89 research outputs found

    Análise ultra-estrutural das glândulas localizadas na parede da fístula congênita de lábio inferior de pacientes com a síndrome de Van der Woude

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the glands of wall of congenital fistulae of the lower lip with the transmission electron microscope in order to characterize their microstructural pattern. Thin section of Araldite resin embedded congenital fistulae of the lower lip of four patients with Van der Woude syndrome from the Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo, Bauru, SP, were analyzed with a transmission electron microscope. The results showed that the glands were mostly made by typical mucous acini exhibiting, with certain frequency, myoepithelial cells surrounding them. In some of lobules, a few acini smaller than the typical mucous, showed granules of moderate electron density or containing a dense core or exhibiting small dense spherule and predominance granular material. These granules resemble to described recently by others in various human minor salivary glands. We concluded that glands associated with congenital fistula of lower lip of patients with Van der Woude syndrome, in spite of being located in vermilion border of the lip, showed at the transmission electron microscope characteristics of labial minor salivary gland, i.e, are mostly mucous with a few seromucous units, while typical seromucous demilunes are not present.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a ultraestrutura de glândulas da parede de fístula congênita de lábio inferior ao microscópio eletrônico de transmissão para caracterizar seu padrão microestrutural. Deste modo, as fístulas congênitas de 4 pacientes com a síndrome de Van der Woude do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de Sâo Paulo, Bauru, SP, foram processadas para inclusão em resina Araldite e os cortes finos foram analisados no microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. Os resultados mostraram que as glândulas estavam constituídas por ácinos mucosos típicos exibindo com certa freqüência células mioepiteliais ao seu redor. Em alguns lóbulos, foram observados em pequeno número, ácinos menores que o mucoso típico, exibindo células com grânulos de moderada eletron-densidade contendo um corpo denso ou uma pequena esférula densa no interior de um material predominante granular. Estes grânulos lembravam os descritos recentemente em glândulas salivares labiais humanas. Em vista dos resultados obtidos concluímos que as glândulas associadas com a fístula congênita de lábio inferior de pacientes com a síndrome de Van der Woude, apesar de estarem localizadas no vermelhão do lábio, mostraram ao microscópio eletrônico de transmissão características de glândula salivar labial, i.e., são predominantemente mucosos com poucas unidades seromucosas, mas semiluas seromucosas típicas não estão presentes

    Postmortem acinar autolysis in rat sublingual gland: a morphometric study

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To analyze and to quantify morphological acinar postmortem changes in rat sublingual glands (SLG). MATERIAL AND METHODSs: Fifty rats were divided into two groups of 25 animals each. Group I was used for morphological and morphometric evaluations and group II for the determination of gland density and processed gland volume. Acinar autolytic changes were studied at 0 (control group), 3, 6, 12 and 24 h postmortem periods. The morphometric analysis of the volume density (Vv) and total volume (Vt) of intact (ia) and autolyzed (aa) acini was performed under light microscopy using a Zeiss II integration grid with 100 symmetrically distributed points. RESULTS: Morphologically, temporal progressive nuclear alterations and gradual loss of the structural architecture of acinar cells were found. Regarding quantitative results, both the Vvaa and the Vvia showed statistically significant differences among all postmortem periods (p<0.05). Vvaa increased from 0.42% at 0 h to 75.84% at 24 h postmortem and Vvia decreased from 71.16% to 0% over the same period. For Vtaa and Vtia, no statistically significant differences occurred between 12-24 h and 0-3 h (p&gt;0.05), respectively. Vtaa increased from 0.18 mm³ at 0 h to 38.17 mm³ at 12 h, while Vtia showed a decrease from 33.47 mm³ to 0 mm³ between 3-24 h postmortem. Data concerning Vtaa were adjusted by two-variable linear regression, obtaining the equation: y=-3.54 + 3.38x (r²=0.90). The Vtaa growth rate calculated by this equation was 3.38 mm³/h between 0-12 h. CONCLUSION: Acinar autolysis on rat SLG demonstrated the most significant signs during the first 6 h postmortem and was widely spread through the gland at 12 h

    Estudo radiográfico e histológico do reparo de defeito ósseo perene em calvária de rato após o tratamento com material de enxerto orgânico bovino poroso

