59 research outputs found


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    若年健常者を対象として,協調性検査の上田による東大リハビリテーションセンター方式の協調性検査(OG版)のコンピューター版(WA版)の検査結果と認知検査(MMSE:Mini mental state examination,TMT:Trail making test, ADT: Audio detection test の正答率)との相関関係を調査した.加えて,打点時の手指の加速度を計測し,そのパワースペクトルのピーク周波数と認知検査との相関関係を調査した.比較対照として,OG版もWA版と同様に相関を調査した.結果,左手の打点得点,左手と右手の打点得点の合計がOG版,WA版の両方でMMSEと負の相関を示した.左手の打点得点はWA版,OG版ともにTMT-Bと正の相関を示した.パワースペクトルのピーク周波数との関連はみられなかった.以上から,WA版の成績は若年健常者の全般的な認知機能および注意機能と関連があることが示唆された.We examined correlations between the computer version of coordination test of the University of Tokyo Rehabilitation Center method by Ueda(WA version) and cognitive examinations( MMSE: Mini mental state examination, TMT: Trail making test, ADT: Audio detection test). In addition, we analyzed the peak of the power spectrum of the index fingers acceleration. As a control, the Original paper version( Ueda, 1971: OG version) was done as well as the WA version. The results demonstrated, that in both the WA version and OG version, the score of the left hand hit point, the total score( left hand score + right hand score) showed negative correlation with MMSE, and that in both the WA version and the OG version, the score of the left hand showed a positive correlation with TMT - B. There was no relation with the peak frequency of the power spectrum of the index fingers acceleration. It is suggested that the results of the WA version test are related to general cognitive function and attention of young healthy subjects


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    高齢者の認知機能の低下を検出する一次スクリーニングツールとして,運動機能が有用な可能性がある.本研究はタッチペンによるタッピング課題のどんな指標が認知検査と関連するのかを調査した.本研究は地域在住の7人の高齢者(年齢73.1±5.4歳,Barthel Index合計98.0±0.2点)が参加した.参加者には1000Hzのビープ音に合わせてタッチペンで的の中心をタップするように求めた.測定にはタブレットPC(iPad Pro)とタッチペン(Apple Pencil)を使用した.さらにMMSE, TMT,かなひろい検査を実施した.打点成績と認知検査得点の関係を調べた結果,TMTのスコアとかなひろい検査の正解数は2つの指標と高い相関を示した.1つ目は右手によりタッチペンでタップした点が的の中心からずれた度合いの指標であり,もう1つは左手で操作したタッチペンがタップ時にiPadの画面に接触していた時間であった.タッチペンを用いたタッピング課題は注意機能のスクリーニングに役立つ可能性があることが示唆された.As a first screening tool to detect cognitive decline in the elderly, such as mild cognitive impairment and dementia, motor function test may be useful. In this study, we researched which index of tapping with touch pen are correlate with cognitive test.7 elderly people in community-dwelling (age:73.1±5.4, Barthel Index total score: 98.0±0.2 ) were participate in this study. Participations were ask to tap toward the center of the target with touch pen according to the 1000Hz beep sound. A tablet PC (iPad Pro) and a touch pen (Apple Pencil) were used as the measuring devices.Participations were also examined mini mental states examination, trail making test (TMT), “KANA-HIROI” test (dual attention task). Then, the relations between the performances of tapped points and the scores of the cognitive tests were explored. As a result, the two index showed a high correlation with the score of TMT and the number of correct answers of the “KANA-HIROI” test. One was the degree of deviation of the 50 dots with right hand from the center of target , and the other was the contact time between the touch pen and the screen with left hand.Our results suggested that tapping task with pen in elderly people with self-independent could be useful to screening attention function


