111 research outputs found

    Development of Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for humoral immuneresponse and infection monitoring of anthrax

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗImmune assays were taken into consideration to diagnose and quantify metabolites such as antigen and antibody. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs), which are used to detect antigens and antibodies, generated several periods of infectious and vaccination conditions. There is an extensive range of commercial infectious disease ELISA kits useful for the detection of human and animal IgG, IgA, IgM antibodies and microorganism antigens. Anthrax is one of the serious infectious diseases caused by rod-shaped, gram-positive bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis. Subunit or attenuated vaccines applied against anthrax disease increase the antibody against the Protective Antigen (PA) which has a critical role as a toxin of B. anthracis. Herein, the ELISA was developed using PA domain 4 and anthrax Lethal Factor to detect IgG antibody in serum. Besides, the level of anti-LF antibodies were determined as a complementary test to measure variance in antibody titers associated with vaccination or infection that leads to detection of anthrax in livestock. The results show that we developed high-quality ELISA kit that can be used to test immunogenicity of vaccines and infections in mice. We tried to develop the Anti- PA4 ELISA kit and conduct the validation studies to evaluate the fluctuation level of the antibody in the anthrax vaccine and distinction between disease and vaccination in mice

    An inverse model to determine the heat transfer coefficient and its evolution with time during solidification of light alloys

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    Infra-red probes linked to pyrometric chains and thermocouple arrays have been used to accurately determine both casting and die surface temperatures during the solidification of an aluminium A380 alloy and the magnesium alloy AZ91D. An inverse model was then used to accurately determine the heat flux densities and interfacial heat transfer coefficients and the rapid evolution of these values with time during high pressure die casting of these alloys

    The biomechanics of the locust ovipositor valves : a unique digging apparatus

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    The female locust has a unique mechanism for digging in order to deposit its eggs deep in the ground. It utilizes two pairs of sclerotized valves to displace the granular matter, while extending its abdomen as it propagates underground. This ensures optimal conditions for the eggs to incubate, and provides them with protection from predators. Here, two major axes of operation of the digging valves are identified, one in parallel to the propagation direction of the ovipositor, and one perpendicular to it. The direction-dependent biomechanics of the locust major, dorsal digging valves are quantified and analyzed, under forces in the physiological range and beyond, considering hydration level, as well as the females’ age, or sexual maturation state. Our findings reveal that the responses of the valves to compression forces in the specific directions change upon sexual maturation to follow their function, and depend on environmental conditions. Namely, in the physiological force range, the valves are resistant to mechanical failure. In addition, mature females, which lay eggs, have stiffer valves, up to roughly nineteen times the stiffness of the pre-mature locusts. The valves are stiffer in the major working direction, corresponding to soil shuffling and compression, compared to the direction of propagation. Hydration of the valves reduces their stiffness but increases their resilience against failure. These findings provide mechanical and materials guidelines for the design of novel non-drilling excavating tools, including 3D-printed anisotropic materials based on composites.Statement of significance The female locust lay its eggs underground in order to protect them from predators and to provide them with optimal conditions for hatching. In order to dig into the ground, it uses two pairs of valves: The ventral pair is plugged as a wedge, while the dorsal pair performs the digging of the oviposition tunnel. We study the mechanical response of the digging valves, depending on age, hydration level and direction of operation. Our findings show that during the course of roughly two weeks in the life of the adult female, the digging valves become up to nineteen-fold stiffer against failure, in order to fulfill their function as diggers. While hydration reduces the stiffness, it also increases the resilience against failure and renders the valves unbreakable within the estimated physiological force range and beyond. The digging valves are consistently stiffer in the digging direction than in the perpendicular direction, implying on their form-follows-function design.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest

    Immunotherapeutic Blockade of Macrophage Clever-1 Reactivates the CD8(+) T-cell Response against Immunosuppressive Tumors

