232 research outputs found

    Microwave and millimeter wave spectroscopy in the slightly hole-doped ladders of Sr14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41}

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    We have measured the temperature- and frequency dependence of the microwave and millimeter wave conductivity σ1(T,ω)\sigma_1(T,\omega) along both the ladder (c-axis) and the leg (a-axis) directions in Sr14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41}. Below a temperature TT^*(\sim170 K), we observed a stronger frequency dependence in σ1c(T,ω)\sigma_1^c(T,\omega) than that in σ1a(T,ω)\sigma_1^a(T,\omega), forming a small resonance peak developed between 30 GHz and 100 GHz. We also observed nonlinear dc conduction along the c-axis at rather low electric fields below TT^*. These results suggest some collective excitation contributes to the c-axis charge dynamics of the slightly hole-doped ladders of Sr14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} below TT^*.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure, to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Cohomotopy sets of projective planes

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    We set F=R(real), C(complex), H(quaternion), O(octonian) and d=dimRF. We denote by FP² the F-projective plane. The purpose of this note is to determine the cohomotopy set πⁿ(FP²) = [FP², Sⁿ]. Let h=h(F): S²d⁻¹→Sd be the Hopf map. Then we have a cell structure FP²=SdUhℯ²d and a cofiber sequence: S²d⁻¹ h→Sd- i→FP² p→S²d ∑h→Sd⁺¹→..., (1) where i is the inclusion map, p = p(F) is a map pinching Sd to one point and ∑h is the reduced suspension of h. Our result is given by the table on page 7. Its essence is stated as follows.Article信州大学理学部紀要 33(1): 1-7(1998)departmental bulletin pape

    A likely detection of a local interplanetary dust cloud passing near the Earth in the AKARI mid-infrared all-sky map

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    Context. We are creating the AKARI mid-infrared all-sky diffuse maps. Through a foreground removal of the zodiacal emission, we serendipitously detected a bright residual component whose angular size is about 50 x 20 deg. at a wavelength of 9 micron. Aims. We investigate the origin and the physical properties of the residual component. Methods. We measured the surface brightness of the residual component in the AKARI mid-infrared all-sky maps. Results. The residual component was significantly detected only in 2007 January, even though the same region was observed in 2006 July and 2007 July, which shows that it is not due to the Galactic emission. We suggest that this may be a small cloud passing near the Earth. By comparing the observed intensity ratio of I_9um/I_18um with the expected intensity ratio assuming thermal equilibrium of dust grains at 1 AU for various dust compositions and sizes, we find that dust grains in the moving cloud are likely to be much smaller than typical grains that produce the bulk of the zodiacal light. Conclusions. Considering the observed date and position, it is likely that it originates in the solar coronal mass ejection (CME) which took place on 2007 January 25.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Multi-epoch VLBA observations of 3C 66A

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    We present the results of six-epoch Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of 3C~66A. The high-resolution Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI) maps obtained at multi-frequency (2.3, 8.4, and 22.2 GHz) simultaneously enabled us to identify the brightest compact component with the core. We find that the spectrum of the core can be reasonably fitted by the synchrotron self-absorption model. Our VLBA maps show that the jet of 3C~66A has two bendings at about 1.2 and 4 mas from the core. We also give possible identifications of our jet components with the components in previous VLBA observations by analysing their proper motions. We find consistent differences of the position from the core in one component between different frequencies at six epochs.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, received 30 January 2007, accepted 22 March 200

    The 2006 Radio Outburst of a Microquasar Cyg X-3: Observation and Data

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    We present the results of the multi-frequency observations of radio outburst of the microquasar Cyg X-3 in February and March 2006 with the Nobeyama 45-m telescope, the Nobeyama Millimeter Array, and the Yamaguchi 32-m telescope. Since the prediction of a flare by RATAN-600, the source has been monitored from Jan 27 (UT) with these radio telescopes. At the eighteenth day after the quench of the activity, successive flares exceeding 1 Jy were observed successfully. The time scale of the variability in the active phase is presumably shorter in higher frequency bands. We also present the result of a follow-up VLBI observation at 8.4 GHz with the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN) 2.6 days after the first rise. The VLBI image exhibits a single core with a size of <8 mas (80 AU). The observed image was almost stable, although the core showed rapid variation in flux density. No jet structure was seen at a sensitivity of Tb=7.5×105T_b = 7.5\times 10^5 K.Comment: 17 pages,6 figures; accepted by PAS

