1,757 research outputs found

    ANN Model For SiGe HBTs Constructed From Time-Domain Large-Signal Measurements

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    We construct a large-signal artificial neural network (ANN) model for SiGe HBTs, directly from time-domain large-signal measurements. It is known that HBTs are very sensitive to self-heating and therefore we explicitly study the effect on the model accuracy of the incorporation of the self-heating effect in the behavioural model description. Finally, we show that this type of models can be accurate at extreme operating conditions, where classical compact models start to fail

    Interval Oscillation for Second Order Nonlinear Differential Equations with a Damping Term

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34C10, 34C15.It is the purpose of this paper to give oscillation criteria for the second order nonlinear differential equation with a damping term (a(t) y′(t))′ + p(t)y′(t) + q(t) |y(t)| α−1 y(t) = 0, t ≥ t0, where α ≥ 1, a ∈ C1([t0,∞);(0,∞)) and p,q ∈ C([t0,∞);R). Our results here are different, generalize and improve some known results for oscillation of second order nonlinear differential equations that are different from most known ones in the sencse they are based on the information only on a sequence of subintervals of [t0,∞), rather than on the whole half-line and can be applied to extreme cases such as ∫t0∞ q(t) dt = − ∞. Our results are illustrated with an example

    Baysian and NonBaysian Methods to Estimate the two parameters of Logistic Distribution

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    In this paper ,the problem of point estimation for the two parameters of logistic distribution has been investigated using simulation technique. The rank sampling set estimator method which is one of the Non_Baysian procedure and Lindley approximation estimator method which is one of the Baysian method were used to estimate the parameters of logistic distribution. Comparing between these two mentioned methods by employing mean square error measure and mean absolute percentage error measure .At last simulation technique used to generate many number of samples sizes to compare between these methods

    Cerebrovascular segmentation from MRA images

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    There is provided a method of processing a cerebrovascular medical image, the method comprising receiving magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) image associated with a cerebrovascular tissue comprising blood vessels and brain tissues other than blood vessels; segmenting MRA image using a prior appearance model for generating first prior appearance features representing a first-order prior appearance model and second appearance features representing a second-order prior appearance model of the cerebrovascular tissue, wherein current appearance model comprises a 3D Markov-Gibbs Random Field (MGRF) having a 2D rotational and translational symmetry such that MGRF model is 2D rotation and translation invariant; segmenting MRA image using current appearance model for generating current appearance features distinguishing blood vessels from other brain tissues; adjusting MRA image using first and second prior appearance features and current appearance futures; and generating an enhanced MRA image based on said adjustment. There is also provided a system for doing the same. Application US16/159,790 events 2018-10-15 Application filed by Zayed University 2018-10-15 Priority to US16/159,790 2018-10-15 Assigned to Zayed University 2020-04-16 Publication of US20200116808A1 2020-09-08 Application granted 2020-09-08 Publication of US10768259B2 Status Active 2039-03-02 Adjusted expiratio

    Pendidikan Etika Budaya Komunikasi melalui Media Sosial Berbasis Al-Qur\u27an

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    Isyarat tentang etika budaya komunikasi di media sosial berbasis Al-Qur\u27an mengutamakan penyampaian kalimat thayyibah yang mengandung unsur solidaritas, kooperatif, ekualitas dalam bingkai menjaga persatuan ummat. Di dalam al-Quran juga ditemukan dua macam makna etika budaya komunikasi, yaitu: makna etika budaya secara konotatif dan denotatif.  Konotatif yaitu  makna yang timbul dari sikap sosial, sikap pribadi, dan kriteria tambahan yang di kenakan pada makna Konseptual, sedangkan makna denotatif yaitu makna dalam arti wajar secara ekplisit (makna wajar, makna yang sesuai apa adanya). Artikel ini juga menemukan model komunikasi secara  konotatif : da\u27wah (mengajak, menyeru kebaikan), nasehah (memberi masukan untuk kebaikan), hiwar (berdialog), Jidal (adu argumen), bayan (menjelaskan), tadzkir (memberi peringatan), tabligh (Menyampaikan), indzar (peringatan keras), ta\u27aruf (saling mengenal), tawashi (saling memberi pesan), mauidzoh (saling memberi nasehat), tabsyir (memberi kabar gembira), idzkhol al-surur (menyenangkan hati orang). Sedangkan komunikasi secara denotatif, yaitu: qowlan kariman (Perkatan yang mulia), qowlan layyinan (perkataan lemah lembut), qowlan sadidan (perkataan yang benar), qawlan maysuran (perkataan yang mudah), qawlan Balighan (perkataan yang jelas), qowlan ma\u27rufan (perkataan yang baik). Artikel ini memiliki kesamaan dengan: Andi Faozi Hadiono (2016) yang mengatakan bahwa: Manusia berkomunikasi untuk menyelesaikan hal-hal yang penting bagi kebutuhanya. Manusia berkomunikasi untuk menciptakan, memupuk hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain. Harold Dwight Lassweel (1978) mengatakan  bahwa manusia hidup tidak bisa terhindar dari kegiatan komunikasi. Sasa Djuarsa Sanjaya  mengatakan manusia hidup sangat memerlukan komunikasi.  Sebaliknya, artikel ini memiliki perbedaan  dengan : Rerin Maulida dan Suryatno  (2016) yang menjelaskan tentang Media social -Media Sosial, Twiter, Face book, Instagram,  Path, WhatsAp tanpa menghubungkan medsos sebagai salah satu perangkat media da\u27wah. Metode penelitian dalam disertasi ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dan library research. Metode penafsiran yang dipilih dalam disertasi ini adalah metode tafsir Maudu\u27i. Sedangkan pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan humanistic
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