773 research outputs found

    Pressure-driven modelling of water distribution systems

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    This paper presents a novel method to model water distribution systems (WDS) with insufficient pressure. Methods for the prediction of the performance of a WDS with pressure deficiencies are reviewed. The influence of imposed relationships between nodal heads and outflows is assessed and numerical results are given. A Newton-Raphson technique plus line search is employed for solving the governing equations. It is demonstrated that the approach offers superior results for the hydraulic performance of networks under abnormal operating conditions compared to demand-driven analysis-based models

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Provinsi di Indonesia

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    This study is aimed to analyze the factors affecting the level of disclosure in the financial statements of the provincial governments in Indonesia. The subjects in this study are the Summary of Financial Statements Examination Results of Provincial Governments in Indonesia conducted by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). In this study, the sample included 30 provinces with a 3-year reporting period. Samples were selected using purposive sampling method. The analytical tool used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the analysis that has been done, it shows that the capital expenditure and number of population give significant positive effects on the level of disclosure in the financial statements of the provincial governments in Indonesia

    The high partial wave phenomenon of spin changing atomic transitions

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    The collisional transition between two highly excited atomic states with different spin is investigated theoretically. Taking helium-like n1S − n3P as an example, it is found that the transition is driven in the highly ion-ized Fe ion purely by exchange, and the cross section becomes increasingly dominated by partial waves of high orbital angular momentum as the scattering energy increases. Whereas for the near-neutral Li ion the transition is dominated by channel coupling in low partial waves. Analytical bench-marks and numerical methods are developed for the accurate calculation of the exchange integral at high angular momentum. It is shown how the partial wave and energy dependence of the collision strength for high n spin changing transitions in the highly ionized ion is related to the overlap of the extended atomic orbitals.</p

    Investigation of the Coupling Potential by means of S-matrix Inversion

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    We investigate the inelastic coupling interaction by studying its effect on the elastic scattering potential as determined by inverting the elastic scattering SS-matrix. We first address the effect upon the real and imaginary elastic potentials of including excited states of the target nucleus. We then investigate the effect of a recently introduced novel coupling potential which has been remarkably successful in reproducing the experimental data for the 12^{12}C+12^{12}C, 12^{12}C+24^{24}Mg and 16^{16}O+28^{28}Si reactions over a wide range of energies. This coupling potential has the effect of deepening the real elastic potential in the surface region, thereby explaining a common feature of many phenomenological potentials. It is suggested that one can relate this deepening to the super-deformed state of the compound nucleus, 24^{24}Mg.Comment: 12 pages with 3 figure

    Frozen Semen Quality of Simmental Cattle in Various Commercial Diluents

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    This study determines the effect of different commercial diluents on the quality of frozen Simmental semen. The extraction of fresh semen from 3 Simmental bulls using an artificial vaginal method was performed twice a week. Fresh semen with motility of &gt;70% was further processed to frozen using a one-step dilution method, and the commercial diluents used were Andromed®, Optixcell®, and Steridyl®. The diluted semen was packed into mini-straws, equilibrated, frozen, and stored for further testing. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) analysis with a 5% confidence level. The results showed that commercial diluents significantly affected motility, viability, intact plasma membrane, abnormalities, and recovery rate of frozen semen (P&lt;0.05). Commercial diluents with different sources of lecithin reported different results on the quality of frozen semen. Steridyl® has a more optimal ability to maintain the quality of frozen semen of Simmental cattle, followed by Optixcell® and Andromed®

    Quantitative imaging of dielectric permittivity and tunability with a near-field scanning microwave microscope

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    We describe the use of a near-field scanning microwave microscope to image the permittivity and tunability of bulk and thin film dielectric samples on a length scale of about 1 micron. The microscope is sensitive to the linear permittivity, as well as to nonlinear dielectric terms, which can be measured as a function of an applied electric field. We introduce a versatile finite element model for the system, which allows quantitative results to be obtained. We demonstrate use of the microscope at 7.2 GHz with a 370 nm thick barium strontium titanate thin film on a lanthanum aluminate substrate. This technique is nondestructive and has broadband (0.1-50 GHz) capability. The sensitivity of the microscope to changes in relative permittivity is 2 at permittivity = 500, while the nonlinear dielectric tunability sensitivity is 10^-3 cm/kV.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Rev. Sci. Instrum., July, 200

    Characterisation of autophagy disruption in the ileum of pigs infected with Lawsonia intracellularis

