14 research outputs found


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    The spring forage emptiness is an obstacle to the development of Brazilian livestock, including in the Bioma Pampa region. Feed strategies for this period contributed to the development of livestock and to the conservation of the biome. The objective of this work was to know the nutritional potential of forages during spring forage for use as strategies in the forage planning. The experiment had a completely randomized design, with ten forages and four replicates. The chemical composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and the total digestible nutrient content (NTD) of elephant grass, brachiaria cultivars Convert and Marandu, Tifton 68; diploid and tetraploid ryegrass; red, white and arrowleaf clover; and bird’s-foot trefoil. The grasses had a higher proportion of fibrous constituents, and lower levels of NDT and DMD, thus, lower nutritional value. Negative correlation between mineral matter and fibrous constituents with CP, TDN and IVDMD, was observed. Forages studied can be used as pasture alternatives for ruminants in the spring forage emptiness of the Pampa, Brazil, however, the strategy of using them should be a pasture planning

    Influência do tempo e temperatura de estocagem sobre a microbiota deteriorante do leite cru

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    The quality of raw milk depends on initial microbial contamination and conditions of storage until industry processing. Considering the influence of time and storage temperature on raw milk microbiota, the objective of this work was to quantify and monitor the multiplication of these groups under different conditions. For this purpose, 41 samples of raw milk were collected immediately after milking, stored in the following storage conditions: 25 °C/2 h; 35 °C/2 h; 7 °C/24 h; 7 °C/48 h and 7 °C/60 h and analyses of aerobic mesophilic, psychrotrophic and proteolytic psychrotrophic microorganisms. The milk samples analyzed in the study had an initial mean count of mesophilic aerobes of 5.38 Log CFU/mL at Time Zero. The milk stored at 25 °C/2 h and 35 °C/2 h kept the mesophilic aerobic counts within the limits established by the legislation (5.48 Log CFU/mL), with an increase in counts of psychrotrophic and proteolytic microorganisms. When stored at 7 °C/24 h and 7 °C/48 h, the count of mesophiles exceeded the established parameters. A significant increase in the count of proteolytic psychrotrophs and psychrotrophs was also observed during storage at 7 °C from 24 h. The results of this study indicate that the temperature of 7 °C is not suitable for the milk conservation, since it was not able to control the microbial multiplication. Thus, the results contribute to the change in milk storage temperature proposed by the new Brazilian legislation.A qualidade do leite cru depende da contaminação microbiana inicial e das condições de armazenamento até o processamento na indústria. Considerando a influência do tempo e da temperatura de armazenamento na microbiota do leite cru, o objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar e monitorar a multiplicação desses grupos de microrganismos sob diferentes condições. Para tanto, foram coletadas 41 amostras de leite cru imediatamente após a ordenha, armazenadas nas seguintes condições de armazenamento: 25 °C/2 h; 35 °C/2 h; 7 °C/24 h; 7 °C/48 h e 7 °C/60 h para análise de microrganismos psicrotróficos, aeróbios mesófilos, psicrotróficos e proteolíticos. As amostras de leite analisadas no estudo apresentaram uma contagem média inicial de aeróbios mesófilos de 5.38 Log UFC/mL no Tempo Zero. O leite armazenado a 25 °C/2 h e 35 °C/2 h manteve as contagens aeróbias mesófilas dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação (5,48 Log UFC/mL), com aumento nas contagens de microrganismos psicrotróficos e proteolíticos. Quando armazenado a 7 °C/24 h e 7 °C/48 h a contagem de mesófilos excedeu os parâmetros estabelecidos. Um aumento significativo na contagem de psicrotróficos e psicrotróficos proteolíticos também foi observado durante o armazenamento a 7 °C a partir das 24 h. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a temperatura de 7 °C não é adequada para a conservação do leite, uma vez que não foi capaz de controlar a multiplicação microbiana. Assim, os resultados contribuem para a mudança na temperatura de armazenamento de leite proposta pela nova legislação brasileira

