35 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the use of topic nasal decongestants in university students from health sciences courses

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    Os descongestionantes nasais representam um dos grupos de medicamentos mais procurados dentro da automedicação no Brasil e as consequências ocasionadas pelo uso prolongado podem ser graves. Neste estudo foi aplicado a universitários da área de saúde um instrumento de avaliação para coleta de informações relacionadas ao perfil do uso destes medicamentos e outro instrumento para os alunos do último ano destas áreas para avaliar o nível de conhecimentos sobre o uso racional e correto dos descongestionantes nasais. Dos acadêmicos entrevistados, 71,8% fazem ou já fizeram o uso de descongestionantes nasais tópicos e destes, 64,3% utilizaram o medicamento por menos de 15 dias; 64,6% iniciaram o uso do descongestionante devido à obstrução nasal. Os dados obtidos ainda mostraram o farmacêutico como principal profissional responsável pela orientação do uso do medicamento aos usuários. Foi observado nível de conhecimento regular por parte dos alunos, através da escala de intensidade de cinco pontos do tipo Likert (3,6 ± 0,08). Conclui-se pelo uso incorreto de descongestionantes nasais tópicos pela maioria dos entrevistados e que falta preparo aos futuros profissionais para correta educação aos pacientes.Nasal decongestants in Brazil are available without prescription. They are one of the most requested medications in Brazil. The use of nasal decongestants, however, may lead to serious consequences. For this study, university students majoring in the health field were evaluated in terms of their profile regarding the use of nasal decongestants. Additionally, health sciences seniors were evaluated regarding their level of knowledge concerning the correct and proper use of nasal decongestants. Among the 71.8% of respondents who had already used topic nasal decongestants, 64.3% had used this medication for at least 15 days and 64.6% had started using it due to nasal obstruction. The gathered data indicate that the pharmacist was the main health professional reported as having provided patients with guidance on how to use this medication. A five-point Likert Type intensity scale (3.6 ± 0.08) shows that a regular level of knowledge has been observed among the students. Most of the students polled were concluded to incorrectly use topic nasal decongestants. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that the future health professionals are not well prepared to promote health education for patients concerning the rational use of nasal decongestants

    Hepatitis C in prisoners and non-prisoners in Colatina, Espírito Santo, Brazil

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    The aim of the present work was to compare hepatitis C prevalence, genotypes, and risk factors between prisoners and non-prisoners in the city of Colatina, Espírito Santo, Brazil. This cross-sectional study involved approximately 1,600 residents and 730 prisoners, all of whom were living in Colatina. The percentage of individuals who tested positive for anti-HCV was 0.1% (2/1,600) in the non-prisoner group and 1.0% (7/730) in the prisoner group, confirming a higher risk of hepatitis C in the latter group. The percentage of subjects who progressed to HCV-RNA negative was 11.1% (1/9), confirming the high probability of evolution to chronicity. Genotype 1 was the most predominant genotype found. Factors associated with increased risk of hepatitis C were being male, being institutionalized, having an income of less than three minimum wages, having low educational attainment, and using injected drugs. Alcohol use, pain in the liver, migraine, and reported history of hepatitis were markedly associated with hepatitis C. The prison population tested positive for anti-HCV at a higher rate than the non-prison population.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar a prevalência, os genótipos e fatores de risco da hepatite C entre a população em geral e os presos na cidade de Colatina, Espírito Santo, Brasil. O presente estudo é transversal e comparou cerca de 1.600 moradores e 730 prisioneiros, todos eles vivendo em Colatina. A prevalência de anticorpos anti-HCV positivo foi de 0,1% (2/1.600), na população em geral, e de 1,0% (7/730) entre os presos, o que confirma o elevado risco nesse grupo. A percentagem de indivíduos que apresentam RNA-HCV negativo foi de 11,1% (1/9), confirmando a alta taxa de evolução para a cronicidade. O genótipo predominante foi o I. Fatores associados ao aumento do risco de hepatite C foram do sexo masculino, sendo institucionalizado, com renda de até três salários mínimos, baixa escolaridade e uso de drogas injetáveis. O uso de álcool, dor no fígado, enxaqueca e relato de histórias de hepatite apresentaram associação significativa com a hepatite C. A população carcerária teve maiores taxas de positividade para o anti-HCV do que a população não-prisional pesquisada