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    Over the last few years, various bone graft materials of bovine origin to be used in oromaxillofacial surgeries have entered the market. In the present study, we determined the capacity of a block organic bone graft material (Gen-ox, Baumer SA, Brazil) prepared from bovine cancellous bone to promote the repair of critical size bone injuries in rat calvaria. A transosseous defect measuring approximately 8mm in diameter was performed with a surgical trephine in the parietal bone of 25 rats. In 15 animals, the defects were filled with a block of graft material measuring 8mm in diameter and soaked in the animal's own blood, and in the other 10 animals the defects were only filled with blood clots. The calvariae of rats receiving the material were collected 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery, and those of animals receiving the blood clots were collected immediately and 6 months after surgery. During surgery, the graft material was found to be of easy handling and to adapt perfectly to the receptor bed after soaking in blood. The results showed that, in most animals treated, the material was slowly resorbed and served as a space filling and maintenance material, favoring angiogenesis, cell migration and adhesion, and bone neoformation from the borders of the lesion. However, a foreign body-type granulomatous reaction, with the presence of numerous giant cells preventing local bone neoformation, was observed in two animals of the 1-month subgroup and in one animal of the 3-month subgroup. These cases were interpreted as resulting from the absence of demineralization and the lack of removal of potential antigen factors during production of the biomaterial. We conclude that, with improvement in the quality control of the material production, block organic bone matrix will become a good alternative for bone defect repair in the oromaxillofacial region due to its high osteoconductive capacity.Nos últimos anos, vários materiais de origem bovina para enxerto ósseo têm sido lançados no comércio para serem utilizados em cirurgias bucomaxilofaciais. Na presente pesquisa avaliamos a capacidade de um material de enxerto ósseo orgânico em bloco (Gen-ox, Baumer SA - Brasil) preparado à partir de osso medular bovino, em promover a reparação de lesões ósseas de tamanho crítico em calvária de ratos. Uma lesão trans-óssea de aproximadamente 8mm de diâmetro foi realizada com trefina cirúrgica nos ossos parietais de 25 ratos, sendo que em 15 os defeitos foram preenchidos com bloco de 8mm de diâmetro do material de enxerto, embebida com sangue do próprio animal e em 10 somente com coágulo sanguíneo. As calvárias dos ratos tratados com o material foram coletadas após 1, 3 e 6 meses após as cirurgias e dos tratados com coágulo sanguíneo, imediatamente após as cirurgias e decorridos 6 meses. Durante as cirurgias verificamos que esse material enxertado é de fácil manuseio e se adapta perfeitamente ao leito receptor após sua embebição com sangue. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que na maioria dos casos tratados, o material foi reabsorvido lentamente e serviu como material de preenchimento e mantenedora de espaço, favorecendo a angiogênese, migração e adesão celular e a neoformação óssea à partir das bordas da lesão. No entanto, em 2 casos no subgrupo tratado - 1 mês e 1 caso no subgrupo tratado - 3 meses, ocorreu a presença de reação granulomatosa tipo corpo estranho com a presença de inúmeras células gigantes, que inibiu a neoformação óssea local. Esses casos foram interpretados como decorrentes de falhas na desmineralização e na retirada de potenciais fatores antigênicos durante a produção do biomaterial. Concluímos que com um aprimoramento do controle de qualidade na linha de produção do material, a matriz orgânica medular em bloco poderá ser uma boa alternativa para ser usada no reparo de defeitos ósseos na região buco-maxilofacial, devido a sua alta capacidade osteocondutora

    Estudo estereológico comparativo entre os ameloblastos de secreção e de maturação em incisivos de ratos

