174 research outputs found

    E-Banking Services and Performance of Cooperative Bank of Oromia

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    Electronic banking service is growing rapidly in the world, Cooperative bank of Oromia is putting its maximum exertion to travel with technology of E- banking services. E-banking has its own effect on financial performance of the bank. This research mainly investigates the effect of E- banking on the financial performance of the Cooperative Bank of Oromia by focusing on the bank’s performance and size. For primary data collection branch staffs and managers will be interviewed while secondary data will be collected from branch documents like report of daily transactions, profit of branch and customer related data will be reviewed. Keywords: Mobile Banking, Performance, Bank DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-17-04 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Opinions of students participating in the pedagogical formation certificate program with regard to the profession and the program

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    In this research, the aim is to determine opinions of students participating in the pedagogical formation certificate program with regard to the teaching profession and the formation program. Study group of the research consists of 136 students who receive teaching formation education in the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Mehmet Akif Ersoy University as of fall term in the academic year of 2014-2015. In the research as a qualitative study, the phenomenological pattern is used. The data used in the study was collected by means of a question form developed by researchers and consisting of three parts. Research data was analyzed using the frequency analysis and the content analysis techniques. As a result of analyses, it was concluded that most of the participants considered teaching profession as a suitable profession for their personalities, and they thought that formation training was necessary for teaching profession and formation program brought teachers in the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the teaching profession. In addition, it was also observed that the participants inserted their criticism of process and content of the program and gave different suggestions towards improving the quality of the program.

    Highly selective transmission and absorption from metasurfaces of periodically corrugated cylindrical particles

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    Gratings of infinite wires make, perhaps, the simplest class of metasurfaces, which, however, are utilized for a variety of different objectives in wave manipulation. Importantly, due to their analytical solvability, they can be fully optimized in a fast and direct way. In this study, a lattice of periodically corrugated cylindrical particles under oblique plane-wave excitation is considered and treated rigorously. Several cases of particle radii, distances between two consecutive cylinders, and angles of illumination are examined; as a result, very high selectivity of the metasurface response in terms of line-of-sight transmission and absorption is reported. That abrupt change in the device output becomes even more dramatic in the parametric vicinity of the emergence of new refractive orders, which makes the proposed metasurface exceptionally fitting for switching, filtering, and sensing application

    Telehealth Support System Using Wireless Technologies: The Case of Ethiopia

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    Telehealth is an inter-disciplinary area and is basically the delivery of health and medical information and services over large and small distances using electronic information and communication technologies. Broadband wireless services available today, along with more powerful and convenient handheld devices, will enable a transformational change in health management and healthcare with the introduction of real-time monitoring and timely responses to a wide array of patient needs. Further, a network of low-cost sensors and wireless systems help in creating constantly vigilant and pervasive monitoring capability at home and at work. This paper addresses recent efforts in this growing field, including standards, system architectures, and lower layer protocols for body area networks. The paper also suggests the use of cooperative transmission-based strategies for such wireless topologies. Keywords: Telehealth, Telemedicine, Telecare, Wireless Technology. DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/12-2-01 Publication date: November 30th 202


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    In the Philippines, having analyzed that a great majority of the businesses in the country are small family-based enterprises, they may be viable endeavors contributing to economic development. Ilocos Norte is known for its chichacorn industry composed of family-based micro and small enterprises.  Chichacorn has become a popular agri-tourism product bought as healthy snacks among the residents, tourists and travelers.  The boom of tourism in the province led to the growth of the industry.  In order to enable the continuity of these family businesses, it is important to understand the Ilocano family business, to identify the personal traits and cultural values of the Ilocano as entrepreneurs and determine their strengths and weaknesses. The research design used a qualitative approach to search for meaning – the beginnings of the chichacorn industry, traits and cultural values of the Ilocano entrepreneurs and their strengths and weaknesses that contribute to the sustainability of these family businesses. The entire process is inductive, exploratory and descriptive. The qualitative approach used a case study strategy. After the interviews were completed, they were transcribed and then forwarded to the respondents for review and approval. It was found out that the chichacorn industry in Paoay, Ilocos Norte is composed of eight family businesses who are relatives up to the third degree of consanguintiy. It was also found out that the chichacorn producers are industrious and hardworking, innovative and resourceful, thrifty, good managers, and have foresight.  The Ilocano family has the necessary traits to become successful in business.  These are backed up with the richness of the Ilocano culture.  However, in order to survive competition and become sustainable, it has to transform as a family-oriented business into a professionally managed organization

    Traumatische Ereignisse, posttraumatische Belastungsstörung und Somatisierung bei Patienten der Ambulanz einer psychsomatischen Universitätsklinik