    Level of satisfaction of clients of public pharmacies dispensing high-cost drugs in Espírito Santo, Brazil

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o nível de satisfação dos serviços farmacêuticos e a determinação do perfil socioeconômico de clientes de farmácias públicas. Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi calculada através de dados da quantidade mensal de pacientes atendidos nas farmácias e estratificada para cada unidade do Estado. Os dados foram analisados por meio programa SPSS 11.5, observando-se as frequências relativas simples para as variáveis qualitativas. Para as variáveis quantitativas efetuaram-se análise de variância de uma via (ANOVA) e teste post-hoc de Fisher. Os dados foram expressos como a média ± desvio padrão (DP). Os resultados revelam que, em geral, os usuários atendidos nas farmácias cidadãs estão satisfeitos com os serviços, porém, quando estratificado por pergunta, avaliou-se que a maior satisfação está relacionada apenas aos aspectos estruturais e organizacionais e que o serviço farmacêutico é insatisfatório. Quando relacionada à satisfação com as características socioeconômicas, observou-se diferença entre tempo de espera (39.07 ± 19.53), de atendimento pelo farmacêutico (8.91 ± 5.14) e escolaridade. Conclui-se que os usuários estão satisfeitos com os serviços das farmácias cidadãs estaduais do Espírito Santo, porém deve haver melhora em relação ao atendimento farmacêutico e à relação interpessoal entre profissionais de saúde e usuários do sistema público de saúde brasileiro.The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of satisfaction of pharmaceutical services and to determine the socioeconomic profile of public pharmacy clients. This is a cross-sectional observational study using a quantitative approach. The sample was calculated from the monthly number of patients seen in pharmacies and was stratified for each pharmacy. Data were analysed using SPSS 11.5 software and by observing the simple relative frequencies for qualitative variables. For the quantitative variables, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc Fisher tests were performed. Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The results show that, in general, patients at "Farmácias cidadãs" are satisfied with the services. However, when stratified, we found that the greatest satisfaction was related only to structural and organizational aspects, while the pharmaceutical services are unsatisfactory. When relating satisfaction to the socioeconomic characteristics, a difference between waiting time (39.07 ± 19.53), attendance by pharmacist (8.91 ± 5.14) and education was observed. It is concluded that users are satisfied with the services of state "Farmácias cidadãs" of Espírito Santo, but there should be improvements in relation to pharmaceutical services and the interpersonal relationships between health professionals and users of the public health system in Brazil

    In vivo hypotensive effect and in vitro inhibitory activity of some Cyperaceae species

