8 research outputs found

    A conceptual model of the flame stabilization mechanisms for a lifted Diesel-type flame based on direct numerical simulation and experiments

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    This work presents an analysis of the stabilization of diffusion flames created by the injection of fuel into hot air, as found in Diesel engines. It is based on experimental observations and uses a dedicated Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) approach to construct a numerical setup, which reproduces the ignition features obtained experimentally. The resulting DNS data are then used to classify and analyze the events that allow the flame to stabilize at a certain Lift-Off Length (LOL) from the fuel injector. Both DNS and experiments reveal that this stabilization is intermittent: flame elements first auto-ignite before being convected downstream until another sudden auto-ignition event occurs closer to the fuel injector. The flame topologies associated to such events are discussed in detail using the DNS results, and a conceptual model summarizing the observation made is proposed. Results show that the main flame stabilization mechanism is auto-ignition. However, multiple reaction zone topologies, such as triple flames, are also observed at the periphery of the fuel jet helping the flame to stabilize by filling high-temperature burnt gases reservoirs localized at the periphery, which trigger auto-ignitions

    Large-Eddy Simulation of Laser-Ignited Direct Injection Gasoline Spray for Emission Control

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    Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) of a gasoline spray, where the mixture was ignited rapidly during or after injection, were performed in comparison to a previous experimental study with quantitative flame motion and soot formation data [SAE 2020-01-0291] and an accompanying Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulation at the same conditions. The present study reveals major shortcomings in common RANS combustion modeling practices that are significantly improved using LES at the conditions of the study, specifically for the phenomenon of rapid ignition in the highly turbulent, stratified mixture. At different ignition timings, benchmarks for the study include spray mixing and evaporation, flame propagation after ignition, and soot formation in rich mixtures. A comparison of the simulations and the experiments showed that the LES with Dynamic Structure turbulence were able to capture correctly the liquid penetration length, and to some extent, spray collapse demonstrated in the experiments. For early and intermediate ignition timings, the LES showed excellent agreement to the measurements in terms of flame structure, extent of flame penetration, and heat-release rate. However, RANS simulations (employing the common G-equation or well-stirred reactor) showed much too rapid flame spread and heat release, with connections to the predicted turbulent kinetic energy. With confidence in the LES for predicted mixture and flame motion, the predicted soot formation/oxidation was also compared to the experiments. The soot location was well captured in the LES, but the soot mass was largely underestimated using the empirical Hiroyasu model. An analysis of the predicted fuel–air mixture was used to explain different flame propagation speeds and soot production tendencies when varying ignition timing

    Etude combinée par simulation numérique direct et diagnostics optiques de la stabilisation de la flamme d’un spray Diesel