    Milk production units characterized by sanitary, nutritional and infrastructure variables in the northwest, center western and southwest mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Evaluating and characterizing production systems using farm characteristics allows the diagnosis of failing points. This diagnosis can be used to improve the productive and zootechnical indices. Little is known about the milk production systems in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the milk production systems of the Northwest, Center Western and Southwest mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul, considering the infrastructure, milk handling, milk quantity and composition, and nutritional intake of the cattle. To conduct this study, 38 Milk Production Units (MPUs) registered at the Municipal Secretaries of Agriculture and Emater/Ascar-RS were randomly selected. After being randomly selected, the dairy farms were visited and a semi-structured guide questionnaire was applied and milk samples were collected from expansion tanks. The milk was analyzed for somatic cell counts (SCC) and total bacterial counts (TBC). Data were evaluated through principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Multivariate analysis allowed the investigated variables to be reduced into two main components (CP1 and CP2). These two showed eigenvalues ​​greater than 1 (alpha> 1) and together explained 55.05% of the characteristics variability of the 38 MPUs studied. CP1 contemplated productive capacity and factors related to nutritional management of the MPUs, interfering directly with reproductive performance. CP2 comprised milk handling and daily production. Using these main variables, the data set generated from the 38 MPUs studied were adjusted and classified into five groups (G1, G2, G3, G4, and G5). The characteristics of these groups differed statistically especially in infrastructure and nutritional management of the cattle. Due to their particularities, each of these five groups of MPUs requires strategic technical interventions to improve their productive indexes

    Food handling in the domestic environment: an online questionnaire study with respondents from 24 of 26 Brazilian states

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil das práticas de manipulação de alimentos no ambiente domiciliar no Brasil utilizando um questionário online. Um questionário contendo perguntas sobre comportamento doméstico em nível de higiene e manipulação de alimentos foi construído e disponibilizado por redes sociais. O questionário continha informações sobre o perfil dos participantes, suas práticas de pré preparo, preparo e pós-preparo de alimentos e a ocorrência de doenças transmitidas por alimentos (DTA). Obteve-se 701 respostas, os entrevistados foram 78,31% do sexo feminino e 21,68% do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 31,2 anos. A maioria (94,3%) possuia ensino superior completo ou incompleto. Na etapa de pré-preparo, os participantes avaliam o prazo de validade (97,28%) e a temperatura de armazenamento (44,79%) dos produtos no momento da compra. Em relação às práticas de manipulação dos alimentos, apenas alguns participantes lavavam as embalagens dos alimentos antes de armazená-los (31,95%) ou retiravam adornos ao lavar os alimentos (61,48%). A maioria dos participantes lavam as mãos (91,58%) e os vegetais (99,28%); entretanto, um grupo de entrevistados relatou lavar carne crua (27,81%) antes de prepará-la. Superfícies de corte como tábuas de plástico (50,36%) e de vidro (49,36%) foram os mais prevalentes no estudo. A maioria dos entrevistados não sabe há quanto tempo usa as tábuas de corte (67,62%) e utilizam a mesma superfície para manusear produtos crus e prontos para o consumo (84,17%). Quanto ao preparo, a maioria dos entrevistados declarou não verificar a temperatura dos alimentos durante o preparo (86,31%), ignorando a temperatura ideal de cozimento (88,26%). Em relação à ocorrência de DVA, 79,17% dos entrevistados relataram que já apresentaram sinais clínicos suspeitos associados a alimentos contaminados e 65,59% não procuraram atendimento médico. Nesse sentido, os participantes demonstraram desconhecimento sobre as práticas adequadas para a segurança dos alimentos no ambiente domiciliar, evidenciando a necessidade de realização de programas de educação em saúde com a população brasileira.Using an online questionnaire, this study evaluated the profile of a Brazilian population’s food handling practices in the home environment. The questionnaire, containing questions about domestic behavior in terms of hygiene and food handling, was built and available through social media sites. Information about the participants’ profiles, their food pre-preparation, food preparation, and food post-preparation practices, and the occurrence of foodborne diseases (FBDs) was included in the questionnaire. A total of 701 responses were obtained. The interviewees included 78.31% female participants and 21.68% male participants, with an average age of 31.2 years. Nearly all (94.3%) had a complete or incomplete higher education. In the pre preparation stage, the participants evaluated the shelf life (97.28%) and storage temperature (44.79%) of the products while purchasing them. Regarding food handling practices, only a few participants washed the food packages before storing them (31.95%) or removed hand jewelry or other adornments when washing food (61.48%). Most participants washed their hands (91.58%) and washed vegetables (99.28%). But a group of interviewees reported washing raw meat (27.81%) before preparing it. Cutting surfaces such as plastic (50.36%) and glass (49.36%) tops were the most prevalent in the study. Most respondents did not know how long they had been using their cutting boards (67.62%) and mentioned using the same surface to handle both raw and ready-to-eat products (84.17%). As for the preparation, most interviewees declared they did not check the food temperature during preparation (86.31%), ignoring the ideal cooking temperature (88.26%). Regarding the occurrence of FBDs, 79.17% of the interviewees reported having suspicious clinical signs associated with contaminated foods and 65.59% did not seek medical help. Thus, the participants demonstrated ignorance about adequate practices for food safety in the home environment, highlighting the need to conduct health education programs within the Brazilian population

