30 research outputs found

    Real-world management of treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema : 2-year visual outcome focusing on the starting year of intervention from STREAT-DMO study

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    Background/aims To investigate the yearly change of real-world outcomes for best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) after 2-year clinical intervention for treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema (DMO). Methods Retrospective analysis of aggregated, longitudinal medical records obtained from 27 retina specialised institutions in Japan from Survey of Treatment for DMO database. A total of 2049 treatment-naïve centre involving DMO eyes of which the initial intervention started between 2010 and 2015, and had been followed for 2 years, were eligible. As interventions, antivascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents, local corticosteroids, macular photocoagulation and vitrectomy were defined. In each eye, baseline and final BCVA, the number of each intervention for 2 years was extracted. Each eye was classified by starting year of interventional treatment. Results Although baseline BCVA did not change by year, 2-year improvement of BCVA had been increased, and reached to +6.5 letters in the latest term. There is little difference among starting year about proportions of eyes which BCVA gained >15 letters, in contrast to those which lost >15 letters were decreased by year. The proportion of eyes receiving anti-VEGF therapy was dramatically increased, while those receiving the other therapies were gradually decreased. The proportion of eyes which maintained socially good vision of BCVA>20/40 has been increased and reached to 59.0% in the latest term. Conclusion For recent years, treatment patterns for DMO have been gradually but certainly changed; as a result, better visual gain, suppression of worsened eyes and better final BCVA have been obtained. Anti-VEGF therapy has become the first-line therapy and its injection frequency has been increasing

    Real-world management of treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema in Japan : two-year visual outcomes with and without anti-VEGF therapy in the STREAT-DME study

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    Background/Aims To investigate real-world outcomes for best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) after 2-year clinical intervention for treatment-naïve, centr-involving diabetic macular oedema (DME). Methods Retrospective analysis of longitudinal medical records obtained from 27 institutions specialising in retinal diseases in Japan. A total of 2049 eyes with treatment-naïve DME commencing intervention between 2010 and 2015 who were followed for 2 years were eligible. Interventions for DME included anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy, local corticosteroid therapy, macular photocoagulation and vitrectomy. Baseline and final BCVA (logMAR) were assessed. Eyes were classified by the treatment pattern, depending on whether anti-VEGF therapy was used, into an anti-VEGF monotherapy group (group A), a combination therapy group (group B) and a group without anti-VEGF therapy (group C). Results The mean 2-year improvement of BCVA was −0.04±0.40 and final BCVA of >20/40 was obtained in 46.3% of eyes. Based on the treatment pattern, there were 427 eyes (20.9%) in group A, 807 eyes (39.4%) in group B and 815 eyes (39.8%) in group C. Mean improvement of BCVA was −0.09±0.39, –0.02±0.40 and −0.05±0.39, and the percentage of eyes with final BCVA of >20/40 was 49.4%, 38.9%, and 52.0%, respectively. Conclusion Following 2-year real-world management of treatment-naïve DME in Japan, BCVA improved by 2 letters. Eyes treated by anti-VEGF monotherapy showed a better visual prognosis than eyes receiving combination therapy. Despite treatment for DME being selected by specialists in consideration of medical and social factors, a satisfactory visual prognosis was not obtained, but final BCVA remained >20/40 in half of all eyes

    The sacred deer conflict of management after a 1000‐year history: Hunting in the name of conservation or loss of their genetic identity

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    Abstract Human–wildlife conflict involves diverse stakeholders with conflicting values. Resolving such conflicts necessitates the development of management plans rooted in scientific knowledge and establishing of social consensus. In Nara City, situated within the Japanese Archipelago, wild sika deer (Cervus nippon) hold sacred significance due to religious reasons and have been protected for over a millennium, resulting in a distinct genetic identity. However, the escalating deer population has caused significant agricultural damage in the areas surrounding the sanctuary. Consequently, a debate has arisen regarding the advantages and disadvantages of implementing lethal measures to address individuals that might be considered sacred deer but are regarded as pests in the vicinity of the sanctuary. Here, we used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to detect the origin of deer in the areas neighboring the sanctuary (management areas). As a result, two genetic populations of deer were detected in Nara City. In the sanctuary, we detected only one specific mtDNA haplotype (S4). On the other hand, seven haplotypes, including S4, were detected in the management area. SSR analysis also suggested that the sika deer in the management area may be an admixed population of multiple origins from the sanctuary and out of Nara City. Interbreeding populations may expand into the sanctuary, and unique genetic populations for more than 1000 years may disappear. This study suggests that ordinary deer could soon replace the deer revered and protected by the people of Nara. Additionally, the proximity of sanctuary deer to tourists worldwide and the interaction with wild deer in other areas pose a potential risk of spreading zoonotic diseases. Urgent decisions are required to determine whether to advocate for extermination in managed areas for ‘conservation’ purposes or risk losing the genetic identity of the sacred deer

    Genetic difference of grass puffer Takifugu alboplumbeus population in the Okinawa-jima Island, Japan

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    クサフグを本州,四国,九州および沖縄島より採集し,マイクロサテライトDNA多型を用いて遺伝的多様性と分化の程度を調べた.沖縄島の標本群の有効アリル数の平均値は10.0で,他の標本群の14.2–16.5と比較して低かった.沖縄島の標本群は他の全ての標本群との間で黒潮による障壁が原因と考えられる遺伝的異質性が認められた.また,足摺岬周辺の標本群と他の標本群との間でも異質性が認められた.Genetic diversity and divergence of the grass puffer Takifugu alboplumbeus in the Japan Arc (Honshu Island, Shikoku Island, Kyushu Island and Okinawa-jima Island) were surveyed using four microsatellite loci. Average allelic richness of Okinawa-jima Island was 10.0, being lower than richness (14.2–16.5) of the other populations. Significant genetic difference was observed between the Okinawa-jima Island population (ONS) and the other populations caused by the Kuroshio barrier. Significant genetic differences were also observed between Ashizuri (southwest Shikoku Island; KTM and KTS) populations and the other populations