13 research outputs found

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    Biologian kenttäopetus yliopistoissa: yhteistyöllä uuteen nousuun

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    Kenttäkurssit ovat keskeinen osa biologian ja lähitieteiden opetusta yliopistoissa. Luonnossa tapahtuva opetus kehittää sekä ymmärrystä tieteenalan teoreettisista perusteista että ammatillisia käytännön taitoja. Kenttäkursseilla omat havainnot muodostuvat oppimisen perustaksi muiden oppimistapojen rinnalla. Vaikka kenttäopetuksen tarpeellisuudesta ollaan yksimielisiä, kenttäkursseja uhkaavat yliopistojen rahoituksen väheneminen ja tutkimusasemaverkoston karsiminen. Tässä kirjoituksessa pohdimme, kuinka uhkista huolimatta kenttäopetuksen määrää, laatua ja kustannustehokkuutta voidaan lisätä yliopistojen ja niiden tutkimusasemien välisellä yhteistyöllä.</p

    New national and regional biological records for Finland 11. Contributions to Bryophyta and Marchantiophyta 10

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    Ten species of mosses (Bryophyta: Entosthodon obtusus, Entosthodon ulvinenii, Eurhynchiastrum diversifolium, Hedwigia emodica, Hedwigia mollis, Hygrohypnum styriacum, Plagiothecium rossicum, Polytrichum perigoniale, Tortella alpicola and Ulota intermedia) are presented as new for Finland. Cephalozia lacinulata, previously considered to be regionally extinct from Finland, is reported to being found again. New records in biogeographical provinces for 67 species of mosses and 34 species of liverworts are listed. Finally, 6 occurrences in provinces are removed due to misidentifications or missing specimens

    Intestinal fatty acid binding protein polymorphism at codon 54 is not associated with postprandial responses to fat and glucose tolerance tests in healthy young Europeans. Results from EARS II participants. Atherosclerosis 2000;152:317–25

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    Abstract Polymorphism Ala54Thr of the intestinal fatty acid-binding protein 2 (FABP2) has been reported to have an effect on the protein&apos;s affinity for long chain fatty acids and to be associated with serum lipid and insulin levels in fasting and especially postprandial states. We wanted to test whether this genetic variation is associated with fasting and postprandial glucose, insulin or lipid levels in 666 male university students participating in the second European Atherosclerosis Study (EARS II). We also studied whether the subgroup of 330 students with paternal history of myocardial infarction (MI) before the age of 55 have different genotype distribution than 336 matched controls. Results: No difference in genotype distribution was observed between offspring with and without paternal history of MI or between populations from 11 European countries. The frequency of the threonine encoding allele was 0.276 in cases and 0.266 in controls. There were no differences in fasting or postprandial serum lipid, glucose or insulin levels between subjects having different genotypes. Conclusions: In this study FABP2 Ala54Thr polymorphism was not associated with lipid or glucose metabolism. In addition to environmental and genetic factors, selection of study population also may explain the difference between this and earlier studies

    Mutations in SEC63 cause autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease.

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    Mutations in PRKCSH, encoding the beta-subunit of glucosidase II, an N-linked glycan-processing enzyme in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), cause autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease. We found that mutations in SEC63, encoding a component of the protein translocation machinery in the ER, also cause this disease. These findings are suggestive of a role for cotranslational protein-processing pathways in maintaining epithelial luminal structure and implicate noncilial ER proteins in human polycystic disease