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    In 1820, French naturalist August Saint Hillaire, during a visit in Espírito Santo (ES), a state in southeastern Brazil, reported a popular use of Cyperaceae species as antidote to snake bites. The plant may even have a hypotensive effect, though it was never properly researched. The in vitro inhibitory of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity of eigth ethanolic extracts of Cyperaceae was evaluated by colorimetric assay. Total phenolic and flavonoids were determined using colorimetric assay. The hypotensive effect of the active specie (Rhychonospora exaltata, ERE) and the in vivo ACE assay was measured in vivo using male Wistar Kyoto (ERE, 0.01-100mg/kg), with acetylcholine (ACh) as positive control (5 µg/kg, i.v.). The evaluation of ACE in vivo inhibitory effect was performed comparing the mean arterial pressure before and after ERE (10 mg/kg) in animals which received injection of angiotensin I (ANG I; 0,03, 03 and 300 µg/kg, i.v.). Captopril (30 mg/kg) was used as positive control. Bulbostylis capillaris (86.89 ± 15.20%) and ERE (74.89 ± 11.95%, ERE) were considered active in the in vitro ACE inhibition assay, at 100 µg/mL concentration. ACh lead to a hypotensive effect before and after ERE's curve (-40±5% and -41±3%). ERE showed a dose-dependent hypotensive effect and a in vivo ACE inhibitory effect. Cyperaceae species showed an inhibitory activity of ACE, in vitro, as well as high content of total phenolic and flavonoids. ERE exhibited an inhibitory effect on both in vitro and in vivo ACE. The selection of species used in popular medicine as antidotes, along with the in vitro assay of ACE inhibition, might be a biomonitoring method for the screening of new medicinal plants with hypotensive properties.Em 1820, o naturalista francês August Saint Hillaire, durante uma visita ao Espírito Santo (ES), Estado do sudeste do Brasil, relatou o uso popular de espécies de Cyperaceae como antídoto para picadas de cobra. As espécies podem possuir efeito hipotensor, embora nunca tenham sido devidamente pesquisadas. A inibição in vitro da atividade da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA) de oito extratos etanólicos de Cyperaceae foi avaliada por ensaio colorimétrico. Totais de fenólicos e flavonóides foram determinados utilizando ensaio colorimétrico. O efeito hipotensor da espécie ativa (Rhychonospora exaltata, ERE) no ensaio de ECA in vitro foi avaliada in vivo utilizando-se machos Wistar Kyoto (ERE, 0.01-100 mg/kg), com a acetilcolina (ACh), como controle positivo (5 µg/kg, iv). A avaliação do efeito inibidor da ECA in vivo foi realizado comparando-se a pressão arterial média, antes e após ERE (10 mg/kg) nos animais que receberam injeção de angiotensina I (Ang I, 0,03, 03 e 300 µg/kg, iv). Captopril (30 mg/kg) foi utilizado como controle positivo. Bulbostylis capillaris (86,89±15,20%) e ERE (74,89±11,95%, ERE) foram considerados ativas no ensaio de inibição da ECA in vitro, na concentração de 100 µg/mL. A ACh gerou um efeito hipotensor, antes e depois da curva de ERE (-40 ± 5% -41 ± 3%). ERE apresentou efeito hipotensivo dependente da dose e um efeito inibidor da ECA in vivo. As espécies de Cyperaceae mostraram uma atividade inibidora de ACE in vitro, bem como elevado conteúdo de substâncias fenólicas e flavonóides. ERE exibiu um efeito inibidor da ECA tanto in vitro como in vivo. A seleção das espécies utilizadas na medicina popular como antiofídicos, juntamente com o ensaio in vitro de inibição da ECA, pode ser um método de biomonitoramento para a seleção de novas plantas medicinais com propriedades hipotensores

    Hypotensive effect and endothelium-dependent vascular action of leaves of Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum