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    Ameloblastos são células de origem epitelial, que apresentam funções de síntese, secreção e maturação do esmalte dental. Assim sendo, ameloblastos passam por mudanças morfológicas durante o seu curso de desenvolvimento. Desse modo, cinco ratos adultos Wistar foram utilizados para avaliar a morfologia de ameloblastos da fase secretora e em maturação, usando de métodos estereológicos em microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Os dados foram analisados pela análise de variância a um critério (ANOVA). Os resultados mostraram que da fase de secreção para a de maturação da amelogênese: a) ocorreu uma redução de 23% no volume absoluto nuclear e o volume absoluto citoplasmático não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante (p>;0.05); b) o volume total e a superfície total do retículo endoplasmático rugoso (RER) diminuíram 74% e 90%, respectivamente; c) o volume total e a superfície total das mitocôndrias aumentaram 742% e 384%, respectivamente; d) a relação superfície-volume do RER e das mitocôndrias diminuíram 59% e 42%, respectivamente; e) os pequenos grânulos de secreção, dispostos principalmente na área apical, desapareceram junto com o Processo de Tomes e apareceram os lisossomos e vacúolos digestivos principalmente na área supranuclear. Portanto, apesar de ocorrer uma significante adaptação morfológica durante a modulação da fase secretora para a de maturação do desenvolvimento do esmalte, o volume citoplasmático do ameloblasto permanece inalterado.The ameloblasts both in secretion phase and in smooth-ended ameloblasts in maturation phase were studied using stereologic methods in transmission electron microscopy (TEM). From secretion to maturation phase of amelogenesis, the nucleus volume decreased 23% and cytoplasm volume did not show significant changes; the total volume and surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) decreased 74% and 90%, respectively, and of the mitochondria increased 742% and 384%, respectively; the surface-to-volume ratio for RER and mitochondria decrease 59% and 42%, respectively; and the predominantly apical secretory granules disappeared joined at Tomes process and lysosomes and phagic vacuoles have appeared principly in supranuclear cytoplasm. Although significant morphologic variation occurs from the secretory to the maturation phase of the ameloblasts, their cytoplasm volume remains unaltered

    Clinical and histopathological analysis of intramucosal zirconia inserts used for improving maxillary denture retention

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    Intramucosal inserts made of zirconia ceramic have been used for the rehabilitation of edentulous patients. This study aimed to follow up on patients with complete dentures having intramucosal zirconia inserts and to perform a histological analysis of biopsies of the epithelium surrounding the inserts. Twelve 31-66-year-old subjects of both genders received complete denture treatment having the intramucosal inserts in place. Detailed clinical, prosthetic and surgical procedures were described. Clinical exams were done on postoperative days 3, 7, 15, 120 and 360. One year after denture placement, the subjects received local anesthesia and the tissues surrounding the insertion sites in the alveolar ridge were removed using a scalpel blade. Biopsies were fixed for up to 48 h in 10% phosphate-buffered formaldehyde and 5-µm-thick sections were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Gomori Trichrome. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify endothelium (anti-CD3) and T lymphocytes (anti-CD31). Removing and reinserting the denture was painful until day 15, but all patients reported a marked increase in the retention and stability of the complete denture with little or no discomfort after 30 days. The histopathological analysis showed that zirconia inserts were well tolerated by the oral mucosa, with the presence of collagen fibers in the tissue around the insert, with mild inflammatory response and allowing reepithelialization, expressed by parakeratosis, epithelial hyperplasia and presenting granular layer. In conclusion, intramucosal zirconia inserts did not affect the health of oral mucosa and provide adequate retention and stability of the complete denture and comfort to the patients

    Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study of the influence of fluoride excess on the development of rat incisor tooth buds

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    Little information is available on the pathogenesis of fluorosis during the fetal and initial postnatal period. In the present study, female rats received 0 (control), 7 or 100 ppm of sodium fluoride in drinking water, one week before breeding and throughout gestation and nursing periods. The hemimandibles of the offspring were collected at 0, 7 and 14 days of postnatal life (n = 5) and processed for morphological analyses by light and electron microscopy, immunohistochemical analysis for amelogenin and morphometric study of enamel matrix and ameloblasts of incisors. The results showed a decrease in matrix production at the secretory phase at all study periods for the 100 ppm group. In this same group, the secretory ameloblasts showed reduction of enamel matrix secretion, disorganization of mitochondrial crests, large vacuoles at the apical portion of the cytoplasm, retention of intracisternal material and dilatation of some cisterns in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In the groups of animals aged 7 and 14 days, analysis of variance showed significant reduction (

