The sample included 117 manufacturing and 82 non-manufacturing companies. For the statistical analysis of the data, we followed the three-step procedure of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modeling. Findings: Results support our hypotheses that predict positive mediating effects, except for the direct relationship between training and development as one aspect of internal CSR and affective commitment, although training and development have an indirect relationship with organizational creativity through knowledge sharing. Originality/value: The study contributes to the literature on internal CSR, especially because it provides the valid empirical evidence for the relationship between internal CSR and organizational creativity, which needs more clarification regarding the process. We emphasize the importance of findings to the case of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries, because they often face difficulties implementing external CSR due to resource constraints.Peer Reviewe

    The Effects of External Incentives on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: A Review of Gneezy and Rustichini (2000) “Pay Enough or Don't Pay at All”

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    Gneezy and Rustichini(2000a)は、その実証研究で、外的介入(負の外在的インセンティブの導入)は内発的動機付けのクラウディング・アウトを生じさせ、さらに、また、外的介入の中断は内発的動機付けを復元させることはないことを明らかにした。しかし、彼らは、外的介入後、その水準を連続的に変化させたとき、行動(総動機付け)がどのように変化するのかについて観察することはなかった。その後、Gneezy and Rustichini(2000b)において、そのことについて詳細に観察することになる。そして、外的介入が業績(総動機付け)に及ぼす効果が単調でないことを明らかにする。すなわち、低水準の正の外在的インセンティブの導入であっても、業績の大幅な低下を招き、その後、順次、外在的インセンティブを中位水準、高水準へと上昇させると、それに比例して、より高い業績が達成されることを明らかにした。しかしながら、外的介入が存在するすべての状況で、外的介入がほぼ存在しない状況での業績を上回るものではない。すなわち、貧弱な外在的インセンティブは、外在的インセンティブが、一切、提示されなかったときより貧弱な業績しか達成されず、そして、また、十分に高い外在的インセンティブは、それが、一切、提示されなかったときより高い業績を達成することを観察している。さらに、また、彼らは、これらの実証結果に関するいくつかの説明可能な解釈を提示している。本研究ノートでは、Gneezy and Rustichini(2000b)を詳細にレビューすることで、彼らの実験結果およびその解釈をみていくことにする。そして、その上で、報酬と業績の正の関係を予測する標準的経済理論の基本仮説と報酬と業績の負の関係を許容する認知心理学の洞察をどのように融和させることができるのか考察する。日本学術振興会の学術研究助成基金助成金の資金援助(課題番号:26380462)に深く感謝いたします。本研究ノートは、同研究プロジェクトの遂行にあたり開催された研究会の報告資料に加筆・修正したものである

    An Economic Explanation for Intrinsic Motivation Crowding-out: A Review of James (2005) “Why Did You Do That?”

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    実証研究の結果が示すように、プリンシパルの外在的インセンティブの導入は、しばしば、エージェントの内発的動機付けをクラウディング・アウト(あるいは、クラウディング・イン)させ、その結果、努力水準を不連続に低下(増加)させる。私たちは、内発的動機付けのクラウディング・アウト(あるいは、クラウディング・イン)を公式的に説明するため、そこで、まず、標準的経済理論のプリンシパル・エージェント・モデルに、外在的インセンティブ報酬から生じる選好だけではなく、内発的動機付けから生じる選好を組み込んだエージェントの効用概念を提示する。さらに、異なるタイプの動機付けから生じる満足に優先順位をつけることで総合的満足を最大にするBentham 的効用概念を活用する。この選好枠組みの下で、外在的インセンティブの導入が、異なるタイプの内発的動機付けの対象価値(あるいは、対象行為)の相対的重要性を変化させることが、内発的動機付けのクラウディング・アウト(あるいは、クラウディング・イン)を生じさせることを明らかにする。さらに、このモデル分析より、幾つかの試験的仮説を提示する。第一は、外在的インセンティブの導入が、内発的動機付けの対象価値(あるいは、対象行為)の相対的重要性を低下(増加)させるとき、内発的動機付けのクラウディング・アウト(あるいは、クラウディング・イン)を生じさせることである。第二は、エージェントに提示される外在的インセンティブが大きい程、内発的動機付けのクラウディング・アウト(あるいは、クラウディング・イン)が生じる可能性が高いことである。さらに、もう一つは、エージェントの内発的動機付けの共感度が中程度のとき、外在的インセンティブの導入が、内発的動機付けのクラウディング・アウト(あるいは、クラウディング・イン)を引き起こす可能性があることである。日本学術振興会の学術研究助成基金助成金の資金援助(課題番号:26380462)に深く感謝いたします。本研究ノートは、同研究プロジェクトの遂行にあたり開催された研究会の報告資料(平成27年10月20日於広島大学)に加筆・修正したものである

