893 research outputs found

    Gaia Eclipsing Binary and Multiple Systems. A study of detectability and classification of eclipsing binaries with Gaia

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    In the new era of large-scale astronomical surveys, automated methods of analysis and classification of bulk data are a fundamental tool for fast and efficient production of deliverables. This becomes ever more imminent as we enter the Gaia era. We investigate the potential detectability of eclipsing binaries with Gaia using a data set of all Kepler eclipsing binaries sampled with Gaia cadence and folded with the Kepler period. The performance of fitting methods is evaluated with comparison to real Kepler data parameters and a classification scheme is proposed for the potentially detectable sources based on the geometry of the light curve fits. The polynomial chain (polyfit) and two-Gaussian models are used for light curve fitting of the data set. Classification is performed with a combination of the t-SNE (t-distrubuted Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) and DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) algorithms. We find that approximately 68% of Kepler Eclipsing Binary sources are potentially detectable by Gaia when folded with the Kepler period and propose a classification scheme of the detectable sources based on the morphological type indicative of the light curve, with subclasses that reflect the properties of the fitted model (presence and visibility of eclipses, their width, depth, etc.).Comment: 9 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Modelling physiology of haemodynamic adaptation in short-term microgravity exposure and orthostatic stress on Earth

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    Cardiovascular haemodynamics alters during posture changes and exposure to microgravity. Vascular auto-remodelling observed in subjects living in space environment causes them orthostatic intolerance when they return on Earth. In this study we modelled the human haemodynamics with focus on head and neck exposed to different hydrostatic pressures in supine, upright (head-up tilt), head-down tilt position, and microgravity environment by using a well-developed 1D-0D haemodynamic model. The model consists of two parts that simulates the arterial (1D) and brain-venous (0D) vascular tree. The cardiovascular system is built as a network of hydraulic resistances and capacitances to properly model physiological parameters like total peripheral resistance, and to calculate vascular pressure and the related flow rate at any branch of the tree. The model calculated 30.0 mmHg (30%), 7.1 mmHg (78%), 1.7 mmHg (38%) reduction in mean blood pressure, intracranial pressure and central venous pressure after posture change from supine to upright, respectively. The modelled brain drainage outflow percentage from internal jugular veins is 67% and 26% for supine and upright posture, while for head-down tilt and microgravity is 65% and 72%, respectively. The model confirmed the role of peripheral veins in regional blood redistribution during posture change from supine to upright and microgravity environment as hypothesized in literature. The model is able to reproduce the known haemodynamic effects of hydraulic pressure change and weightlessness. It also provides a virtual laboratory to examine the consequence of a wide range of orthostatic stresses on human haemodynamics

    Hydrologic responses of the Zwalm catchment using the REW model: incorporating uncertainty of soil properties

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    International audienceThe research presented in this paper focuses on an application of a newly developed physically-based watershed model approach, which is called Representative Elementary Watershed (REW) approach. The study stressed the effects of uncertainty of input parameters on the watershed responses (i.e. simulated discharges). The approach was applied to the Zwalm catchment, which is an agriculture dominated watershed with a drainage area of 114.3 km2 located in East-Flanders, Belgium. Uncertainty analysis of the model parameters is limited to the saturated hydraulic conductivity because of its high influence on the watershed hydrologic behavior. The assessment of outputs uncertainty is performed using the Monte Carlo method. The ensemble statistical watershed responses and their uncertainties are calculated and compared with the measurements. The results show that the measured discharges are falling within the 95% confidence interval of the modeled discharge

    Plethysmography system to monitor the jugular venous pulse: A feasibility study

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    Cerebral venous outflow is investigated in the diagnosis of heart failure through the monitoring of jugular venous pulse, an indicator to assess cardiovascular diseases. The jugular venous pulse is a weak signal stemming from the lying internal jugular vein and often invasive methodolo-gies requiring surgery are mandatory to detect it. Jugular venous pulse can also be extrapolated via the ultrasound technique, but it requires a qualified healthcare operator to perform the exami-nation. In this work, a wireless, user-friendly, wearable device for plethysmography is developed to investigate the possibility of monitoring the jugular venous pulse non-invasively. The proposed device can monitor the jugular venous pulse and the electrocardiogram synchronously. To study the feasibility of using the proposed device to detect physiological variables, several measurements were carried out on healthy subjects by considering three different postures: supine, sitting, and upright. Data acquired in the experiment were properly filtered to highlight the cardiac oscillation and remove the breathing contribution, which causes a considerable shift in the amplitude of signals. To evaluate the proper functioning of the wearable device for plethysmography, a comparison with the ultrasound technique was carried out. As a satisfactory result, the acquired signals resemble the typical jugular venous pulse waveforms found in literature

    Bio-activité des huiles essentielles de l’Armoise blanche Artemessia herba alba : effet sur la reproduction et la mortalité des adultes d’un ravageur des denrées stockées Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera)

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    Notre travail révèle un effet insecticide de l’huile essentielle extraite de la plante aromatique Artemissia herba alba, sur la population d’insectes ravageurs des denrées stockées Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera). Le bio-pesticide agit avec un double mécanisme d’action. Administré chez les adultes, l’huile essentielle provoque un taux de mortalité significatif par rapport aux témoins. Alors que son administration sur les chrysalides, prolonge leur développement nymphal et perturbe la reproduction des adultes, en prolongeant la période de préoviposition et en réduisant la période de dépôt des œufs puisque les femelles fécondées, ne pouvant vivre plus d’un ou deux jours, ce qui réduit le nombre d’œufs déposés.Bio-activity of essential oils of Artemisia herba alba : effects on reproduction and adult mortality of a pest of stored Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera)Our work reveals an insecticidal effect of essential oils extracted from aromatic plant Artemissia herba alba on population of insect pests Ephestia kuehniella. The biopesticide is adual mechanism of action. Administered in adults, the essential oil causes significant mortality compared with controls. Whilehis administration on pupae, it extending their pupal development and disrupts reproductive adults by extending the preoviposition period and reducing the period for depositing eggs asfertilized females, who can’t live more than one or two days, which reduces the number of eggs deposited

