205 research outputs found


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    The rationale behind this study is to evaluate the impact of leachate resulting from the public landfill of Meknès city (MOROCCO), on the environment and more specifically on the waters of the aquifer. For this, a spatio-temporal monitoring of Nitrites, Nitrates, total germs, Sulfito reducing bacteria, Salmonella was performed at eight stations during the four seasons of the year 2013, in order to make a comparison between the pollution load of the leachate and, the possibility that juice discharge contamins groundwater. However, other different sampling point, are believed to be at the beginning of their infection. As to test this, we analyzed seven samples (water wells and springs) around the landfill by physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes. We confirm in this study that the marl is a temporary powerful obstacle, in contrast with permanent increasing pollution, generated by the decomposition of waste in landfill of Meknes city


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    The rationale behind this study is to evaluate the impact of leachate resulting from the public landfill of Meknès city (MOROCCO), on the environment and more specifically on the waters of the aquifer. For this, a spatio-temporal monitoring of Nitrites, Nitrates, total germs, Sulfito reducing bacteria, Salmonella was performed at eight stations during the four seasons of the year 2013, in order to make a comparison between the pollution load of the leachate and, the possibility that juice discharge contamins groundwater. However, other different sampling point, are believed to be at the beginning of their infection. As to test this, we analyzed seven samples (water wells and springs) around the landfill by physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes. We confirm in this study that the marl is a temporary powerful obstacle, in contrast with permanent increasing pollution, generated by the decomposition of waste in landfill of Meknes city


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    International audienceRESUME: Ce papier présente une approche de synthèse de commande sûre de fonctionnement des Systèmes à Evéne-ments Discrets Temporisés (SEDTs), à base de propriétés temporelles. Pour établir cette synthèse, la démarche propo-sée s'appuie sur la modularité des systèmes manufacturiers retrouvée dans les travaux (Qamsane et al., 2014a,b). Un exemple de système automatisé de production vient illustrer nos propos. MOTS-CLES: Systèmes à événements discrets temporisés, théorie de la supervision, commande distribuée, systèmes manufacturiers, modélisation

    Parasitoses caprines dans la région de Chefchaouen: épidémiologie et prophylaxie

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    Cette étude épidémiologique des parasitoses caprines a été effectuée, de septembre 1993 à août 1994, dans la région de Chefchaouen (Rif). Les caprins conduits en élevage extensif sont exposés à un polyparasitisme interne et externe très diversifié. La population des strongles gastro-intestinaux, constituée de sept espèces, est maximale en décembre et en avril. Les strongles respiratoires composés principalement de protostrongylidés montrent une forte charge parasitaire en septembre, décembre et mai. Au niveau hépatique, le trématode Fasciola hepatica manifeste un pic bicuspidal automno-hivernal. Les parasitoses de moindre importance sont la monieziose et l'oestrose. Parmi les parasitoses transmises au caprin par le chien, la cysticercose hépato-péritonéale prédomine l'hydatidose. Les ectoparasites dominants sont les mallophages en hiver et les ixodidés en été. Un programme de traitement anthelminthique est proposé

    Symmetries and observables in topological gravity

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    After a brief review of topological gravity, we present a superspace approach to this theory. This formulation allows us to recover in a natural manner various known results and to gain some insight into the precise relationship between different approaches to topological gravity. Though the main focus of our work is on the vielbein formalism, we also discuss the metric approach and its relationship with the former formalism.Comment: 34 pages; a few explanations added in subsection 2.2.1, published version of pape

    Critical Role of the Virus-Encoded MicroRNA-155 Ortholog in the Induction of Marek's Disease Lymphomas

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    Notwithstanding the well-characterised roles of a number of oncogenes in neoplastic transformation, microRNAs (miRNAs) are increasingly implicated in several human cancers. Discovery of miRNAs in several oncogenic herpesviruses such as KSHV has further highlighted the potential of virus-encoded miRNAs to contribute to their oncogenic capabilities. Nevertheless, despite the identification of several possible cancer-related genes as their targets, the direct in vivo role of virus-encoded miRNAs in neoplastic diseases such as those induced by KSHV is difficult to demonstrate in the absence of suitable models. However, excellent natural disease models of rapid-onset Marek's disease (MD) lymphomas in chickens allow examination of the oncogenic potential of virus-encoded miRNAs. Using viruses modified by reverse genetics of the infectious BAC clone of the oncogenic RB-1B strain of MDV, we show that the deletion of the six-miRNA cluster 1 from the viral genome abolished the oncogenicity of the virus. This loss of oncogenicity appeared to be primarily due to the single miRNA within the cluster, miR-M4, the ortholog of cellular miR-155, since its deletion or a 2-nucleotide mutation within its seed region was sufficient to inhibit the induction of lymphomas. The definitive role of this miR-155 ortholog in oncogenicity was further confirmed by the rescue of oncogenic phenotype by revertant viruses that expressed either the miR-M4 or the cellular homolog gga-miR-155. This is the first demonstration of the direct in vivo role of a virus-encoded miRNA in inducing tumors in a natural infection model. Furthermore, the use of viruses deleted in miRNAs as effective vaccines against virulent MDV challenge, enables the prospects of generating genetically defined attenuated vaccines
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