    Calf rearing profile in agrarian reform settlements in santana of livramento, RS, Brazil

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    In agrarian reform settlements there are obstacles in the rearing of calves; however, the main aspects that cause this obstacle are not known. Thus, the aim of this study was to diagnose the main obstacles in the management of these dairy heifers to target extension actions. For this, semi-structured guided questionnaires were applied to 40 families from 20 settlements. The questionnaire contained questions about the characteristics of the family, property and general management, feeding and sanitation of calves. The data were tabulated in Excel, transformed into variables and studied by means of multivariate analysis of main components after the farms were grouped into clusters according to similarity. The variables that most affected the heifer rearing system in dairy farms in the agrarian reform settlements of Santana do Livramento, RS, Brazil, were related to diet and occurrence of diarrhoea in calves. The 40 farms studied were grouped into six clusters, which differed especially in relation to who was responsible for the management of the heifers inside the property, regarding the infrastructure for the calves, time in milk production and concern regarding the care in the breeding of the calves. Based on these differences between the clusters being correctly identified, the technicians who work in these farms can establish strategies to work with settled families, emphasising the points where the obstacles are known to trigger the survival of heifers that will replace the dairy herds

    Dinâmica da formação de biofilmes puros e mistos de Listeria monocytogenes e Salmonella Typhimurium em superfície de polipropileno