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    Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar o perfil químico de folhas de Alpinia purpurata K. Schum (AP), assim como a reatividade vascular e o efeito hipotensor agudo (EHA) do extrato etanólico de folhas de AP (EEAP). Avliou-se o perfil químico utilizando-se HPLC-UV, ICP-OES e quantificação colorimétrica de flavonoides e polifenóis totais. A reatividade vascular foi determinada utilizando leito mesentérico isolado de ratos WKY. Curvas dose-resposta do EEAP e do material inorgânico da AP (IAP) foram realizadas em animais SHR e WKY. Determinaram-se a segurança citotóxica e mutagênica pelo teste de micronúcleos. Flavonoides tipo rutina foram quantificados no EEAP (1,8±0,03%) e flavonoide total e polifenóis foram de 4,1±1,8% e 5,1±0,3%, respectivamente. Observou-se ação vasodilatadora do EEAP, mediada parcialmente pelo óxido nítrico (·NO). O IAP revelou a presença de cálcio (137,76±4.08 μg.mg-1 de Ca). O EEAP e IAP apresentaram EHA em animais WKY e SHR. Não se observaram efeitos citotóxicos e alterações cromossômicas provocadas pelo EEAP. O EEAP mostrou um EHA que poderia resultar de ação vascular dependente do endotélio. Rutina, entre outros polifenóis e flavonoides, poderia estar contribuindo para essas atividades biológicas e o cálcio presente no EEAP, poderia agir de maneira sinérgica.The aims of this study were to evaluate the chemical profile, vascular reactivity, and acute hypotensive effect (AHE) of the ethanolic extract of leaves of Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum (EEAP). Its chemical profile was evaluated using HPLC-UV, ICP-OES, and colorimetric quantification of total flavonoids and polyphenols. The vascular reactivity of the extract was determined using the mesenteric bed isolated from WKY. AHE dose-response curves were obtained for both EEAP and inorganic material isolated from AP (IAP) in WKY and SHR animals. Cytotoxic and mutagenic safety levels were determined by the micronucleus test. Rutin-like flavonoids were quantified in the EEAP (1.8 ± 0.03%), and the total flavonoid and polyphenol ratios were 4.1 ± 1.8% and 5.1 ± 0.3%, respectively. We observed that the vasodilation action of EEAP was partially mediated by nitric oxide (·NO). The IAP showed the presence of calcium (137.76 ± 4.08 μg mg-1). The EEAP and IAP showed an AHE in WKY and SHR animals. EEAP did not have cytotoxic effects or cause chromosomic alterations. The AHE shown by EEAP could result from its endothelium-dependent vascular action. Rutin-like flavonoids, among other polyphenols, could contribute to these biological activities, and the calcium present in EEAP could act in a synergistic way

    Scientific production in pharmaceutical care: comparison between Brazil, USA and Spain

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the evolution of the field of Pharmaceutical Care (PC) by measuring the quality and quantity of the scientific production on the topic of PC in Brazil compared to two pioneering countries in the field, the United States of America (USA) and Spain. The databases Web of Science, Scopus, Medline, Lilacs and SciELO were used as sources for the literature search. Pharmaceutical Care, or the appropriate translations, was used as the search term for the literature search, which was limited to articles published between 1990 and 2009. A score of quality (SQ) was calculated using variables such as impact factor and the frequency of the citations. We included 3265 articles published in 544 journals. We found that there was a steady increase in scientific production since 1990 and that the USA had a higher quality of scientific production than Spain, whereas the Spain produced the highest quantity of articles. In comparison, the Brazilian production of scientific publications on PC is low in terms of both quality and quantity but has increased steadily since 2002. Nevertheless, Brazil has not yet reached the level of the USA or Spain. In conclusion, Brazil's scientific production has evolved over the second decade studied in this work, with particularly high levels of production in the last five years. However, an increase in the quantity and quality of the publications should be encouraged.O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a evolução da área de atenção farmacêutica (AF) através da medição da qualidade e quantidade da produção científica na área de AF no Brasil, comparando-a com os países pioneiros no ramo: Estados Unidos da América (EUA) e Espanha. Os bancos de dados Web of Science, Scopus, Medline, Lilacs e SciELO foram usados como fontes para a pesquisa. AF ou as respectivas traduções foram usadas como descritor para a pesquisa bibliográfica sendo incluídos artigos publicados no período de 1990 a 2009. A pontuação da qualidade (PQ) foi calculada, utilizando variáveis como fator de impacto e frequência das citações. Foram cincluídos 3.265 artigos publicados em 544 revistas. Verificou-se um aumento constante na produção científica desde 1990 sendo que os EUA possuíam maior qualidade, enquanto a maior quantidade de artigos foi produzida na Espanha. Em comparação, a produção brasileira na AF é baixa em qualidade e quantidade, mas tem aumentado desde 2002. Apesar disso, o Brasil ainda não atingiu o nível dos EUA ou Espanha. Em conclusão, o Brasil apresentou expressiva evolução na última década com maior desenvolvimento nos últimos cinco anos. Entretanto, melhoria na quanitdade e qualidade das publicações deve ser incentivada