    Análise microscópica do osso bovino inorgânico microgranular implantado em subcutâneo de ratos

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    The tissue response to porous bovine anorganic bone implanted in rat connective tissue was evaluated by subjective light microscopy analysis. Forty rats were divided into two groups: control (empty collagen capsules) and test (collagen capsule filled with 0.1g biomaterial) and killed 10, 20, 30 and 60 days after implantation. At 10 days, intense chronic inflammatory infiltrate consisting mainly of macrophages and inflammatory multinucleated giant cells (IMGC) was observed. Neutrophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes were present in discrete amounts and slowly disappeared along the repair process. Porosity of the material was filled by reaction connective tissue exhibiting IMGC. The fibrosis was more intense after 60 days and clearly higher than the control group. Thus, the material did not cause any severe adverse reactions and did not stimulate the immune system. Based on the results it could be concluded that deproteinized bovine cancelous bone was well tolerated by rat connective tissue.A resposta tecidual ao osso inorgânico bovino medular implantado em subcutâneo de rato foi avaliada por análise subjetiva através de microscopia de luz. Quarenta ratos foram divididos em 2 grupos: controle (cápsulas vazias de colágeno) e teste (cápsulas de colágeno contendo 0,1g do biomaterial) e mortos 10, 20, 30 e 60 dias após a implantação. Histologicamente, aos 10 dias, observou-se infiltrado inflamatório crônico composto por macrófagos e Células Gigantes Multinucleadas Inflamatórias (IMGC). Neutrófilos, plasmócitos e linfócitos estavam presentes de maneira discreta, desaparecendo durante o processo de reparo tecidual. A porosidade do material foi preenchida pelo tecido conjuntivo reacional mostrando as IMGC. A fibrose foi mais intensa aos 60 dias e evidentemente superior ao grupo controle. Entretanto, o material não causou reações adversas severas, não estimulando a resposta imunológica. Baseado nos resultados encontrados, concluímos que o osso inorgânico bovino medular foi bem tolerado pelo tecido conjuntivo de rato

    Análise histológica, radiográfica e do perfil de imunoglobulinas após implantação de enxerto de osso esponjoso bovino desmineralizado em bloco em músculo de ratos

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a biocompatibilidade de blocos de enxerto de osso bovino esponjoso acelular e desmineralizado (Gen-Ox®, Baumer S.A.). Um bloco cilíndrico (5x12mm) de material de enxerto foi implantado em músculo abdutor da coxa de 30 ratos, sendo os animais sacrificados 3, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias (n=6) após as cirurgias. Após a tomada das radiografias, as peças foram removidas para o processamento histológico. A análise histológica mostrou que nos períodos de 3 e 7 dias foi evidenciado um processo inflamatório agudo, caracterizado pela presença de neutrófilos, reabsorção do coágulo sanguíneo e angiogênese. Entre 14 e 21 dias, verificou-se a reabsorção da matriz implantada por células mononucleadas, raras células gigantes e sua substituição por tecido conjuntivo fibroso rico em vasos e células. Aos 28 dias, na maioria dos casos, observou-se apenas pequenos fragmentos de matriz implantada envolto por tecido conjuntivo característico da região. Radiograficamente, não se notou evidências de mineralização. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluímos que o enxerto de matriz de osso esponjoso bovino desmineralizado em bloco é biocompatível quando implantado em tecido conjuntivo intramuscular de ratos, sendo absorvido e substituído por tecido conjuntivo característico da região, sem qualquer indício de ocorrência de osteogênese ectópica.The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of blacks of organic bovine cancellous bone graft material (Gen-OxTM, Baumer) in ectopic sites. A cylinder of black of graft material measuring 5mm in diameter and 12mm in length was implanted in abdutor muscle of 30 Wistar rats. After 3, 7, 14, 21e 28 days, (6 animals/period) were killed, radiographies were taken and the tissues and blood were collected to histological and imunoglobuline G and M profile analysis, respectively. The analysis of the sections revelead an acute inflammatory process at 3 and 7 days, characterized by the presence of neutrophils. Absorption of the implanted matrix by mononuclear cells and scarce giant cells and their replacement by fibrous connective tissue rich in vessels and cells, was suggested. At 28 days, in most cases just remnants of the implanted matrix involved by the typical connective tissue of the perimisium were found. There was no radiographic evidence of mineral content or change in the IgG and IgM profile. On the basis in results described here, it could be concluded that the material is biocompatible and absorbable but, with no signs of osteoindutive capacity was observed

