338 research outputs found

    Porciones 69, 70, 71, 72

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    From John Closner and Family Collection, contains two typed documents: 1) Affidavit of Francisco Tagle, Sr. as to possession of Porciones No. 71 and 72 (12 March 1906); 2) affidavit describing property purchase options among John Closner, J. P. Withers, James B. Wells (2 May 1902). Porcion 69, 70, 71, 72, 1902-1906, Container: 39, Box: 1, Folder: 8. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Special Collections and Archives, Edinburg Campus. https://archives.lib.utrgv.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/80722https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/hidalgohist/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Simple Models for Turbulent Self-Regulation in Galaxy Disks

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    We propose that turbulent heating, wave pressure and gas exchanges between different regions of disks play a dominant role in determining the preferred, quasi-equilibrium, self-similar states of gas disks on large-scales. We present simple families of analytic, thermohydrodynamic models for these global states, which include terms for turbulent pressure and Reynolds stresses. Star formation rates, phase balances, and hydrodynamic forces are all tightly coupled and balanced. The models have stratified radial flows, with the cold gas slowly flowing inward in the midplane of the disk, and with the warm/hot phases that surround the midplane flowing outward. The models suggest a number of results that are in accord with observation, as well as some novel predictions, including the following. 1) The large-scale gas density and thermal phase distributions in galaxy disks can be explained as the result of turbulent heating and spatial couplings. 2) The turbulent pressures and stresses that drive radial outflows in the warm gas also allow a reduced circular velocity there. This effect was observed by Swaters, Sancisi and van der Hulst in NGC 891, a particularly turbulent edge-on disk. The models predict that the effect should be universal in such disks. 3) They suggest that a star formation rate like the phenomenological Schmidt Law is the natural result of global thermohydrodynamical balance, and may not obtain in disks far from equilibrium. (Abridged)Comment: 37 pages, 1 gif figure, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Superbubble evolution including the star-forming clouds: Is it possible to reconcile LMC observations with model predictions?

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    Here we present a possible solution to the apparent discrepancy between the observed properties of LMC bubbles and the standard, constant density bubble model. A two-dimensional model of a wind-driven bubble expanding from a flattened giant molecular cloud is examined. We conclude that the expansion velocities derived from spherically symmetric models are not always applicable to elongated young bubbles seen almost face-on due to the LMC orientation. In addition, an observational test to differentiate between spherical and elongated bubbles seen face-on is discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted to ApJ (September, 1999 issue

    3D Spectroscopy of Blue Compact Galaxies. Diagnostic Diagrams

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    Here we present the analysis of 3D spectroscopic data of three Blue Compact Galaxies (Mrk324, Mrk370, and IIIZw102). Each of the more than 22500 spectra obtained for each galaxy has been fitted by a single gaussian from which we have inferred the velocity dispersion (sigma), the peak intensity (Ipeak), and the central wavelength (lambda_c). The analysis shows that the sigma vs Ipeak diagrams look remarkably similar to those obtained for giant extragalactic HII regions. They all present a supersonic narrow horizontal band that extends across all the range of intensities and that result from the massive nuclear star-forming regions of every galaxy. The sigma vs Ipeak diagrams present also several inclined bands of lower intensity and an even larger sigma, arising from the large galactic volumes that surround the main central emitting knots. Here we also show that the sigma vs lambda_c and lambda_c vs Ipeak diagrams, are powerful tools able to unveil the presence of high and low mass stellar clusters, and thus allow for the possibility of inferring the star formation activity of distant galaxies, even if these are not spatially resolved.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    On the Spatial Distribution of Stellar Populations in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We measure the angular correlation function of stars in a region of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) that spans 2 degrees by 1.5 degrees. We find that the correlation functions of stellar populations are represented well by exponential functions of the angular separation for separations between 2 and 40 arcmin (corresponding to ~ 30 pc and 550 pc for an LMC distance of 50 kpc). The inner boundary is set by the presence of distinct, highly correlated structures, which are the more familiar stellar clusters, and the outer boundary is set by the observed region's size and the presence of two principal centers of star formation within the region. We also find that the normalization and scale length of the correlation function changes systematically with the mean age of the stellar population. The existence of positive correlation at large separations (~300 pc), even in the youngest population, argues for large-scale hierarchical structure in current star formation. The evolution of the angular correlation toward lower normalizations and longer scale lengths with stellar age argues for the dispersion of stars with time. We show that a simple, stochastic, self-propagating star formation model is qualitatively consistent with this behavior of the correlation function.Comment: 30 pages, 13 Figures. Scheduled for publication in AJ in June 199

    Is the Cygnus Loop two supernova remnants?

