181 research outputs found

    Technical and Cost-optimal Evaluation of Thermal Plants for Energy Retrofitting of a Residential Building

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    Abstract With the adoption of the recast EPBD in 2010, EU Member States faced new tough challenges, moving towards new and retrofitted nearly-zero energy buildings by 2020 and the application of a cost-optimal methodology for setting minimum requirements for both the envelope and the technical systems. Attention often is focused on building envelope technologies however nowadays technical systems can be a powerful instrumental factor in achieving high levels of energy efficiency. Thermal systems producing heating and cooling have higher investment costs but it is possible to demonstrate that in a long term they are cost effective related with traditional high efficient technologies. Refurbishment and energy retrofitting in residential buildings is frequently approached with standard and traditional technologies preventing the penetration of different but already consolidated solutions. The paper shows the technical and economical comparison between three technical systems (gas boiler, ASHP and GSHP) as option to replace an oil boiler after a whole refurbishment of an apartment residential building in Milan, Italy. The retrofitting of the envelope was standard nevertheless the most innovative choice was on thermal system

    Energy Saving Through the Sun: Analysis of Visual Comfort and Energy Consumption in Office Space☆

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    Abstract Energy demands for heating, cooling and lighting can be dramatically prejudiced by the facade configuration, solar exposition and typology of openings trying to maximize use of natural light. Office buildings are often field of experimentation of materials and innovative components, by the way a consolidated design market promotes facade layouts strongly transparent introducing a primary need to shading and protection of the users privacy. Building Automation Systems (BAS) can reduce users' intervention on indoor condition control; on the other hand users want to be capable to fix conditions in their working space avoiding problems of visual discomfort, specifically disturbing and intolerable levels of glare. Systems to evaluate visual comfort parameters to improve consciousness in use of daylighting are fundamental in design to realize a facade which permits real energy saving during operation time. The present study aims to analyze a single office space with three differe nt configuration of the openings located in different orientation and position (south exposed window, north exposed window and skylight). The three cases study are evaluated on optimization of natural lighting, visual comfort, electricity consumption and h eating and cooling demand and consumption. To perform these kind of calculation with the correct level of detail is crucial to make use of a appropriate tools which can estimate the value of the different parameters to assess energy and visual quality of the indoor space. It is not possible to use just one tool to collect all the information required to optimize a building in order to obtain a NZEB level of consumption. The high standards required by the new regulations need a full -range analysis and a specific knowledge of all the parameters involved. In this study are used six software for the simulation of the all needed parameters (Ecotect, Radiance, Evalglare, Daysim, Dialux, Open Studio)

    A Case Study of Solar Technologies Adoption: Criteria for BIPV Integration in Sensitive Built Environment

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    Abstract Solar Photovoltaics is one of the core technologies for a paradigm shift of our electric infrastructure towards distributed generation. In 2011 Italy became the first world market; however, Germany has even the primacy of accumulated power. The installed capacity amounted to 10.000 MW according to data of Italian Manager of Energy Services (GSE) against 1.000 MW in 2010 and 3.000 the beginning of 2011. The projections of GSE include the achievement of the 12.000 MW by the end of the year with more than 350.000 running plants. In a nearly mature market, cost related issues and technical difficulties are encountered in particular in the successful integration within a sensitive and consolidated built environment. The research presented aims to investigate the possible results of an effective use of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), choosing existing buildings in the city of Bellinzona (Canton Ticino, CH) as case studies. Bellinzona presents similar characteristics to small Northern Italian cities in terms of built environment characteristic and climate conditions. The theoretical framework for the analysis is the one proposed initially for low energy and nearly net zero energy buildings (NZEB). Although this type of analysis has been developed, in particular, for building with high penetration of renewable energy sources generation (up to 100% of the energy consumed), it seems worth investigating the dynamic interaction of building energy demand, on-site generation and grid with similar tools, because of the necessity of achieving low energy demand also in retrofitted existing buildings in a near future

    BIM-based energy and acoustic analysis through CVE tools

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    Abstract Building information modelling (BIM) is trying to overcome the issue of interoperability by promoting the collaboration between different professions, which enables Building Performance Assessments (BPA) to take place earlier in the design process. Nevertheless, the interoperability is rarely perfect and information is lost during translation from BIM authoring tool to simulation software or the interoperability is limited to the translation of the geometry. The discrepancies in data translations from BIM authoring tool to specific Calculation Virtual Environments (CVE) for energy and acoustic evaluation are considered. For the energy performance evaluation two software tools are tested in the present research paper, namely the Design Builder and IES VE , using IFC and gbXML as data exchange formats. Furthermore, a solution is proposed for overcoming the interoperability issue about acoustic evaluation by adapting programming language in Dynamo Graphical Interface for calculation of acoustic parameters, namely the Reverberation time and Schroeder's frequency, which allow room quality evaluation to take place earlier in the design process as they are crucial for educational and other facility usage buildings

