175 research outputs found

    Cancer diagnosis marker extraction for soft tissue sarcomas based on gene expression profiling data by using projective adaptive resonance theory (PART) filtering method

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    BACKGROUND: Recent advances in genome technologies have provided an excellent opportunity to determine the complete biological characteristics of neoplastic tissues, resulting in improved diagnosis and selection of treatment. To accomplish this objective, it is important to establish a sophisticated algorithm that can deal with large quantities of data such as gene expression profiles obtained by DNA microarray analysis. RESULTS: Previously, we developed the projective adaptive resonance theory (PART) filtering method as a gene filtering method. This is one of the clustering methods that can select specific genes for each subtype. In this study, we applied the PART filtering method to analyze microarray data that were obtained from soft tissue sarcoma (STS) patients for the extraction of subtype-specific genes. The performance of the filtering method was evaluated by comparison with other widely used methods, such as signal-to-noise, significance analysis of microarrays, and nearest shrunken centroids. In addition, various combinations of filtering and modeling methods were used to extract essential subtype-specific genes. The combination of the PART filtering method and boosting – the PART-BFCS method – showed the highest accuracy. Seven genes among the 15 genes that are frequently selected by this method – MIF, CYFIP2, HSPCB, TIMP3, LDHA, ABR, and RGS3 – are known prognostic marker genes for other tumors. These genes are candidate marker genes for the diagnosis of STS. Correlation analysis was performed to extract marker genes that were not selected by PART-BFCS. Sixteen genes among those extracted are also known prognostic marker genes for other tumors, and they could be candidate marker genes for the diagnosis of STS. CONCLUSION: The procedure that consisted of two steps, such as the PART-BFCS and the correlation analysis, was proposed. The results suggest that novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets for STS can be extracted by a procedure that includes the PART filtering method

    Asymmetric leaves2 and elongator, a histone acetyltransferase complex, mediate the establishment of polarity in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Leaf primordia are generated around the shoot apical meristem. Mutation of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana results in defects in repression of the meristematic and indeterminate state, establishment of adaxial-abaxial polarity and left-right symmetry in leaves. AS2 represses transcription of meristem-specific class 1 KNOX homeobox genes and of the abaxial-determinant genes ETTIN/ARF3, KANADI2 and YABBY5. To clarify the role of AS2 in the establishment of leaf polarity, we isolated mutations that enhanced the polarity defects associated with as2. We describe here the enhancer-of-asymmetric-leaves-two1 (east1) mutation, which caused the formation of filamentous leaves with abaxialized epidermis on the as2-1 background. Levels of transcripts of class 1 KNOX and abaxial-determinant genes were markedly higher in as2-1 east1-1 mutant plants than in the wild-type and corresponding single-mutant plants. EAST1 encodes the histone acetyltransferase ELONGATA3 (ELO3), a component of the Elongator complex. Genetic analysis, using mutations in genes involved in the biogenesis of a trans-acting small interfering RNA (ta-siRNA), revealed that ELO3 mediated establishment of leaf polarity independently of AS2 and the ta-siRNA-related pathway. Treatment with an inhibitor of histone deacetylases (HDACs) caused additive polarity defects in as2-1 east1-1 mutant plants, suggesting the operation of an ELO3 pathway, independent of the HDAC pathway, in the determination of polarity. We propose that multiple pathways play important roles in repression of the expression of class 1 KNOX and abaxial-determinant genes in the development of the adaxial domain of leaves and, thus, in the establishment of leaf polarity