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    現在、高等学校卒業者のおよそ50%が大学へ進学している一方、休学・中退者の数は増え続けており、社会問題化している。文科省は休学・退学の要因として、高校と大学教育のギャップが生む『学業不振』を挙げている。必ずしも学業に重きをおかない、多様な価値観を持った学生のグローバル化が背景にある中、リハビリテーション医療系大学生は、一方で明確に学業をクリアすることを求められるという特徴がある。本研究の目的は、リハビリテーション医療系大学生を対象にした、学業および大学生活適応尺度を作成することである。作業療法学教員2名によって精選された35項目に対して、学生122名に反応を求めた。探索的因子分析の結果、感情・心理因子(6項目)、積極性因子(6項目)、適合感因子(4項目)、他者性因子(3項目)、自己対処因子(3項目)の5因子構造が得られた。信頼性に関しては,Cronbach α係数は高値を示し、因子間相関ではすべての因子間に有意な正の相関が見られ、一定の内的整合性、信頼性は保たれていた。Recently about 50 percent of the new graduates from high school enroll to university. However, the number of temporary absent or drop out students from university continue to grow up, and it becomes a social issue now. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology states that one of the factor of long term absence and dropping out from the university is poor academic performance that occurs from educational gap between high school and university . While the students with various senses of values are increasing, it\u27s important to give fixed academic performance for the student who try to be a rehabilitation related occupation. The purpose of this study is to develop the scale of relationship between academic performance and adaptation skill in university life for the OT students of Shijonawate—gakuen University.122 OT students were involved to answer the 35 questions which were selected by 2 OT teachers of the university. As a result of searching factor analysis, 5 factors which are consisted by feeling and psychological factor(6 items),initiative factor (6 items),feeling of conformity factor(4 items), other related factor(3 items) and self-cooping factors(3 items).The reliability by the Cronbach of coefficient shows high score and meaningful equilateral correlation among the factors also shows significantly high


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    本学で使用する実習成績評価の信頼性を検証するとともに、実習成績結果から学生の特徴について明確にすることを目的とした. 実習成績評価は中項目、小項目ともにCronbachの α信頼係数は高値を示し、本学で作成した成績表の全ての項目内容は信頼性、内的整合性が保たれていることがわかった. Klaster分析によって実習成績別に良好群、中間群、不良群にわけることができた. 学生の特徴として、良好群は全ての中項目で60点以上の成績であった. 中間群は基本的態度、対人関係、対象者のオリエンテーションなどコミュニケーション能力に関係する中項目では60点以上の成績となっていたが、評価に関係する中項目においては60点を下回る成績であった. 不良群では全ての中項目において60点を下回る成績であった.As well as verify the authenticity of the grading clinical practice used by the University, we have intended to clarify characteristics of student results from grading clinical practice. Cronbach\u27s reliability coefficient α indicates the threshold in both middle items, small items, grading clinical practice, he was found to be maintained reliability, and internal consistency of the contents of all the items of the league table that you created in the university. I can be divided into good group, middle group, the poor control group performance by training by analysis klaster. The characteristics of the students, was a good group performance of more than 60 items of all. Intermediary group in the field, but had become a grade of at least 60 points in that relate to communication skills, such as orientation basic attitudes, interpersonal relations, of the subject, in the field he was a grade below 60 points in the related to the evaluation. Bad group it was 60 points lower than the results of all the items


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    注意の制御能力の低下から作業活動の持続が困難な対象者には、作業活動の一部の工程の反復練習をおこなうことも治療的に意味がある. 注意の制御能力の低下の一因に、ワーキングメモリを要する機能が不活発な影響も関与しているのではないかと推察した. 本研究では、作業活動の一部の工程を反復した作業課題よりも幾つかの工程を積み重ねて作業遂行することでワーキングメモリに関与する機能の活発化を仮定した. 健常成人10名を対象に4工程からなる箱つくりと、工程の一部を反復した箱の展開図を繰り返し作成する作業課題をおこない、作業後のワーキングメモリ機能に着目した認知機能検査を比較検討した. 4工程を順番に実施する箱つくりにおいて、対象者自身で効率の良い動作を制御する機会が増え、記憶の保持と処理が並列的におこなわれたことからワーキングメモリの機能に着目した認知機能検査に影響を与えた.It is therapeutic to practice some processes of occupation action repeatedly to the subject that persistence of working action is difficult from degradation of ability for control of care, and there is a meaning. We speculated whether the mechanism which needed working memory in a cause of degradation of ability for control of care did not contribute to inanimate influence either. We supposed functional activation to contribute to working memory by we piled up some processes than the occupation problem that repeated some processes of working action by this study, and accomplishing occupation. We did an occupation problem we repeated development of the box which repeated a box structure comprising four processes and a portion of a process for ten normal adults, and to make, and comparison reviewed the cognitive function examination that paid its attention to working memory mechanism after occupation. The opportunities that controlled good movement of the efficiency of we increased by, subject oneself in a box structure to carry out four processes in turn, and mnemonic containment and disposal affected the cognitive function examination that paid its attention to mechanism of working memory from what was done multiply