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    Lawsonia intracellularis is the aetiological agent of proliferative enteropathy, an enteric disease endemic in swine. Survival in its intracellular niche of the ileum epithelial lining requires the capacity to subvert, repress or exploit the host immune response to create an environment conducive to bacterial propagation. To better understand how L. intracellularis survives in its intracellular niche, we have performed an investigation into the dynamic relationship between infection and the host autophagy response by immunohistochemistry in experimentally infected porcine ileum samples. Beclin1, a protein required early in the autophagy pathway was observed to be distributed with a basal to apical concentration gradient in the crypts of healthy piglets, whilst infected piglets were observed to have no gradient of distribution and an increase in the presence of Beclin1 in crypts with histological characteristics of L. intracellularis residence. Detecting microtubule-associated protein light chain 3 (LC3) is used as a method for monitoring autophagy progression as it associates with mature autophagosomes. For LC3 there was no notable change in signal intensity between crypts with characteristic L. intracellularis infection and healthy crypts of uninfected pigs. Finally, as p62 is degraded with the internal substrate of an autophagosome it was used to measure autophagic flux. There was no observed reduction or redistribution of p62. These preliminary results of the autophagy response in the ileum suggest that L. intracellularis affects autophagy. This disruption to host ileum homeostasis may provide a mechanism that assists in bacterial propagation and contributes to pathogenesis

    Toksikološke metode otkrivanja opojnih droga u tragovima: kromatografska, spektroskopska i biološka karakterizacija derivata ecstasyja

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    Analysis often reveals variability in the composition of ecstasy pills from pure 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) to mixtures of MDMA derivatives, amphetamine, and other unidentifi ed substances. For a comprehensive toxicological analysis one needs to know all steps to MDMA synthesis which may originate impurities. The aim of this study was to synthesise and determine the chemical-physical and in vitro biological properties of a series of MDMA derivatives. 3,4-methylendioxyphenyl-2-nitropropene (MDNP) was obtained by condensation of piperonal with an excess of nitroethane in the presence of ammonium acetate. MDNP was then reduced to methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) by LiAlH3. All compounds were analysed using HPLC and spectroscopic technique [Raman, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), or infrared (IR)] at all the steps of synthesis. In addition, we assessed the biological potentials of these compounds by measuring in vitro their (i) blood cell/whole blood partition coeffi cient, (ii) binding to plasmatic proteins (Fbp), and (iii) membrane adsorption. Chemical structure was determined with antibody fl uorescence polarisation immunoassay (FPIA). This study showed the presence of solid impurities, particularly of a neurotoxic compound of Al3+ in the fi nal products. FPIA identifi ed the aminoethane group close to the substituted benzene ring, but did not detect the two major precursors of MDMA: MDNP and piperonal. Raman spectroscopy is an attractive alternative technique to characterise ecstasy pills and it can identify stereoisomeric forms such as cis-MDNP and trans-MDNP, which exhibit signals at 1650 cm-1 and 1300 cm-1, respectively.Analize često otkriju neujednačenost sastava tableta ecstasyja od čistoga 3,4-metilendioksimetamfetamina (MDMA) do mješavina njegovih derivata, amfetamina i drugih neutvrđenih tvari. Stoga je za kvalitetnu toksikološku analizu potreban uvid u sve korake sinteze MDMA, s obzirom na to da se ondje vjerojatno kriju izvori nečistoće (prekursori, katalizatori). Cilj ovog ispitivanja bio je sintetizirati derivate MDMA te napraviti njihovu kemijsko-fi zikalnu i biološku in vitro karakterizaciju. 3,4-metilendioksifenil-2-nitropropen (MDNP) dobiven je kondenzacijom piperonala u suvišku nitroetana uz dodatak amonijeva acetata. Njegovom redukcijom s pomoću LiAlH3 dobiven je 3,4-metilendioksiamfetamin (MDA). Svi spojevi iz pojedinih koraka sinteze karakterizirani su s pomoću tekućinske kromatografi je visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) i spektroskopskih tehnika [Ramanove spektroskopije, nuklearne magnetske rezonancije (NMR-a) te infracrvene spektroskopije (IR-a)]. Usto je ocijenjen i njihov biološki učinak in vitro mjerenjem (i) koefi cijenta raspodjele krvna stanica/puna krv, (ii) vezanja za bjelančevine u plazmi (Fbp) te (iii) adsorpcije na membranu. Kemijska je struktura utvrđena s pomoću fl uorescentnoga polarizacijskog imunokemijskog testa (FPIA). Analiza je u konačnim proizvodima utvrdila prisutnost krutih nečistoća, napose spojeva neurotoksičnog aluminija (Al3+). FPIA je prepoznao aminoetansku skupinu blizu supstituiranoga benzenskog prstena, ali ne i dva glavna prekursora za MDMA: MDNP i piperonal. Posebno je zanimljiva Ramanova spektroskopija budući da (i) pruža privlačnu alternativu za karakterizaciju sastava tableta ecstasyja te (ii) može otkriti stereoizomerne cis/trans-oblike spoja poput cis-MDNP-a odnosno trans-MDNP-a, čiji se signal vidi na 1650 cm-1 odnosno 1300 cm-1