8 research outputs found

    Biorational Insecticides and Diatomaceous Earth for Control Sustainability of Pest in Chickpea and Mexican Bean Weevil

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    Sustainability involving the conservation and/or enhancement of natural resources and environmental protection can be practiced with biorational insecticides or diatomaceous earth. Two researches were carried out; in one, the objective was to determine the efficacy of biorational insecticides in controlling chickpea leaf miner, Liriomyza sativae Blanchard, without completely inhibiting the presence of parasitoids of this pest. Biorational insecticides were chlorantraniliprole, cyromazine and spinosad, and conventional insecticide was chlorpyrifos, which were similarly effective to control adults and larvae of Liriomyza. Most chickpea production in 2012–2013 (1993.3 and 1806.8 kg ha−1) was obtained where chlorantraniliprole and chlorpyrifos were applied, respectively, and where spinosad and cyromazine were applied also exceeded the performance of absolute control (1213.6 kg ha−1). In 2013–2014, the increased production was 1621.9 kg ha−1 with chlorantraniliprole and 1556.3 kg ha−1 with chlorpyrifos, significantly different from the absolute control that produced 1136.5 kg ha−1. Earnings were MX21011.7in20122013andMX 21011.7 in 2012–2013 and MX 16036.7 in 2013–2014 with chlorantraniliprole, while in the absolute control, earnings were MX12305.1andMX 12305.1 and MX 11083.5. Chlorantraniliprole was the biorational insecticide that caused greater effect in the management of this pest of chickpea and crop yields. While in another research, the objective was to determine the efficacy of different doses of diatomaceous earth against Mexican bean weevil Zabrotes subfasciatus Boheman. An experiment was carried out in two phases: in first, one tested diatomaceous earth at doses of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 g kg−1 of seed, with samples at 15, 30, 45, and 60 days after application (daa), while in the second, the doses were 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 g kg−1 and samples at 10, 20, 30, and 40 daa. The parameters evaluated were weevil mortality and seed germination. The results indicated that the doses from 0.8 to 5.0 g kg−1 of diatomaceous earth efficiently controlled the Mexican bean weevil. The treatments did not inhibit seed germination

    Uso de composta, minerales primarios amorfos y microorganismos para la producción y calidad de tomate

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    This research was carried out with the aim to determine the influence of the bocashi compost, amorphous primary minerals and microorganisms in post-harvest yield and quality of saladette tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) hibrid “Moctezuma”. The crop was carried in soil under greenhouse conditions during the agricultural cycle 2011-2012 autumn-winter. A population density of 2.5 plants m2 managed to a single stem and a separation of 1.6 m between rows was used. The bocashi compost and amorphous primary minerals were incorporated into the soil 30 days before the start of cultivation. Total and extra-large, large, medium and small tomatoes yields of eight clusters per plant and their postharvest quality were evaluated. An experimental design of randomized complete blocks with nine treatments was applied for yield variables, while a completely randomized design was used for postharvest quality variables. The highest yield (113.97 Mg ha-1) was obtained with the treatment consisting of 25 and 6 Mg ha-1 of compost and amorphous primary minerals, respectively, which exceeded 9.3% those achieved with the Steiner solution based treatments, although no significant statistically difference were found between the two averages. pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids of fruits were not significantly affected by treatments.La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de la composta bocashi, minerales primarios amorfos y microorganismos en el rendimiento y calidad postcosecha de tomate tipo saladette (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.), híbrido “Moctezuma”. El cultivo se realizó en suelo bajo condiciones de invernadero, durante el ciclo agrícola otoño-invierno 2011-2012. Se utilizó una densidad de población de 2,5 plantas m2, manejadas a un tallo y con una separación de 1,6 m entre hileras. La composta bocashi, los minerales primarios amorfos y los microorganismos fueron incorporados al suelo 30 días antes del inicio del cultivo, y estos últimos también se aplicaron después del trasplante. Se evaluó el rendimiento total y de tomates extra grandes, grandes, medianos y chicos de ocho racimos por planta, así como su calidad postcosecha. Para las variables de rendimiento se consideró un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar conformado por nueve tratamientos, mientras que para el estudio de calidad postcosecha se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con los mismos tratamientos. El mayor rendimiento (113,97 Mg ha-1) se obtuvo con el tratamiento compuesto por 25 y 6 Mg ha-1 de composta y minerales primarios amorfos, respectivamente, el cual superó en 9,3 % a los rendimientos logrados solo con la solución Steiner, aunque sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambos promedios. Los tratamientos no tuvieron ningún efecto en el pH, la acidez titulable y los sólidos solubles totales

    Respuestas del maíz que indican que el paclobutrazol induce mayor actividad genética