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    The Cygnus Loop is classified as a middle-aged supernova remnant (SNR) located below the Galactic equator (l=74, b=-8.6) and 770 pc away from us. Its large size and little confusion with Galactic emission makes it an ideal test ground for evolutionary and structural theories of SNRs. New radio continuum mapping of the Cygnus Loop at 2695 MHz with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope provides indications that the Cygnus Loop consists of two separate SNRs. Combining this result with data from the literature we argue that a secondary SNR exists in the south with a recently detected neutron star close to its center. Two interacting SNRs seem to be the best explanation to account for the Cygnus Loop observations at all wavelengths.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Astron. Astrophys., accepte

    Two Large HI Shells in the Outer Galaxy near l=279 degrees

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    As part of a survey of HI 21-cm emission in the Southern Milky Way, we have detected two large shells in the interstellar neutral hydrogen near l=279 deg. The center velocities are +36 and +59 km/s, which puts the shells at kinematic distances of 7 and 10 kpc. The larger shell is about 610 pc in diameter and very empty, with density contrast of at least 15 between the middle and the shell walls. It has expansion velocity of about 20 km/s and swept up mass of several million solar masses. The energy indicated by the expansion may be as high as 2.4 X 10^53 ergs. We estimate its age to be 15 to 20 million years. The smaller shell has diameter of about 400 pc, expansion velocity about 10 km/s and swept up mass of about 10^6 solar masses. Morphologically both regions appear to be shells, with high density regions mostly surrounding the voids, although the first appears to have channels of low density which connect with the halo above and below the HI layer. They lie on the edge of the Carina arm, which suggests that they may be expanding horizontally into the interarm region as well as vertically out of the disk. If this interpretation is correct, this is the first detection of an HI chimney which has blown out of both sides of the disk.Comment: 21 pages, 14 jpeg figures, accepted for publication in A

    On the Hydrodynamic Interaction of Shock Waves with Interstellar Clouds. II. The Effect of Smooth Cloud Boundaries on Cloud Destruction and Cloud Turbulence

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    The effect of smooth cloud boundaries on the interaction of steady planar shock waves with interstellar clouds is studied using a high-resolution local AMR technique with a second-order accurate axisymmetric Godunov hydrodynamic scheme. A 3D calculation is also done to confirm the results of the 2D ones. We consider an initially spherical cloud whose density distribution is flat near the cloud center and has a power-law profile in the cloud envelope. When an incident shock is transmitted into a smooth cloud, velocity gradients in the cloud envelope steepen the smooth density profile at the upstream side, resulting in a sharp density jump having an arc-like shape. Such a ``slip surface'' forms immediately when a shock strikes a cloud with a sharp boundary. For smoother boundaries, the formation of slip surface and therefore the onset of hydrodynamic instabilities are delayed. Since the slip surface is subject to the Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities, the shocked cloud is eventually destroyed in 310\sim 3-10 cloud crushing times. After complete cloud destruction, small blobs formed by fragmentation due to hydrodynamic instabilities have significant velocity dispersions of the order of 0.1 vbv_b, where vbv_b is the shock velocity in the ambient medium. This suggests that turbulent motions generated by shock-cloud interaction are directly associated with cloud destruction. The interaction of a shock with a cold HI cloud should lead to the production of a spray of small HI shreds, which could be related to the small cold clouds recently observed by Stanimirovic & Heiles (2005). The linewidth-size relation obtained from our 3D simulation is found to be time-dependent. A possibility for gravitational instability triggered by shock compression is also discussed.Comment: 62 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Ap

    Supernova Enrichment of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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    (Abridged) Many dwarf galaxies exhibit sub-Solar metallicities, with some star-to-star variation, despite often containing multiple generations of stars. The total metal content in these systems is much less than expected from the heavy element production of massive stars in each episode of star formation. Such a deficiency implies that a substantial fraction of the enriched material has been lost from these small galaxies. Mass ejection from dwarf galaxies may have important consequences for the evolution of the intergalactic medium and for the evolution of massive galaxies, which themselves may have formed via the merger of smaller systems. We report here the results of three-dimensional simulations of the evolution of supernova-enriched gas within dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph's), with the aim of determining the retention efficiency of supernova ejecta. We consider two galaxy models, selected to represent opposite ends of the dSph sequence. For each model galaxy we investigate a number of scenarios, ranging from a single supernova in smooth gas distributions to more complex multiple supernovae in highly disturbed gas distributions. The results of these investigations suggest that, for low star-formation efficiencies, it is difficult to completely expel the enriched material from the galaxy. Most of the enriched gas is, however, lost from the core of the galaxy following multiple supernovae, especially if the interstellar medium is already highly disturbed by processes such as photo-ionization and stellar winds. If subsequent star formation occurs predominantly within the core where most of the residual gas is concentrated, then these results could explain the poor self-enrichment efficiency observed in dwarf galaxies.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Astrophysical Journa

    Expansion of W 3(OH)

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    A direct measurement of the expansion of W 3(OH) is made by comparing Very Large Array images taken about 10 yr apart. The expansion is anisotropic with a typical speed of 3 to 5 km/s, indicating a dynamical age of only 2300 yr. These observations are inconsistent with either the freely expanding shell model or a simple bow shock model. The most favored model is a slowly expanding shell-like HII region, with either a fast rarefied flow or another less massive diffuse ionized region moving towards the observer. There is also a rapidly evolving source near the projected center of emission, perhaps related to the central star.Comment: LaTeX file, 28 pages, includes 8 figures. To appear in ApJ in December 10 (1998) issue. Also available at http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~kawamura/w3oh_pp.p