25 research outputs found

    Štefan Polakovič - słowacki ideolog i teoretyk narodu

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    Štefan Polakovič - slovak ideologue and theoretician of the nationŠtefan Polakowice is a leading representative of the philosophy of the people inSlovakia. The opinions of Š. Polakovič about the nation changed. In the early period of creativeness he characterized the nation in terms of the organism. In his late works he was examining the substance of the nation in terms of atomism and moderate individualism. The fundamental metaphysical thesis about the existence of the nation is the one that the nation, just like a man, is a creation of God. Hence, the nation has the tasks to be accomplished designated by God. It is the duty of creative members of the nation to recognize the will of God in relation to the nation. Š. Polakovič in connection with the diversity concept of the nation recognized the need for existence of philosophical science of the nation - nationology. Nationology is to examine fundamental issues metaphysical, epistemological and axiological of the nation as being incomparable with any other object. Štefan Polakovič - słowacki ideolog i teoretyk naroduŠtefan Polakovič jest czołowym przedstawicielem filozofii narodu na Słowacji. Poglądy Š. Polakovicia na naród zmieniały się. We wczesnym okresie twórczości naród charakteryzował on w kategoriach organizmu. W późnej twórczości analizował istotę narodu w kategoriach atomizmu i umiarkowanego indywidualizmu. Zasadniczą tezą metafizyczną dotyczącą istnienia narodu jest twierdzenie, że naród, tak jak człowiek, jest tworem Boga. Stąd też naród ma zadania do zrealizowania, wyznaczone mu przez Boga. Obowiązkiem twórczych członków narodu jest rozpoznanie woli Boga w stosunku do narodu. Š. Polakovič w związku z różnorodnością koncepcji narodu uznał, że konieczna jest filozoficzna nauka o narodzie – nacjologia. Nacjologia ma badać fundamentalne zagadnienia metafizyczne, epistemologiczne i aksjologiczne narodu, jako bytu nieporównywalnego z żadnym innym obiektem

    Štefan Polakovič - słowacki ideolog i teoretyk narodu

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    Štefan Polakovič - slovak ideologue and theoretician of the nation Štefan Polakowice is a leading representative of the philosophy of the people inSlovakia. The opinions of Š. Polakovič about the nation changed. In the early period of creativeness he characterized the nation in terms of the organism. In his late works he was examining the substance of the nation in terms of atomism and moderate individualism. The fundamental metaphysical thesis about the existence of the nation is the one that the nation, just like a man, is a creation of God. Hence, the nation has the tasks to be accomplished designated by God. It is the duty of creative members of the nation to recognize the will of God in relation to the nation. Š. Polakovič in connection with the diversity concept of the nation recognized the need for existence of philosophical science of the nation - nationology. Nationology is to examine fundamental issues metaphysical, epistemological and axiological of the nation as being incomparable with any other object.   Štefan Polakovič - słowacki ideolog i teoretyk narodu Štefan Polakovič jest czołowym przedstawicielem filozofii narodu na Słowacji. Poglądy Š. Polakovicia na naród zmieniały się. We wczesnym okresie twórczości naród charakteryzował on w kategoriach organizmu. W późnej twórczości analizował istotę narodu w kategoriach atomizmu i umiarkowanego indywidualizmu. Zasadniczą tezą metafizyczną dotyczącą istnienia narodu jest twierdzenie, że naród, tak jak człowiek, jest tworem Boga. Stąd też naród ma zadania do zrealizowania, wyznaczone mu przez Boga. Obowiązkiem twórczych członków narodu jest rozpoznanie woli Boga w stosunku do narodu. Š. Polakovič w związku z różnorodnością koncepcji narodu uznał, że konieczna jest filozoficzna nauka o narodzie – nacjologia. Nacjologia ma badać fundamentalne zagadnienia metafizyczne, epistemologiczne i aksjologiczne narodu, jako bytu nieporównywalnego z żadnym innym obiektem

    Machine learning-based identification of suicidal risk in patients with schizophrenia using multi-level resting-state fMRI features

