623 research outputs found

    Mathematics Unit Plan for Social Justice

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    Constructing lesson plans for middle school teachers focusing on social justice will lay the groundwork for the future textbook. The lesson plans will show students of color the power that mathematics has and its value in the world around them with hope to increase the interest of students of color in mathematics. In particular, the focus of this unit plan will be on seventh grade probability and statistics. Instead of using the generic examples that are given, the lessons in the proposed unit plan will focus on topics such as the police shooting incident rates with racial groups. The theoretical backgrounds for this project include many important theories such as ethnomathematics, rehumanization, culturally relevant pedagogy, and culturally sustaining pedagogy. For this project, I am utilizing Reading and Writing the World with Mathematics (RWWM) as the main framework. RWWM can be used for mathematics education research with various social groups with explicit discrimination that could deal with race; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) issues; and other such differences. Based on the investigations of the discriminatory actions, I utilize mathematics to validate the claim I want to make through this project. Finally, I believe teachers can make connections of mathematics in the students’ lives and communities by using the RWWM framework in their mathematics lessons. RWWM will be used in the final lesson designed with the context of police shootings. In the lesson, students will examine police shootings by race and then will be asked to debate a position using the data and previous lessons. There has been little research on this topic in the mathematics education field

    Nicholas Reactions in the Construction of Cyclohepta[de]naphthalenes and Cyclohepta[de]naphthalenones. The Total Synthesis of Microstegiol

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    The application of the Nicholas reaction chemistry of 2,7-dioxygenated naphthalenes in the synthesis of cyclohepta[de]napthalenes and in the synthesis of (±)-microstegiol (1) is presented. The substitution profile of Nicholas monosubstitution (predominantly C-1) and disubstitution reactions (predominantly 1,6-) on 2,7-dioxygenated napthalenes is reported. Application of a 1,8-dicondensation product and selected C-1 monocondensation products to the construction of cyclohepta[de]naphthalenes by way of ring closing metathesis and intramolecular Friedel−Crafts reactions, respectively, is described. Deprotection of the C-7 oxygen function to the corresponding naphthol allows tautomerization to cyclohepta[de]naphthalene-1-ones upon seven-membered-ring closure in most cases, and replacement of the C-2 oxygen function in the naphthalene by a methyl group ultimately allows the synthesis of (±)-microstegiol

    A cross sectional study of drug promotional literatures in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Arrival of 100s of new drugs into the market every year makes the rational use of drugs a challenge to the practitioners. The product promotion by pharmaceutical companies disseminates ambiguous drug information through medical representatives using drug promotion literatures (DPLs) which influence the physicians’ prescribing pattern. Objective of the study was to evaluate DPLs for accuracy, consistency, and validity using WHO criteria for ethical medicinal drug promotion.Methods: DPLs collected from different OPDs were analyzed and evaluated as per WHO criteria. References of DPLs in support of the claims were critically analyzed for their retrievability and validity.Results: 50 DPLs of 76 drugs were collected and analyzed. Of which 49 were FDCs and 27 single drug formulations. None of the DPLs fulfilled all the WHO criteria. Only 26% (13) fulfilled a maximum of 8 WHO criteria. Out of 88 references given in support of claims, 17% (15) of the references were irretrievable, 62 were from journals, 4 from textbooks and 7 from website. Almost all the DPLs had pictures of which only 50% (49) were relevant.Conclusions: Information provided is incomplete and biased. Hence, health care professionals must evaluate DPLs critically before considering the same for prescribing

    <i>In Situ</i> Sampling of Relative Dust Devil Particle Loads and Their Vertical Grain Size Distributions

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    During a field campaign in the Sahara Desert in southern Morocco, spring 2012, we sampled the vertical grain size distribution of two active dust devils that exhibited different dimensions and intensities. With these in situ samples of grains in the vortices, it was possible to derive detailed vertical grain size distributions and measurements of the lifted relative particle load. Measurements of the two dust devils show that the majority of all lifted particles were only lifted within the first meter (~46.5% and ~61% of all particles; ~76.5 wt % and ~89 wt % of the relative particle load). Furthermore, ~69% and ~82% of all lifted sand grains occurred in the first meter of the dust devils, indicating the occurrence of ‘‘sand skirts.’’ Both sampled dust devils were relatively small (~15m and ~4–5m in diameter) compared to dust devils in surrounding regions; nevertheless, measurements show that ~58.5% to 73.5% of all lifted particles were small enough to go into suspension (<31 mm, depending on the used grain size classification). This relatively high amount represents only ~0.05 to 0.15 wt % of the lifted particle load. Larger dust devils probably entrain larger amounts of fine-grained material into the atmosphere, which can have an influence on the climate. Furthermore, our results indicate that the composition of the surface, on which the dust devils evolved, also had an influence on the particle load composition of the dust devil vortices. The internal particle load structure of both sampled dust devils was comparable related to their vertical grain size distribution and relative particle load, although both dust devils differed in their dimensions and intensities. A general trend of decreasing grain sizes with height was also detected

    Cyclohepta[de]naphthalenes and the Rearranged Abietane Framework of Microstegiol via Nicholas Reaction Chemistry

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    Nicholas reactions on 2,7-dioxygenated naphthalenes give C-1 monosubstitution and C-1/C-8 disubstitution in most cases. From gamma-carbonyl cation monocondensation product 3b or alkyne-unsubstituted dicondensation product 4a, cyclohepta[de]naphthalenes bearing no substituents, gem-dimethyl substituents, and a ketone function, and the rearranged abietane framework of microstegiol may be prepared

