4 research outputs found

    Importance of Incorporating Protein Flexibility in Molecule Modeling: A Theoretical Study on Type I1/2 NIK Inhibitors

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    NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK), which is considered as the central component of the non-canonical NF-κB pathway, has been proved to be an important target for the regulation of the immune system. In the past few years, NIK inhibitors with various scaffolds have been successively reported, among which type I1/2 inhibitors that can not only bind in the ATP-binding pocket at the DFG-in state but also extend into an additional back pocket, make up the largest proportion of the NIK inhibitors, and are worthy of more attention. In this study, an integration protocol that combines molecule docking, MD simulations, ensemble docking, MM/GB(PB)SA binding free energy calculations, and decomposition was employed to understand the binding mechanism of 21 tricyclic type I1/2 NIK inhibitors. It is found that the docking accuracy is largely dependent on the selection of docking protocols as well as the crystal structures. The predictions given by the ensemble docking based on multiple receptor conformations (MRCs) and the MM/GB(PB)SA calculations based on MD simulations showed higher linear correlations with the experimental data than those given by conventional rigid receptor docking (RRD) methods (Glide, GOLD, and Autodock Vina), highlighting the importance of incorporating protein flexibility in predicting protein–ligand interactions. Further analysis based on MM/GBSA demonstrates that the hydrophobic interactions play the most essential role in the ligand binding to NIK, and the polar interactions also make an important contribution to the NIK-ligand recognition. A deeper comparison of several pairs of representative derivatives reveals that the hydrophobic interactions are vitally important in the structural optimization of analogs as well. Besides, the H-bond interactions with some key residues and the large desolvation effect in the back pocket devote to the affinity distinction. It is expected that our study could provide valuable insights into the design of novel and potent type I1/2 NIK inhibitors

    ADMET Evaluation in Drug Discovery. Part 17: Development of Quantitative and Qualitative Prediction Models for Chemical-Induced Respiratory Toxicity

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    As a dangerous end point, respiratory toxicity can cause serious adverse health effects and even death. Meanwhile, it is a common and traditional issue in occupational and environmental protection. Pharmaceutical and chemical industries have a strong urge to develop precise and convenient computational tools to evaluate the respiratory toxicity of compounds as early as possible. Most of the reported theoretical models were developed based on the respiratory toxicity data sets with one single symptom, such as respiratory sensitization, and therefore these models may not afford reliable predictions for toxic compounds with other respiratory symptoms, such as pneumonia or rhinitis. Here, based on a diverse data set of mouse intraperitoneal respiratory toxicity characterized by multiple symptoms, a number of quantitative and qualitative predictions models with high reliability were developed by machine learning approaches. First, a four-tier dimension reduction strategy was employed to find an optimal set of 20 molecular descriptors for model building. Then, six machine learning approaches were used to develop the prediction models, including relevance vector machine (RVM), support vector machine (SVM), regularized random forest (RRF), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), naïve Bayes (NB), and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Among all of the models, the SVM regression model shows the most accurate quantitative predictions for the test set (<i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ext</sub> = 0.707), and the XGBoost classification model achieves the most accurate qualitative predictions for the test set (MCC of 0.644, AUC of 0.893, and global accuracy of 82.62%). The application domains were analyzed, and all of the tested compounds fall within the application domain coverage. We also examined the structural features of the compounds and important fragments with large prediction errors. In conclusion, the SVM regression model and the XGBoost classification model can be employed as accurate prediction tools for respiratory toxicity

    ADMET Evaluation in Drug Discovery. 18. Reliable Prediction of Chemical-Induced Urinary Tract Toxicity by Boosting Machine Learning Approaches

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    Xenobiotic chemicals and their metabolites are mainly excreted out of our bodies by the urinary tract through the urine. Chemical-induced urinary tract toxicity is one of the main reasons that cause failure during drug development, and it is a common adverse event for medications, natural supplements, and environmental chemicals. Despite its importance, there are only a few <i>in silico</i> models for assessing urinary tract toxicity for a large number of compounds with diverse chemical structures. Here, we developed a series of qualitative and quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) models for predicting urinary tract toxicity. In our study, the recursive feature elimination method incorporated with random forests (RFE-RF) was used for dimension reduction, and then eight machine learning approaches were used for QSAR modeling, i.e., relevance vector machine (RVM), support vector machine (SVM), regularized random forest (RRF), C5.0 trees, eXtreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), AdaBoost.M1, SVM boosting (SVMBoost), and RVM boosting (RVMBoost). For building classification models, the synthetic minority oversampling technique was used to handle the imbalance data set problem. Among all the machine learning approaches, SVMBoost based on the RBF kernel achieves both the best quantitative (<i>q</i><sub>ext</sub><sup>2</sup> = 0.845) and qualitative predictions for the test set (MCC of 0.787, AUC of 0.893, sensitivity of 89.6%, specificity of 94.1%, and global accuracy of 90.8%). The application domains were then analyzed, and all of the tested chemicals fall within the application domain coverage. We also examined the structure features of the chemicals with large prediction errors. In brief, both the regression and classification models developed by the SVMBoost approach have reliable prediction capability for assessing chemical-induced urinary tract toxicity