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    Background: Some studies suggest that as much as 40% of all causes of death in a group of patients with schizophrenia can be attributed to suicides and compared with the general population, patients with schizophrenia have an 8.5-fold greater suicide risk (SR). There is a vital need for accurate and reliable methods to predict the SR among patients with schizophrenia based on biological measures. However, it is unknown whether the suicidal risk in schizophrenia can be related to alterations in spontaneous brain activity, or if the resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) measures can be used alongside machine learning (ML) algorithms in order to identify patients with SR. Methods: Fifty-nine participants including patients with schizophrenia with and without SR as well as age and gender-matched healthy underwent 13 min resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Both static and dynamic indexes of the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF), the fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (fALFF), regional homogeneity as well as functional connectivity (FC) were calculated and used as an input for five machine learning algorithms: Gradient boosting (GB), LASSO, Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest and Support Vector Machine. Results: All groups revealed different intra-network functional connectivity in ventral DMN and anterior SN. The best performance was reached for the LASSO applied to FC with an accuracy of 70% and AUROC of 0.76 (p < 0.05). Significant classification ability was also reached for GB and LR using fALFF and ALFF measures. Conclusion Our findings suggest that SR in schizophrenia can be seen on the level of DMN and SN functional connectivity alterations. ML algorithms were able to significantly differentiate SR patients. Our results could be useful in developing neuromarkers of SR in schizophrenia based on non-invasive rsfMRI

    Relationship between neurological and cerebellar soft signs, and implicit motor learning in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

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    Background: Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) patients share deficits in motor functions in the form of neurological (NSS) and cerebellar soft signs (CSS), and implicit motor learning disturbances. Here, we use cluster analysis method to assess (1) the relationship between those abnormalities in SZ and BD and (2) the differences between those groups. Methods: 33 SZ patients, 33 BD patients as well as 31 healthy controls (HC) took part in the study. We assessed CSS with the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) and NSS with the Neurological Evaluation Scale (NES). Implicit motor learning was evaluated with the Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT). Participants were divided into clusters (Ward's method) based on the mean response time and mean error rate in SRTT. The difference in ICARS and NES scores, and SRTT variables between clusters were evaluated. We have measured associations between SRTT parameters and both ICARS and NES total scores and subscores. Results: Cluster analysis based on the SRTT parameters allowed to extract three clusters. Those were characterized by the increasing disruption of motor functioning (psychomotor retardation, the severity of NSS and CSS) regardless of the diagnosis. Cluster 1 covered almost all of HC and was characterized by faster reaction times and small number of errors. BD and SZ patients represented in cluster 1, although fully functional in performing the SRTT, showed higher rates of NSS and CSS. Patients with BD and SZ were set apart in clusters 2 and 3 in a similar proportion. Cluster 2 presented significantly slower reaction times but with the comparable number of errors to cluster 1. Cluster 3 consisted of participants with normal or decreased reaction time and significantly increased number of errors. None of the clusters were predominantly composed of the patients representing one psychiatric diagnosis. Conclusions: To our best knowledge, we are presenting the first data indicating the relationship between implicit motor learning and NSS and CSS in SZ and BD patients' groups. Lack of clusters predominantly represented by patients with the diagnosis of SZ or BD may refer to the model of schizophrenia-bipolar disorder boundary, pointing out the similarities between those two disorders

    Vergence eye movements in bipolar disorder

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    Aim. With respect to bipolar disorder (BD), previous research have demonstrated saccadic eye movements abnormalities, manifested mainly as an increase in reaction time (latency) in both prosaccadic and antisaccadic task. So far, there were no studies related to vergence eye movements in subjects with BD. Our primary aim was to evaluate vergence tracking performance in this clinical group.  Methods. 30 patients with BD in remission and 23 healthy controls were enrolled. Subjects underwent optometric examination where near point of convergence was measured by the use of Wolff Wand. Instrumented convergence measurements were performed using infrared eye tracker and dedicated vergence stimuli generator. Results. BD patients presented significantly higher average error between eyes’ convergence and convergence required to fixate the target and higher number of saccadic intrusions compared with healthy controls group. Principal component analysis performed on oculometric parameters revealed differences between BD patients and healthy controls. Significant correlations between the vergence disturbances and saccadic intrusions were found. Conclusions. BD patients showed the alterations of the vergence eye movements similar to the disturbances of eye movements in the fronto-parallel plane. While the abnormalities of vergence eye movements in some mental disorders have been reported, we have for the first time objectively measured this phenomenon in BD