    Empirical Results of Intrinsic Motivation Crowding Out and Its Interpretation: A Review of Gneezy and Rustichini (2000) "A Fine Is a Price"

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    抑止/推進仮説は、罰金等の負のインセンティブ/出来高賃金等の正のインセンティブの導入は、他の条件が不変のとき、統制の対象となる特定行動を抑制/推進することを予測している。(本研究ノートでは、推進仮説ではなく、主として、抑止仮説を考察する。以下では、抑止仮説を中心に論じていく。)ところが、実証研究の一部は、抑止仮説と矛盾する実証結果を提示している。本研究ノートは、そのような実証結果のひとつを考察する。それは、「託児所に子供を預けた両親は子供の迎えが遅れがちである。遅刻して迎えにくる両親に金銭的罰金を導入したところ、遅れて迎えにくる両親の数はかなり増加することになった。しかも、罰金を科すことを止めた後も、遅れて迎えにくる両親の数は減少することはなかった」というものである。本研究ノートでの私たちの目的の一つは、抑止仮説に反する実証結果の合理的な解釈を示すことである。(Gneezy and Rustichiniによると、)例えば、その一つは、「契約は、常に、不完備であり、したがって、ペナルティの導入は、エージェントに、特定行動に対する抑止シグナル以外に、追加情報を伝達することになるかもしれない。そして、この追加情報が、子供の両親に抑止仮説に反する意思決定を引き起こさせる可能性がある」というものである。本研究ノートで、私たちは、抑止仮説に矛盾する実証研究およびその解釈を詳細にレビューしていくことにしたい。日本学術振興会の学術研究助成基金助成金の資金援助(課題番号:26380462)に深く感謝いたします。 本研究ノートは、研究プロジェクトの遂行にあたり開催された研究会の報告資料(平成26年10月30日於広島大学)に加筆・修正したものである

    Model prihvaćanja tehnologije i putevi do online lojalnosti potrošača na tržištima u razvoju

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    The technology acceptance model (TAM) has been well-known for decades. However, the global adoption of the Internet creates new interests in utilizing TAM in e-commerce and the post-consumption intention, especially in emerging markets. Data was collected from 758 online customers via a web-based survey in Vietnam. Particular contribution of the results is that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, fairness, trust and the quality of the customer interface have direct or indirect impacts on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Moreover, in emerging markets, trust was outlined as the strongest factor contributing to customer satisfaction and leading to customer loyalty.Model prihvaćanja tehnologije (engl. technology acceptance model – TAM) dobro je poznat već desetljećima. Međutim globalno prihvaćanje interneta potiče novo zanimanje za primjenu TAM-a u e-trgovanju i postkupovnoj namjeri, posebice na tržištima u razvoju. Podaci su prikupljeni online anketiranjem 758 potrošača u Vijetnamu. Poseban doprinos rezultata jest u tome što pokazuju da percipirana korisnosti jednostavnost korištenja, poštenje, povjerenje i kvaliteta korisničkog sučelja imaju izravan ili neizravan utjecaj na zadovoljstvo i lojalnost potrošača. Nadalje, na tržištima u razvoju povjerenje je istaknuto kao najsnažniji čimbenik stvaranja zadovoljstva potrošača koje vodi lojalnosti potrošača

    The Japanese influence in Malaysian automotive industry: human resources management and development practices

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    This paper empirically examined the level of Japanese work organization and management techniques as practiced in PROTON. It has been argued that the Japanese work organization has been practiced and transferred more successful in the automobile industry because of its higher technicality. The PROTON-MITSUBISHI alliance has now been going for more than two decades (since 1982). Although PROTON has not yet been able to produce its own engine unless the CamPro engine with Waja model in 1999, this alliance is the best case to test the extent Japanese work organization is practiced to test the degree of transfer in the best sector and the best project to be studied. The discussion on Japanese influence on PROTON manufacturing systems to access the role of technological transfer done by Mitsubishi Motor Company (MMC) were well deliberated

    Determinants of Online Customer Satisfaction in an Emerging Market – a Mediator Role of Trust

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    Background. Customer satisfaction, in many cases affected by trust, is critical to the postconsumption intention and is regarded as the key success factor of sales in general and electronic commerce websites in particular. However few studies indicate clearly the determinants and especially their influential strengths on online customer satisfaction in emerging markets. Research aims. This study investigates what factors determine customer satisfaction. Methods. Conducted research is using data collected from 758 online customers in Vietnam, mostly young people. Key  findings. The particular contribution of these results shows that distributive fairness, customer interface quality, perceived security, perceived usefulness and trust are significant predictors of mcustomer satisfaction; especially, the mediator role of trust is proved.Słowa kluczowe: Young online customer satisfaction, Trust, E-commerce, Mediator rol