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    An einer Stichprobe von 483 Patienten der Klinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Essen hatte die vorliegende Untersuchung zum Ziel, die Trauma- und Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTSD)-Prävalenzen in unserem Inanspruchnahmeklientel zu identifizieren, und deren Beziehung zur Depressivität, Ängstlichkeit, Kohärenzgefühl und Inanspruchnahmeverhalten zu untersuchen. Des weiteren sollte der Zusammenhang von Trauma, PTSD und Somatisierung genauer untersucht werden. Ferner verfolgten wir das Ziel, Prädiktoren für PTSD zu identifiziert. Die Trauma-Expositionsrate schwankte zwischen 31.1% und 63.1%; diese war abhängig vom Eingangstraumakriterium nach DSM-IV (A1 und A2) für PTSD. Die Resultate dieser Arbeit konnten verdeutlichen, dass es einen Unterschied macht, ob man beide Traumakriterien nach DSM-IV heranzieht oder lediglich eines davon erfüllt sein muss, um von einem psychischen Trauma sprechen zu können. Testpsychometrisch betrug die PTSD-Prävalenz 10.1%, während die behandelnden Therapeuten bei nur 2.9% der Gesamtstichprobe die Diagnose „Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung“ (F43.1 nach ICD-10) stellten. Generell scheinen PTSD-Betroffene unter einer grundsätzlich höheren psychischen Belastung (Depressivität, Ängstlichkeit, Somatisierung) zu leiden als Traumatisierte ohne PTSD und noch mehr gegenüber Nicht-Traumatisierten. Unter gesundheitsökonomischen Aspekten scheint es besonders wichtig zu sein, Menschen mit Traumatisierung einer adäquaten Behandlung unterziehen zu lassen. Sie zeigten in der vorliegenden Untersuchung das höchste Inanspruchnahmeverhalten bezüglich Arztbesuche, Psychotherapie und Psychopharmaka gegenüber Nicht-Traumatisierten. Bemerkenswert sind die Ergebnisse bezüglich der zentralen Hypothesen, zum einen PTSD würde von den behandelnden Therapeuten unterschätzt und zum anderen PTSD und Somatisierung würden in enger Beziehung zueinander stehen. Unsere Befunde stimmen mit anderen empirischen Arbeiten überein, so dass man berechtigterweise die Vermutung äußern kann, es handele sich bei beiden Fällen um ein generelles Phänomen, das settingunspezifisch zu sein scheint. Bezüglich des Zusammenhangs von Somatisierung und PTSD standen insbesondere neurologische und gastrointestinale Beschwerden im Vordergrund. PTSD-Patienten berichteten im Mittel über 20 somatoforme Beschwerden, Nicht-Traumatisierte hingegen hatten im Mittel 9 somatoforme Beschwerden. In der Allgemeinbevölkerung liegt die Prävalenz somatoformer Beschwerden bei 3.4. Unsere Ergebnisse haben auch diagnostische Implikationen. Die PTSD wird häufig von anderen psychischen Störungen überlagert oder stellt sich phänomenologisch in Form anderer Störungen wie Depression oder Angststörung dar, was ihre Diagnose erschwert. Es ist eine gängige klinische Beobachtung, dass sich traumatisierte Patienten mit PTSD mit körperlichen Beschwerden in ärztliche Behandlung begeben (Rückenschmerzen, Schlafstörungen etc.), ohne dass die traumabedingte Genese der Beschwerden zur Sprache kommt. Die vorliegende Studie unterstreicht die Wichtigkeit der differentialdiagnostischen Einbeziehung der PTSD insbesondere bei Patienten mit somatoformen Symptomen bzw. Störungen, um sie einer adäquaten evtl. auch traumaspezifischen Behandlung frühzeitig zuführen zu können

    The effect of coping with test anxiety study based creative drama on gifted students’ test anxiety

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    Bu çalışmada özel/üstün yetenekli lise öğrencilerinin sınav kaygısı puanları üzerinde yaratıcı drama temelli sınav kaygısı ile başetme çalışmasının etkililiğinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın deney ve kontrol grubunu 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılında Bilim ve Sanat Merkezine devam eden 28 özel/üstün yetenekli lise öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Bu öğrencilerden 14’ü deney (5 erkek, 9 kız) grubunda 14’ü kontrol grubunda (4 erkek, 10 kız) yer almaktadır. Çalışmada deney grubuna katılanlar gönüllülük esasına göre belirlenmiştir. Deney grubu ile 60 dakika süren 6 oturumluk yaratıcı drama temelli sınav kaygısı ile başetme çalışması yapılmıştır. Çalışmada 20 maddeden oluşan Sınav Kaygısı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada ön-test, son-test, kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Yaratıcı drama temelli sınav kaygısı ile başetme eğitimi çalışmasına katılan deney grubu katılımcılarının ve bu uygulamaya katılmayan kontrol grubu katılımcıların son test puanları karşılaştırılmış ve sınav kaygısı son test puanlarında deney grubu lehine anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur.In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the coping with test anxiety study based creative drama on scores of gifted high school students. Experimental and control group of the research comprised of 28 gifted high school students who attended Science and Art Center in the 2016-2017 academic year. Of these students, 14 were in the experimental group (5 males, 9 females) and 10 in the control group (4 males, 10 females). Participants in the study group were determined on a voluntary basis. With the experiment group, 60-minute 6-sessions test anxiety study based on creative drama was conducted. The Study Anxiety Scale consisting of 20 items was used in the study. Pre-test, post-test, control group semi-experimental design was used in the research. Participants of the experimental group participating in the test anxiety training study based on creative drama and participants in the control group who did not participate in this study were compared and there were significant differences in the test anxiety post-test scores in favor of the experimental group

    Ergenlerde öznel iyi oluş ve zaman tutumu: Benlik saygısı ve iyimserliğin aracı rolü

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    The aim of this research is to examine the mediatory role of self-esteem and optimism in the relationship between adolescents' subjective well-being and their time attitudes. A total of 529 students attending the 9th-12th grades of 13 high schools in Burdur and Denizli participated in the study. 320 of these students are female (60.5%), and 209 of them are male (39.5%), and their ages range between 15 and 18 (M=15.9; SD=.91). In the study, as data collection tools, Adolescent Time Attitude Inventory, Adolescent Subjective Well-Being Scale, Life Orientation Test and Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory Short Form were employed. According to the results obtained from the study, the attitude of adolescents is directly and significantly related to their subjective well-being, but this relationship significantly reduces in adolescents with high level of self-esteem and optimism