92 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPS Menggunakan Make A Match di Kelas V SD

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    The purpose of this research is describe the increased activity of students in social studies learning to use make a match in class V SDN 34 Pontianak City. The method used is descriptive method with research subjects are students of class VC totaling 34 people. This research was conducted as many as three cycles with the results obtained from the ability of teachers to plan learning in the first cycle that 4.43, 4.83 second cycle and the third cycle of 4.88. On the ability of teachers to implement teaching in the first cycle that 3.96, 4.31 second cycle and third cycle 4.62. The percentage of student learning activities in the first cycle, namely 55.30%, 82.38% second cycle and third cycle of 86.61% which increased from the first cycle to the second cycle was 27.08%, and the second cycle to the third cycle is 4 , 23%. It can be concluded that the use make a match can increase the activity of students in learning social studies in class V SDN 34 Pontianak City


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pembelajaran ilmu pengetahuan bumi dan antariksa (IPBA) di SMP Negeri 2 Bojong dari sudut pandang pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan (ESD). Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif digunakan, dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa di SMP Negeri 2 Bojong belum sepenuhnya mengintegrasikan konsep ESD dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi pelajaran IPBA. Sumber daya belajar yang tidak memadai, prasarana yang tidak memadai, dan dukungan dari sekolah adalah masalah yang dihadapi guru saat menerapkan ESD. Studi ini menemukan bahwa prinsip-prinsip ESD seperti relevansi, interdisipliner, kritis, partisipatif, dan berorientasi pada tindakan dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran IPBA di SMP Negeri 2 Bojong. Disarankan agar guru membuat bahan ajar dan media pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan ESD

    Habitat Quality Mud Crab (Scylla Serrata) in Mangrove Ecosystem of Bintan Bay, Bintan Distric, Riau Islands

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is one of small scale fisheries commodity that have high economic value and typically associated with good mangrove ecosystem. A habitat degradation will cause a serious impact on the existence of mud crab population. The puropse of this study was to assess the ecological quality of mud crab habitat condition on Bintan Bay's mangrove ecosystem. Ecological data collection was conducted by using plots line transect for mangrove and the mud carb data collection by using fishermen catch (fisher based survey). The results showed the value of habitat quality index (HQI) of mud crab (Scylla serrata) ranged from 52-82 which mean in the “moderate” category (index value 43-66) and "good" (index value 67-90). It showed that Bintan Bay's mangrove ecosystems was good enough to support the viability of mud crab. Habitat quality had a linier impact on body weight gain (R2 = 99.78%) and carapace width (R2= 99.21%). This showed that higher the index value of habitat quality, the size of the body weight and carapace width will increases

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi dalam Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar

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    The general objective of this study was to determine the increase in the activity of students in the fourth grade science teaching in State Elementary School 14 Rasau Jaya. The method used is descriptive method. There is an increase in planning the implementation of learning, ie 67.86% the first cycle, the second cycle is 87.5%. An increase of 19.64%, lower category. In carrying out the study, which is 71.67% the first cycle, the second cycle is 96.67%. An increase of 25%, the medium category. Physical activity of students in the first cycle is 86.66%, the second cycle is 95.55%. An increase of 8.89% lower categories. Mental activity of students in the first cycle is 57.33%, the second cycle is 78%. An increase of 20.67% lower categories. Emotional activity of students in the first cycle is 82.22%, the second cycle is 92.22%. An increase of 10% lower categories

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Murid Menggunakan Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses dalam Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar

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    This recearch aimed to describe the increase in The Activities of Student using the Skill Approach in The Process of Learning IPA in IV th Class primary School in Serunai Sambas West Borneo Provence. Using method is descriftif method. There is increasing activities student learning baseline 34,27 % after being given action in cycle I student activities learning in creasing being 44,27 %, margin improvedment from base line to cycle I 10 %. In cycle II there is an increasing the student learning activities. So as to achive 64,77 %, cycle III student learning activities increasing to 85,13 %, margin improvedment from cycle I to II 20,5 % in creasing low.while the result of the comparin of cycle II to cycle III. There is incresing learning student activities with difference of 20,36 % result low categor

    Kajian Struktur Ukuran Dan Parametr Populasi Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) Di Ekosistem Mangrove Teluk Bintan, Kepulauan Riau

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is one of the potential of small-scale fishery commodities that have high economic value. The abundance of the population is affected by the fishing effort and conditions mangrove ecosystem as its main habitat. Mud crab production in the Gulf of Bintan declined and the cause is not known with certainty. Therefore, it is necessary to study on the biology of mud crab in the Gulf of Bintan. This study aims to assess the status of mangrove crab population that includes the size structure, parameters of growth and the rate of mortality and exploitation. Data retrieval is done with a mangrove crab fisher-based survey. The results showed that the size of mud crab caught from carapace width (CW) 64-172 mm, the size of the young phase male crabs caught females reached 46.62% and reached 48.06%, both are almost half of the total catch, it indicates that fishing gear used is not selective. CW∞ males reach 176.93 mm higher than the female crabs of 169.58 mm, but instead value koefesien K males (0.360) is smaller than females (0.390), so that the growth of female mud crabs faster than males. Estimated natural mortality rates (M) male = 0.5566 and deaths from arrest (F) male = 0.6434 while M females female F = 0.59 and = 0.41. The rate of exploitation (E) male crabs reached 53.62%, can be said to have occurred over fishing or over-exploitation

    Korelasi antara Motivasi Berprestasi, Jumlah Jam Belajar, Tanggung Jawab, Disiplin dan Hasil Belajar Matematika

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    This study aimed to determine the correlation between achievement motivation, the number of hours of learning, responsibility, discipline, and learning outcomes mathematic. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. The study population are 71 class V state elementary school 58 Sungai Raya. Collecting data using questionnaires and documentation. The instrument used a questionnaire as many as 40 of the questions, has been tested to 32 learners. Data were analyzed using descriptive techniques, and correlation techniques. The results of the showed that, there is a correlation between achievement motivation, the number of hours of study, responsibility, the discipline learning outcome

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik Menggunakan Teknik Make a Match Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Di Sekolah Dasar

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    The research objective is to increase the activity of students in Natural Science Learning using techniques make a match. The method used is descriptive qualitative method, while its shape using Action Research (PTK). The location of this research in primary school. The tools used are observation sheets, test questions, and documents. The results of this study, namely, 1) the ability of teachers to plan Natural Science Learning using techniques make a match has increased with very good category. 2) The ability of teachers to implement Natural Science Learning by using techniques make a match has increased with very good category. 3) Physical activity learners an increase in both categories, 4) Mental Activity learners has increased with both categories; and 5) the learner emotional activity has increased with very good category

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA dengan Metode Demonstrasi di Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this research in general is to improve this quality of science teaching practices though enchanced student learning activities in class V 001 public elementary school district, the district Tambelan Bintan. The method used is descriptipe methode. There is an in crease in student learning activities 22% of its initial I cycle increased to 40,5% in the second cycle of learning activities of student to 68% and then became 75% in the third cycle. After briefly unsettiled IPA increased activity in learning the differece between. The increase in cycle I and cycle II of 27,5%. Late in the cycle II to cycle III increased to 7%. This the averange achivement of students learning activities in cycle 1 and II are high compared with the cycle in category III which can be low