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Luciano dos Santos BersotDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Palotina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal. Defesa : Palotina, 20/02/2020Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Saúde AnimalResumo: Biofilmes multiespécies são ecossistemas microbianos complexos que podem ser fonte de contaminação entre ambientes industriais e alimentos. O estudo, teve como objetivos realizar a caracterização molecular e avaliar expressão de genes relacionados à formação de biofilme, bem como, a dinâmica de formação e arquitetura de biofilmes puros e mistos de Listeria monocytogenes e Salmonella Typhimurium. Os três isolados de L. monocytogenes foram submetidos a caracterização de genes relacionados a formação de biofilme (flaA, prfA, luxS, agrA, agrB, agrC, agrD), a resistência a biocidas (mdrT, mdrM, mdrL, idE), a adaptação ao pH e a concentrações de sal (SSI-1 lmo 0444, SSI-1 lmo 0445, SSI-1 lmo 0446). Um isolado de S. Typhimurium foi submetido a avaliação de genes envolvidos na produção de fímbrias, adesão, virulência, formação de celulose e biofilme (adrA, lpfA, agfA, sipA), a quorum sensing (sidA) e a resistência ao amônio quaternário (qacE?1). A dinâmica de formação de biofilmes puros e mistos foi avaliada nos tempos de 1 h, 24 h, 96 h e 120 h em superfície de polipropileno a 12 °C e 37 °C. Os biofilmes maduros de L. monocytogenes na condição pura e associada com S. Typhimurium em superfície de polipropileno a 12 °C e 37 °C foram submetidos a expressão dos genes flaA, prfA, luxS e agrABCD. Os isolados de L. monocytogenes apresentaram os genes flaA, prfA, luxS, agrA, agrB, agrC, agrD, mdrT, mdrM, mdrL e idE, e S. Typhimurium carreava os genes adrA, lpfA, agfA, sipA, sidA. O crescimento planctônico e séssil de L. monocytogenes e S. Typhimurium foi relacionado a temperatura de incubação, obtendo-se contagens mais elevadas em 24 h a 37 °C, e em 96 h e 120 h a 12 °C. A adesão inicial de L. monocytogenes e S. Typhimurium foi afetada negativamente pela condição mista (p<0,001). Biofilmes puros de L. monocytogenes e S. Typhimurium apresentaram contagens mais elevadas em 96 h e 120 h quando comparados as populações individuais em biofilmes mistos. Contudo, não foi observado diferença estatística na contagem entre biofilmes puros de L. monocytogenes, puros de S. Typhimurium e a população total em biofilmes mistos (Listeria+Salmonella) a 12 °C. Em MEV, pode-se observar estrutura de aspecto viscoso promovendo a adesão (1 h) bacteriana em biofilmes mistos, e a partir de 24 h a presença de matriz exopolissacarídeos (EPS). Biofilmes puros e mistos foram capazes de manter células viáveis por 3000 h a 10 °C com contagens superiores a 120 h (p<0,05). Biofilmes maduros de L. monocytogenes não sofreram interferência da temperatura, superfície e condição mista com S. Typhimurium sobre a expressão dos genes prfA, luxS e agrBCD, contudo houve interferência na expressão de flaA e agrA. Desse modo, a caracterização da dinâmica de formação de biofilmes mistos, juntamente com presença e expressão de genes relacionados a formação de biofilme, demostrou a associação desses patógenos para a formação e manutenção de biofilmes mistos, e além disso, torna-se resultados importantes para a indústrias de alimentos e saúde pública. Palavras-chaves: Biofilmes maduros; expressão gênica; indústria de alimentos, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), persistênciaAbstract: Multispecies biofilms are complex microbial ecosystems that can be a source of contamination between industrial environments and food. The study aimed to evaluate the molecular characterization and expression of genes related to biofilm formation and stressful conditions, and the dynamics of formation and architecture of pure and mixed biofilms of L. monocytogenes and S. Typhimurium. L. monocytogenes isolates were subjected to the characterization of genes related to biofilm formation (flaA, prfA, luxS), to stressful conditions (agrA, agrB, agrC, agrD), biocide resistance (mdrT, mdrM, mdrL, idE), adaptation to pH and salt concentrations (SSI-1 lmo 0444, SSI-1 lmo 0445, SSI-1 lmo 0446, LMOf2365_0481). S. Typhimurium was evaluated for genes linked to fimbriae production, adhesion, virulence, cellulose and biofilm formation (adrA, lpfA, agfA, sipA), quorum sensing (sidA) and resistance to quaternary ammonium (qacE?1). The formation of pure and mixed biofilms was evaluated at 1h, 24h, 96h and 120h on the polypropylene surface at 12°C and 37°C. The mature biofilms of L. monocytogenes were subjected to the gene expression the flaA, prfA, luxS, and agrABCD. The isolates of L. monocytogenes presented the genes flaA, prfA, luxS, agrA, agrB, agrC, agrD, mdrT, mdrM, mdrL and idE, and S. Typhimurium demonstrated the genes adrA, lpfA, agfA, sipA, sidA. Planktonic and sessile growth was directly related to incubation temperature, obtaining higher counts in 24h at 37°C, and in 96h at 12°C. The initial adhesion of L. monocytogenes and S. Typhimurium was affected by the mixed condition (p<0.001). Pure biofilms from L. monocytogenes and S. Typhimurium showed higher counts in 96h and 120h when compared to individual populations in mixed biofilms. However, no statistical difference was observed between pure biofilms of L. monocytogenes, pure S. Typhimurium and the total population in mixed biofilms (Listeria+Salmonella), especially at 120h/12°C. It was observed that the dispersion of adhered cells directly affected the maintenance of planktonic cells, especially after 96h in both temperatures. In SEM, structure of the viscous aspect could be observed promoting bacterial adhesion (1h) in mixed biofilms, and after 24h with the presence of matrix exopolysaccharides (EPS). The pure and mixed biofilms were able to maintain viable cells for 3000h at 10°C with counts greater in 120h (p<0.05). Mature biofilms of L. monocytogenes were not affected by temperature, surface, and association with S. Typhimurium on the expression of prfA, luxS and agrBCD genes, interfering with the expression of flaA and agrA. Thus, the dynamics of the formation of mixed biofilms, linked to the presence and expression of genes related to the formation biofilms, are factors that prove the association of these pathogens for the formation and maintenance of mixed biofilms, it becomes important results for the food industries and the public health. Keywords: food industry; gene expression; mature biofilms; persistence; scanning electron microscopy (SEM