    The chronic blockade of angiotensin I-converting enzyme eliminates the sex differences of serum cytokine levels of spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    Sex hormones modulate the action of both cytokines and the renin-angiotensin system. However, the effects of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) on the proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) are unclear. We determined the relationship between ACE activity, cytokine levels and sex differences in SHR. Female (F) and male (M) SHR were divided into 4 experimental groups each (n = 7): sham + vehicle (SV), sham + enalapril (10 mg/kg body weight by gavage), castrated + vehicle, and castrated + enalapril. Treatment began 21 days after castration and continued for 30 days. Serum cytokine levels (ELISA) and ACE activity (fluorimetry) were measured. Male rats exhibited a higher serum ACE activity than female rats. Castration reduced serum ACE in males but did not affect it in females. Enalapril reduced serum ACE in all groups. IL-10 (FSV = 16.4 +/- 1.1 pg/mL; MSV = 12.8 +/- 1.2 pg/mL), TNF-alpha (FSV = 16.6 +/- 1.2 pg/mL; MSV = 12.8 +/- 1 pg/mL) and IL-6 (FSV = 10.3 +/- 0.2 pg/mL; MSV = 7.2 +/- 0.2 pg/mL) levels were higher in females than in males. Ovariectomy reduced all cytokine levels and orchiectomy reduced IL-6 but increased IL-10 concentrations in males. Castration eliminated the differences in all inflammatory cytokine levels (IL-6 and TNF-alpha) between males and females. Enalapril increased IL-10 in all groups and reduced IL-6 in SV rats. in conclusion, serum ACE inhibition by enalapril eliminated the sexual dimorphisms of cytokine levels in SV animals, which suggests that enalapril exerts systemic anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive effects.Univ Fed Espirito Santo, Dept Ciencias Fisiol, BR-29042755 Vitoria, ES, BrazilInst Fed Espirito Santo, Vitoria, ES, BrazilCtr Univ Vila Velha, Dept Farm, Vila Velha, ES, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biofis, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biofis, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Hypotensive effect and endothelium-dependent vascular action of leaves of Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the chemical profile, vascular reactivity, and acute hypotensive effect (AHE) of the ethanolic extract of leaves of Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum (EEAP). Its chemical profile was evaluated using HPLC-UV, ICP-OES, and colorimetric quantification of total flavonoids and polyphenols. The vascular reactivity of the extract was determined using the mesenteric bed isolated from WKY. AHE dose-response curves were obtained for both EEAP and inorganic material isolated from AP (IAP) in WKY and SHR animals. Cytotoxic and mutagenic safety levels were determined by the micronucleus test. Rutin-like flavonoids were quantified in the EEAP (1.8 ± 0.03%), and the total flavonoid and polyphenol ratios were 4.1 ± 1.8% and 5.1 ± 0.3%, respectively. We observed that the vasodilation action of EEAP was partially mediated by nitric oxide (·NO). The IAP showed the presence of calcium (137.76 ± 4.08 μg mg-1). The EEAP and IAP showed an AHE in WKY and SHR animals. EEAP did not have cytotoxic effects or cause chromosomic alterations. The AHE shown by EEAP could result from its endothelium-dependent vascular action. Rutin-like flavonoids, among other polyphenols, could contribute to these biological activities, and the calcium present in EEAP could act in a synergistic way

    Cardiovascular Activity of the Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils

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    Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death in developed and developing countries and decrease the quality of life, which has enormous social and economic consequences for the population. Recent studies on essential oils have attracted attention and encouraged continued research of this group of natural products because of their effects on the cardiovascular system. The pharmacological data indicate a therapeutic potential for essential oils for use in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, this review reports the current studies of essential oils chemical constituents with cardiovascular activity, including a description of their mechanisms of action