    ALS mutations in the TIA-1 prion-like domain trigger highly condensed pathogenic structures

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    筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)の発症機構の一端を解明 --タンパク質の高密度な凝縮構造が鍵--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-09-13.T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) plays a central role in stress granule (SG) formation by self-assembly via the prion-like domain (PLD). In the TIA-1 PLD, amino acid mutations associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Welander distal myopathy (WDM), have been identified. However, how these mutations affect PLD self-assembly properties has remained elusive. In this study, we uncovered the implicit pathogenic structures caused by the mutations. NMR analysis indicated that the dynamic structures of the PLD are synergistically determined by the physicochemical properties of amino acids in units of five residues. Molecular dynamics simulations and three-dimensional electron crystallography, together with biochemical assays, revealed that the WDM mutation E384K attenuated the sticky properties, whereas the ALS mutations P362L and A381T enhanced the self-assembly by inducing β-sheet interactions and highly condensed assembly, respectively. These results suggest that the P362L and A381T mutations increase the likelihood of irreversible amyloid fibrillization after phase-separated droplet formation, and this process may lead to pathogenicity

    Globular-shaped variable lymphocyte receptors B antibody multimerized by a hydrophobic clustering in hagfish

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    In hagfish and lampreys, two representative jawless vertebrates, the humoral immunity is directly mediated by variable lymphocyte receptors B (VLRBs). Both monomeric VLRBs are structurally and functionally similar, but their C-terminal tails differ: lamprey VLRB has a Cys-rich tail that forms disulfide-linked pentamers of dimers, contributing to its multivalency, whereas hagfish VLRB has a superhydrophobic tail of unknown structure. Here, we reveal that VLRBs obtained from hagfish plasma have a globular-shaped multimerized form (approximately 0.6 to 1.7 MDa) that is generated by hydrophobic clustering instead of covalent linkage. Electron microscopy (EM) and single-particle analysis showed that the multimerized VLRBs form globular-shaped clusters with an average diameter of 28.7 ± 2.2 nm. The presence of VLRBs in the complex was confirmed by immune-EM analysis using an anti-VLRB antibody. Furthermore, the hydrophobic hagfish C-terminus (HC) was capable of triggering multimerization and directing the cellular surface localization via a glycophosphatidylinositol linkage. Our results strongly suggest that the hagfish VLRB forms a previously unknown globular-shaped antibody. This novel identification of a structurally unusual VLRB complex may suggest that the adaptive immune system of hagfish differs from that of lamprey

    Single-cell RNA-sequencing resolves self-antigen expression during mTEC development

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    The crucial capability of T cells for discrimination between self and non-self peptides is based on negative selection of developing thymocytes by medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs). The mTECs purge autoreactive T cells by expression of cell-type specific genes referred to as tissue-restricted antigens (TRAs). Although the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) protein is known to promote the expression of a subset of TRAs, its mechanism of action is still not fully understood. The expression of TRAs that are not under the control of AIRE also needs further characterization. Furthermore, expression patterns of TRA genes have been suggested to change over the course of mTEC development. Herein we have used single-cell RNA-sequencing to resolve patterns of TRA expression during mTEC development. Our data indicated that mTEC development consists of three distinct stages, correlating with previously described jTEC, mTEChi and mTEClo phenotypes. For each subpopulation, we have identified marker genes useful in future studies. Aire-induced TRAs were switched on during jTEC-mTEC transition and were expressed in genomic clusters, while otherwise the subsets expressed largely overlapping sets of TRAs. Moreover, population-level analysis of TRA expression frequencies suggested that such differences might not be necessary to achieve efficient thymocyte selection.RM is supported by a PhD Fellowship from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (SFRH/ BD/51950/2012). XZ is supported by an Advanced Postdoc Mobility Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, grant number P300P2_151352). Part of the work was performed during XZ’s visit to the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing. TL is supported by the Academy of Finland (Decision 311081). The authors would like to thank Bee Ling Ng and the staff of the Cytometry Core Facility, and Stephan Lorenz and the staff of the Single Cell Genomics Core Facility for their contribution. Mark Lynch is acknowledged for technical assistance with the Fluidigm C1 platform. Mike Stubbington and Kylie James are acknowledged for revising the language of the manuscript. We thank Sarah Teichmann for help and discussions regarding the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio