1,007 research outputs found


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    This research performed simulations using the state-of-art three dimensional computer codes to investigate the interactions of space radiation with materials and quantify the biological dose onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and in a lunar shelter for future manned missions. High-energy space radiation of Trapped Protons, Solar Particle Events, and GCRs particles interactions are simulated using MCNPX and PHITS probabilistic codes. The energy loss and energy deposition within the shielding materials and in a phantom are calculated. The contributions of secondary particles produced by spallation reactions are identified. Recent experimental measurements of absorbed dose in a phantom aboard the International Space Station (ISS) was simulated, and used to determine the most appropriate simulation methodology

    Critical Information for Vietnamese Economy Aiming at a Strategic Breakthrough as Approaching the Industry 4.0

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    Chances, and challenges always are created in the fourth industrial revolution that has never faced in the past. Changing and renewing are necessary unless enterprises will come out of “playground” of the fourth industrial revolution. Currently, the navigational field, which has not been outside the “playground”, has suffered from numerous challenges. Although the possible advantages of marine industry only include the seaport system and government support, the challenges and barriers are the majority. Labor, database management, digital technologies, infrastructures, investment, and customer’s attractions are the existent trials of the maritime field. Improvement and renewing the educational program are compulsory. Furthermore, managing the database effectively is not easy. In Vietnam, the lack of synchronous infrastructures is also the enormous challenges of all industries in general and navigational field in particular. Moreover, the investment and customer attractions play the primary role to exist in the revolution. Some of the aspects of the maritime major in the fourth industrial revolution will be mentioned in the article. Also, supporting from Vietnam government as well as current challenges are thoroughly presented and analyzed to find the solutions for approaching the Industry 4.0. Among emerging challenges, the investment attraction, infrastructures, labor, database management, modern digital technology, and customer attraction may be considered as critical information for Vietnamese economy. Importantly, the challenges are analyzed to reveal that if these challenges can be transformed into the motivations, gaining achievements in 4.0 industrial revolution is not difficulty


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    costs for businesses in the region in order to form reasonable transportation routes, within and outside the guaranteed area. Improve the output of goods through and reduce social costs, in accordance with the planning of the transportation system, improve socio-economic efficiency in goods circulation. Methodology: This study uses statistical methods - data analysis, survey analysis, trend approach to forecast such as goods demand through ports, assess the nature of the problem and find specific solutions to devise optimal planning solutions. Main Findings: Transport infrastructure directly affects logistics performance, particularly on time, cost, reliability, and safety of this service, thereby affecting the growth rate of the economy in general and the business efficiency of enterprises in particular. Therefore, in order to meet the fast development of Cai Mep-Thi Vai logistics and port system, the transport infrastructure must be concerned, planned, and deployed in a synchronized and proper manner. Applications of this study: The Cai Mep-Thi Vai port area being invested and built and developed will be of utmost importance in Vietnam, with access to international maritime routes, connecting with existing wharves to form a continuous port system serving the dynamic economic development centers of the southern and international regions. Novelty/Originality of this study: The problems of port logistics and transport infrastructure to serve logistics. Provide some general theoretical issues about transportation for port logistics services. Also basing on foreign experiment and regional lessons to evaluate the existence of transport infrastructure for logistics services in Cai Mep-Thi Vai port area; point out the shortcomings and inadequacies of transport infrastructure for logistics

    Harmony and Conflict

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    An investigation of discovering business processes from operational databases

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    Process discovery techniques aim to discover process models from event-logs. An event-log records process activities carried out on related data items and the timestamp where the event occurred. While the event-log is explicitly recorded in the process-awareness information systems such as modern ERP and CRM systems, other in-house information systems may not record event-log, but an operational database. This raises the need to develop process discovery solutions from operational databases. Meanwhile, process models can be represented from various perspectives, e.g. functional, behavioural, organisational, informational and business context perspectives. However, none of the existing techniques supports to discover process models from different perspectives using operational databases. This paper aims to deal with these gaps by proposing process expressive artefacts based on process perspectives adopted in the literature, as well as discussing how these artefacts can be extracted from data components of a typical operational database

    Smart City, Citizen Engagement, and Information System Research

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    The paper highlights the importance of involvement of citizens in all the steps of smart city initiatives.Therefore, authors try to identify key factors and enablers for effective engagement and involvement of citizens and residents in any smart city project

    Explicit simulation of bolted endplate composite beam-to-CFST column connections

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    This paper explores the use of an explicit solver available in ABAQUS/Explicit to simulate the behaviour of blind bolted endplate connections between composite beams and concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns. Main aspects of the explicit analysis such as solution technique, blind bolt modelling, choice of element type and contact modelling are discussed and illustrated through the simulation of a large-scale test on the considered joint. The mass scaling option and smooth step amplitude are very effective tools to speed up the explicit simulation. Shell elements can be used in modelling the I-beam due to their computational efficiency and accuracy in capturing local buckling effects. With a proper control of the loading rate, the explicit analysis can provide accurate and efficient predictions of the quasi-static behaviour of the bolted endplate composite connections

    Quantifying organic carbon storage and sources in sediments of Dong Rui mangrove forests, Tien Yen district, Quang Ninh province using carbon stable isotope

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    The objective of this study is to quantify the organic carbon (OC) storage and its sources in sediments of Dong Rui mangrove forests, Tien Yen district, Quang Ninh province by analyzing TOC (total organic carbon), TN (total nitrogen), C/N ratios, δ13C isotopes and sediment grain sizes. The results showed that the fine-grained sediment fraction (63 µm) ranged from 8.58 to 82.10%; TOC, TN contents, C/N ratios and δ13C values ranged from 0.21 to 10.20%, 0.01 to 0.34%, 15.07 to 46.09 and –27.75 to –25.84‰, respectively. The variation of δ13C and C/N ratios, and the correlation between TOC, TN and the fine-grained sediment fractions indicated that mangrove forests play important roles in OC sequestration and accumulation of fine-grained sediments. The OC storage in sediments varied from 16.7 to 78.3 MgC ha-1 with an average of 57.2 ±14.9 MgC ha-1. Nowadays, the mangrove forest area in Dong Rui is about 2194.1 ha, thus, the total OC in sediment pool up to 45 cm in depth, contained 1.26(±0.3)×105 MgC, equivalent to 4.6(±1.2)×105 Mg CO2. These results demonstrated that the conservation of Dong Rui mangrove forest not only provides opportunities for coastal protection and disaster mitigation and other provision values, but also enhancing carbon sequestration and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions.References Alongi, D.M., 2011. Carbon payments for mangrove conservation: ecosystem constraints and uncertainties of sequestration potential. Environmental Science Policy 14, 462-470. Alongi, D.M., Sasekumar, A., Chong, V.C., Pfitzner, J., Trott, L.A., Tirendi, F., Dixon, P., Brunskill, G.J., 2004. Sediment accumulation and organic material flux in a managed mangrove ecosystem: estimates of land - ocean - atmosphere exchange in peninsular Malaysia. Marine Geology 208, 383-402. Bouillon, S., Connolly, R., Lee, S., 2008. 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