    Bacteria arise at the border of mycoplasma-infected HeLa cells, containing cytoplasm with either malformed cytosol, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum or tightly adjoined smooth vacuoles

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    A study with transmission electron microscopy of mycoplasma-contaminated HeLa cells using five cell donors referred to as donors A, B, C, D and E, observations are herein presented. Experiments performed with cells from donors B, C and D, revealed the presence of Mycoplasma hyorhinis after PCR and sequencing experiments. Bacteria probably originated from a cytoplasm with compacted tiny granular particles replacing the normal cytosol territories, or from the contact with the cytoplasm through a clear semi-solid material. The compact granularity (CG) of the cytoplasm was crossed by stripes of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae. Among apparently normal mitochondria, it was noted, in variable proportions, mitochondria with crista-delimited lucent central regions that expand to and occupied the interior of a crista-less organelle, which can undergo fission. Other components of the scenarios of mycoplasma-induced cell demolition are villus-like structures with associated 80-200 nm vesicles and a clear, flexible semi-solid, process-sensitive substance that we named jam-like material. This material coated the cytoplasmic surface, its recesses, irregular protrusions and detached cytoplasmic fragments. It also cushioned forming bacteria. Cyst-like structures were often present in the cytoplasm. Cells, mainly apoptotic, exhibiting ample cytoplasmic sectors with characteristic net-like profile due to adjoined vacuoles, as well as ovoid or elongated profiles, consistently appeared in all cells from the last four cell donors. These cells were named “modified host cells” because bacteria arose in the vacuoles. The possibility that, in some samples, there was infection and/or coinfection of the host cell by another organism(s) cannot be ruled out

    HGMB1 and RAGE as Essential Components of Ti Osseointegration Process in Mice

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    The release of the prototypic DAMP High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) into extracellular environment and its binding to the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) has been described to trigger sterile inflammation and regulate healing outcome. However, their role on host response to Ti-based biomaterials and in the subsequent osseointegration remains unexplored. In this study, HMGB1 and RAGE inhibition in the Ti-mediated osseointegration were investigated in C57Bl/6 mice. C57Bl/6 mice received a Ti-device implantation (Ti-screw in the edentulous alveolar crest and a Ti-disc in the subcutaneous tissue) and were evaluated by microscopic (microCT [bone] and histology [bone and subcutaneous]) and molecular methods (ELISA, PCR array) during 3, 7, 14, and 21 days. Mice were divided into 4 groups: Control (no treatment); GZA (IP injection of Glycyrrhizic Acid for HMGB1 inhibition, 4 mg/Kg/day); RAP (IP injection of RAGE Antagonistic Peptide, 4 mg/Kg/day), and vehicle controls (1.5% DMSO solution for GZA and 0.9% saline solution for RAP); treatments were given at all experimental time points, starting 1 day before surgeries. HMGB1 was detected in the Ti-implantation sites, adsorbed to the screws/discs. In Control and vehicle groups, osseointegration was characterized by a slight inflammatory response at early time points, followed by a gradual bone apposition and matrix maturation at late time points. The inhibition of HMGB1 or RAGE impaired the osseointegration, affecting the dynamics of mineralized and organic bone matrix, and resulting in a foreign body reaction, with persistence of macrophages, necrotic bone, and foreign body giant cells until later time points. While Control samples were characterized by a balance between M1 and M2-type response in bone and subcutaneous sites of implantation, and also MSC markers, the inhibition of HMGB1 or RAGE caused a higher expression M1 markers and pro-inflammatory cytokines, as well chemokines and receptors for macrophage migration until later time points. In conclusion, HMGB1 and RAGE have a marked role in the osseointegration, evidenced by their influence on host inflammatory immune response, which includes macrophages migration and M1/M2 response, MSC markers expression, which collectively modulate bone matrix deposition and osseointegration outcome