32 research outputs found

    Citizens’ attitudes and perceptions towards genetically modified food in Chile: Special emphasis in CRISPR technology

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    To date, there has been an increase in genome modification biotechnologies that improve production and food security but the process has not been accompanied by the delivery of information about them intended for citizens. This is essential considering that to achieve better health, food security and sustainability these biotechnologies need to be incorporated into production systems. This study aimed to explore perceptions and attitudes of Chilean citizens towards the use of genome modifications with an emphasis on transgenes and genome editing (CRISPR). An electronic questionnaire was applied, and afterwards the results were analysed through descriptive statistics, GLM, Spearman’s correlation and Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. A total of 702 questionnaires were analysed. High awareness of concepts such as transgenic and cloning was reported with CRISPR being the least known term. Most respondents perceived negative effects on health regarding the consumption of genetically modified products, with women having a significantly more negative attitude. Still, a high willingness to use CRISPR for improving animal and human health was reported. When comparing vegetable and animal products that underwent CRISPR or transgenes, the willingness to consume these products was higher for vegetables. The results show that changes in perception can be achieved after providing the definition of CRISPR and transgenic, therefore, consumer education seems to be essential. Science communication focused on making information about genome modification biotechnologies available to citizens could promote more positive attitudes and perceptions and facilitate their future implementation in the country

    Use of thermography and pressure sensors to evaluate the effect of load on pack mules

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    Mules performing pack work can develop skin wounds and lesions on harness related areas of the body, but also muscular and bone damage that are not always visible during clinical examination. Thermographic imaging and pressure sensors have emerged as non-invasive diagnostic alternatives that can provide valuable information about the welfare of working equids. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different loads on the back of mules through thermographic images and pressure sensors. A crossover design was used with twelve mules carrying three different loads (80, 105, and 130 kg) for two kilometers. Four pressure sensors were placed in the harnessing system to assess the pressure (N) of the loads. Thermographic images of the back were taken daily before and up to five days after the harnessing work. The results show that the heavy loads (105 and 130 kg) generated a significant increase of temperature in all the analysed areas of the mules’ back, with no significant differences between anatomical areas. The pressure sensors did not reveal significant differences between treatments or between anatomical areas and no evidence of a correlation between pressure and temperature. Further studies including physiological and behavioral measures to assess the effect of different loads are required to better understand the effect on working equids welfare.Keywords: mule, load, pressure, inflammation, welfare, working equid

    Tricofagia en chinchillas (chinchilla lanígera): un problema de bienestar animal

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    Las estereotipias son desórdenes conductuales que se desarrollan en los animales como consecuencia de ambientes sub-óptimos, sobre los cuales no tienen control. Al estar asociadas con problemas de manejo que afectan el bienestar de los animales, y muchas veces resultar en un deterioro del fitness del animal estas pueden ser utilizadas como un indicador directo (basado en el animal) de bienestar animal. En el caso de la chinchilla la conducta de tricofagia (chinchillas come-pelo) ha sido asociada con problemas de manejo cuando estas son mantenidas en criaderos con fines comerciales y algunos factores individuales. A pesar de que se le ha dado menos atención en los estudios de estereotipias a la chinchilla, es importante su estudio ya que aún existe un importante número de criaderos de esta especie con fines peleteros, y la conducta de tricofagia no sólo afecta el bienestar del individuo, si no que además afecta su producto principal, la piel, por lo que es una patología conductual de importancia económica para el productor. El objetivo de la presente revisión es dar a conocer algunos posibles factores causales de la conducta de tricofagia en chinchillas y las implicancias de las estereotipias sobre el bienestar animal

    On the need for rigorous welfare and methodological reporting for the live capture of large carnivores: A response to de Araujo et al. (2021)