    ジンガン ゼンリツセンガン ニ タイスル サイシン ノ ヤクブツ リョウホウ

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    As advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) shows resistance to anti-cancer drugs, immunotherapy had been the mainstay of systemic therapy. Recently, molecular targeted agents including VEGF and mTOR inhibitors have been introduced, and so systemic therapy for advanced RCC has been significantly altered. VEGF inhibitors show marked efficacy in regard to tumor size reduction, and the representative adverse events include hypertension, hand-foot syndrome, and hypothyroidism. mTOR inhibitors have modest effects for tumor size reduction, and the specific adverse events include stomatitis, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and interstitial pneumonia. The introduction of molecular targeted agents has improved survival in advanced RCC patients. Hormonal therapy is at the center of systemic therapy for advanced prostate cancer patients. Castration or LH-RH analogues suppress the proliferation of prostate cancer cells by decreasing androgen production in the testes. Anti-androgens inhibit the binding of testosterone to androgen receptors, and combination therapy of castration or LH-RH analogues and anti-androgens, called maximum androgen blockade, shows enhanced efficacy for advanced prostate cancer. Docetaxel is administered for castration-resistant prostate cancer, and prolongs survival compared to previously used anti-cancer drugs. Regarding new drugs for prostate cancer, an LH-RH antagonist, a CYP17 inhibitor of androgen production in the adrenal glands, and new anti-androgens with a higher affinity for androgen receptors have been developed for clinical use

    PSA screening in hemodialysis patients

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    We investigated the long-term outcomes of the Japanese hemodialysis patients with prostate cancer detected by prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening. Clinical data of 646 male hemodialysis patients aged 55 years or older who started yearly PSA testing in the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2012 and were followed until December 31, 2017 were analyzed retrospectively. The median follow-up period was 10.4 years. Nineteen (2.9%) patients were diagnosed with prostate cancer, of whom one patient died of the disease. Androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) was selected for primary prostate cancer treatment in 17 (89.5%) of these 19 patients. Of six prostate cancer patients who underwent primary ADT (PADT) and died of other causes, three died of infectious disease, each one died of cardiovascular disease, liver cancer, and chronic renal failure. No significant difference was observed in regard to overall survival between the prostate cancer patients with PADT and non-prostate cancer patients. Prognosis of hemodialysis patients who were diagnosed with prostate cancer during yearly PSA screening examination and mainly treated with ADT was favorable without increasing cardiovascular events. This result indicates that PSA screening may be useful for detection and management of prostate cancer even in hemodialysis patients


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系Upstream Open Reading Frame (uORF)は、AUG以外の開始コドンから翻訳が始まる非AUG開始型uORFが存在する。そのような非AUG開始型uORFの中で翻訳アレストを起こすものを同定するために、ESUCAパイプラインを改変して進化的に保存された配列を持つ非AUG開始型uORFを動植物のゲノムから探索した。その結果、そのような非AUG開始型uORFが14個同定された。それらの中から、主要ORFの翻訳制御に関与するものを一過的発現解析により4個同定した。また、胃がん発症機構解明のため、本年度は、高度遺伝子増幅領域内の遺伝子発現がプロモーターのメチル化と関連しているか、メチロームデータとの3層オミクス統合解析を行い、遺伝子の発現量とメチル化の間に、強い相関があることを見出した。遺伝子増幅に伴って過剰発現する遺伝子にはGATA6のような新たながん遺伝子が多く、発現が低下している遺伝子にはGSDMAのようながん抑制遺伝子が含まれていた。これらにより、3層オミクス統合解析によって、腹膜転移性胃がんの増幅遺伝子の全体像が明らかになった。研究課題/領域番号:18H03330, 研究期間(年度):2018 – 2020出典:「情報工学的なデータベース横断解析法に基づく翻訳アレスト配列の全貌解明」研究成果報告書 課題番号18H03330(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-18H03330/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系本研究では、国立がん研究センター独自の細胞バンクから、生体内分子の網羅情報であるオミクスと抗がん剤感受性情報を得て、その関係を機械学習でモデル化し、難治胃がんの精密医療(Precision Medicine)を目指す。そのために、web上で公開されている各がん細胞株のオミクス情報と薬剤感受性情報の関係を機械学習し、転移学習による再最適化に基づき、胃がんの薬剤感受性予測モデルの構築を行う。胃がんは、アジアに多いがんで、世界的に腹膜転移性細胞株バンクが未整備な中、国立がん研究センターは、世界一の難治胃がんの初代培養細胞に近い、胃がん細胞バンクを有している。本研究では、この独自の胃がん細胞バンクから、生体内分子の網羅情報であるオミクスと抗がん剤感受性情報を得て、その関係を機械学習でモデル化し、難治胃がんの精密医療(Precision Medicine)を目指す。そのために、web上で公開されている各がん細胞株のオミクス情報と薬剤感受性情報の関係を機械学習し、転移学習による再最適化に基づき、胃がんの薬剤感受性予測モデルの構築を行う。次の流れで、研究を行った。(1)国立がん研究センターで、約50種の胃がん細胞株について、ドセタキセルとシスプラチンに関するIC50を取得した。また、64種の胃がん細胞株について、マイクロアレイによる遺伝子発現情報、SNPアレイデータからのゲノムコピー数情報、メチル化定量アレイを用いて、ゲノムのメチル化状態を測定した。(2)このうち、ゲノムコピー数の変化とともに、発現変動する遺伝子の絞り込みを行い、高度遺伝子増幅かつ過剰発現する新たながん遺伝子候補を網羅した。(3)さらに、web上で取得可能ながん細胞株1001株の発現データとゲノムのコピー数データ、および、ドセタキセルとシスプラチンのIC50情報を取得し、薬剤毎に、単相関解析を行った。その結果、国立がん研究センター独自の胃がん細胞株のIC50と相関する発現遺伝子のパスウエイ解析から、感受性、非感受性に特異的な分子経路を捉えることができた。一方、web上の細胞株のIC50と相関する発現遺伝子からは、そのような特異性は見出せなかった。以上のことから、継代数が15代未満の初代培養細胞に近い独自の胃がん細胞株は生物学的特性を保持している可能性がある。今後、国立がん研究センターで行われた臨床研究で得られたマイクロアレイデータでの検証や予測モデルの構築が望まれる。研究課題/領域番号:19K22892, 研究期間(年度):2019 – 2020出典:研究課題「オミクスの転移学習に基づく難治胃がんの精密医療の確立」課題番号19K22892(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-19K22892/)を加工して作