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    Purpose: As foremost regulators of cancer-related inflammation and immunotherapeutic resistance, tumor-associated macrophages have garnered major interest as immunotherapeutic drug targets. However, depletory strategies have yielded little benefit in clinical studies to date. An alternative approach is to exploit macrophage plasticity and "reeducate" tumorigenic macrophages toward an immunostimulatory phenotype to activate the host's antitumor immunity.Experimental Design: We investigated the role of the macrophage scavenger receptor common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor-1 (Clever-1) on tumor growth in multiple mouse cancer models with inflammatory and noninflammatory characteristics by using conditional knockouts, bone marrow chimeras, and cell depletion experiments. In addition, the efficacy of immunotherapeutic Clever-1 blockade as monotherapy or in combination with anti-PD-1 was tested.Results: Genetic deficiency of macrophage Clever-1 markedly impaired solid tumor growth. This effect was mediated by macrophages that became immunostimulatory in the absence of Clever-1, skewing the suppressive tumor microenvironment toward inflammation and activating endogenous antitumor CD8 thorn T cells. Comparable effects were achieved with immunotherapeutic blockade of Clever-1. Notably, these effects were similar to those achieved by PD-1 checkpoint inhibition. Moreover, combining anti-Clever-1 with anti-PD-1 provided synergistic benefit in aggressive, nonresponsive tumors.Conclusions: These findings demonstrate the importance of macrophages in mediating antitumor immune responses and support the clinical evaluation of immunotherapeutic Clever-1 blockade as a novel cancer treatment strategy.</div


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    Within the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc in the central part of Iran, the formation of which is associated with the Neotethys closure, there are many porphyry copper deposits and ore occurrences. One of them is the Astaneh porphyry copper ore deposit, located in the central part of the Saveh-Ardestan ore region southeast of Ardestan city. The purpose of this study is to investigate the petrochemical characteristics of rocks and to determine the relationship between the distribution of porphyry copper mineralization and tectonic position of faults within the study area. To achieve the goal, there were used the structural and geological data obtained in the fieldwork, as well as the results of mineralogical and geochemical analyses. The obtained results show that rocks of different composition of the Astaneh ore deposit (andesite, andesite-basalt, basalt, trachybasalt) were formed in the suprasubduction zone, and probably in the environment prior to the collision of the of continental plates. Paragenetic relationships and mineralogical analysis show that the evolution of mineralization of the Astaneh ore deposit can be divided into three stages: pre-ore, hypogene and supergene mineralization. Geochemical research based on the study of the content of the major chemical elements in the rocks of the region shows that igneous rocks belong to calc-alkaline basalts and geodynamically can be attributed to the products of magmatism of the ensial island arc. The results concluded that the main stages of the formation of a porphyry copper ore deposit in the study area attain maximum spatio-temporal similarity with the tectonomagmatic phases of the development of the Neotethys Ocean. In addition, the Southern Ardestan fault, running through the study area and intersecting the basement structures, forms wide permeable zones favorable for the formation of porphyry copper deposits therein.В пределах магматической дуги Уромие-Дохтар в центральной части Ирана, образование которой связано с закрытием Неотетиса, расположено множество медно-порфировых месторождений и рудопроявлений. Одно из них – медно-порфировое рудопроявление Астане, которое находится в центральной части рудного района Саве-Ардестан, расположенного юго-западнее г. Ардестан. Целью данного исследования является изучение петрохимических характеристик горных пород и определение взаимосвязи между распределением меднопорфирового оруденения и положением тектонических разломов в пределах изучаемой территории. Для достижения цели были использованы структурно-геологические и минералого-геохимические данные, полученные как в ходе проведения полевых работ, так и по результатам лабораторных исследований. Результаты исследования доказывают, что разнообразные по составу горные породы рудопроявления Астане (андезит, андезибазальт, базальт, трахибазальт) сформировались в надсубдукционной зоне и, вероятно, в обстановке, предшествовавшей столкновению континентальных плит. Парагенетические связи и минералогический анализ показали, что эволюция минерализации рудопроявления Астане может быть разделена на три этапа: дорудный, рудный и гипергенный. Геохимические исследования, основанные на изучении содержания главных химических элементов в породах района, определяют, что магматические породы относятся к известково-щелочным базальтам и со стороны геодинамической обстановки могут быть отнесены к продуктам магматизма континентальной островной дуги энсиалического типа. В результате изучения был сделан вывод о том, что основные этапы формирования медно-порфирового рудопроявления на исследуемой территории демонстрируют максимальное временное и пространственное сходство с тектономагматическими фазами развития океана Неотетис. Кроме того, разлом Южный Ардестан, проходящий через изучаемую территорию и секущий структуры фундамента, образует широкие проницаемые зоны, благоприятные для формирования медно-порфировых рудопроявлений