    Wymiana członków elity władzy w małej gminie

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    Replacement of members of the ruling elite in a&nbsp;small community The article concerns the behavior of the formal-legal and intentional local power elites in the 2014 local elections in a&nbsp;small community. Transcendent and immanent mechanisms blocking the participation of certain persons in the formal legal ruling elite are mutually reinforcing during the election campaign. The case study highlights that the intuitive understanding of the candidates for the mayor&rsquo;s office of who is the favorite in these elections is an insufficient knowledge to ensure their win.V&yacute;mena členov vl&aacute;dnucej elity v&nbsp;malej komunie Čl&aacute;nok sa t&yacute;ka spr&aacute;vanie form&aacute;lne-pr&aacute;vne a&nbsp;z&aacute;mern&eacute; miest&shy;nej mocenskej elity v&nbsp;miestnych voľb&aacute;ch v&nbsp;roku 2014 v&nbsp;malej komunite. Transcendentn&yacute; a&nbsp;imanentn&yacute; mechanizmy zamykanie &uacute;časti niektor&yacute;ch os&ocirc;b vo form&aacute;lnom pr&aacute;vnom vl&aacute;dnucej elity sa navz&aacute;jom posilňuj&uacute; obecnej počas volebnej kampane. Pr&iacute;padov&aacute; &scaron;t&uacute;dia upozorňuje na intuit&iacute;vne ch&aacute;panie kandid&aacute;tov na &uacute;rad starostu, ktor&yacute; je hlavn&eacute; v&nbsp;t&yacute;chto voľb&aacute;ch, je nedostatočn&aacute; znalosť ich v&iacute;ťazstvo.Replacement of members of the ruling elite in a&nbsp;small community The article concerns the behavior of the formal-legal and intentional local power elites in the 2014 local elections in a&nbsp;small community. Transcendent and immanent mechanisms blocking the participation of certain persons in the formal legal ruling elite are mutually reinforcing during the election campaign. The case study highlights that the intuitive understanding of the candidates for the mayor&rsquo;s office of who is the favorite in these elections is an insufficient knowledge to ensure their win.V&yacute;mena členov vl&aacute;dnucej elity v&nbsp;malej komunie Čl&aacute;nok sa t&yacute;ka spr&aacute;vanie form&aacute;lne-pr&aacute;vne a&nbsp;z&aacute;mern&eacute; miest&shy;nej mocenskej elity v&nbsp;miestnych voľb&aacute;ch v&nbsp;roku 2014 v&nbsp;malej komunite. Transcendentn&yacute; a&nbsp;imanentn&yacute; mechanizmy zamykanie &uacute;časti niektor&yacute;ch os&ocirc;b vo form&aacute;lnom pr&aacute;vnom vl&aacute;dnucej elity sa navz&aacute;jom posilňuj&uacute; obecnej počas volebnej kampane. Pr&iacute;padov&aacute; &scaron;t&uacute;dia upozorňuje na intuit&iacute;vne ch&aacute;panie kandid&aacute;tov na &uacute;rad starostu, ktor&yacute; je hlavn&eacute; v&nbsp;t&yacute;chto voľb&aacute;ch, je nedostatočn&aacute; znalosť ich v&iacute;ťazstvo

    Sposób eliminacji punktów w procesie numeryczne generalizacji kartograficznej opis patentowy nr 181014 /

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    Zgłoszono 31 października 1996 r.Zgłoszenie ogłoszono 11 maja 1998 BUP 10/98.O udzieleniu patentu ogłoszono 31 maja 2001 WUP 05/01.Nr zgłosz. P 316810.Tyt. z ekranu tyt.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dostępu: Internet

    Przydatność osnowy kartograficznej i metody obiektywnego upraszczania obiektów do aktualizacji danych w BDT

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliografia s.90.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W artykule omówiono przydatność osnowy kartograficznej w pozyskiwaniu uogólnionych danych punktowych, liniowych i powierzchniowych metodą obiektywną upraszczania obiektów. Przedmiot badań stanowi: - jednoznaczność obiektów po przekształceniu o dowolnym rozstępie skal; - przekształcenie już uogólnionych danych, które nie wpływa na końcowy wynik procesu; - dokładność, która po przekształceniu danych mieści się w granicach wyznaczonych przez normy branżowe; - eliminacja poligonów szczątkowych przy aktualizacji danych jako wynik zastosowania osnowy kartograficznej. Proces upraszczania obiektów metodą obiektywną z wykorzystaniem osnowy kartograficznej przebiega w sposób automatyczny, co z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia jest zaletą metody aktualizacji danych BDT. Zalety metody zweryfikowano przykładami praktycznymi. ABSTRACT: This article discusses the usefulness to the raising of the warp cartography generalized data point, linear and surface objects using an objective of simplification. Subject of research is the: - unambiguous when the object of any interval scale; - the adoption of already generalized data does not affect the final outcome of the process; - restated-the accuracy of the data retains GUGiK industry standards; - silvery-elimination upgrade data. Is a result of the use of warp cartography. Process simplification objects method objective using warp cartography runs automatically what is advantage economic methods update data BDT. The advantages of the method in addition to their practical examples prove verified. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: wielorozdzielcza/wieloreprezentacyjna baza danych, baza danych, cyfrowa generalizacja kartograficzna, aktualizacja bazy danych topograficznych. KEYWORDS: Multiresolution/Multirepresentation Topographic Database, digital cartography generalization, update of the database topographical


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