    Renovation of an UNESCO Heritage Settlement in Southern Italy: ASHP and BIPV for a "Spread Hotel" Project☆

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    Abstract Many small historical settlements in Mediterranean areas have a great value in terms of architectural and cultural heritage. Therefore it happens that the socio–economic situation of many of these settlements is backward and depressed. A succesful way to develop these important environments is to implement tourism, a profitable and available economical resource. "Spread Hotel" or "Diffuse Hotel" or "Albergo Diffuso" is an innovative concept which aims to renovate decayed buildings situated in historical locations. New economical inputs are needed to revitalize these settlements and their social tissue. "Diffuse Hotel" concept is very diffused in Italy due to its rich historical heritage. The present paper displays a renovation project of a rural historical settlement into a "Spread Hotel". The site under analysis is located in Palazzolo Acreide, Sicily, Italy. The settlement strongly needed to be refurbished in order to provide habitability and to guarantee a proper level of comfort according to italian standards. The area is also listed in the UNESCO Heritage. The "Diffuse Hotel" at a national level is considered as an affordable and comfortable concept that enables the travellers to experiance Italy through a tipical, historical and comfortable hotel. The historical built enviroment preservation is strategic in Italy and can strongly support economical revitalization. European Community supports the development of "Spread Hotels" projects in order to improve economical capacity of depressed areas by financing refurbishment programs. In this contest the authors present how "Palazzolo Acreide" renovation project was done. In particular, the design strategy was to respect the local characteristics, improve thermal performance and HVAC systems and exploting the on site renewable energy. In fact, in the Mediterranean areas solar radiation is a incredible resource to provide energy to the buildings

    Energy Performance of Greenhouse for Energy Saving in Buildings

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    Abstract Nowadays it is necessary to reduce the energy consumptions of the built environment. This problem has led, in the last years, to a series of regulations to promote high performance systems. These can create a new way of building that is aware of the energetic consumptions. Besides the systems to use the solar radiation to produce energy (as active solar systems i.e. solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic modules) there are the passive solar systems such as the greenhouse. The greenhouse systems have a great potential to improve quality of living and energy performance of the buildings. However, it is now important to adopt a valid evaluation method to assess the project efficiency. There are already spreadsheets (for example SERRA 5000, based on Method 5000 and SERRA 832 , based on UNI EN 832/2001) which can evaluate energy performance and verify the effectiveness. The purpose of this research concerns the update of the existing spreadsheets for the winter (UNI EN ISO 13790/2008) and the definition of added spreadsheet for the summer period. In order to test this evaluation method, a case study has been evaluated and discuss

    Solar Heating and Air-Conditioning by GSHP Coupled to PV System for a Cost Effective High Energy Performance Building

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    Abstract Energy requirements for new buildings show the strong direction given by UE Directives to improve energy performance in buildings according to economic feasibility. Nowadays it is possibile to const ruct new buildings reaching a substancial reduction in energy consumption containing prices and time for the construction. In architectural competitions are always included architectural, energy and economic parameters of quality which are decisive in the success of the project design. A Housing Contest to collect projects with high performance and low cost for residential buildings for the Municipality of Comune di Milano, Italy, and the future construtions in the local area was launched by the to involve architects and professionals on the future development of the urban landscape giving specific requirements to achieve high performance. These requirements were focused on energy quality, acoustic quality, quality of the building site, guaranteed time schedule, prefabrication, economic affordability in comparison with the market trend of costs. The project presented in the paper is one of the chosen building by the Municipality to represent a pilot project for possible future constructions. In the Contest all the design group were in team with a builder to verify and guarantee the costs of the construction. The high energy performance required coupled to the low cost assured by the projects gave the Municipality a good example of how is possible to fulfill quality levels recommended by EU Directives and national regulations. In the Contest a high energy performance for heating was compulsory. The project described in the following paragraphs not only fulfill this energy requirement but also is almost self-sufficiency since it provides the energy for heating, cooling and common electrical demand
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