    Sera from Trypanosoma b. gambiense infected patients cross-react with a Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant protein

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    In previous studies, we and others have shown utility of a 24-kDa #Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant antigen (rTc24) for serological diagnosis of Chagas' disease. Also, this molecule has been proved useful to evaluate cure of chagasic patients who submit to specific treatment. However, in all the studies done so far, the 24-kDa protein was used as a fusion with a Gluthatione-S-transferase (GST) of #Schistosoma japonicum, therefore, parallel assays to determine the anti-GST responses of all sera were required to deduce the GST noise in serological tests. Here, we show the subcloning by polymerase chain reaction of the cDNA encoding the #T. cruzi$ 24-kDa antigen in a vector system (pQE) allowing us to obtain Tc24 recombinant protein as a single molecule. The highly reactivity of chagasic sera from Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia in ELISA against the recombinant antigen is confirmed. However, sera from patients infected with African trypanosomes recognize rTc24 in ELISA and blot. The relevance of these findings in the context of Chagas' disease diagnosis and/or the relationship with African trypanosomes is analyzed. (Résumé d'auteur

    Gentling and welfare of lambs

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    In traditional sheep production systems, lambs are suckled by their mothers and then gradually weaned at 35 days of age. However, the increased size of intensive dairy sheep flocks to obtain greater amounts of ovine milk for cheese making, is promoting the diffusion of artificial rearing programs involving early separation of lambs from their mothers. Maternal deprivation soon after birth can have detrimental effects on lamb immune functions, and lead to altered cortisol secretion and behavioural responses to isolation (Napolitano et al., 1995). Human-animal interactions have been documented to play a role in sustaining the welfare and production of domestic animals (Hemsworth, 2003). In addition, gentled animals are less difficult to be handled and less susceptible to the stress induced by management practices involving human contacts (Lensink et al., 2000). The aim of the present trial was to investigate the effects of gently handling newborn lambs on their behavioural, immune and endocrine responses, and on their growth rate when mothered or artificially reared

    Numerical Approach of the Littoral Instability of Chalk Cliffs: Case of Grandes Dalles (The Large Flagstones)

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    The various situations representing coastal cliffs of Haute Normandy are tested on numerical models. The parameters taken into account are: the lithology of chalks and the presence or absence of fractures. It is a question of specifying the mechanical characteristics of chalk and the inside of the fractures. The chalk cliff of 80m height, with a vertical cliff face, is modeled in distinct elements in UDEC code. We consider initially the cliff with two layers, in dry and then in saturated state. Then, the cliff is taken with two layers; the chalk of Seaford constitutes the upper layer and the chalk of Lewes constitutes the lower layer, by introducing a fracture with a strong slope passing in the foot of the cliff and another time a fracture parallel with the cliff face

    188W/188Re Generator System and Its Therapeutic Applications

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    The188Re radioisotope represents a useful radioisotope for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals for therapeutic applications, particularly because of its favorable nuclear properties. The nuclide decay pattern is through the emission of a principle beta particle having 2.12 MeV maximum energy, which is enough to penetrate and destroy abnormal tissues, and principle gamma rays (Eγ=155 keV), which can efficiently be used for imaging and calculations of radiation dose.188Re may be conveniently produced by188W/188Re generator systems. The challenges related to the double neutron capture reaction route to provide only modest yield of the parent188W radionuclide indeed have been one of the major issues about the use of188Re in nuclear medicine. Since the specific activity of188W used in the generator is relatively low (<185 GBq/g), the elutedRe188O4-can have a low radioactive concentration, often ineffective for radiopharmaceutical preparation. However, several efficient postelution concentration techniques have been developed, which yield clinically usefulRe188O4-solutions. This review summarizes the technologies developed for the preparation of188W/188Re generators, postelution concentration of the188Re perrhenate eluate, and a brief discussion of new chemical strategies available for the very high yield preparation of188Re radiopharmaceuticals

    Metallicity profiles of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies in NIHAO simulations

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    Supernovae feedback driven expansion has proven to be a viable mechanism to explain the average properties of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies (UDGs) such as the sizes, colors, mass and internal kinematics. Here, we explore the origin of stellar metallicity gradients in feedback driven simulated UDGs from the NIHAO project and compare them with the observed distribution of metallicity gradients of both Local Group dwarfs as well as of the recently observed UDG DF44. Simulated UDGs display a large variety of metallicity profiles, showing flat to negative gradients, similarly to what is observed in LG dwarfs, while DF44 data suggest a flat to positive gradient. The variety of metallicity gradients in simulations is set by the interplay between the radius at which star formation occurs and the subsequent supernovae feedback driven stellar redistribution: rotation supported systems tend to have flat metallicity profiles while dispersion supported galaxies show negative and steep profiles. Our results suggest that UDGs are not peculiar in what regards their metallicity gradients, when compared to regular dwarfs. Desirably, a larger observational sample of UDGs' gradients shall be available in the future, in order to test our predictions.Comment: 13 pages, 6+3 figure
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