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    The aim of the research was to determine the effect of Paclobutrazol (PBZ) in the genetic activity of the maize cultivars Puma, 30P49 and DK2020, through the evaluation of response variables greenness, height of plant, stem diameter, leaf length and width, weight and volume of 1000 grains, protein content and grain yield per hectare. The experimental used was randomized complete blocks design with five replicates in two experiments performed during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 agricultural cycles; in the first cycle plots of four row of 40 m of long were used, where 200 kg of N ha-1 were applied; while in the second the length of plots was 5.0 m and fertilized with 250 kg of N ha-1. The doses were 150, 300 and 450 mg of PBZ L-1 of water until exposure of the fourth, sixth and eighth true leaf, respectively. The results indicated that PBZ induced greater genetic activity, since the synthesis of proteins and other components of cells, tissues and organs is a process that depends on the transcription of DNA messages in mRNA, amino acid synthesis, the transport of amino acids by tRNA and the binding of amino acids by the enzyme Peptidyl Transferase, which leads to the translation of messages into structural and active proteins (enzymes), to form more cells and substances that constitute them and consequently , cause more grain yield per hectare.El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto que produce el Paclobutrazol (PBZ) en la actividad genética de los cultivares de maíz Puma 1076, 30P49 y DK2020 a través de la evaluación de las variables de respuesta verdor, altura de planta, diámetro del tallo, longitud y ancho de hoja, peso y volumen de 1000 granos, contenido de proteína y rendimiento de grano por hectárea. El diseño experimental fue bloques completos al azar con cinco repeticiones en dos experimentos realizados durante los ciclos agrícolas 2008-2009 y 2009-2010; en el primer ciclo se utilizaron parcelas de cuatro surcos de 40 m de largo, donde se aplicaron 200 kg de N ha-1; mientras que en el segundo experimento la longitud de las parcelas fue de 5,0 m y se fertilizó con 250 kg de N ha-1. Las dosis de PBZ fueron 150, 300 y 450 mg L-1 de agua al exponerse la cuarta, sexta y octava hoja verdadera, respectivamente. Los resultados indicaron que el PBZ indujo mayor actividad genética, ya que la síntesis de proteínas y de otros componentes de células, tejidos y órganos es un proceso que depende de la transcripción de mensajes del ADN en el ARNm, de la síntesis de aminoácidos, del transporte de aminoácidos por el ARNt y de la unión de aminoácidos por la enzima Peptidil Transferasa, lo que conlleva a la traducción de mensajes en proteínas estructurales y activas (enzimas), para formar más células y sustancias que constituyen a éstas y, en consecuencia, ocasionar más rendimiento de grano por hectárea

    Worm castings and naphthaleneacetic acid in the growth and yield of zucchini in shade houses

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    The cultivation of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) under protected conditions has limitations, such as low fruit set due to poor pollination, which affect the commercial yield and profitability of the crop. The investigation was carried out to know the influence of earthworm humus (HL) and naphthaleneacetic acid (ANA) on the growth and yield of two zucchini cultivars in shade houses. A randomized block experimental design with eight treatments and 10 repetitions was used. The treatments influenced plant height, leaf area index, stem dry weight, leaf dry weight, plant dry weight and fruit set; however, there were no differences because of the treatments in stem diameter, leaf greenness and number of leaves. With the HMX58 cultivar, the highest plant height was obtained: while because of the Prestige cultivar, the highest index of leaf area, dry weight of leaves and dry weight of the whole plant. The highest yield was obtained with the HMX58+LC treatment, while fruit set and number of fruits increased because of earthworm humus. The diameter and weight of the fruit increased because of ANA in both cultivars, and the length of the fruit in the Prestige cultivar

    Actitud del productor agrícola ante la transferencia de tecnología en la región centro de Sinaloa

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    The attitude of the agricultural producer in the central area of Sinaloa (Mexico) was evaluated in the face of technology transfer, to generate strategies that facilitate technological innovation in agriculture. A questionnaire was used for the producers, who were selected using the method of batch sampling of quality control (LQAS), conforming five lots, applying 19 questionnaires in each. It was found that most of the producers use the new technology once applied by other producers that had positive results, they resort mainly to the supplier to solve a technical problem, the farmer does not mean things that do not affect him immediately, but when considers that his interests are affected directly and immediately, his attitude is different. It isdoes not care about the meetings on technology transfer because he does not know the usefulness of them, the behavior of the farmer is influenced by the opinions of family members and suppliers, the main source of information on agricultural technology is the supplier of inputs, but also they are informed through the friend or relative, as well as; through demonstrations on technological developments and agricultural exhibitions.Se evaluó la actitud del productor agrícola de la zona centro de Sinaloa (México) ante la transferencia de tecnología, para generar estrategias que permitan facilitar la innovación tecnológica en la agricultura. Se empleó un cuestionario a los productores, quienes fueron seleccionados mediante el método muestreo por lotes del control de calidad (LQAS), conformándose cinco lotes, aplicando 19 cuestionarios en cada uno. Se encontró que la mayoría de los productores utiliza la nueva tecnología una vez aplicada por otros productores que tuvieron resultados positivos, recurren principalmente al proveedor para resolver un problema técnico, al agricultor no le significan las cosas que no lo afectan en lo inmediato, pero cuando considera que sus intereses son afectados de manera directa e inmediata, su actitud es diferente. No le importan las reuniones sobre transferencia de tecnología porque no conoce la utilidad de estas, la conducta del agricultor es influida por la opinión de los familiares y los proveedores, la principal fuente de información sobre tecnología agrícola es el proveedor de insumos, aunque también se informan por medio del amigo o familiar; así como de demostraciones sobre novedades tecnológicas y exposiciones agropecuarias