    A rare case of arteriovenous malformation following hysterectomy in a case of choriocarcinoma

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    A uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare cause of uterine bleeding. It may have varied presentations ranging from being completely asymptomatic; to features of congestive heart failure, to vaginal bleeding which may at times life be threatening. Clinical findings in such cases are often un-reliable; requiring a high index of suspicion to make the diagnosis. We report a case of a 46-year-old lady who presented with heavy vaginal bleeding. She has undergone hysterectomy with a histopathology of choriocarcinoma one and half months back. She has received chemotherapy and 8 fractions of radiotherapy for the same. AVM was diagnosed following a CT angiogram and was managed by embolization. We also discuss in brief about this uncommon but serious condition which the radiologist/gynaecologist may encounter in their practice. AV Malformation is a rare but potentially life-threatening cause of vaginal bleeding which must be kept in the differential diagnosis of sudden and massive vaginal bleeding. It requires a high index of clinical suspicion. Despite its rarity, early recognition of an AVM is imperative to enable timely diagnosis and intervention

    Immunity of Surface Layer Protein of Aeromonas ‎hydrophila in Rabbits

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    تم في هذه الدراسة استخلاص الطبقة السطحية البروتنية من بكتريا &nbsp;&nbsp;Aeromonas hydrophilaوقد تم التحري عن الاستجابة المناعية الخلوية المحفزة بواسطة بروتين الطبقة السطحية لوحده او كمساعد مناعي باستخدام 16 ارنب قسمت الى اربعة مجاميع كل مجموعه تضمت 4 ارانب ,حيث تم حقن المجموعة الاولى ببروتين الطبقة السطحية فقط, اما المجموعة الثانية فقد حقنت بالمستضد المقتول للبكتريا &nbsp;S. typhi فقط ,والمجموعة الثالثة فقد حقنت بالمستضد المدمج المكون من بروتين الطبقة السطحية والمستضد المقتول ,اما المجموعة الرابعة فقد حقنت بالمحلول الملحي الفسلجي واعتبرت كسيطرة, و تم استخدام المستضد المقتول لتقيم كفاءة بروتين الطبقة السطحية كمساعد مناع., وبعد انتهاء مده التمنيع تم التحري عن الاستجابة المناعية الخلطية من خلال عدة فحوصات, التلازن المباشر بالأنابيب والتلازن الدموي المنفعل لتقدير عيارية الاضداد. وقدتم استخدام طريقة بايوريت لتقدير تركيز البروتين الكلي في عينات المصل وتركيز البروتين الكلي للكلوبيولين المناعي الافرازي المستخلص من عينات الزائدة. بالإضافة الى ذالك فقد تم استخدام طريقة الانتشار المناعي لتقدير تركيز الكلوبيولين المناعي IgG في المصل, وايضا تم استخدام تقنية الامتزاز المناعي المرتبط بالأنزيم لتقدير تركيزCD4 في المصل, وقد بينت النتائج لكل الفحوصات ان كل من بروتين الطبقة السطحية فقط , المستضد المقتول للبكتريا &nbsp;S. typhi فقط والمستضد المدمج قد اعطت زيادة معنوية بالمقارنة مع مجموعة السيطرة وعلى مستوى احتمالية P&lt;0.05فقد كان تركيز &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IgGبمعدل (2365.5, 3505mg/dl (2916,على التوالي بينما مجموعة السيطرة بمعدل 1662)) mg/dl ,وقد كان تركيز &nbsp;CD4بمعدل)9.377,11.7 17.36,) ng/ml بينما مجموعة السيطرة بمعدل6.91) ng/ml) وقد اظهرت النتائج ايضا ان هذه المستضدات الثلاثة قد حفزت الاستجابة المناعية الخلطيةIn this study the Surface layer (S-layer) protein was extracted from Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria ,the humoral immune response that induced by S-layer protein only or as adjuvant was investigated &nbsp;by using 16 males New Zealand rabbits and divided into four groups, each group contained four rabbits, the first group was immunized with &nbsp;S-layer protein only, the second group was immunized with heated killed antigen(HKA)of Sallmonella typhi only, the third group was immunized with mixed antigens (S-layer+ HKA),while the fourth group considered as control group and immunized with normal saline. The HKA of S. typhi&nbsp; was used to evaluate the efficiency of S-layer protein as adjuvant. After the immunization period, the humoral immune response was investigated by several tests include, tube agglutination test and passive agglutination test that used to detect the antibody titer. Biuret method was used to determine the total protein concentration in serum&nbsp; samples and total protein concentration of secretory immunoglobulin that extracted form appendix samples. In addition the Radical Immunodiffution (RID) &nbsp;method was used to detect the concentration level of the IgG in serum samples. Moreover the concentration level of the CD4 in the serum samples was determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method .In all these tests the result revealed, both of S-layer protein only , HKA of only and mixed antigens(S-layer+ HKA) were given significantly increased in comparison with control group at P&lt;0.05. The result showed that the&nbsp; concentration level of IgG with mean values (2365.5 , 3505 and 2916) mg/dl respectively &nbsp;while the control group with mean value (1662)mg/dl. In addition the concentration&nbsp; level of CD4 molecule with mean values (9.37, 11.77 and 17.36) ng/ml respectively while the control group with mean value (6.91) ng/ml .The results showed that these three types of antigens induced the humoral immune respons