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    The understanding of the stabilization process of Diesel spray flames is a key challenge because of its effect on pollutant emissions. In particular, the close relationship between lift-off length and soot production is now well established. However, different stabilization mechanisms have been proposed and are still under debate. The objective of this PhD is to provide an experimental and numerical contribution to the investigation of these governing mechanisms.Combustion of an n-dodecane spray issued from a single-hole nozzle was studied in a constant-volume precombustion vessel using a combination of optical diagnostic techniques. Simultaneous high frame rate schlieren, 355LIF (laser-induced fluorescence) and high-temperature chemiluminescence or OH* chemiluminescence are respectively used to follow the evolution of the gaseous jet envelope, formaldehyde location and lift-off position. Additional experiments are performed where the ignition of the mixture is forced at a location upstream of the natural lift-off position by laser-induced plasma ignition. The analysis of the evolution of the lift off position without laser ignition reveals two main types of behaviors: sudden jumps in the upstream direction and more progressive displacement towards the downstream direction. While the former is attributed to auto-ignition events, the latter is studied through the forced laser ignition results. It is found that the location of formaldehyde greatly impacts the return velocity of the lift-off position.A two-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of a spatially developing turbulent lifted flame at the same operating conditions than the experiments and reproducing the temporal evolution of the lift-off length is proposed to provide a better understanding of the flame stabilization mechanisms. The DNS only covers a downstream region where the flow can be reduced to a gaseous jet, since experimental observations have shown that the flame stabilized downstream of the liquid spray. N-dodecane chemistry is modeled using a reduced chemical kinetics scheme (28 species transported) accounting for the low- and high temperature reaction pathways. Similar to what has been observed in the experiments, the flame stabilization is intermittent: flame elements first auto-ignite before being convected downstream until another sudden auto-ignition event occurs closer to the fuel injector. The flame topologies, associated to such events, are discussed in detail, using the DNS results, and a conceptual model summarizing the observations made is proposed. Results show that the main flame stabilization mechanism is auto-ignition. However, multiple reaction zone topologies, such as triple flames, are also observed at the jet periphery of the fuel jet helping the flame to stabilize by filling high-temperature burnt gases reservoirs localized at the periphery, which trigger in its turn auto-ignitions.Finally, a model predicting the fluctuations of the lift-off length around its time-averaged value is proposed. This model has been developed based on observations made in the experimental and numerical study: first, the lift-off length time-evolution was decomposed into a succession of auto-ignition events and downstream evolutions. Second, the period between two auto-ignition and the velocity of the downstream evolution was modeled using experimental correlations available in the literature. Third, the model has been adapted to take into account the effect of the high-temperature reservoirs on the flame fluctuations. Last, the model was compared to experimental data, where the ambient temperature, oxygen concentration and injection pressure were varied. Since the model showed good agreement with the experimental data, it can be used in addition to the model predicting the time-averaged lift-off length to better describe the Diesel flame stabilization.La compréhension du processus de stabilisation des flammes Diesel constitue un défi majeur en raison de son effet sur les émissions de polluants. En effet, la relation étroite entre la distance de lift-off (distance entre la flamme et l’injecteur) et la production de suie est maintenant bien établie. Cependant, différents mécanismes de stabilisation ont été proposés mais sont toujours sujets à discussion. L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir une contribution expérimentale et numérique pour identifier les mécanismes de stabilisation majeurs.La combustion d'un spray n-dodécane issu d'un injecteur mono-trou a été étudiée dans une cellule à volume constant en utilisant une combinaison de diagnostics optiques : mesures hautes cadences et simultanées de schlieren, LIF à 355 nm, chimiluminescence haute température ou de chimiluminescence OH *. Des expériences complémentaires sont effectuées au cours desquelles le mélange est allumé entre l’injecteur et le lift-off par plasma induit par laser. L’évolution du lift-off jusqu’à son retour à une position d’équilibre plus en aval est ensuite étudiée pour différentes conditions opératoires. L'analyse de l'évolution du lift-off sans allumage laser révèle deux types principaux de comportement : des sauts brusques en amont et un déplacement plus progressif en aval. Alors que le premier comportement est attribué à des événements d'auto-inflammation, le second est analysé grâce aux résultats obtenus par allumage laser. Il a été constaté que l'emplacement du formaldéhyde avait un impact important sur la vitesse de retour du lift-off.Une simulation numérique directe (DNS en anglais) bidimensionnelle d'une flamme liftée turbulente se développant spatialement dans les mêmes conditions opératoires que les expériences et reproduisant l'évolution temporelle de la distance de lift-off est proposée. Du fait que les expériences montrent que la flamme se stabilise en aval du spray liquide, la DNS ne couvre qu'une région en aval où l’écoulement est réduit à un jet gazeux. La chimie de l’n-dodécane est modélisée à l'aide d'un schéma cinétique (28 espèces transportées) prenant en compte les chemins réactionnels basse et haute température. Comme observé expérimentalement, la stabilisation de la flamme est intermittente : des auto-inflammations se produisent tout d'abord puis se font convecter en aval jusqu'à ce qu'une nouvelle auto-inflammation se produise. Le mécanisme principal de stabilisation est l'auto-inflammation. Toutefois, on observe également à la périphérie du jet diverses topologies de flammes, telles que des flammes triples, qui aident la flamme à se stabiliser en remplissant des réservoirs de gaz brûlés à haute température localisés à la périphérie, ce qui déclenche des auto-inflammations. Toutes ces observations sont résumées dans un modèle conceptuel décrivant la stabilisation de la flamme.Enfin, un modèle prédisant les fluctuations de la distance du lift-off autour de sa valeur moyenne temporelle est proposé. Ce modèle a été développé sur la base d’observations faites dans l’étude expérimentale et numérique : premièrement, le suivi temporel du lift-off a été décomposé en une succession d’auto-inflammations et d’évolutions en aval. Deuxièmement, la période entre deux auto-inflammations et la vitesse d'évolution en aval ont été modélisées à l'aide de corrélations expérimentales disponibles dans la littérature. Troisièmement, le modèle a été adapté afin de prendre en compte l’effet des réservoirs à haute température sur les fluctuations de la flamme. Et enfin, le modèle a été comparé aux données expérimentales, au cours desquelles des variations de la température ambiante, de la concentration en oxygène et de la pression d'injection ont été effectuées. Dès lors que le modèle a montré une bonne correspondance avec les données expérimentales, il peut être utilisé en complément du modèle prédisant la distance du lift-off moyen afin de mieux décrire la stabilisation d’une flamme Diesel

    Large-Eddy Simulation of Laser-Ignited Direct Injection Gasoline Spray for Emission Control