    Sunlight transmitted by colored shade nets on photosynthesis and yield of cucumber

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    ABSTRACT: Black shading nets are widely used in the protected cultivation of vegetables as a technique for controlling light and temperature, while the colored shading nets, with special optical properties to improve the use of solar radiation, appeared recently in the agricultural plastics market. Light quality transmitted by gray, aluminized, pearl, blue, red and black (control) nets with 30% shade was evaluated, as well as its effects on photosynthetic properties and fruits production of cucumber plants. Treatments (shade nets) were established under a randomized complete block design with four repetitions. The red net transmitted 23.7 and 40.3% more photosynthetic photon flux density (400 to 700nm) and red light (600 to 700nm) and the blue net transmitted 36% more blue light (400 to 500nm) in comparison with the respective transmissions of black net. All nets increased the photosynthetic responses: transpiration, stomatal conductance and CO2 assimilation, observed in plants grown under black net. Leaf greenness (41.6 SPAD units) and foliar area (90dm2) increased 22.8 and 38.9% with the red net, while the dry weight of leaf (52.5g) increased 21.9% with pearl net. Pearl, red, aluminized and blue nets showed to be viable alternatives because the production of fruit increased in 71, 48, 46 and 46%, respectively, in comparison with the conventional black net (52t ha-1)

    Efecto de herbicidas preemergentes en el control de malezas y el desarrollo de cebolla bajo condiciones de fertirriego

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    The onion is slow growing, low in height and has small roots. For this reason, it has a disadvantage in the face of weeds, which, if not controlled, affect crop yield. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the combination of the pre-emergent herbicides Pendimethalin, Oxifluorfen, Oxadiazon, Acetoclor and Flumioxazin on the weed population and the crop yield. The experiment was established during the autumn-winter 2016-2017 cycle on a farm in Culiacán, Sinaloa (Mexico). There were 16 treatments, including the control without herbicide application. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks, with three replications. In the variable plant density, the control without application was the treatment with the highest weed density. Also, the best combination to inhibit weed emergence was Acetochlor with Flumioxazin. In addition, Flumioxazin alone or combined is among the treatments with the lowest density of weeds. Regarding the variable weed biomass and herbicide efficiency, alltreatments were superior in efficacy to the control. Furthermore, the combination of Pendimethalin with Acetochlor had better performance with 0.253 kg m-2. In the variable yield of the onion crop and weed index, the best combinations were Pendimethalin with Acetochlor and Oxifluorfen only with 2.97 and 2.92 kg m-2, respectively. In contrast, the Flumioxazin treatment alone had lower performance. Regarding the loss of biological effectiveness of herbicides, it was found that, overall, due to the loss of effectiveness, an average of 674 individuals of weedsha-1appear dailyLa cebolla es de lento crecimiento, poca altura y raíces pequeñas. Por eso tiene desventaja ante las malezas; las cuales, si no son controladas afectan el rendimiento del cultivo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la combinación de los herbicidas preemergentes Pendimethalin, Oxifluorfen, Oxadiazón, Acetoclor y Flumioxazin sobre la población de malezas y el rendimiento del cultivo. El experimento se estableció durante el ciclo otoño-invierno 2016-2017 en un predio en Culiacán, Sinaloa. Se tuvieron 16 tratamientos, incluido el testigo sin aplicación de herbicidas. El diseño experimental fue de bloques completos al azar, con tres repeticiones. En la variable densidad de plantas, el testigo sin aplicación fue el tratamiento con mayor densidad de malezas. Asimismo, la mejor combinación para inhibir la emergencia de malezas fue Acetoclor con Flumioxazin. Además, Flumioxazin solo o combinado se encuentra entre los tratamientos con menor densidad de malezas. En lo referente a la variable biomasa de malezas y eficiencia de los herbicidas, todos los tratamientos fueron superiores en eficacia al testigo. Además, la combinación de Pendimethalin con Acetoclor tuvo mejor comportamiento con 0.253 kg m-2. En la variable rendimiento del cultivo de cebolla e índice de maleza, las mejores combinaciones fueron Pendimethalin con Acetoclor y Oxifluorfen solo con 2.97 y 2.92 kg m-2, respectivamente. En contraparte el tratamiento Flumioxazin solo, tuvo menor rendimiento. Con respecto a la pérdida de efectividad biológica de herbicidas, se encontró que, en conjunto, por la pérdida de efectividad, aparecen en promedio 674 individuos de malezas ha-1 diariamente