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    1.De Araujo et al. (Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13516) described the development and application of a wire foot snare trap for the capture of jaguars Panthera onca and cougars Puma concolor. Snares are a commonly used and effective means of studying large carnivores. However, the article presented insufficient information to replicate the work and inadequate consideration and description of animal welfare considerations, thereby risking the perpetuation of poor standards of reporting. 2.Appropriate animal welfare assessments are essential in studies that collect data from animals, especially those that use invasive techniques, and are key in assisting researchers to choose the most appropriate capture method. It is critical that authors detail all possible associated harms and benefits to support thorough review, including equipment composition, intervention processes, general body assessments, injuries (i.e. cause, type, severity) and post-release behaviour. We offer a detailed discussion of these shortcomings. 3.We also discuss broader but highly relevant issues, including the capture of non-target animals and the omission of key methodological details. The level of detail provided by authors should allow the method to be properly assessed and replicated, including those that improve trap selectivity and minimize or eliminate the capture of non-target animals. 4.Finally, we discuss the central role that journals must play in ensuring that published research conforms to ethical, animal welfare and reporting standards. Scientific studies are subject to ever-increasing scrutiny by peers and the public, making it more important than ever that standards are upheld and reviewed. 5. We conclude that the proposal of a new or refined method must be supported by substantial contextual discussion, a robust rationale and analyses and comprehensive documentation

    Why Should Human-Animal Interactions Be Included in Research of Working Equids’ Welfare?

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    The livelihood of working horses’ owners and their families is intimately linked to the welfare of their equids. A proper understanding of human-animal interactions, as well as the main factors that modulate them, is essential for establishing strategies oriented to improve the welfare of animals and their caretakers. To date, there is still a paucity of research dedicated to the identification and assessment of the human psychological attributes that affect the owner⁻equine interaction, and how these could affect the welfare of working equids. However, some studies have shown that empathy, attitudes towards animals, human perception of animal pain and the owner´s locus of control are some of the psychological attributes that participate in human-equine interactions and that these can result in poor welfare of working equids. A better understanding of the relationship between human attributes and equids’ welfare can provide an opportunity to improve the quality of interactions between owners and their working equids and thus improve their welfare. This review aims to explain why the inclusion of human psychological attributes that modulate the human-animal interactions can benefit welfare research in working equids. The role that empathy, perception of animal pain and locus of control play in the promotion of good welfare in working equids is emphasized

    Preliminary Study on the Effects of Long Distance Road Transport on Some Blood Constituents in Recently Weaned Thoroughbred Foals

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Transport is a known stressful event that, when occurring together with other stressful situations such as weaning, could have a deleterious effect on the welfare of foals. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in selected blood constituents indicative of stress, muscular damage, and dehydration as a result of long distance road transport in recently weaned Thoroughbred foals. For this, 15 foals were transported in two loads for 15 hours. Blood samples were obtained before weaning, before loading, and after transport. Statistical analysis was performed for each blood variable to establish differences between loads and between sampling times. Significant increases (P < .05) in cortisol, packed cell volume, and total proteins after transport showed that long distance transport resulted in a stress response and dehydration status in the foals studied. Through creatinphosphokinase activity, no muscular damage could be confirmed due to weaning or transport. Pro

    Morphological characteristics and most frequent health constraints of urban draught horses attending a free healthcare programme in the south of Chile: A retrospective study (1997-2009)

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    Working horses are still an important source of income for many families located in urban and peri-urban settings. An adequate health state in these horses is a prerequisite for welfare and work output, this is why the aim of the present study was: i) review the main systemic health problems; ii) describe their morphological characteristics; and iii) classify the drugs used in urban draught horses between 1997 and 2009. Morphological and health information was compiled for 263 horses from a total of 1132 clinical records between 1997 and 2009 by the free healthcare service. Most horses were geldings (38.4%) followed by mares and stallions. The average age was 8.5 years and only 30.4% presented characteristics of a draught type of horse. The main health systemic problems were related to the Integumentary, Locomotor and Respiratory systems respectively, being skin lesions, lameness and nasal discharge the principal diagnosis for each system. In relation to the drugs administered, dewormers (29.9%), vitamins (29.9%) and anti-inflammatories (14.5%) are the most frequent. Continuous revision of extension programmes is necessary to re-design protocols and adopt proper management practices and optimize the use of resources in a sustainable way. The animal and health information revised in this study can be used to set up new intervention strategies based in the selection of proper horses according to the type of work, and for the incorporation of training programmes aimed towards the prevention of health problems such as skin lesions and lameness and recognition of the risks associated to the use of drugs such as anthelmintics