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    Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) of a gasoline spray, where the mixture was ignited rapidly during or after injection, were performed in comparison to a previous experimental study with quantitative flame motion and soot formation data [SAE 2020-01-0291] and an accompanying Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulation at the same conditions. The present study reveals major shortcomings in common RANS combustion modeling practices that are significantly improved using LES at the conditions of the study, specifically for the phenomenon of rapid ignition in the highly turbulent, stratified mixture. At different ignition timings, benchmarks for the study include spray mixing and evaporation, flame propagation after ignition, and soot formation in rich mixtures. A comparison of the simulations and the experiments showed that the LES with Dynamic Structure turbulence were able to capture correctly the liquid penetration length, and to some extent, spray collapse demonstrated in the experiments. For early and intermediate ignition timings, the LES showed excellent agreement to the measurements in terms of flame structure, extent of flame penetration, and heat-release rate. However, RANS simulations (employing the common G-equation or well-stirred reactor) showed much too rapid flame spread and heat release, with connections to the predicted turbulent kinetic energy. With confidence in the LES for predicted mixture and flame motion, the predicted soot formation/oxidation was also compared to the experiments. The soot location was well captured in the LES, but the soot mass was largely underestimated using the empirical Hiroyasu model. An analysis of the predicted fuel–air mixture was used to explain different flame propagation speeds and soot production tendencies when varying ignition timing

    Considerations for the temperature stratification in a pre-burn constant-volume combustion chamber

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    In recent years, the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) has developed as a worldwide reference for understanding and describing engine combustion processes, successfully bringing together experimental and numerical efforts. Since experiments and numerical simulations both target the same boundary conditions, an accurate characterization of the stratified environment that is inevitably present in experimental facilities is required. The difference between the core-, and pressure-derived bulk-temperature of pre-burn combustion vessels has been addressed in various previous publications. Additionally, thermocouple measurements have provided initial data on the boundary layer close to the injector nozzle, showing a transition to reduced ambient temperatures. The conditions at the start of fuel injection influence physicochemical properties of a fuel spray, including near nozzle mixing, heat release computations, and combustion parameters. To address the temperature stratification in more detail, thermocouple measurements at larger distances from the spray axis have been conducted. Both the temperature field prior to the pre-combustion event that preconditions the high-temperature, high-pressure ambient, as well as the stratification at the moment of fuel injection were studied. To reveal the cold boundary layer near the injector with a better spatial resolution, Rayleigh scattering experiments and thermocouple measurements at various distances close to the nozzle have been carried out. The impact of the boundary layers and temperature stratification are illustrated and quantified using numerical simulations at Spray A conditions. Next to a reference simulation with a uniform temperature field, six different stratified temperature distributions have been generated. These distributions were based on the mean experimental temperature superimposed by a randomized variance, again derived from the experiments. The results showed that an asymmetric flame structure arises in the computed results when the temperature stratification input is used. In these predictions, first-stage ignition is advanced by 24μs, while second-stage ignition is delayed by 11μs. At the same time a lift-off length difference between the top and the bottom of up to 1.1 mm is observed. Furthermore, the lift-off length is less stable over time. Given the shown dependency, the temperature data is made available along with the vessel geometry data as a recommended basis for future numerical simulations

    LES and RANS Spray Combustion Analysis of OME<sub>3-5</sub> and n-Dodecane

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    Clean-burning oxygenated and synthetic fuels derived from renewable power, so-called e-fuels, are a promising pathway to decarbonize compression–ignition engines. Polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (PODEs or OMEs) are one candidate of such fuels with good prospects. Their lack of carbon-to-carbon bonds and high concentration of chemically bound oxygen effectively negate the emergence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and even their precursors like acetylene (C2H2), enabling soot-free combustion without the soot-NOx trade-off common for diesel engines. The differences in the spray combustion process for OMEs and diesel-like reference fuels like n-dodecane and their potential implications on engine applications include discrepancies in the observed ignition delay, the stabilized flame lift-off location, and significant deviations in high-temperature flame morphology. For CFD simulations, the accurate modeling and prediction of these differences between OMEs and n-dodecane proved challenging. This study investigates the spray combustion process of an OME3 − 5 mixture and n-dodecane with advanced optical diagnostics, Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS), and Large-Eddy Simulations (LESs) within a constant-volume vessel. Cool-flame and high-temperature combustion were measured simultaneously via high-speed (50 kHz) imaging with formaldehyde (CH2O) planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) representing the former and line-of-sight OH* chemiluminescence the latter. Both RANS and LES simulations accurately describe the cool-flame development process with the formation of CH2O. However, CH2O consumption and the onset of high-temperature reactions, signaled by the rise of OH* levels, show significant deviations between RANS, LES, and experiments as well as between n-dodecane and OME. A focus is set on the quality of the simulated results compared to the experimentally observed spatial distribution of OH*, especially in OME fuel-rich regions. The influence of the turbulence modeling is investigated for the two distinct ambient temperatures of 900 K and 1200 K within the Engine Combustion Network Spray A setup. The capabilities and limitations of the RANS simulations are demonstrated with the initial cool-flame propagation and periodic oscillations of CH2O formation/consumption during the quasi-steady combustion period captured by the LES