

高齢者の認知機能の低下を検出する一次スクリーニングツールとして,運動機能が有用な可能性がある.本研究はタッチペンによるタッピング課題のどんな指標が認知検査と関連するのかを調査した.本研究は地域在住の7人の高齢者(年齢73.1±5.4歳,Barthel Index合計98.0±0.2点)が参加した.参加者には1000Hzのビープ音に合わせてタッチペンで的の中心をタップするように求めた.測定にはタブレットPC(iPad Pro)とタッチペン(Apple Pencil)を使用した.さらにMMSE, TMT,かなひろい検査を実施した.打点成績と認知検査得点の関係を調べた結果,TMTのスコアとかなひろい検査の正解数は2つの指標と高い相関を示した.1つ目は右手によりタッチペンでタップした点が的の中心からずれた度合いの指標であり,もう1つは左手で操作したタッチペンがタップ時にiPadの画面に接触していた時間であった.タッチペンを用いたタッピング課題は注意機能のスクリーニングに役立つ可能性があることが示唆された.As a first screening tool to detect cognitive decline in the elderly, such as mild cognitive impairment and dementia, motor function test may be useful. In this study, we researched which index of tapping with touch pen are correlate with cognitive test.7 elderly people in community-dwelling (age:73.1±5.4, Barthel Index total score: 98.0±0.2 ) were participate in this study. Participations were ask to tap toward the center of the target with touch pen according to the 1000Hz beep sound. A tablet PC (iPad Pro) and a touch pen (Apple Pencil) were used as the measuring devices.Participations were also examined mini mental states examination, trail making test (TMT), “KANA-HIROI” test (dual attention task). Then, the relations between the performances of tapped points and the scores of the cognitive tests were explored. As a result, the two index showed a high correlation with the score of TMT and the number of correct answers of the “KANA-HIROI” test. One was the degree of deviation of the 50 dots with right hand from the center of target , and the other was the contact time between the touch pen and the screen with left hand.Our results suggested that tapping task with pen in elderly people with self-independent could be useful to screening attention function

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