12 research outputs found

    Management of hepatic epithelioid haemangio-endothelioma in children: what option?

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    Hepatic epithelioid haemangio-endothelioma (HEHE) is an endothelium-derived tumour of low-to-medium grade malignancy. It is predominantly seen in adults and is unresponsive to chemotherapy. Liver transplantation is an accepted indication when the tumour is unresectable. Hepatic epithelioid haemangio-endothelioma is very rare in children and results after transplantation are not reported. The aim of this study is to review the experience of three European centres in the management of HEHE in children. A retrospective review of all paediatric patients with HEHE managed in three European centres is presented. Five children were identified. Four had unresectable tumours. The first had successful resection followed by chemotherapy and is alive, without disease 3 years after diagnosis. One child died of sepsis and one of tumour recurrence in the graft and lungs 2 and 5 months, respectively, after transplant. Two children who had progressive disease with ifosfamide-based chemotherapy have had a reduction in clinical symptoms and stabilisation of disease up to 18 and 24 months after the use of platinum-based chemotherapy. HEHE seems more aggressive in children than reported in adults and the curative role of transplantation must be questioned. Ifosfamide-based chemotherapy was not effective. Further studies are necessary to confirm if HEHE progression in children may be influenced by platinum-based chemotherapy

    Transsphenoidal extension of heterotopic glioneuronal tissue: pathoanatomic considerations in symptomatic neonates

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    PURPOSE: In this clinical investigation, we aimed (1) to re-evaluate the nature of glioneuronal tissue with transsphenoidal extension and how it fits into the nomenclature of midline malformations and mass lesions; (2) to find out if our imaging findings support current pathoanatomic concepts of clefts and canals in the sphenoid body of newborns. METHODS: In two neonates with respiratory distress due to nasopharyngeal masses, 3T MRI was performed, and CT in one of them. Imaging features were analyzed in consensus by two pediatric neuroradiologists with histological reports being available. An interdisciplinary panel compared the findings to those of case publications and differential entities from our institutional case collection. RESULTS: Referring to our rare case of transsphenoidal cerebral heterotopia and unique case of hypothalamic hamartoma with transsphenoidal herniation, glioneuronal heterotopia may definitely extend through the sphenoid bone. Consequently, there is reason for brain heterotopias to be labeled as such also in case of an intracranial component. Connection between heterotopic glioneuronal tissue in the nasopharynx and a hypothalamic hamartoma may go along with indistinct margins to normal brain. Neither extension through a transsphenoidal cleft nor association with a cleft palate are specific for cerebral heterotopia. Our findings support the hypothesis that transsphenoidal cerebral heterotopias do not or at least not invariably follow the route of Rathke's pouch, known as the craniopharyngeal canal. CONCLUSION: Transsphenoidal glioneuronal heterotopia should be the top differential diagnosis in MR imaging if a non-enhancing nasopharyngeal mass of an infant extends through a craniopharyngeal cleft within the intersphenoid synchondrosis

    Enhanced infection prophylaxis reduces mortality in severely immunosuppressed HIV-infected adults and older children initiating antiretroviral therapy in Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe: the REALITY trial

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    Meeting abstract FRAB0101LB from 21st International AIDS Conference 18–22 July 2016, Durban, South Africa. Introduction: Mortality from infections is high in the first 6 months of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among HIV‐infected adults and children with advanced disease in sub‐Saharan Africa. Whether an enhanced package of infection prophylaxis at ART initiation would reduce mortality is unknown. Methods: The REALITY 2×2×2 factorial open‐label trial (ISRCTN43622374) randomized ART‐naïve HIV‐infected adults and children >5 years with CD4 <100 cells/mm3. This randomization compared initiating ART with enhanced prophylaxis (continuous cotrimoxazole plus 12 weeks isoniazid/pyridoxine (anti‐tuberculosis) and fluconazole (anti‐cryptococcal/candida), 5 days azithromycin (anti‐bacterial/protozoal) and single‐dose albendazole (anti‐helminth)), versus standard‐of‐care cotrimoxazole. Isoniazid/pyridoxine/cotrimoxazole was formulated as a scored fixed‐dose combination. Two other randomizations investigated 12‐week adjunctive raltegravir or supplementary food. The primary endpoint was 24‐week mortality. Results: 1805 eligible adults (n = 1733; 96.0%) and children/adolescents (n = 72; 4.0%) (median 36 years; 53.2% male) were randomized to enhanced (n = 906) or standard prophylaxis (n = 899) and followed for 48 weeks (3.8% loss‐to‐follow‐up). Median baseline CD4 was 36 cells/mm3 (IQR: 16–62) but 47.3% were WHO Stage 1/2. 80 (8.9%) enhanced versus 108(12.2%) standard prophylaxis died before 24 weeks (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 0.73 (95% CI: 0.54–0.97) p = 0.03; Figure 1) and 98(11.0%) versus 127(14.4%) respectively died before 48 weeks (aHR = 0.75 (0.58–0.98) p = 0.04), with no evidence of interaction with the two other randomizations (p > 0.8). Enhanced prophylaxis significantly reduced incidence of tuberculosis (p = 0.02), cryptococcal disease (p = 0.01), oral/oesophageal candidiasis (p = 0.02), deaths of unknown cause (p = 0.02) and (marginally) hospitalisations (p = 0.06) but not presumed severe bacterial infections (p = 0.38). Serious and grade 4 adverse events were marginally less common with enhanced prophylaxis (p = 0.06). CD4 increases and VL suppression were similar between groups (p > 0.2). Conclusions: Enhanced infection prophylaxis at ART initiation reduces early mortality by 25% among HIV‐infected adults and children with advanced disease. The pill burden did not adversely affect VL suppression. Policy makers should consider adopting and implementing this low‐cost broad infection prevention package which could save 3.3 lives for every 100 individuals treated