    Nascent-chain Biology

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系ゲノム上には非翻訳領域(UTR)が存在し、UTRに存在する上流ORF(uORF)は、下流のmORFの翻訳を阻害機能を持つことが近年注目され始めているが、その全貌はよく分かっていない。これまでに申請者は、種間で進化的に保存されている上流ORF(CPuORF)を網羅同定するバイオインフォマティクス手法の開発に取り込んできた。本研究の目的は、疾患に関わるCPuORFを同定することである。当該年度で開発した新手法には、データベースのコンタミ除去のためのデータクレンジング技術、冗長性をおさえるための技術などを盛り込んであり、ある程度、定量的にデータの真偽を扱うことができるのが本手法の特徴である。AUG型のCPuORFを同定する新手法としては、ESUCA法は、ほぼ完成に至り、本手法をヒトゲノムに応用した。その結果、従来法でも同定可能な遠縁種にわたって進化的に保存されているCPuORFだけでなく、近縁種でしか保存されていない新手法でないと同定できないようなCPuORFも同定することができた。プログラムで自動で同定したCPuORFには、偽陽性が含まれている可能性もあり、手動でのチェックを必要としたため、予定より若干計画が遅れているが、ある程度、効率的にチェックすることも可能となってきた。現在、同定したヒトCPuORFの実験的検証を進めている。実験中の機能CPuORFには、疾患と相関しそうな遺伝子の上流にあるものも含まれ、疾患と翻訳アレストとの関係性を明らかにすることが可能である。非AUG型のCPuORFを同定する手法については現在取り組んでいるところである。研究課題/領域番号:17H05659, 研究期間(年度):2017-04-01 – 2019-03-3

    Elucidation of the molecular signatures of renal cell carcinoma by gene expression profiling

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    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the 10th most common cancer in United States. It is a heterogeneous disease with various histologic types. Since high-throughput technologies such as microarrays have been introduced, molecular confirmation of previously known findings in RCC has been made and new molecular findings have emerged. We review the accumulating advances in this field and their clinical implications. The published data so far have proved to be significant and promising, and numerous microarray studies with larger number of cases are currently ongoing or being planned. Although various clinical parameters are being refined for diagnosis and prognosis, these data obtained by microarray studies will undoubtedly contribute to both and eventually impacts the treatment of RCC