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    Por meio de um delineamento inteiramente casualizado procedeu-se a caracterização nutricional de resíduos da poda de oliveiras mantidos in natura ou conservados na forma de silagens durante 110 e 150 dias. Estudou-se o perfil fermentativo por meio da determinação do conteúdo de matéria seca (MS), pH e nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3). A MS elevou-se de 487 para 535 g kg-1 com a ensilagem, enquanto o pH não foi afetado pela ensilagem (4,77) e o N-NH3 elevou-se de 5,24 para 6,09% do nitrogênio total. No perfil microbiológico estudaram-se as populações de fungos filamentosos, Lactobacillus, enterobactérias e Clostridium, que apresentaram aumento com a ensilagem. No perfil bromatológico determinou-se os conteúdos de cinzas, matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), lignina, celulose e hemicelulose. Destes, apenas os conteúdos de cinzas, MO, FDA e celulose foram afetados pelos tratamentos, sem efeitos para PB (81 g kg-1) e FDN (679 g kg-1). Resíduos da poda de oliveiras podem ser conservados na forma de silagem por 110 ou 150 dias e possuem perfil bromatológico que sugere a possibilidade de sua utilização em dietas de ruminantes, porém, os limites de inclusão somente poderão ser determinados por meio de novos estudos


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    The spring forage emptiness is an obstacle to the development of Brazilian livestock, including in the Bioma Pampa region. Feed strategies for this period contributed to the development of livestock and to the conservation of the biome. The objective of this work was to know the nutritional potential of forages during spring forage for use as strategies in the forage planning. The experiment had a completely randomized design, with ten forages and four replicates. The chemical composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and the total digestible nutrient content (NTD) of elephant grass, brachiaria cultivars Convert and Marandu, Tifton 68; diploid and tetraploid ryegrass; red, white and arrowleaf clover; and bird’s-foot trefoil. The grasses had a higher proportion of fibrous constituents, and lower levels of NDT and DMD, thus, lower nutritional value. Negative correlation between mineral matter and fibrous constituents with CP, TDN and IVDMD, was observed. Forages studied can be used as pasture alternatives for ruminants in the spring forage emptiness of the Pampa, Brazil, however, the strategy of using them should be a pasture planning